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      • 일본의 성교육에 대한 연구 : '인간과 성'교육연구협의회와 ピュアラブアライアンス(PLA)의 비교연구

        나오끼, 오오이께 선문대학교 신학전문대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        One of the most serious problems in the 21st century is the sexual problem, and the problem about AIDS is the biggest one among them. It has been a serious problem all over the world. In the developed counties, the number of the patients of AIDS is increasing due to the development of sexual industry, corruption of sexual ethics and morals. In the developing countries, the insufficiency in their educational and medical techniques has made it more serious. It was the United States of America that began a sexual education for the first time in the world. The United States also started the sexual education for the purpose of solving the social problems, especially sexual problems among teenagers. At first, scholars analyzed the cause of problems and concluded that it was because few teenagers has the correct knowledge for sex. So they gave them the knowledge education for sex, or the scientifical sexual education. Also in Japan, the real sexual education started since 1992 on the same assumption and process in America. Before 1992 in Japan, there was sexual education. Nonetheless, it was not the scientifical sexual education but the so-called "purity education," which emphasized the importance of keeping one's own chastity. As many had come to call the purity education "behind the times," they promoted the scientifical sexual education. This was greatly encouraged because it was enforced with the education for AIDS. As the time passes, some has learned to point out the serious problems of its contents. Now two contrasting thoughts in the field of the sexual education exit in Japan. One kind of thought agrees with the purity education, the other kind of thought agrees with the scientifical sexual education like the one in the past United States of America. The former is supported by the Pure Love Movement(PLA), whereas the latter is supported by the Organization of 'Human and Sexual' education (OHS). Their opposition against each other comes from the difference in their opinion for sex and love. PLA says that there is a close relationship between love and sex, and that God exists as its center. Because of it, if human beings break the rule of love and sex made by God, it makes all the harmony broken down. Therefore, as a matter of course, those who support PLA don't allow the existence of homosexual love, lesbian love and polygamy. They think that the sexual relationship should be between one husband and one wife and last for ever, and that the owner of one's genital is not oneself but one's spouse. In contrast, those who support OHS think that sex belongs to each person's privacy, and insists on regarding it as each person's right. Therefore, on the issue of when, where, and with whom a person should have sexual relations, nobody else has rights to say anything about it. In other words, they insists that there should be free sex. They also emphasize that there are sexual acts for pleasure, in addition to the sexual acts for reproduction. Their arguments about the sexual education is concerned with the conflict between atheism and theism. The relation between the two thoughts will never be harmonized like the relation between water and oil. We should realize that the original starting point of the sexual education was for solving the social and sexual problems among teenagers. We can tell which one is better in Japan by observing the result of the sexual education in America. The result of the scientifical sexual education in America shows us the following. It transformed America into a nation with a large number of AIDS patients and caused the rise in the number of single mothers and divorces, as well as in the rates of teenagers' conception and artificial abortion. As a result, some educators realized the failure of the past scientifical sexual education; now they have turned the direction of education to controlling the sexual desire, that is, abstinence education. Since the change in the direction of education, the serious problems among teenagers in each area in America has been getting better. Therefore, in Japan we have to choose abstinence education, that is, purity education. Nonetheless, if we choose to start again the purity education that took place in Japan before 1992, it will not be accepted. We need such a new purity education as PLA now insists--the one centering on true love. It will not be accepted because the purity education before 1992 tended to force only women to keep one's own chastity. The new purity education, however, should demand both men and women to keep one's own chastity for each partner. It should clearly show the value and purpose of sex and love.

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