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      • The practice of superintendent evaluations as viewed by Arizona school board presidents

        Sackos, Gregory T Arizona State University 2009 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This study investigates the current evaluation practice on the superintendents in the state of Arizona. More specifically the study addresses the following: the frequency of the evaluation; who assists in the development of the evaluation tool; the extent to which Arizona school superintendents are formally evaluated; who conducts the evaluation; and what training these evaluators attain. The population of this study was the school board presidents of the state of Arizona's public school districts. A survey entitled "The Practice of Superintendent Evaluations" was designed and distributed to the board presidents. Data was collected from the 77 surveys returned from participating school board presidents. The findings of the study showed some limitations in the evaluation process of the superintendents. Notably, a large percentage of these evaluations may be informal evaluations as it was revealed that 82.7% of the board presidents said their districts conduct a formal written evaluation on their superintendents. Of these formal evaluations, it appears a small percentage of districts make event an ongoing process as only 10.7% of the evaluations are conducted more than once per year. Because of this frequency, it appears that many evaluations may be a single event instead of an ongoing process. In general, school board members are the greatest contributor to the development of the evaluation tool. The board president, the superintendent, and the Arizona School Boards Association also contribute to the evaluation tool. Recommendations for policy study and practice include the updating of Arizona Revised Statute 15-503, Section C which pertains specifically to the evaluation practice surrounding the state's public school superintendents. This section should be clarified to specifically denote the evaluation process of the superintendent. Also, a wide consortium of educational stakeholders should collaborate to develop a superintendent evaluation system coinciding with expectations outlined by A.R.S. 15-503. Future studies should include the superintendents to increase validity of the findings, as well as an additional study specific to both the size and location of the district, and how these districts participate in the evaluation practice of superintendents. Additional focus should center on the smaller districts throughout the state ensuring that they are aware of the role they have in the evaluation process on the superintendent.

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