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      • Degree Perseverance Among African Americans Transitioning from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to Predominantly White Institution (PWIs)

        McCall, Joyce Marie Arizona State University 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This study investigates degree perseverance among African Americans who transitioned from an undergraduate music program at a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) to a Predominantly White Institution (PWI). A framework based on Bourdieu's cultural capital theory and Yosso's community cultural wealth theory was employed to examine how academic, cultural, and social aspects of participants' undergraduate and graduate school experiences influenced their perseverance. Because those aspects are intricately intertwined with race, I also employed critical race theory and double consciousness theory, and used Angela Duckworth's Grit Scale to measure degree perseverance. Eight African American male instrumental music educators participated in this study. Research questions included: What are the experiences of African Americans who have transitioned from undergraduate music programs at HBCUs to graduate music programs at PWIs?; How do these individuals compare academic, social, and cultural aspects of their experiences within two institutional environments?; What are their self-perceptions of their own degree perseverance?; and, What social, cultural, and academic aspects of their experiences influenced their perseverance?. After developing a portrait of each participant's pre-college and college experiences, analysis reveled that participants were very persistent; however, academic, cultural, social, and racial experiences influenced their perseverance. Participants employed dominant cultural capital and community cultural wealth as well as their "Grittiness" to successfully transition from an HBCU to a PWI. Recommendations for HBCUs, PWIs, and the profession are offered toward improving the experiences of African American music students in higher education. HBCUs must hold their faculty and students accountable for developing a broader musical experience beyond marching band, and address colorism on their campuses. PWIs should recognize and accept the capital that African Americans bring, acknowledge that African Americans need access to social support networks, and assess how their environments, actions, and decisions may devalue or discount African Americans. While more research is needed regarding the experiences of African Americans in music programs, African American students must also take active roles in shaping their own educational experiences by seeking assistance that will improve their experiences.

      • Array microscopy technology and its application to digital detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

        McCall, Brian P Rice University 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Tuberculosis causes more deaths worldwide than any other curable infectious disease. This is the case despite tuberculosis appearing to be on the verge of eradication midway through the last century. Efforts at reversing the spread of tuberculosis have intensified since the early 1990s. Since then, microscopy has been the primary frontline diagnostic. In this dissertation, advances in clinical microscopy towards array microscopy for digital detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are presented. Digital array microscopy separates the tasks of microscope operation and pathogen detection and will reduce the specialization needed in order to operate the microscope. Distributing the work and reducing specialization will allow this technology to be deployed at the point of care, taking the front-line diagnostic for tuberculosis from the microscopy center to the community health center. By improving access to microscopy centers, hundreds of thousands of lives can be saved. For this dissertation, a lens was designed that can be manufactured as 4x6 array of microscopes. This lens design is diffraction limited, having less than 0.071 waves of aberration (root mean square) over the entire field of view. A total area imaged onto a full-frame digital image sensor is expected to be 3.94 mm2, which according to tuberculosis microscopy guidelines is more than sufficient for a sensitive diagnosis. The design is tolerant to single point diamond turning manufacturing errors, as found by tolerance analysis and by fabricating a prototype. Diamond micro-milling, a fabrication technique for lens array molds, was applied to plastic plano-concave and plano-convex lens arrays, and found to produce high quality optical surfaces. The micro-milling technique did not prove robust enough to produce bi-convex and meniscus lens arrays in a variety of lens shapes, however, and it required lengthy fabrication times. In order to rapidly prototype new lenses, a new diamond machining technique was developed called 4-axis single point diamond machining. This technique is 2-10x faster than micro-milling, depending on how advanced the micro-milling equipment is. With array microscope fabrication still in development, a single prototype of the lens designed for an array microscope was fabricated using single point diamond turning. The prototype microscope objective was validated in a pre-clinical trial. The prototype was compared with a standard clinical microscope objective in diagnostic tests. High concordance, a Fleiss's kappa of 0.88, was found between diagnoses made using the prototype and standard microscope objectives and a reference test. With the lens designed and validated and an advanced fabrication process developed, array microscopy technology is advanced to the point where it is feasible to rapidly prototype an array microscope for detection of tuberculosis and translate array microscope from an innovative concept to a device that can save lives.

      • Predictors of postschool outcomes for students with emotional or behavioral disabilities: Race/ethnicity, family income, gender, and student and family engagement

        McCall, Zachary Allen University of Kansas 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        For decades, students with emotional or behavioral disabilities (EBD) have had consistently poor high school graduation rates and postschool outcomes in terms of employment, postsecondary education enrollment, and involvement with the criminal justice system (Wagner, Newman, Cameto, & Levine, 2005). In addition, compared to students who are White and/or whose families have high incomes, outcomes are generally worse for youth with disabilities who are African-American or Hispanic and/or whose families have low incomes (Newman, Wagner, Cameto, & Knokey, 2009). Using school and postsecondary data on students with EBD (n = 450) from the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2), this study used cross tabulations and mean comparisons to examine significant demographic differences among students with EBD in engagement (i.e., family and student engagement) during their school years and in outcomes after high school. In addition, logistic regression analyses were used to determine the predictive value of four categories of predictor variables on key postschool outcomes. Predictor variables included (a) demographic variables (i.e., race/ethnicity, family income, and gender); (b) negative student engagement (e.g., being bullied, being suspended); (c) family engagement at home and in school; and (d) positive student engagement (e.g., student connectedness to school, grades, involvement in extracurricular activities). Four criterion variables were examined: high school graduation, postsecondary education, fulltime employment, and involvement with the criminal justice system (i.e., arrest). High school graduation status was included in the models for postsecondary education, fulltime employment, and arrest. Results showed that positive student engagement was associated with higher odds of graduating from high school and enrolling in postsecondary education, and negative student engagement was associated with higher odds of arrest. High school graduation status was found to be a significant predictor of postsecondary enrollment and arrest, whereas family engagement predictors contributed little to the models in most instances. Results differed depending on the criterion variable (i.e., high school graduation, postsecondary enrollment, fulltime employment, and arrest): For example, student engagement had little statistical value for predicting fulltime employment. In addition, some significant differences in outcomes based on demographic variables (i.e., race/ethnicity, family income, and gender) were found to be reduced or negated when student or family engagement variables were included in logistic models; other differences persisted after the inclusion of the engagement variables. Limitations, directions for additional research, and practical implications are discussed.

      • Networks of power: The art patronage of Pier Maria Rossi of Parma (Italy)

        McCall, Timothy David University of Michigan 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This study investigates the ways in which Count Pier Maria Rossi of Parma (1413--1482) was able to proclaim, promote, and negotiate his autonomy and authority through patronage of art. Rossi articulated his dynasty's power through pointed visual imagery advertising chivalric and courtly ideologies, political alliances, territorial aggrandizement, and participation in networks of civic and regional powers and institutions. By supporting ecclesiastical cults, by building churches, convents, and castles, and by commissioning fresco cycles, medals, and illuminated manuscripts, Rossi extended his dynasty's image of authority well beyond Parma. This imagery was not addressed to an insulated court but to intersecting audiences ranging from his peasant subjects to Italy's most powerful families. I examine closely the frescoed camera d'oro in Rossi's castle of Torrechiara and the camera di Griselda in Roccabianca and move beyond an exclusively biographical reading of imagery associated with Rossi's mistress Bianca Pellegrini to trace and to excavate the multivalent, poetic image of Bianca as mistress within regional political networks, as devout pilgrim, and as chivalric damsel. The camera di Griselda emerges not as a private bedroom, as has been assumed, but chamber where legal disputes were heard and where Rossi utilized the Griselda narrative to construct an image of just rule. Through the imagery of the camera d'oro, Rossi figured his authority and made reference to his dynasty's chivalric, patriarchal, crusading, and signorial traditions and histories. This amorous and peregrine imagery, I argue, was not secretly shared by two lovers but was intended for a wider audience and was employed by generations of Rossi as a symbolic and intimate register to bolster their dynasty's authority. I discuss the topography of the camera d'oro, moreover, as a polemical visualization of Rossi's networks of power and economic resources and the frescoes' castles as changing, idealized, and even fictitious claims on territorial control. By examining an ostensibly second-tier ruler who challenged regional powers through artistic patronage in a wide variety of media, this study challenges the model of Italian courts as closed entities connected by a putative "court culture" shared only by a small number of dominant centers.

      • Urban policing levels and the localization of law-and-order politics

        McCall, Michael Adam Washington University 2004 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The central consideration in this study is how cities responded via commitments to their police department to broader demands for social control in a period during which the crime issue was largely nationalized and greatly politicized, from 1970 to 1990. Specifically, changes in the size of local law enforcement are modeled as a function of local translations of a repeated national message urging a shift toward a law-and-order posture. The message's three principal themes of disorder, racial tension, and conservatism are evaluated to ascertain their local value in each of 378 sample cases. The more meaningful the dimensions of the national call for law and order are in a given urban context, the more receptive the local population and leaders should be to expanding city policing. However, a dynamic set of other forces also shapes such policy responses. The desire to expand local law enforcement is constrained and heightened by structural components including demographic shifts and electoral designs, as well as general proclivities and city capacities regarding the provision of public services. The findings challenge the common representation of a singular path taken by cities during the early decades of the law-and-order movement. Rather, divergent patterns emerge reflecting a richer matrix within which decisions regarding policing service levels are made, while presenting an explanation for how seemingly idiosyncratic conditions nevertheless have tended to drive departments toward one of a limited set of distinct paths.

      • Effect of Patient Set-up and Respiration motion on Defining Biological Targets for Image-Guided Targeted Radiotherapy

        McCall, Keisha C The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Identification and monitoring of sub-tumor targets will be a critical step for optimal design and evaluation of cancer therapies in general and biologically targeted radiotherapy (dose-painting) in particular. Quantitative PET imaging may be an important tool for these applications. Currently radiotherapy planning accounts for tumor motion by applying geometric margins. These margins create a motion envelope to encompass the most probable positions of the tumor, while also maintaining the appropriate tumor control and normal tissue complication probabilities. This motion envelope is effective for uniform dose prescriptions where the therapeutic dose is conformed to the external margins of the tumor. However, much research is needed to establish the equivalent margins for non-uniform fields, where multiple biological targets are present and each target is prescribed its own dose level. Additionally, the size of the biological targets and close proximity make it impractical to apply planning margins on the sub-tumor level. Also, the extent of high dose regions must be limited to avoid excessive dose to the surrounding tissue. As such, this research project is an investigation of the uncertainty within quantitative PET images of moving and displaced dose-painting targets, and an investigation of the residual errors that remain after motion management. This included characterization of the changes in PET voxel-values as objects are moved relative to the discrete sampling interval of PET imaging systems (SPECIFIC AIM 1). Additionally, the repeatability of PET distributions and the delineating dose-painting targets were measured (SPECIFIC AIM 2). The effect of imaging uncertainty on the dose distributions designed using these images (SPECIFIC AIM 3) has also been investigated. This project also included analysis of methods to minimize motion during PET imaging and reduce the dosimetric impact of motion/position-induced imaging uncertainty (SPECIFIC AIM 4).

      • Agenda management systems: Supporting communication of heterogeneous distributed agents

        McCall, Eric Kenneth University of Massachusetts Amherst 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        As software engineering efforts move to more complex, distributed environments, coordinating the activities of people and tools becomes increasingly important. While groupware systems address user level communication needs and distributed computing technologies address tool level communication needs, few attempts have been made to synthesize the common needs of both. This dissertation presents a framework for generating agenda management systems (AMSs) from specifications of application requirements and describes how such systems address communication needs of heterogeneous agents. The framework supports a variety of application requirements and produces a customized AMS that is based on replicated distributed objects. The framework and generated AMS support evolution in several ways, allowing existing systems to be extended as requirements change. Also discussed are experiences using this approach and lessons learned, primarily from use in supporting a process execution environment and a laboratory coordination environment.

      • Preprocessing and barcoding of data from a single microarray

        McCall, Matthew N The Johns Hopkins University 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The ability to measure gene expression based on a single microarray hybridization is necessary for microarrays to be a useful clinical tool. In its simplest form, this amounts to estimating whether or not each gene is expressed in a given sample. Surprisingly, this problem is quite challenging and has been given relatively little attention for the most part in favor of estimating relative expression. We propose addressing this problem in three steps. First, we develop a method of assessing the performance of microarray preprocessing methods independent of the microarray technology used. Second, we develop a preprocessing algorithm, frozen RMA (fRMA), that allows one to analyze microarrays individually. Specifically, estimates of probe-specific effects and variances are precomputed and frozen. Then, with new data sets, these are used in concert with information from the new array(s) to normalize and summarize the data. Third, we purpose using the distribution of log2 gene intensities across a wide variety of tissues to estimate an expressed and an unexpressed distribution for each gene, and then for each gene in a sample, denoting it as expressed if its log2 gene intensity is more likely under the expressed distribution than under the unexpressed distribution and as unexpressed otherwise. The output of this algorithm is a vector of ones and zeros denoting which genes are estimated to be expressed (ones) and unexpressed (zeros). We call this a gene expression barcode.

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