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      • Unraveling the TNF tangle: Understanding relationships of key signaling mediators in inflammation and apoptosis

        Hayter, Heather L Duke University 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        TNF is an intriguing hormone with pleiotropic actions ranging from apoptosis to inflammation. The goal of this project was to begin unraveling the complex knot of signaling pathways. Like untying a knot, we used single strands, the signaling mediators ceramide, GSH, and bcl-2 to help delineate the threads of apoptotic and inflammatory signaling. We began by examining TNF-induced sphingomyelinase activity. GSH and AA were known to be involved in TNF induction of SMase, and in cells lacking PLA<sub>2</sub>, TNF failed to induce GSH depletion. Restoration of PLA<sub> 2</sub> activity also restored GSH depletion and SM hydrolysis. Also, AA induced both GSH depletion and SM hydrolysis, but neither ceramide nor pharmacologic depletion of GSH induced AA release. Thus, we demonstrated GSH lies downstream of AA and upstream of SM hydrolysis in TNF signaling. With this new strand of signaling in hand, we worked our way farther up the path. Inhibitors of AA metabolism blocked TNF-induced GSH depletion, SM hydrolysis, and cell death. Lipoxygenase inhibitors worked very well while inhibiting other branches of AA metabolism had no effect. Since GSH depletion is a reflection of the redox state of the cell, we also examined the role of oxidation in both AA metabolism and SM hydrolysis. The antioxidants Vitamin C and E inhibited both TNF and AA induced GSH depletion. We then addressed the question of what part these mediators perform in apoptotic versus inflammatory signaling. As probes, we turned to bcl-2 for apoptosis and PGE<sub>2</sub> for inflammation. Surprisingly, these two outcomes turned out to be connected. Bcl-2 inhibited PGE<sub>2</sub> release induced by both ceramide and TNF. Caspases, which are required for many forms of apoptosis were used next as distinctive apoptotic proteins. Bcl-2 inhibited PGE<sub> 2</sub> release in a caspase-independent manner. Furthermore, caspases normally involved in early signal transduction failed to affect AA, GSH, and SM. In contrast, bcl-2 inhibited ceramide generation, but failed to have an effect of GSH depletion or early AA release. These data provide a novel role for bcl-2 in inflammatory signaling, and furthermore suggests bcl-2 effect on PGE<sub>2</sub> may be dependent on inhibition of ceramide generation.

      • The open innovation imperative: Perspectives on success from faculty entrepreneurs

        Hayter, Christopher Scott The George Washington University 2010 해외공개박사

        RANK : 247343

        The Open Innovation Imperative: Perspectives on Success From Faculty Entrepreneurs University spinoffs are an important vehicle for the dissemination of new knowledge -- and have the potential to generate jobs and economic growth. Despite their importance, little research exists on how, from the perspective of faculty entrepreneurs, spinoff success is defined -- and the factors responsible for that success. Given the nascent nature of the literature and lack of data regarding university spinoffs, this dissertation employs a sequential exploratory strategy to understand and determine success factors for university spinoffs. The findings indicate that commercialization is a distinguishing characteristic of initial spinoff success and that a multitude of factors such as financial resources and the technology licensing process are responsible for that success. Using logit regression, the quantitative phase yields several significant predictors of commercialization including venture capital, multiple and external licenses, outside management, joint ventures with other companies, previous faculty consulting experience, and -- surprisingly -- a negative relationship to post-spinoff services provided by universities. These results strongly support an open innovation approach for spinoff success and have important implications for public policy. The results will be of especial interest to university leaders seeking to enhance the role of their institutions in economic development and for state and federal policymakers when developing new policies and programs to improve economic growth and entrepreneurship. Finally, the dissertation makes a modest but important contribution to the evolving Knowledge Spillover Theory of Entrepreneurship (KSTE).

      • We've Been Overcome: Black Voter Mobilization and White Resistance in Richmond, VA, 1954--1985

        Hayter, Julian Maxwell University of Virginia 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This story first examines the political mobilization of black professionals in Richmond, Virginia that emerged nearly a decade prior to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA). These professionals were known as the Richmond Crusade for Voters. While African Americans in the South engaged in passive resistance movements and direct action protests, Crusaders not only registered thousands of black voters prior to the VRA's ratification, they helped elect an African American to city council in 1964. Upon this foundation, I examine the local interplay between African-American and vested white interests following the VRA and Richmond's annexation of Chesterfield County. The story then chronicles the litigation that followed annexation, exploring its impact on vote dilution and the federal government's role in mediating debates between Richmond's black electorate and whites struggling to maintain control of city hall. By focusing on the implementation of federal voting rights mandates locally, this story features strange bedfellows: white racists and advocates of black political empowerment who shared an improbable interest in repatriating citizens from the annexed area. The solution that emerged, a ward system that virtually guaranteed blacks representation on the city council, created unintended consequences that surprised both advocates of black mobilization and those leading white backlash to the VRA. Although Richmond's district system eventually yielded a black majority city council, the value of this symbolic victory soon faded. Black politicians in swing wards found that white and black constituents demanded basic services---services that were difficult to deliver without forging alliances with the Richmond's white power structure. Council members affiliated with Richmond's white private sector were still the gatekeepers to the local political economy. Thus, new black leaders soon displaced politicians who appealed to black empowerment---empowerment crucial to mobilization in the first place. The new generation of black leaders forged relationships with white officials on whites' terms. In the end, Crusaders did not anticipate that the ward system they promoted might compromise the unity of the black electorate they were largely responsible for building. By 1985, results-oriented economic pragmatism and district-based interracial political coalitions undermined the solidarity of Richmond's black electorate.

      • Cutting and Pasting: The Rhetorical Promise of Scrapbooking as Feminist Inventiveness and Agency from the Margins

        Hayter, Catherine ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Cali 2021 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

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