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      • Community college teacher education pathways: A Michigan study

        Belknap, Mary Colleen Michigan State University 2009 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247423

        This study explored the components of six Michigan community college teacher education programs that were members of Michigan Association of Community Colleges in Educator Preparation (MACCEP) in 2006-2007. Data were collected from face to face interviews and institutional resources. Each interviewee was an identified "champion" of their respective teacher education program. Interview analysis and document data form the detailed description of MACCEP teacher education program components. Components of the community college teacher education studied are categorized by: (1) Commitment: (2) Curriculum; and (3) Connections. Components in the categories include: faculty; administration; students; courses; field experience; MACRAO agreement; alignment to standards; state testing and credentialing preparation; student support; transfer and articulation; formal and informal partnerships; local, state and federal governing organizations; and credentialing agencies. Identified as the Belknap Model, a figure and table depict the interrelationship of categories and components. This foundational study offers community colleges descriptive information for teacher education programs. There is a range in program development from informal, early developing programs with few components, to established formalized teacher education programs with many components. Every public higher education institution in Michigan is autonomous. It is within this complex and open postsecondary environment that the results of this study may be used to benefit faculty and administrators committed to improving the teacher education pathway in Michigan specifically, and in other states more generally. The findings have implications useful to the following objectives: (1) Help to design strong curricula and courses of study; (2) Increase communication among colleges and universities, which, in turn will benefit programs and students; (3) Increase respect and understanding of community college teacher education programs due to the analysis of program components; (4) Broaden potential transfer options among teacher education programs especially in Michigan; (5) Help ensure a high quality teacher education workforce that may lessen the impact of teacher retirements in the next decade in Michigan; (6) Strengthen instruction at all levels, to maintain a strong educational foundation for all schools, that can help in the state's economic recovery. The Belknap Model serves as a starting point for further research and action in the specific areas related to the improvement of teacher education practice, especially with community colleges. This study and the Belknap model illuminate Michigan community college teacher education programs with lessons learned for programs in other states.

      • Spin and Parity of the Higgs Boson Near mH = 126 GeV=c2 in the H going to ZZ going to 4l Channel and a Search for a Doubly Charged Higgs with the CMS Detector at the LHC

        Belknap, Donald Austin The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Presented here is an analysis of the spin and parity of the Higgs-like boson near 126 GeV in the ZZ decay channel where the Z bosons decay into two muons or electrons. The analysis utilizes 19:7 fb-1 of 8 TeV proton-proton collision data recorded by the CMS experiment. The Standard Model pure-scalar hypothesis is compared against four alternate spin-parity hypotheses utilizing an angles-only technique. The data are consistent with the Standard Model expectations, and the pseudoscalar hypothesis is excluded at the 95% confidence level. Additionally, we present a search for a doubly charged Higgs boson, which also utilizes 19:7 fb-1 of 8 TeV proton-proton collision data recorded by CMS. The doubly charged Higgs is a member of an SU(2)L scalar triplet, and is a Type II "seesaw" mechanism. We search for a four-lepton final state from Drell-Yan pair production of two left-handed doubly charged Higgs bosons. The branching ratio of the doubly charged Higgs is not determined by the model, so we consider a variety of possible branching ratio scenarios. No excess is observed compared to the background prediction. Lower limits on the doubly charged Higgs mass range from 388 to 585 GeV at the 95% confidence level, depending on the branching ratio scenario.

      • Classification of a chaos: The list and its deployment in the works of Emerson, Whitman, Melville, and Thoreau (Ralph Waldo Emerson, Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, Henry David Thoreau)

        Belknap, Robert Elston Yale University 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The practice of listing is ancient and wide-ranging. Lists are versatile, adaptable structures that have figured prominently in literary history. Indeed, lists predate writing, and the conceptual methods expressed in them were instrumental in bringing writing, and literature, into existence. Practical lists and catalogues are sequences of signs whose compositions, including membership and internal arrangement, contribute to their functioning. In literary lists, the arrangements of particulars create deliberate imaginative patterns, and the functions of lists are <italic>ad hoc</italic> to the texts they occur in. While various species of lists have been deployed throughout literature, from the catalogue of participants of the ancient epic to the delineation of the beloved in the Renaissance <italic>blazon</italic>, from the Baroquism of <italic>Ulysses</italic> to the spare itemization of <italic>Let Us Now Praise Famous Men</italic>, it is in the writing of 19<super>th</super>-century America that the list finds wide application, arising with remarkable frequency and concentration in prose, poetry, and fiction. In addition to its rhetorical serviceability, evident throughout Emerson's Essays, the list in itself illustrated the principle of microcosm that so thoroughly informed Emerson's Transcendentalism, and enabled an adequate representation of the interlinkage of all things by the collection of a few. Whitman, adapting and developing the catalogue as a poetic structure, used its flexibility and expansiveness to embrace a multitudinous nation, register a miscellany of sensory impressions, and revel in the power that came from pronouncing names. In <italic>Moby-Dick</italic>, Melville elaborated the list on numerous levels, from that of strict inventory to the very catalogue-like quality of the text that intrinsically contained the many incidentals of cetology and whaling-life in order to represent the interconnectedness of all things, the idea that “nothing exists in itself.” Ishmael's amplifications and digressions were also heavily influenced by Melville's discovery of the great logorrheic Renaissance listers Rabelais, Burton, and Browne. Finally, in a shift from the fictive to the autobiographical, Thoreau turned to the list to document a personal engagement with the natural world. Coincident with the rise of a systematized method of scientific classification which allowed flora and fauna to be ordered and organized, Thoreau meticulously observed his surroundings and linked facts with poetry.

      • A computationally efficient method for nonlinear multihull seakeeping

        Belknap, William F University of Michigan 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        A method for predicting the large amplitude motions of multihull vessels in a computationally efficient and robust manner has been developed and demonstrated. The present theory utilizes frequency domain hydrodynamic coefficients that include hull interactions in the radiation problem and a body-exact solution of the time-varying hydrostatic and Froude-Krylov forces in the time-domain. The theory and computational tool have been developed with a stated objective of supporting multihull design optimization, which requires extremely fast and stable computations that can accurately assess the seakeeping measure of merit in a relative sense. Higher fidelity tools can be used subsequent to a converged design to obtain a more accurate assessment of seakeeping performance. The contribution of this work to the general body of knowledge is in the development of a theory that captures hull interaction effects at lower ship speeds, where interaction effects are likely, while retaining the numerical efficiency of strip theory. A far-field approximation is invoked, whereby the radiated waves from one demi-hull appear as incident waves to another demi-hull. Comparisons of the present theory to model test data and 3D computations have shown fairly good agreement for some ship designs and, while capturing correct trends, relatively poor agreement for other ship designs. Agreement is generally better for multihulls that are long and slender with demi-hull separation greater than two times the demi-hull beam.

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