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      • "If sons, then heirs": A study of kinship and ethnicity in Paul's letters

        Johnson Hodge, Caroline Elizabeth Brown University 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231967

        Christianity is widely understood to be a “universal” religion that transcends the particularities of history and culture, including differences related to kinship and ethnicity. In traditional Pauline scholarship, this portrait of Christianity has been justified by the letters of Paul. Interpreters claim that Paul eliminates ethnicity or at least separates it from what is important about Christianity. This study challenges that perception. Through a detailed examination of kinship and ethnic language in Paul's letters, I demonstrate that notions of peoplehood and lineage are not rejected or downplayed by Paul; instead they are central to his gospel. Paul's chief concern is the status of the gentile peoples who are alienated from the Judean God. Ethnicity defines this theological problem, just as it shapes his own evangelizing of the ethnic and religious “other.” According to Paul, God has responded to the gentile predicament through Christ, in whom non-Judeans can be made peoples of the Judean God. Using the logic of patrilineal descent, Paul constructs a myth of origins for gentiles: through baptism into Christ the gentiles become descendants of Abraham, adopted sons of God and coheirs with Christ. Although Judeans and gentiles now share a common ancestor, Paul does not collapse them into one group (of “Christians,” for example). Judeans and gentiles-in-Christ are separate but related lineages of Abraham. Many of Paul's contemporaries also reconstruct histories, lineages, and the collective myths of whole peoples. Kinship and ethnicity work well in these arguments, for at the same time that they present themselves as natural and fixed, they are also open to negotiation and reworking. This paradox renders them effective tools in organizing people and power, shaping self-understanding and defining membership. My analysis of kinship and ethnicity demonstrates that Paul's thinking is immersed in the story of a specific people and their God. He speaks not as a Christian theologian, but as a first-century Judean teacher of gentiles responding to concrete situations in the communities he founded. The salvation of Judeans and gentiles does not transcend notions of peoplehood and familial ties; rather, kinship and ethnicity serve as agents of this salvation.

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