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      • Meditation as a moderator of the effect of optimism on positive coping for cancer patients

        Vroom, Patricia Sanborn Columbia University 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The goal of this study was to assess the impact of two psychosocial interventions, a meditation group and a supportive therapy group, on positive coping in cancer patients. Participants were recruited from a large cancer specialty hospital in NYC. All patients completed the Life Orientation Test, Revised (LOT-R), measuring optimism, and a coping skills inventory (COPE), and provided qualitative data describing their intervention experience. Positive and negative coping indices were aggregated from the COPE subscales. Positive coping included acceptance plus positive refraining and negative coping included denial plus behavioral disengagement. The interaction of optimism and group participation was evaluated to determine if group participation moderated coping choices. Both interventions were led by two healthcare professionals trained in the specific treatment interventions. Meditation group facilitators had prior personal experience with the use of meditation. The interventions were conducted two hours each week for 7 weeks. The meditation group used a Western form of meditation. The supportive therapy group used a Rogerian orientation. Of the twenty-six (26) patients, heterogeneous with respect to cancer type and stage, who completed the intervention, 15 were randomized to the meditation group and 11 to the supportive therapy group. Meditation group participant scores in optimism and positive coping increased and negative coping decreased after the intervention. Scores for the supportive therapy group participants did not change. Although this study failed to confirm the existence of a moderation effect, a significant main effect for group participation emerged. Qualitative data is presented that supports these findings. These results are consistent with current theory that meditation groups are effective because they rely on the individual's own resources to define their optimal coping strategies. This leads to a more satisfying way of life. Future studies are necessary to confirm these results in a larger sample and different populations. Results could lead to putting interventions in place to support the chronically and terminally ill patients and their caregivers. The effectiveness of meditation groups to enhance positive coping in cancer patients has important and broad implications for research and practice.

      • Natural history and reproductive strategies of tropical reef algae, with an emphasis on the green algal order Bryopsidales and the genus Halimeda

        Vroom, Peter S University of Hawaii 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Population increases of macroalgae have been documented on coral reefs in the Caribbean over the past 2 decades, leading to a hypothesized decrease of ecosystem health. To gain a better understanding of reef system dynamics, this study focused on the natural history, growth, and reproduction for shallow (7m) and deep (21–27m) <italic>Halimeda tuna</italic> (Chlorophyta) and <italic>Dictyota</italic> spp. (Phaeophyta) populations in a relatively undisturbed reef setting over a period of 7 years. For both genera, overall population numbers fluctuated on a yearly basis, but no steady increase or decrease of population numbers was observed. For <italic>H. tuna</italic>, shallow, back reef areas support significantly higher population densities, but exhibit lower productivity than deeper reef slope populations. Despite this phenomenon, the high number of plants found at shallow locales made these areas more important in terms of CaCO<sub>3</sub> and sediment production. Unlike <italic>Halimeda</italic>, native weedy species such as <italic>Dictyota </italic> can show population-based responses similar to those of invasive species when space is opened after physical disturbance. In the marine environment, turbulent water motion generated by hurricanes reduces densities and physically injures many marine organisms. In the Florida reef tract, Hurricane Irene shredded populations of the weedy algae <italic>Dictyota</italic> spp. at Conch Reef into small fragments as intact adult thalli were torn from the substratum. Immediately following hurricane impact, numbers of <italic>Dictyota </italic> spp. fragments in the water column over sites at two depths was four-fold greater than one month after the storm. Despite the trauma of fragment formation, hurricane-generated fragments of <italic>Dictyota</italic> spp. as small as 3 mm remained viable, and attached to sand within 48 hours. One month after <italic>Dictyota</italic> spp. populations were drastically reduced by hurricane forces, percent cover rapidly recovered to half of pre-hurricane population densities, even as light levels and daylengths declined during winter months. In summary, this study shows that many natural forces regulate populations of macroalgae in the Florida Keys, and population parameters such as growth, sexual and asexual reproduction, and longevity on relatively unimpacted reefs need to be understood in order to understand when and if anthropogenic activities are the source of reef ecosystem changes.

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