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      • Factors influencing modern contraceptive use in Kinshasa

        Reagan Mokeke Ingoma Graduate School of Public Health, Yonsei Universit 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        Family planning enables individuals and couples to appropriately schedule and regulate the timing and number of births. Women who carry unplanned pregnancies are susceptible to postnatal complications, which directly impact their well-being, making them a burden to society. There were 27,600 adolescent abortions recorded in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), accounting for about 19% of abortion cases in Kinshasa in 2021. The reproduction rate remains one of the highest in the world at 5.7% and there is a low contraception prevalence across all methods (28%) in 2022. This study aims to determine the factors that influence modern contraceptive use among women in Kinshasa city in the DRC by using data from the PMA 2020 cross-sectional survey to assess the association between predictors and modern contraceptive use through logistic regression analysis (OR and 95% CI). The findings show that older women are more likely to use modern contraceptives than younger women (15-22) and their sensitivity diminishes as they age. This likelihood is also high when women do not discuss this topic with their partners. As household size increases, women’s use of modern contraceptives is positively affected. The same is true for women who have given birth at least compared to those who have never given birth. Wanting fewer children makes women more likely to use contraceptives than when they want more children. Male condoms for their partners, emergency contraceptives, and pills are the more common contraception methods resorted to by women aged 15-31, while the most common contraceptive method used by older women is female sterilization. In a country with rapid population growth such as the DRC, the strategy should focus on raising awareness among young women through school programs, health facilities, community outreach, and other means to achieve optimal use of modern contraceptives based on commonly used methods and involving adult men and women. Key words: family planning, modern contraceptive, young women, Kinshasa.

      • Population Growth and Schooling Plan : 콩고민주공화국 루붐바시시 인구성장과교육계획(2010-2016) : Case of the Democratic Republic of Congo in the Lubumbashi City Analysis and Prospect 2010-2016

        Sangwa Muyumba Reagan 한국기술교육대학교 테크노인력개발전문대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247357

        The DR Congo starts to build economic, political and social stabilization, the country faces several development agendas including education planning. The situation building the development base with extremely few resources makes national development more difficult. The level of education development in DR Congo is still extremely low and investment in primary education is very urgent, most of all, it has to be considered investment for EFA of primary education as the most important thing. More macro perspective is necessary for education development issues, since DR Congo is in the stage that should plan new national development strategy and decide the investment priority. There are some issues should be considered: how education and HRD contributes national; development in long term, How national development plan and investment strategy/education development plan and investment related, how setting the investment priority in educational sector. Including the introduction and conclusion this investigation had forth chapters as follow: 1.The second talked about the Background of the DR Congo 2.The third spoke about the Literature review. 3.The forth treating of the methodological framework 4.And the fourth finally has been devoted to the estimation, analysis and interpretation of results. This investigation is focusing in two questions as problematic research: -Is there any balanced relationship between population growth and enrolment of children in primary schools in the Lubumbashi city? -What would be the school population in the future days? As research objectives of this investigation: -Present for these past three years the overall staffing of school children, schools, organized classes, teachers for each sector of primary education in the Lubumbashi town; -Calculate the rate of supervision for each year of study in order to determine the coefficient of variation for each years; -To draw a comparison between the numbers of school-age children therefore of their chronological age and those attending school to release the differences existing between these two staffing ; -Calculate for these three years the annual growth rate and the average rate of growth of the school population in order to make a projection until 2016; -To draw the SWOT analysis of Congolese education system; -To give some policy implications as suggestions for the Congolese education system. To attend our objectives we have used the method of inquiry and as techniques the documentary analysis, maintenance, observation and the calculation of the rate of increase. As procedure of data collection, this research was done in two part, for the demographic data, we collected them in the Lubumbashi city at the department of civil statistics where all births are recorded and for the school data, we went at the sub-division Urban Lubumbashi I at the office of statistics and planning. After analysis and the processing of the data we are arrived to the results which we have Reimer that the annual increase of the number of enrolled students of Lubumbashi city. Starting from these results, we are come to the decision to reject our initial hypothesis because the number of school children admitted is not equal to the number of school-age who are not attending school but even the number of schooling it is much lesser than the number of school-age the situation is getting better because there is an increase of the schooling population from one year to another and we hope in the ten future years this problem will be solved. 1.DR Congo should bring expertise through technical assistance and diplomatic action to increase the awareness of it policy makers at the national level on the importance of human resources development. This step is very crucial for the development of an effective educational development plan; Korean laws and regulations for funding education is an experience that needs to be brought to DR Congo through consulting and technical assistance; Review the Development plan for Education for All in order to develop a more realistic action plan for the universalization of primary education; Set up strategies to draw funds from national and international funding institutions to support government efforts toward the universalization of primary education; Extension of the mission of the National University of Pedagogy (UPN) and other Higher Teachers Training Institutes to train Elementary/primary school teachers. For this purpose, the expertise and experience of Seoul National University of Education should be used to set up a collaboration project.

      • The Contested Community: On European Auteur Cinema at the Beginning of the 21st Century

        Reagan, Patrick Joseph ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Yale University 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This dissertation explores figures of community, utopia and dystopia in recent European auteur cinema from across the continent. Centered on a close-analysis of four portraits of small communities under attack and on the brink of collapse --- The White Ribbon (Haneke, 2009), White Material (Denis, 2009), Dogville (von Trier, 2003), and Werckmeister Harmonies (Tarr, 2000) --- it defines the "contested community film." Putting up a strong resistance to any kind of positivity, these films stage community as a breeding ground for both petty animus and extreme violence. Depicted here are small towns either unable to accommodate the stranger (Dogville, White Material ), unable to resist corruption or withstand assault from the outside (Werckmeister Harmonies), or always already rotten to their core (The White Ribbon). As inter-communal hostilities reach heightened degrees of violence, the very possibility of peaceful coexistence between human beings --- let alone the kind of mutual flourishing that so often marks utopian imaginings --- is called into question. Yet it is here that a "utopian surplus" (Ernst Bloch) may begin to reveal itself. These failed communities seem to call for fundamentally new social organizations, imploring the spectator to imagine a radically different future. Combining film theory and political philosophy --- particularly the work of Nancy Fraser, Jean-Luc Nancy, Fredric Jameson, and Etienne Balibar --- the dissertation asks, what is cinema's relationship to utopia now? And, more specifically, what is the present European art cinema's relationship to political practice? These concerns pervade the four chapters that the body of this text comprises. The films are not considered chronologically; rather, the method employed is meant to be additive. After discussing relevant theories of community and utopia, the dissertation turns to The White Ribbon to establish a kind of baseline for the contested community and shows how Haneke's film adds the notion of violence to community's conception. This becomes a facet of all the films discussed, but each new film brings something else. Werckmeister Harmonies further radicalizes The White Ribbon's idea of violence while Dogville and White Material theorize the contested community in terms of waning public sphere politics and resistance to capital. The contested community film not only undermines community as a utopian social formation. It also performs a systematic undermining of those tropes and techniques, inherited from 1960s cinematic modernism, meant to ensure an infinite openness to the text, and wielded in the name of spectatorial emancipation. These tools include narrative shuffling, de-suturing, gaps and fragmentation, and its opposite, the long-take. In the contested community film, what is supposed to offer a certain degree of freedom for the spectator is turned on its head, becoming an anti-utopian, imprisoning device.

      • Design, Testing, and Optimization of a Preclinical mRNA-LNP Vaccine for Hepatitis C Virus Prophylaxis

        Reagan, Erin K University of Pennsylvania ProQuest Dissertations 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Hepatitis C virus (HCV) presents an increasing threat to global public health. A vaccine able to protect against chronic HCV infection would prevent serious sequelae of infection and limit costs associated with long-term infection and treatment. Advances in techniques to study immune responses against HCV have uncovered the significant protective role of antibodies which can potently neutralize diverse viral strains. Concurrently, progress in HIV research has revealed mechanisms by which broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) develop in natural infection and vaccination. To evaluate these strategies for HCV, we paired these developments with advances in the nucleoside-modified mRNA lipid nanoparticle (mRNA-LNP) vaccine platform. We evaluated structural and nonstructural viral proteins in our vaccine constructs, demonstrating that encoding p7 along with core (C), envelope glycoprotein 1 (E1), and envelope glycoprotein 2 (E2) led to significantly more viral protein expression and secretion, as well as the secretion of HCV virus-like particles. Mouse studies showed that including p7 led to significantly higher binding titers against a panel of diverse heterologous HCV variants, as well as neutralization against heterologous strains. Employing a lineage design approach, we selected sequences from the viral quasispecies of an HCV+ individual who developed bNAbs which cleared their infection. We encoded the C, E1, E2, and p7 proteins and delivered them to mice according to various immunization strategies. The approach which combined immunogens derived from early-, mid-, and late-infection for each immunization elicited significantly higher binding and neutralizing antibody responses against a panel representing global HCV antigenic diversity. These findings indicate that combining immunogens selected to bind to the germline and intermediate B cells of a bNAb lineage yields significantly broader and more potent humoral responses than other approaches. The sum of these findings advances the development of a prophylactic HCV vaccine, deepens our understanding of bNAb elicitation through vaccination, and provides a proof of concept for the suitability of the mRNA-LNP platform for inducing bNAb responses against a wide range of infectious diseases.

      • Complying with Title IX: An analysis of emergent leadership issues in an NCAA Division I institution

        Reagan, Shawn S Indiana University of Pennsylvania 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The purpose of this case study was to identify aspects of leadership that appear to be central in emerging issues that have occurred as a result of Title IX within the athletic program at Dune University where research was performed. A case study approach was used to investigate and develop information regarding emerging issues with Title IX at Dune University. In order to gain this understanding, an analysis was completed using documents that included a chronological depiction of the university's history of adding sports to address emerging Title IX issues (Dune University NCAA Self-Study, 2004). Additionally, university media documents were researched, such as the Athletic Media Guide 2004, which assisted in developing knowledge of the history of the overall athletic program. Also a review of major documents, including the NCAA Self-Study on Equity, Welfare, and Sportsmanship (2004), was completed, as well as examination of past initiatives that have been instrumental in Title IX development. The cornerstone of this study was the interview process from which data was drawn to identify emergent Title IX issues. Woven among this data are the leadership roles played by key personnel at the university. The leadership roles have been determined from the data, as well as leadership theories used during the Title IX compliance process at the Dune University. The following five research questions guided this qualitative study: (1) What are the emerging Title IX issues for the university's Athletic Program? (2) Considering the path-goal theory of leadership, what goals, pathways, obstacles, and unique support has the university's athletic department experienced in addressing emergent Title IX issues? (3) What leadership styles or approaches have led to progress toward Title IX compliance and have aided in addressing emergent Title IX issues? (4) How were the elements of the team leadership theory employed within the university's athletic department? (5) What are the leadership strategies used to establish policies or initiatives in response to Title IX issues at the University?. The study concluded using a typological analysis of the data. In Hatch's (2002) typological analysis of data the final step of the process is to conclude with determining major conclusions based upon the data.

      • The Effect of Pressure on Iron Compounds and the Implications for the Earth's Mantle and Core

        Reagan, Mary Marguerite ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Stanford Universit 2018 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Understanding the high-pressure behavior of iron and its various alloys is a fundamental step in gaining insight into the deep Earth. Iron is the most common transition metal within the mantle and is the primary element in the core. In order to explore the properties of iron compounds and alloys at high pressures, the conditions of the deep Earth were replicated in diamond anvil cells and the resulting changes were monitored by a various suite of synchrotron techniques. X-ray emission spectroscopy was used to monitor the spin state of the polymorphs of iron hydroxides up to 85 GPa. FeOOH has four polymorphs: goethite (α-FeOOH), akaganeite (β-FeOOH), lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH), and a high-pressure phase, ε-FeOOH. The structural changes of these polymorphs as a function of pressure were examined using X-ray diffraction to generate equations of state for β-FeOOH and γ-FeOOH. Comparing the equation of state results for the beta and gamma phases with recently published data on the alpha and epsilon phases, the β-FeOOH exhibits distinct behavior from the other three polymorphs, as it is significantly less compressible and does not undergo a spin transition. A systematic examination of these iron hydroxide polymorphs as a function of pressure provides insights into the relation between electronic spin transitions and structural transitions in these OH- and Fe3+ bearing phases that may have implications on understanding of the water content of the mantle. We collected a series of phonon excitation spectra using nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering on 57Fe-enriched on various iron alloys, FeO, Fe3C, FeS and those with varying nickel content (Fe0.9Ni0.1, Fe0.8Ni0.2 and Fe0.7Ni0.3) at pressures up to 40 GPa at room temperature. The phonon density of states were used to extract each composition's force constant and β-factors in order to evaluate their individual effects on stable iron isotope fractionation. This work explores the effect of various light elements, the role of increasing nickel content and the effect of spin transitions on iron isotope fractionation. It provides insights into the potential records left by core formation during planetary differentiation. Radial X-ray diffraction was used in combination with nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering to determine the bulk strength of two iron-nickel alloys (Fe0.88Ni0.12 and Fe0.8Ni0.2) at pressures up to 70 GPa. The results were then used to extrapolate to inner core pressures and temperature in order to evaluate the strength of the inner core. As shear strength is a measure of a material's resistance to flow, these results support dislocation creep as the dominant deformation mechanism in the Earth's inner core.

      • The other "I": The new narcissism of postmodernism. First person non-protagonist narrators in novels by Jose Donoso, Elena Garro, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Mario Vargas Llosa

        Reagan, Patricia Elaine University of Virginia 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This dissertation examines the role of the first-person non-protagonist narrator in Jose Donoso's El jardin de al lado ; Elena Garro's Testimonios sobre Mariana; Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Cronica de una muerte anunciada and Mario Vargas Llosa's El hablador. The observer narrator in each of these texts revitalizes the ability to communicate with the reader, by making him or her an accomplice in the observation of the protagonist of each novel. Through this new bond each non-protagonist narrator rejects the notion of bearing absolute truth through fiction by becoming a new postmodern storyteller who enables the reader to individualize his or her experience with the novel's protagonist, thereby counteracting the loss of the ability to narrate experience in contemporary society lamented by Walter Benjamin. Through his or her perspective, the observer narrator underscores the subjective nature of knowledge and representation by rejecting the first-person narrative, by undermining his or her own authority in the text, by questioning the roles of truth and fiction and by parodying more traditional genres including the realist, testimonio, chronicle and ethnography studies, respectively. This new storyteller can be considered a response to postmodern society in which the reader may suffer from various degrees of identity crises. The contemporary individual is often classified as de-centered and fragmented and unable to grasp a complete view of his or her un-fragmented self. Indeed, just as the infant in Lacan's mirror stage is theorized to suffer from feelings of fragmentation when he or she lacks a physical mirror in which to see his or her whole body, the readers of these texts may also feel a similar desire to conceptualize the whole Self, yet lack the perspective of the mirror. This inability can be called a narcissistic deficiency. As the reader observes the protagonist of each novel, this central character becomes a mirror in which the narrator and reader can begin a process of rebuilding and reaffirming an image of the whole Self. I have termed this pathway to self-affirmation, through the observation of the Other, the new narcissism of postmodernism. The observer narrator should not be considered a coincidental pattern but rather is a complex rebuttal to the problems of living and writing in a postmodern society.

      • Taming Place: Faubourg Treme, the Insurgence of Interstate 10, and the Redefinition of Black Educational Space

        Mitchell, Reagan Patrick Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mech 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247342

        In most of the United States, the central area situated between boulevards is referred to as the median; however in New Orleans, Louisiana, since the Civil War, the area is called the neutral ground. This qualitative study concerns the neutral ground area of the segment of North Claiborne Avenue which runs through Faubourg Treme, the oldest Black neighborhood in the United States. My interest in this specific space stems from the fact that I understand it as a space of Black education. The problem is that between the years of 1961 and 1969 the government procured the neutral ground as a green space and used it to construct interstate 10. For this study, I explored the narratives surrounding this construction in order to better understand how the educational trends in the Black community of Faubourg Treme shifted due to the construction of I-10. Black educational spaces, in response to engaging the meanings of the construction, were something not relegated to the brick and mortar institution. Rather, Black educational spaces were those simultaneously embodied and/or places re-imagined in multidisciplinary capacities through community engagements. It is this consideration which functioned as grounding for my inquiry into the neutral grounds of Faubourg Treme and the broader North Claiborne Avenue corridor. Altogether, this study resulted in increased understanding of how collective spatial embodiment and/or re-imagining of place occurs through communal memory in response to violent infrastructural change.

      • Transforming Learning Cultures Via Parent Teacher Partnerships

        Weeks, Reagan ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The Johns Hopkins 2017 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247342

        Student teacher relationships, instructional practice, socio-economic status, and parental involvement are identified as underlying causes of the multidimensional construct of behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement. The literature review explores student engagement through a theoretical framework, a statement of the problem, purpose of the study, and review of the literature. A needs assessment identified the behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement levels of grade four, five and six students from three Southern Alberta schools to be below desirable levels. Correlations between low levels of student engagement and parent involvement were also identified. Literature that addresses how schools can better establish parent and external partnerships in order to improve student engagement was reviewed. An intervention related to increasing parent involvement through the use of Parent Teacher Academic Teams (PTAT) was implemented. Findings suggested when PTAT was implemented student perception of parent involvement in schools increased.

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