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      • Correlation filter-based candidate selection in multi-domain convolutional neural networks for visual object tracking

        Wals Ochoa, Lucas Gerán 서강대학교 대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247358

        Computer vision has experienced many advances over the recent years. As such, it started to rapidly find its way into many commercial and industrial applications, with disciplines like visual object detection and tracking being very prominent. Visual object tracking addresses the problem of following an object in a video scene, and it is still a very challenging task, with many datasets and benchmarks that are not still saturated and present difficulty even for newly developed methods. Moreover, new technologies such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) presents new challenging scenarios that were not consider before, and helps the discipline to continue improving. Recently, with the help of challenges of the likes of the Visual Object Tracking (VOT) Challenge, huge efforts have been put in study the case of generic object trackers, were there is no prior information about the object we want to follow throughout the scene. Research done has led to the development of tracking algorithms based on the hot topic of deep learning, specifically Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN); and trackers based on learning a filter from the object appearance using correlation operation, referred as Correlation Filter Trackers. This thesis studies the problem of single object tracking (SOT) in its generic form. This works presents a combination tracking algorithm of an state-of-the-art CNN-based tracker called MDNet, with correlation filter based trackers named fDSST, DPCF and ECO, with the goal of improving the performance and/or speed of MDNet, to help push the limits of state-of-the-art algorithms. The CF-based algorithms are used as “guides” to help MDNet choose a proper set of candidate boxes to evaluate, in order to determine the new location of the target. Experiments shows that with the help of correlation filter based trackers the accuracy performance of MDNet can be improved. However, as a result of adding another component to the tracking framework, the processing time is increased. Based on these experiments, we are able to identify shortcomings of current MDNet framework, providing possible ways to improve it and directions for future works.

      • (The) role of formulaic speech in intercultural pragmatic development : the case of L1 Spanish learners of KSL

        Carlos Osvaldo Rocha Ochoa Graduate School, Korea University 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247356

        제2외국어에서의 실용적 역량의 발달은 적어도 두 가지 인지적 수준에 대한 도전을 제기한다. 이 수준들은 대체로 pragmalinguistic과 sociopragmatic 지식으로 분류된다. 많은 연구들은 언어 능력과 목표 언어 공동체에서 보내는 시간이 항상 전체적으로 유의미한 실용적 발전을 수반하지는 않는다는 점에 주목했다. 그러한 연구는 상호 작용, 사회화 및 명시적 지시 수준에 주의를 집중시킬 필요가 있음을 지적한다. 이러한 현상은 가장 기본적인 일상조차도 학습자에게 여러 가지 언어선택권을 제시하는 한국어와 같이 정교한 사회적 이데올로기를 가진 언어적 예의 시스템을 위해 강조되어 왔다. 예를 들어 ‘감사합니다’, ‘죄송합니다’, ‘이름이 뭐예요?’, ‘만나서 반가워요’. 사실, 한국어의 모든 speech act는 사회문화적으로 정의되고 문법적으로 표시된 정교한 계층에 의존한다. 이러한 계층은 일반적으로 speech level이라고 알려져 있다. 이 연구는 KSL학습자가 유학맥락에서 말하는 그러한 일상의 사용을 분석함으로써 intercultural pragmatic competence에 영향을 미치는 언어간 요소와 문화간 요소 모두를 설명하고자 한다. 방법론의 관점에서, 이러한 유형의 연구는 일반적으로 speech act realization의 비교 정량적 분석에 초점을 맞추었다. 그러나 그러한 연구는 학습자들이 이상화된 원어민 화자에 따라 자신을 모델화해야 한다는 생각에 거의 도전하지 않는다. 반대로, 이 연구는 이러한 현상을 intercultural communicative competence (ICC)의 관점에서 분석한다. 이 접근방식은 L1과 L2 언어와 문화 사이에 역동적인 문화간 중재자의 존재와 그 사이에 축적된 경험과 기술을 제안한다. 그렇게 함으로써, 언어간 분석은 학습자의 개별적 특성을 강조하는 문화간 분석으로 보완되어 발전의 현실을 보다 잘 설명하는 접근법을 제공한다. 채택된 데이터 수집 방법은 Written Discourse Completion Task (WDCT), Language Contact Profile (LCP) 및 일련의 소급 면접이다. 참석자들은 모두 중남미 출신 여성 3년 이상 한국에 학부생과 대학생으로 거주하고 있다. 따라서 이러한 참가자 집단의 포함은 Korean as a second language (KSL)과 study abroad (SA) 의 분야를 확장한다. The development of pragmatic competence in a second language poses a challenge on different cognitive levels, broadly classified into pragmalinguistic knowledge and sociopragmatic knowledge. A number of studies have noted that linguistic proficiency and time spent in the target language community does not always entail significant pragmatic development overall, pointing at the need to focus the attention on the level of interaction, socialization and explicit instruction. This phenomenon has been emphasized for linguistic politeness systems with elaborate underlying social ideologies, such as Korean, where even the most basic pragmatic routines, such as ‘thank you’, ‘sorry’, ‘what is your name?’ and ‘nice to meet you’, confront the learner with a number of pragmatic choices. In fact, all speech acts in Korean are contingent on elaborate socioculturally-defined and grammatically-marked strata commonly known as speech levels. This study intends to account for both the interlanguage and intercultural factors that influence the development of pragmatic competence by analyzing the use of such pragmatic routines realized by L2 Korean learners in a study abroad context. In terms of the methodology, this type of interlanguage pragmatics study on L2 Korean has typically centered around comparative quantitative analyses of speech act realizations, but rarely challenging the otherwise already declining notion that is the learners’ task to model themselves, linguistically and culturally, after an idealized native speaker. Conversely, the study analyses these phenomena from the perspective of intercultural communicative competence, which suggests the existence of dynamic intercultural mediators between L1 and L2 languages and cultures and the experiences and skills accumulated in between. By doing so, the interlanguage analysis is here complemented by an intercultural analysis that stresses learners’ individual characteristics, offering an approach that better describes the reality of pragmatic development. The data collection instruments employed are a written discourse completion task (WDCT), a language contact profile (LCP) and a series of retrospective interviews. The participants are all female speakers from Latin America residing in Korea as degree students for over three years, thus expanding the fresh debate around Korean as a second language (KSL) and study abroad (SA) research into scarcely explored territories.

      • La chica rara: Witness to transgression in the fiction of Spanish women writers, 1958--2003

        Ochoa, Debra Joanne The University of Texas at Austin 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The last twenty years marks a considerable increase in the scholarship of the fiction of Spanish women writers. After Franco's death in 1975, Spanish women gained increasing freedom to write of their experiences of life under a dictatorship. In this study, I examine how Carmen Martin Gaite, Concha Alos, Carme Riera, Adelaida Garcia Morales, and Luisa Castro treat the topics of family, space, and writing. The novels and short stories of these women writers span the last half of the twentieth century and trace female subjectivity and Spanish women's unique perspectives on feminism. In Chapter One, I show how the selected authors re-write the traditional images of the family to displace masculine authority. The family is the building block of patriarchal society and Spanish women writers reconstruct the family to dismantle Francoist ideology. The relationships between mothers and daughters, in Concha Alos's Los cien pajaros (1962) and Luisa Castro's Viajes con mi padre (2003), is a source of empowerment for the young female characters who look to their mothers as models of independence. Incest, in Alos's Argeo ha muerto, supongo (1985) and Garcia Morales's El Sur (1985) and La tia Agueda (1995), is an example of familial dysfunction that Spanish women writers expose. Finally Riera, Martin Gaite and Castro celebrate their regional culture to challenge Francoist attempt to erase Catalan and Galician identities. Chapter Two discusses the authors' examination of space and the techniques women use to appropriate space for themselves within the home and in public. Martin Gaite's El cuarto de atras (1978) is one of the most outstanding explorations of space in twentieth-century Spanish literature. In Martin Gaite's Entre visillos (1958) and Alos's Los cien pajaros (1963) the reader sees how young female protagonists enter prohibited parts of the home, such as the father's library, or neighborhoods to test the limits of family and societal behavior codes. In Chapter Three I explore the transgressive function of women's writing of and during the Franco dictatorship. I use the term anti-novela rosa to refer to the prose of Spanish women writers that do not offer neat solutions to the reader. Unlike the novela rosa that assures its reading audience of a 'final feliz' the work of Carmen Martin Gaite, Luisa Castro, and Carme Riera purposely omit conclusions that define the characters' futures. These conclusions function to counter-narrate Francoist strictures of female comportment. Spanish women writers have successfully challenged patriarchal society to voice their experiences and perspectives. Their fiction addresses the undercurrent of the Franco era to reveal 'unspoken' topics including incest, violence, and drug use. In the late twentieth century and early twenty-first century, Spanish women writers articulate women's issues with courageous honesty. They have gained strong literary voices in the fiction of Spain.

      • Crisis in Foxilandia: Neoliberal restructuring and the work lives of Mexican professionals during the Fox administration (2000-2006)

        Ochoa, Carmen The University of Chicago 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This dissertation is about Mexico's "work crisis." Drawing on ethnographic material I gathered throughout a two-year period in Mexico City at the zenith of President Vicente Fox's term (2000-2006), I interrogate how middle-class professionals have experienced neoliberal economic restructuring, and the myriad ways in which they have worked out such restructuring "on the ground." Thus, on an empirical level, this dissertation offers interpretative answers to the questions: In what specific ways have structural changes in the realm of work impacted Mexican professionals? What strategies have they adopted to cope with work instability and insecurity? And, what have increasingly precarious work lives meant for how they understand themselves in relation to the state and to the political process? These questions and their answers take on particular poignancy insofar as they look beyond the poor and the dispossessed---on which research has heavily concentrated---to the presumably more "comfortable," and challenge assumptions long-held by proponents of the neoliberal model of economic development. The chapters collected here largely speak of a paradox: on the one hand, Mexico's dramatic educational expansion, and on the other, the increased precarization of the work lives of its most educated citizens for whom it was theorized that, under labor market liberalization, job opportunities would increase. This dissertation examines this paradox in the context of contemporary Mexico, but the insights it offers, and the questions it raises on the relationship between work and the democracy, resonate and have applicability beyond its borders.

      • A portrait of an effective high school counseling program and its impact on Latina/o academic preparation and the college choice process

        Ochoa, Vanessa Jeanette University of California, Los Angeles 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This dissertation captures the intricacies of high school counseling by utilizing the social science research method, Portraiture (Lightfoot & Hoffman, 1997). This method allowed the author to document how two Counselors of Color at one inner city high school in Los Angeles, Quetzcoatal Academy (QA) interacted with and inspired Latina/o students to engage in the college choice process (Hossler & Gallagher, 1987). During a one-year period, the author collected data at QA through interviews of the counselors, Latina/o students, Latina mothers, teachers, and administrators. In addition, the author engaged in participatory observation and document review to answer the central research question: How do QA high school counselors academically prepare and effectively counsel their Latina/o high school students in the college choice process in order for students to be eligible for post-secondary education? Additionally, this journey into the world of high school counseling allowed the author to explore race and/or ethnicity as it relates to high school counseling. Also, parental, student, teacher and administrative perspectives as they relate to effective high school counseling for Latina/o high school students were included to contextualize how these two Counselors of Color effectively counseled Latina/o students. This dissertation is a contribution to the counseling profession as it provides practitioners and other vested individuals with Lessons from the Field from each of the portraits presented. This information may be utilized by high school counselors to assess their current practice and counseling philosophy. Finally, this dissertation portrait introduces EC3: An Effective Counseling Framework and Definition for College Preparation & Academic Success for Latina/o High School Students. By drawing on the previous work of Ronald Edmonds (1979, 1981, 1986), the author expands this literature by introducing EC3 to discuss how the two counselors utilized high expectations, compassion, critical dialogue, and commitment to effectively meet the needs of their Latina/o high school students.

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