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      • Information Flow on Interaction Networks

        Leblanc, Simon Princeton University ProQuest Dissertations & Thes 2018 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247631

        Living in groups provides many benefits to individuals, like improved survival in the face of predators, increased ability to find food, or mates. In addition, group living animals, by pooling knowledge, can make better decisions than individuals in isolation. To gain such former benefits from being in a group, information has to be exchanged among group members, and how this is achieved when individuals are uncertain, have competing interests, exhibit individual differences, and must make decisions within complex habitats is not completely understood. While some animals communicate by exchanging signals, the majority of schooling fish predominantly use cues. They leak information through their actions: where, when and how they move. Fish have access to a lot of visual information, and yet how they use this has not been examined in depth. From recent knowledge of how fish employ visual information, interaction networks can be reconstructed revealing hidden pathways of communication (how the behavior of individuals influences others). In this thesis, I provide the tools and models necessary to generalize experimental techniques of visual field reconstruction to computer generated groups of individuals in arbitrary configurations. Then, I use the flexibility afforded by these methods to study multiple problems related to the anti-predatory behaviors of fish schools. A group has many eyes to keep watch of its surroundings, but how many? I show that the answer depends on multiple factors, like the global state of the group, its density, and the peripheral vision of the fish. Once a threat is detected, an effective response requires an alarm wave to spread. Although the capacity to detect predators can vary depending on their position around the group, alarms tend to spread equally well in all directions by virtue of the topology of the interaction network, itself a consequence of the embeddedness of the fish bodies in their environment. By studying how groups may adapt to perceived danger, I find that alarms spread best when individuals adjust their rules of motion, and their sensitivity to the movements of others, simultaneously. Finally, using a dynamical model, I show that predators can benefit from coordinating while hunting.

      • 从学生为中心的教学理论分析《汉语乐园》系列教材研究 : Brian Simon

        Brian Simon 강원대학교 일반대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247374

        The teaching of Chinese as a second/foreign language to elementary-aged learners is an increasingly popular field. The need for appropriate textbooks for this age group has been noted by the government of the People’s Republic of China, and they have offered the textbook series ?Chinese Paradise as a teaching tool for young foreign learners of Chinese. The editors of have stated that the series was written based on principles of student-centered learning. This thesis attempts to ascertain whether Chinese Paradise is appropriate for use with student-centered techniques. In this study, every practice exercise in the series (student books and textbooks) was analyzed in light of its appropriateness for use with the following student-centered learning techniques: active learning, cooperative learning, and content-based instruction. The results of the study indicate that, although the series does employ student centered learning (especially active learning) techniques at some points, the series overall is not very conducive to student-centered learning. The author has provided some suggestions for making the series more student-centered.

      • Politique de développement du secteur privé au Bénin


        RANK : 247359

        Politique de développement du secteur privé au Bénin After more than half a decade of independence, Republic of Benin as well as the other African sub-Saharan States still struggle to develop economically, in spite of the multifarious strengths that the country enjoys. After going through the 1980s ups and downs, and the failure of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP), the Republic of Benin got involved in the economic liberalism, with disengagement of the State from the productive sector, which is established by the privatization of most public corporations. Thus, a variety of policies have been implemented to nurture private sponsorship, henceforth acknowledged as necessary for the economic development due to its overriding role in the growth. The undertaken proceedings culminated an incidental amelioration of the business climate, but still remain insufficient in order to initiate a typical economic growth. A lot of constraints, indeed, continue, obstructing the efficient implementation of the conducted reforms. These difficulties firstly have to do with the State structures and are of organisational basis, structural and financial (material, energetic, hydraulic, and highway infrastructures and so on). Besides, the manifold of accompanying structures, sometimes with some jurisdiction conflicts, and the lack an institutionalized framework of discussion, are as many problems to which it is indicated to find solutions. However these dysfunctions are evenly due to the private undertakers themselves. This is among all, the preponderance of the informal sector, the socio-cultural environment, the quality of goods and services production techniques, the low entrepreneurship culture and management. To all this it is convenient to add other difficulties pursuing to the penury of relations of complementarity and collaboration amongst the implied actors. The management of the 2007 economic crisis revealed the limits of that policy of disengagement and depicted the comeback of the State which, in its new role, should carry out a more effective strategy so as to remedy the identified problems. This is, indeed, to free all the strength of the private sector, chiefly by creating a more attractive environment for investors. Apart from the administration’s performance itself, some legal and institutional reforms might be realised so as to render more effective the intervention of the private sector’s supporting structures. That is the same for the promotion of innovation with assistance towards the local competencies, the access to entrepreneurship information and to financing, the peace and security keeping, the formalisation of businesses exercising informally, the infrastructures, and so forth. On their sides, private investors should evenly play their role, namely by complying with the regulation in force. A true entrepreneurship culture and management, in a relation of complementarity amongst businesses might be encouraged. That would aim at paving the way for to access to funding and contributing to reinforce their abilities to innovate to confront well the international competition. In this approach the businesses might endorse the State through the search-development, by getting more involved in cooperating with the training centers which are the universities. To reach this, the establishment of a true partnership with private entrepreneurs, has proven needful. In this way the Parliament might pass a law which shall clearly define the terms of collaboration amongst the contracting Parties. Politique de développement du secteur privé au Bénin Après plus d’un demi-siècle d’indépendance, la République du Bénin, à l’instar des autres Etats de l’Afrique au Sud du Sahara, peine encore à décoller économiquement, en dépit des nombreux atouts dont dispose le pays. Après les péripéties des années 80 et l’échec du Programme d’Ajustement Structurel (PAS), le Bénin s’est engagé dans le libéralisme économique, avec le désengagement de l’Etat du secteur productif consacré par la privatisation de la plupart des entreprises publiques. Ainsi donc, diverses politiques ont été implémentées pour soutenir l’initiative privée, désormais reconnue comme nécessaire pour le développement économique en raison de son rôle prépondérant dans la croissance. Les mesures entreprises ont abouti à une relative amélioration du climat des affaires, mais qui demeure encore insuffisante pour amorcer un véritable décollage économique. De nombreuses contraintes continuent, en effet, à entraver la mise en œuvre efficiente des réformes engagées. Ces difficultés concernent au premier rang les structures de l’Etat et sont d’ordre organisationnel, structurel, matériel et financier (infrastructures matérielles, énergétiques, hydrauliques et routières, etc). En outre, la multiplicité des structures d’accompagnement, avec parfois des conflits d’attributions, et l’absence d’un cadre de concertation institutionnalisé, sont autant de problèmes auxquels il serait indiqué d’apporter des solutions. Mais les dysfonctionnements sont également le fait des entrepreneurs privés eux-mêmes. Il s’agit entre autres, de la prépondérance du secteur informel, l’environnement socioculturel, la qualité des techniques de production des biens et services, la faible culture entrepreneuriale et de management. A cela, il convient d’ajouter d’autres difficultés résultant de l’absence de relations de complémentarité et de collaboration entre les acteurs concernés. La gestion de la crise économique de 2007 a mis à nue les limites de cette politique de désengagement et a consacré le retour de l’Etat qui, dans son nouveau rôle, devrait mettre en place une stratégie plus efficace pour remédier aux problèmes identifiés. Il s’agit, en effet, de libérer tout le potentiel du secteur privé, notamment en créant un environnement plus attractif aux investissements. En dehors de la performance de l’Administration elle-même, des réformes juridiques et institutionnelles pourraient être faites pour rendre plus efficace l’intervention des structures d’appui au secteur privé. Il en est de même pour la promotion de l’innovation avec le soutien aux compétences locales, l’accès à l’information entrepreneuriale et au financement, le maintien de la paix et de la sécurité, la formalisation des entreprises exerçant dans l’informel, les infrastructures, etc. De leur côté, les investisseurs privés devraient également jouer leur partition, notamment en se conformant à la législation en vigueur. Une véritable culture entrepreneuriale et de gestion, dans une relation de complémentarité entre les entreprises pourrait être encouragée. Cela viserait à faciliter leur accès au financement et contribuer au renforcement de leur capacité à innover pour mieux faire face à la concurrence internationale. Dans cette vision les entreprises pourraient appuyer l’Etat dans la recherche-développement, en s’impliquant davantage dans la coopération avec les centres de formation que sont les universités. Pour y parvenir, l’instauration d’un partenariat véritable avec les entrepreneurs privés s’avère nécessaire. Dans ce sens, le Parlement pourrait voter une loi qui définit clairement les bases de la collaboration entre les parties prenantes.

      • Ethnic identity rekindling for transnational Korean American adoptees : Korean popular culture and empowerment

        Liew, Simone Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei U 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        Transnational Korean American adoptees present as physically Korean yet have been assimilated into a dominant American cultural identity due to their upbringings in white families. These individuals often struggle to find belonging and acceptance within both white and Korean diaspora communities. To better integrate into this environment of dominant identity, many adoptees tend to suppress or reject their ethnic Korean identities which can cause identity crisis and feelings of ambivalence of one’s place in society. The sole identification with the dominant cultural identity can cause disempowerment of the ethnic and adoptee identities. This study explores how Korean popular culture, or Hallyu, and its increasing popularization and social acceptance in mainstream U.S society offers social recognition for adoptees’ ethnic identity rekindling and empowerment. To investigate how counterhegemonic media can operate as a tool within the process of empowerment, eight Korean American adoptees in their late 20s and 30s were interviewed to address the main questions of how transnational Korean American adoptees rekindle with their ethnic identities in adulthood, and how Korean popular culture aids in this. Overall, the study found that positive regard of an ethnic minority group through popular culture depends on social recognition. This increased societal acceptance of culture can contribute to ethnic identity rekindling and empowerment as it aids adoptees’ understanding, ownership, and security in their identities.

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