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      • DSP(TMS320VC33)를 이용한 다기능 영상 처리 보드 설계 및 영상 필터 알고리즘 개발

        하홍수 昌原大學校 大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        본 논문은 DSP(TMS320VC33)를 이용하여 영상 처리 범용 보드를 구현하고, 여러 가지 영상 처리 필터들을 처리하는 것에 관한 연구이다. 우리는 CCD카메라로부터 입력되는 영상 신호를 A/D Converter(SAA7111)를 이용하여 디지털 신호로 변환 하였으며, 이러한 영상 신호는 DSP(TMS320VC33)에서 처리하였으며, D/A Converter(ADV7176A)를 통하여 결과영상을 확인 할 수 있게 하였다. 각 부분의 제어신호 발생과 초기화 과정은 DSP(TMS320VC33)에서 발생하는 신호를 받아 CPLD(EPM7256ATC144)의 내부에서 제어하도록 설계하였다. 또한, 영상 처리 보드를 Stand alone으로 사용가능 하도록 DSP(TMS320 VC33)를 Bootloader방식(Flash Rom)으로 사용할 수 있게 제작하였다. 그리고 영상 처리 필터의 알고리즘은 DSP(TMS320VC33) 탑재에 앞서 PC에서 시뮬레이션을 수행하여 결과를 확인하였다. 영상 처리 필터는 일반적으로 노이즈 제거에 사용되는 smooth 필터와 경계 검출과 강화를 위한 shapening 필터로 구분하여 적용하였으며, 기하학적 변형을 추가적으로 적용하였다. 이러한 필터들는 대조적인 특성을 가지는 두가지 영상에 적용하였다. 적용분야로는 이동로봇이 장애물을 인식하여 자율적으로 주행하기 위한 영상이며, 다른 하나는 의학분야에서 사용되는 영상을 분석하는데에 적용하였다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 연구 결과에 의하여 DSP를 이용한 영상 처리 기법과 적용분야가 상이한 두가지 영상에 대한 여러 가지 필터의 적용 결과를 보였다. 또한 적용분야와 환경이 다른 영상처리에 대한 예를 제시하였다. In this paper, we implement general image processing board using DSP(TMS320VC33) and a study on image filters. We convert input signal into digital signal, this signal is processed on DSP(TMS320VC33), and D/A converter(ADV7176A) appear result. The control signal generations on each parts and initialization process is designed which are internal control on CPLD(EPM7256ATC144) also, we designed the image processing board for stand alone form which DSP(TMS320VC33) are able to bootload by flash rom. And the algorithms of image processing filter ascertain the result of simulation on PC, before load DSP(TMS320VC33). Generally, image processing filters is classify; smooth filter ofr remove noise and shapening filter for edge detection. We used filters of smoothing, shapening and additionally geometric filter. Application parts of filters is two types of collative images. One is image of robot which are ability to recognize obstacles and moving automatically to destination, the other is application of image analysis from medical appliances. According to the reseach results, we present two results in this paper; the image processing techniques using DSPs and result of apply several image filters to images of collative application part. Therefore, we propose example for image processing on different environment and application.

      • 중개대상물 확인설명의무 위반에 따른 중개사고 연구 : 판례분석을 중심으로

        하홍수 건국대학교 부동산대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        중개대상물 확인․설명의무는 중개업자가 중개의뢰를 받은 경우에 중개가 완성되기 전에 당해 중개당상물의 상태․입지 및 권리관계, 법령의 규정에 의한 거래 또는 이용제한사항 그 밖에 대통령령이 정하는 사항을 확인하여 이를 당해 중개대상물에 관한 권리를 취득하고자 하는 중개의뢰인에게 서면으로 제시하고 성실․정확하게 설명하고, 중개가 완성되어 거래계약서를 작성하는 때에는 확인․설명사항을 서면으로 작성하여 거래당사자 쌍방에게 교부하여야 하는 가장 기본적 의무임이다 또한 중개사고의 40%이상이 중개대상물 확인․설명의무위반이며, 이는 확인․설명 내용을 잘못 기재했거나 내용을 누락하여 발생한 중개사고이다. 공인중개사 등 부동산중개 관련 당사자들에게 ‘중개대상물 확인․설명’과 관련한 중개사고의 발생이 최소화될 수 있는 개선방안으로, 첫째, 권리관계사항 중심으로 중개대상물 확인․설명서가 개선되어야 한다. 둘째, 임의규정으로 규정된 전속중개계약제도를 일정한 경우 강제규정으로 의무화할 필요가 있다 셋째, 다가구(다중)주택용 중개대상물 확인․설명서 양식이 필요하다. 넷째, 공인중개사의 공부조사 및 체납사실 확인권한을 부여하는 방안으로 관련 법규가 개정되어야한다. 다섯째, 공인중개사의 전문직업화를 위한 자질 향상이 절실히 필요하다. 무엇보다 현장실무의 주인공인 공인중개사 등 중개업 종사자의 전문성 제고와 사고방지를 위한 적극적인 노력이 가장 중요하다. In relation to the duty of confirmation and explanation about the listing property, the broker should confirm the state and location, right relationship, the matter of restrictions on the transaction and use of the listing property based on the statutory provisions and the matter stipulated by the presidential decree before brokerage is completed in case the broker is entrusted with the listing of real property. And then the broker should present the right about listing property to the listing clients intending to acquire the right to the listing property in writing and offer an explanation about in faith and with accuracy. And the broker should draw up the matter of confirmation and explanation when the transaction contract is written after brokerage is completed and deliver it to the transactional parties to the contract. And more than 40% of the brokerage accidents arise from the breach of the duty of confirmation and explanation about the listing property. They are the brokerage accidents arising from the misrepresentation or omission of the contents to be confirmed and explained about the listing property. The improvement scheme to minimize the occurrence of brokerage accidents related to the 'confirmation and explanation of the listing property' to the parties related to real estate brokerage such as licensed real estate agents and the like include the following matters: First, the letter of confirmation and explanation about the listing property should be improved with a focus on the matter of right relationship. Second, it is necessary to obligate the exclusive agency listing system stipulated as the discretionary regulations in a given case. Third, the form of the written confirmation and explanation about the listing property of the multi-family(multiple) housing is needed. Fourth, related laws and regulations should be amended as the scheme to investigate the public books of the licensed real estate agent and confer on him the authority to confirm the fact of delinquency. Fifth, it is desperately necessary to improve the quality of the licensed real estate agent to become the profession. Among other things, it is most important to make active efforts to raise the speciality of those engaged in brokerage business such as the licensed real estate agent, the leading agent of field practices and prevent accidents from occurring.

      • 이온빔보조증착법과 동시증발법을 이용한 이축배향 초전도 박막증착

        하홍수 성균관대학교 2007 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        Up to now, many efforts have been dedicated to develop the superior high temperature superconducting(HTS) wires for electric applications. Long length 1st generation wires had been made by PIT(Powder In Tube) process using Ag tube and used for superconducting cables, motor, transformer, magnet and etc. But, 1st generation wires such as BSCCO have weaknesses that are expensive and lower critical current density(Jc) than 0.1 MA/cm2 at 77 K, self-field. On the other hand, 2nd generation wire such as YBCO coated conductor(CC) using biaxially textured metal substrates can support higher Jc exceeding 1 MA/cm2 at 77 K, self-field. HTS CC have been fabricated by various thin film processes such as pulsed laser deposition(PLD), metal organic deposition(MOD), metal organic chemical vapor deposition(MOCVD) and co-evaporation etc. to increase the critical current density. The development of low-cost fabrication process attaining the high critical current is required to commercial applications of CC. Thermal co-evaporation method is one of the candidates to develop the low-cost process for the deposition of superconducting layer in spite of vacuum process. Because, thermal co-evaporation method has benefits to deposit wide area uniformly and use cheaper thermal evaporation source and raw materials. Good CCs with high critical current density have been usually made by using the Ion beam assisted deposition(IBAD) template. Recently, Superpower Co. reported that fabricated CC using IBAD-MgO template with the highest electric performance (322 m x 219 A/cm-w = 70,520 A∙m). IBAD-MgO process is the fastest biaxial texturing process in the IBAD processes. In this study, we have used IBAD-MgO process to fabricate the biaxially textured template for CC and co-evaporation method to deposit Sm1Ba2Cu3Oy(SmBCO) superconducting layer on IBAD-MgO template. First of all, hastelloy tapes as a metal substrate were continuous electropolished with very smooth surface for IBAD-MgO deposition. Roughness of hastelloy tape was measured RMS value below 2 nm and local slope of less than 1??. Amorphous Al2O3 and Y2O3 layers were deposited on the long electropolished hastelloy tape (0.1 mm thick. x 5 mm width) as diffusion barrier and seed layer, respectively using multi-turn reel-to-reel transfer system before IBAD-MgO process. MgO was deposited by e-beam evaporation during Ar ion beam incidence with the angle of 45 degree to the tape normal at IBAD conditions: assist ion beam energy of 800 eV, IBAD ratio of 77%, evaporation rate of 2.6 ??/sec, and deposition time of 40sec. We had observed in-situ reflective high energy electron diffraction(RHEED) pattern to observe the biaxial texture of IBAD-MgO film surface. After epi-MgO deposition, characterization of multi layers was studied using XRD. In-plane full width at half-maximum(FWHM) of MgO(220) template was measured below 7??. LaMnO3 layer was deposited by pulsed laser deposition method to reduce the lattice mismatch to the SmBCO after hetero epitaxial MgO deposition on IBAD-MgO. The batch type co-deposition system was specially designed and was named EDDC (evaporation using drum in dual chamber) that is possible to deposit superconducting layer with optimum composition ratio of materials at temperature over 700?? and several mTorr of oxygen. In this study, we have investigated the influence of SmBCO phase composition ratio on the critical current density of CC. We have optimized the composition ratio by changing the deposition rates of Ba and Cu during co-evaporation for better JC. A higher JC was measured at the composition ratio of Ba deficiency (1.8?`1.9) and Cu rich (3.1?`3.4) compared to the Sm1Ba2Cu3Oy stoichiometry. Especially, highest JC of 2.6 MA/cm2 was measured at the composition of Sm1Ba1.85Cu3.15Oy that has dense surface morphology. And also, we have investigated the optimal oxygen partial pressure (pO2) and deposition temperature to increase the critical current density of SmBCO CC. SmBCO CC deposited at 15 mTorr pO2 and 800?? shown the highest Jc of 2.58 MA/cm2(Ic=310 A/cm-w.) at 77 K, self-field. To realize the long CC, SmBCO was deposited on 27 m long IBAD-MgO template under optimum deposition conditions of 15 mTorr pO2 and deposition temperature of 800??. 27 m long SmBCO CC shown end-to-end critical current of 305 A/cm-w.(Jc = 1.38 MA/cm2) in which has 415 A/cm-w.(Jc = 1.89 MA/cm2) at 5 m long length.

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