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      • Effects of overt speech upon accuracy and expression of rhythmic movement

        McFarland, Ann L Temple University 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247375

        The purpose of this research was to contribute to an understanding of rhythmic skill acquisition for two culturally diverse populations of students (urban versus suburban) by examining the effects of overt speech upon the accuracy and expression of rhythmic movement. The specific problems of this study were to investigate the effect of learning condition (with and without speech) upon (1) the accuracy of rhythmic movement performances by urban and suburban third-grade students, and (2) the expressive quality of rhythmic movement performances by urban and suburban third-grade students. Subjects for this study were students from four third-grade classes ( N = 16 + 19 + 21 + 22 = 78). Students in two classes attended a suburban school and had received music instruction two times weekly since Kindergarten. Students in two classes attended an urban school and had received no prior classroom music instruction. This study was based upon a quasi-experimental model. A between-subjects, posttest only experimental design for differences was used. Within each school, one class was assigned to Condition WS (movement with speech) and the other to Condition WOS (movement without speech). The Intermediate Measures of Music Audiation (Gordon, 1986a) was administered prior to instruction. Each group received two 15-minute rhythm instruction sessions weekly for a period of sixteen weeks. Students learned and performed nine rhythmic movement pieces (six procedural pieces and three criterion pieces). At the end of the sixteen-week period, individual Rhythmic Movement Performance Tests (McFarland, 2004) were administered to all students. Videotape-recorded performances were scored by three independent judges. Two 2 x 2 x 2 analyses of variance were calculated---one for rhythmic accuracy and the other for movement expression. The main effect of condition was significant (p < .001) for both rhythmic accuracy and movement expression. No interactions were significant. Movement performances by students in Condition WS were rhythmically superior and more expressive than those by students in Condition WOS, regardless of a student's rhythm aptitude or school setting.

      • Cultural Contestation and Community Building at LGBT Pride Parades

        McFarland, Katherine The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2012 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        In 2009, over six million people attended an LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) Pride parade in 110 cities in the U.S. This dissertation is the first comprehensive sociological study of the Pride parade phenomenon. I draw together observations of six LGBT Pride parades across the country, interviews with parade participants, and content analysis of crowd photographs. I add to this an investigation of the first Pride events in New York City and Los Angeles in 1970. Integrating cultural sociology with the study of social movements, I describe Pride parades as cultural protest tactics that aim to achieve cultural, rather than legal/political, equality. I examine both external and internal dimensions of Pride parades. Externally, I analyze the cultural messages communicated through these events and the ways these messages contest wider culture. Internally, I analyze the ways that Pride parades are a site to build collective identity among LGBT people and their straight allies. I conclude by outlining a theoretical framework for the study of other cultural protest tactics and suggest multiple avenues for future research.

      • On the Design of Rare-Earth-Free and Reduced Rare-Earth Permanent Magnet Machines for High-Performance Traction Applications

        McFarland, James D The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This dissertation focuses on techniques to design electric machines that approach the torque density and other key performance metrics of modern rare-earth permanent magnet (PM) machines, while limiting or eliminating the use of rare-earth materials. A wide variety of candidate PM machine topologies have been evaluated to determine their suitability to meet this objective based on a number of design and performance characteristics. Of major interest is the ability of each topology to shield the magnets from demagnetizing flux that is imposed by the stator winding currents. One particular topology -- a PM-sandwiched flux-switching permanent magnet (FSPM) machine -- is examined in detail. Closer examination has shown that this PM-sandwiched FSPM machines offers several attractive features including increased demagnetization-withstand capability, a critically important feature for the application of non-rare-earth PM materials. Several of the desirable performance features of the PM-sandwiched FSPM machine have their origin in its boosted magnet content compared to many other PM machine topologies. This property increases the magnetic loading without violating the geometric constraints imposed by the conventional FSPM machine geometry. As a result, the torque-per-current performance metric of the PM-sandwiched FSPM machine exceeds that of traditional IPM machines as well as conventional FSPM machines. When carefully designed, the predicted performance of the PM-sandwiched FSPM machine delivers higher efficiency over much of the torque-speed operating region. A concept demonstrator PM-sandwiched FSPM machine has been constructed using ferrite magnets to validate the analytical results. Test results for the machine are presented and compared to the calculated performance characteristics using finite element (FE) and closed-form analysis. Agreement between performance predictions based on FE analysis and experimental test results is quite good for the machine's back-emf and torque-per-current characteristics. However, discrepancies were encountered during experimental testing of the machine's efficiency. Closer examination showed that, when the extraneous/parasitic loss components are appropriately considered, the agreement between the predicted losses of the PM-sandwiched FSPM machine and the experimental test results is much improved. In addition to building confidence in the predicted performance advantages of the PM-sandwiched PM machine, the experimental testing also exposed the potential efficiency penalties imposed by various parasitic loss mechanisms.

      • Feigning Objectivity: An Overlooked Conversational Strategy in Everyday Disputes

        McFarland, Kathryn The Ohio State University 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        In this dissertation, I reconsider core cases of alleged "faultless disagreement," beginning with disputes about matters of taste. I argue that these cases demand no revisions to traditional truth-conditional semantics and that, instead, their interesting features---those features that theorists have thought to pose difficulties to traditional semantics---are in fact best explained at the level of pragmatics, rhetoric, and sociolinguistics. Specifically, I maintain that such disputes arise in situations in which, given conversational aims, it is rhetorically effective for disputants to feign contradiction---posturing as if their dispute concerned the truth of an "objective" proposition, even if this is not in fact the case. I demonstrate, moreover, than many canonical cases of so-called "merely verbal" disputes share these same interesting features of "faultless" disputes about taste---and that these disputes as well can be explained as rhetorically effective instances of merely "feigned" objectivity. Philosophical discussion of both types of disputes has been hampered by their uncritical assimilation to canonical "faultless" disputes---despite the differences in social role that become evident when the disputes are situated in their context of production---and this has led philosophers too often to neglect other important social and rhetorical reasons for which speakers express disagreement.

      • Multi-valley physics of two-dimensional electron systems on hydrogen-terminated silicon (111) surfaces

        McFarland, Robert Nicholas University of Maryland, College Park 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Recent work on two dimensional electron systems (2DES) has focused increasingly on understanding the way the presence of additional degrees of freedom (e.g. spin, valleys, subbands, and multiple charge layers) affect transport as such effects may be critical to the development of nanoscale and quantum devices and may lead to the discovery of new physics. In particular, conduction band valley degeneracy opens up a rich parameter space for observing and controlling 2DES behavior. Among such systems, electrons on the (111) surface of silicon are especially notable because effective mass theory predicts the conduction band to be sixfold degenerate, for a total degeneracy (spin x valley) of 12 in the absence of a magnetic field B. Previous investigations of Si(111) transport using Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs) observed a valley degeneracy gv of 2 except in certain specially prepared samples with low mobility. We have developed a novel device architecture for investigating transport on a H-Si(111)-vacuum interface free from the complications created by intrinsic disorder at Si-SiO2 interfaces. The resulting devices display very high mobilities (up to 110,000 cm2/Vs at 70 mK, more than twice as large as the best silicon MOSFETs), enabling us to probe valley-dependent transport to a much greater degree than previously possible. In particular, we observed detailed Integer Quantum Hall structure with hints of Fractional states as well. These devices display clear evidence of six occupied valleys, including strongly "metallic" temperature dependence expected for large gv. Some devices show strong sixfold degeneracy while others display a partial lifting of the degeneracy, resulting in unequal distribution of electrons among the six valleys. This symmetry breaking results in anisotropic transport at low B fields, but other observed anisotropies remain unexplained. Finally, we apply this unusual valley structure to show how corrections to the low-B magnetoresistance and Hall effect can provide information about valley-valley interactions. We propose a model of valley drag, similar to Coulomb drag in bilayer systems, and find good agreement with our experimental data, though a small residual drag in the T→0 limit remains unexplained.

      • Post-Translational Regulation of Glucokinase in Hypothalamic Neurons

        McFarland, Jennifer University of Maryland, Baltimore ProQuest Dissert 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Glucose-sensing tissues utilize glucokinase (GCK), the activity of which is rate-limiting for glucose metabolism, to sense and, consequently, counteract deviations from glucose homeostasis. Post-translational regulation of GCK is well defined in the liver and the pancreas, and is critical for the maintenance of glucose homeostasis; yet, post- translational regulation of GCK in hypothalamic neurons, which play a central role in maintaining glucose homeostasis, remains relatively unexplored. Here, we use a hypothalamically-derived, glucose-sensing GT1-7 neuronal cell line to provide evidence of a receptor-driven, ER Ca2+-mediated S-nitrosylation and activation of GCK. Strategic pharmacological manipulations were paired with the assessment of GCK activity, done by either measuring NAD(P)H autofluorescence while raising extracellular glucose, or through expression of a homotransfer FRET GCK biosensor. Further, a biotin-switch assay was used to confirm the presence of GCK S-nitrosylation. This work illustrates a central mechanism of post-translational GCK regulation, which may underlie metabolic signal integration in the hypothalamus and may contribute to the pathology of diabetes.

      • The Lived Experiences of Fathers Diagnosed with Cancer: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis

        McFarland, Tamara ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Texas A&M Universi 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        In the United States, cancer is the second leading cause of death. The American Cancer Society (2018) reports that 163 people per 100,000 will die from the disease each year. Cancer mortality is highest among men. Prior research has been limited relating to the impact of men in the fatherhood role. The researcher explored the lived experiences of fathers’ diagnoses with cancer in this study. It aimed to increase greater understanding of the emotional impact of the disease on men and on their fatherhood roles. It finds that the disease of cancer can emotionally shape the identity and relationships of fathers.This study supports the conclusion of Miller-Karas (2015), that cancer diagnosis creates a decline in quality of life and that emotional and psychological struggles are inherently part of the diagnosis. Furthermore, the research highlights the methods employed by fathers to adapt and address these struggles. The methodology of an interpretive phenomenological analysis was utilized to investigate and illuminate themes emerging from the lived experiences of the fathers in this study. This method was used to provide depth and thick textual descriptions of the experiences and the themes that emerged from individual interviews with fathers diagnosed with cancer. It provides insight into the experiences of a person in a particular context as they make sense of a phenomenon.The themes identified in in this study can provide insight for improving clinical interventions. Findings can provide needed information for the creation of support materials and support groups specific to fatherhood and cancer. Finally, it can offer newly diagnosed fathers information on how others have moved through the process, providing a sense of common humanity.

      • Numerical Solutions of the Many-Electron Ground State

        McFarland, John ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The Florida State 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        We examine two wave function optimization methods for producing the ground state. The first is a novel method for optimizing the location of the nodes of the fermion ground-state using a combination of diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) and projected gradient descent (PGD). A PGD iteration shifts the parameters of a node-fixing trial function in the opposite direction of the DMC energy gradient, while maintaining the cusp condition for atomic electrons if necessary. The energy gradient required for this is calculated from DMC walker distributions by one of three methods derived from an exact analytical expression. The energy gradient calculation methods are combined with different gradient descent algorithms and a projection operator that maintains the cusp condition of atomic systems. We apply this PGD method to trial functions with randomized variational parameters, for simple atomic systems and the homogeneous electron gas, and the nodes are dramatically improved. For atomic systems, PGD lowered the DMC energy to the same level as nodes optimized by variational Monte Carlo (VMC). This PGD method departs from the standard procedure of optimizing the nodes with a non-DMC scheme such as variational Monte Carlo, Density function theory, or configuration interaction based calculation, which do not directly minimize the DMC energy. The second ground state optimization method that we examine implements imaginary-time time-dependent Density functional theory (it-TDDFT) propagation to periodic systems by modifying the Quantum ESPRESSO (QE) package. This implementation of it-TDDFT propagation converges to the exact energy produced by the standard self consistent field (SCF) method in all but one case, where it converged to a slightly lower value than SCF. This suggests it-TDDFT is a useful alternative for systems where SCF has difficulty reaching the Kohn-Sham ground state.

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