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      • Channeling the Spirit of Enterprise: Commercial Interests and State Formation in the Early American West, 1763--1825

        Hatter, Lawrence Bruce Alexander University of Virginia 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This study views state formation in the Anglo-American borderland through the prism of the Laurentine trade. The merchants and traders interested in the Indian trade of the extended St. Lawrence River valley operated in a borderlands space between cultures and between sovereignties. This study contends that exploring the efforts of Laurentine merchants to maintain their liminal status between the British Empire and the American Republic opens a new window on the problem of creating an American national state in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth-centuries. Viewing state formation from the perspective of the Laurentine trade complicates what historians usually see as a straightforward, though contested, process: the creation of an American national state in the West. State formation in the Anglo-American borderland was a complex and contingent process that encompassed a broad array of activities and developments at both the center and periphery. While Indian removal and white settlement were an essential part of western state formation, this study argues that diplomacy (e.g. the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and the treaty of Ghent in 1814), commercial policy (e.g. the Customs Act of 1799, the Jeffersonian embargo and non-intercourse acts) and changing legal definitions of citizenship were all part of the intricate process of creating an American national state.

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