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      • A case study of the impact of the Indiana School Executive Leadership Academy as perceived by its graduates

        Humbaugh, Stacey Sue Indiana University 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        In its first years of operation, the Indiana School Executive Leadership Academy has provided professional development training for superintendents and assistant superintendents in the state of Indiana. One of the objectives of those training experiences included the communication of certain Academy goals which are (1) Instructional Leader; (2) Community Statesperson; (3) Change Agent; (4) Builder of Coalitions; and (5) Mentor/Coach. To ascertain the overall impact of the Indiana School Executive Leadership Academy, this study examined the perceptions of the graduates of the Academy from 1995–1999. A self-report type survey questionnaire by Dr. Eric Stricker was modified to obtain the graduates perceptions to the goals which were taught in the Indiana School Executive Leadership Academy. A sample of 109 superintendents and assistant superintendents who had graduated from ISELA took part in this study. In the literature review, this investigator found a solid philosophical documentation for the existence and operation of professional development programs such as the Indiana Executive School Leadership Academy, a theoretical foundation for its values and procedural support for its programs and their evaluation. Out of this investigation grew the methodology of this study. The study consisted of a quantitative format with one survey item being an open-ended response. Statistical analysis of the data revealed that graduates of the Indiana School Executive Leadership Academy considered the training to impact their professional lives and decisions which are made at the district level. Results further showed that graduates of ISELA were relatively homogeneous as a group and related the single most factor influencing their educational leadership was an influential leader in his or her life.

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