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      • The laboratory of Victorian culture: Experimental physics, industry, and pedagogy in the Liverpool Laboratory of Oliver Lodge, 1881--1900 (England)

        Clow, Nani N Harvard University 1999 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This dissertation examines the first nineteen years of the Liverpool experimental physics laboratory (1881–1900). Directed by the experimental physicist, Oliver Lodge (1851–1940), this laboratory—as a site for the training of electrical engineers, physicists, and teachers; as a locus for experimental research in electricity and magnetism; as a space for the development and standardization of equipment used by both physicists and electrical engineers; and as a site where physics experiments were transformed to technological and industrial applications-became a crucial component of Liverpool's University College. This dissertation explores the context of the physics department and laboratory within its larger institutional structure, emphasizing the interplay of the laboratory and its director with academic, scientific, and civic communities. This work uses Lodge as a prism through which to examine the laboratory in its many manifestations—exploring the relationships of experimental physics with industry, research, pedagogical concerns, and Lodge's attempts, through popularization and publication, to present the relevance of laboratory-based research and knowledge-production to the public. I locate Lodge's laboratory and department within the context of University College Liverpool, while discussing the crucial role Lodge played in the administration and the development of the college into one of the highest ranking University Colleges in Britain. I examine how Lodge developed his laboratory, curriculum, and pedagogical program in Liverpool, exploring the ways in which these experiences deeply informed his later activities in the promotion of general educational reform, the improvement of science education, and the institution of a National Physics Laboratory for example. Furthermore, I examine the concrete ways in which Lodge promoted experimental physics education within his own department, and how Lodge developed the credibility, trustworthiness, and authority of both himself and his laboratory staff within the scientific community. Using Lodge's physics department, I explore some of the ways in which specific research programs, the rise of new technological applications, together with the incorporation of the apparatus, techniques and training practice of the previous decades (on subjects like telegraphy and standardization) resulted in the development of a new kind of laboratory and curricular structure after the 1870s.

      • The anal aesthetic: Regressive narrative strategies in modernism

        Clowes, Erika Katz University of California, Berkeley 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The concept of anality is "unspeakable" in two ways: first, as the object of cultural repression, and second, as a theory of experience before language. As such, it is frequently considered something to be overcome by the process of sublimation. But in the twentieth century, the concept of sublimation was compromised by a general sense of disillusionment about cultural values and sources of authority, and artists sought experimental new forms of expression to overcome what was often perceived as a failure of conventional language. I argue that scatological writing in modernism addresses this failure with a unique form of "anal narration," derived from the concept that, from the infant's point of view, excrement is not abject waste, but a valuable extension of the self, a corporeal signifier that can circulate and convey meaning without recourse to the abstractions of language. Psychoanalysis ultimately disparages anal formulations as reductive; the aim of this dissertation is to articulate a productive psychoanalytic theory of anality, and to make it available for literary-critical use by applying it to the work of modernist authors like James Joyce, Nathanael West, T. S. Eliot, Samuel Beckett and Salvador Dali. I look closely at the last two authors because each has an overtly anal philosophy of language, based on the belief that linguistic representation is inherently distorted and that rendering words and identity into waste would be the greatest approximation of truth. Chapter one is a survey of the critical literature (including works by Bakhtin, Bataille, Bersani, Freud, Klein, Kristeva and others), which establishes the terms of the argument and asserts anality's potential as a regenerative, articulate and even ethical communicative mode. Chapter two identifies a coprophagic narrative form in Dali's autobiographical work, wherein the author disseminates his own abject body as a signifier, rendered circulable and even curative by an alchemical process of aesthetic transformation. Chapter three uses Lacan's seminar on the psychoses to explain how the passive anal narrator in Beckett's novels reconstructs deficient authority as a bodily projection, effectively giving anal birth to himself in the absence of a legitimizing agency that would otherwise affirm his subjectivity.

      • Strong field control of multilevel quantum systems

        Clow, Stephen Daniel State University of New York at Stony Brook 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        In this thesis, we present work on coherent control of multilevel quantum systems in the strong field limit using shaped ultrafast laser pulses. In recent years there have been numerous multiphoton absorption experiments in two, three, and four-level atomic/molecular systems and many are performed in the limit of weak fields where perturbation theory is valid. Here, we describe a series of experiments aimed at exploring and understanding multiphoton transitions when the exciting field is strong and perturbation theory breaks down. Our approach to strong field control utilizes both parameterized scans of various pulse shapes and closed-loop learning control to identify a pulse shape that is optimal for populating a target quantum state. With this we will highlight the difference between sequential population transfer and adiabatic rapid passage in multilevel systems with multiphoton coupling between levels. Additionally, we examine strong field control of a four-level atomic interferometer and show how interference in a target state changes from resonant pathways in the frequency domain to time-domain interference via a singe path. Further, we use shaped femtosecond pulses to demonstrate a phenomenon in which a three-level atom becomes a modulator of an ultrafast pulse. The results are based on a pump-probe scheme that is very similar to Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT). Important dynamics associated with a time-dependent coupling field are examined. Lastly, we extend previous work on two-photon driven superfluorescence from a shaped ultrafast drive laser and show how stimulated emission near threshold can turn modest coherent control yields into essentially perfect discrimination between systems where a control factor of about 104 is achieved between atomic and molecular species.

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