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      남북한 출판물 교류를 위한 저작권 상호 보호 방안 연구



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      A literary work exchange between South and North Korea has a significant meaning. It opens up two cultures which had no contact for five decades and provides an opportunity for two countries to share each other culture. Two countries, however, have a ...

      A literary work exchange between South and North Korea has a significant meaning. It opens up two cultures which had no contact for five decades and provides an opportunity for two countries to share each other culture. Two countries, however, have a different publication system and, therefore, have to overcome many obstacles for a cultural exchange. Unlike South Korea, publication and cultural activity in North Korea have been under the state control and remain as a propaganda machine for the Communist Party. Legal regulations concerning publications in North Korea are one of the obstacles for a cultural exchange.
      Up until now, there have been two types of circulation of North Korean literary works in South Korea. One type is the South Korean government approved publications under a copyright agreement with North Korean authors. The other type is a circulation of North Korean publications without an agreement. Although the latter has contributed to our understanding of North Korean culture and strengthening our endeavour for reunification, it is clearly a violation of a copyright act which guarantees an author a compensation for his or her labour and a cost for his or her literary work.
      As a cultural exchange between two countries increases, the intellectual property right rather than reconciliation between North and South will emerge as a hot issue. We can expect a situation where we have to face fundamental problems as to whether South and North Korean publications can be protected by the two different existing systems and other minor detailed questions as to how the usage of literary works can be regulated.
      Therefore, I examined a literature on existing copy right agreements in order to study protective measures for a copyright in North Korean literary works in South Korea. My research questions are the following
      First, are North Korean literary works published in South Korea protected under South Korean copyright regulations?
      Secondly, what are the characteristics of copyright regulations in two countries? Do they mutually protect authors?
      Thirdly, who holds a copyright in North Korean publications?
      Finally, what can the users and copyright holders do in order to ensure legal circulation of North Korean literary works in South Korea?
      From the above research questions, I drew the following conclusions.
      Currently, the copyright of North Korean literary works is protected in South Korea. But they are protected not by the South Korean copyright act but by the clause 3 of the ROK (Republic of Korea) constitution concerning the land. There are, however, numerous problems of the protective measures due to the North Korean copyright system. Especially, with regard to creation methods and a copyright act, both countries have many differences. In North Korea, it is ambiguous to identify an author because North Korea tends to have collective writing methods and a copyright is monopolized by the Communist Party or the party subcommittees. It is in fact almost impossible to publish with a permission from North Korean authors. Therefore, it is hard to expect North Korean authors to exercise their copyright in South Korea.
      I conclude that it is advisable for both countries to make a mutual copyright agreement in order to prevent copyright disputes between two countries in advance and to encourage a further cultural exchange. As mentioned in the above, it is unfair to South Korea since only she has to protect North Korean publicadons due to the absence of a copyright act in North Korea. It should be noted that, before the reunification, West Germany protected East German publications with the West German copyright. Following the German example, South Korea should consider this one-sided copyright protection as a cost for reunification and should actively seek to protect North Korean literary work.
      In order to protect North Korean literary work, there should be some special provisions in the South Korean copyright act concerning North Korean publication. Although there has been endless discussions on North Korean publication, the revised copyright act does not entail a provision for North Korean publication. I argue that South Korean copyright act should be revised to protect North Korean publication or there should be detailed provisions in the agreement between South and North.
      Publications between North and South will be protected each other by making a mutual agreement or joining an international copyright agreement of North. Like German example, the reunification of two Koreas will come true on the grounds of increasing exchanges between two countries.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 목차 = 0
      • 제1장 서론 = 1
      • 제1절 문제 제기 및 연구의 목적 = 1
      • 1. 문제 제기 = 1
      • 2. 연구 목적 = 4
      • 목차 = 0
      • 제1장 서론 = 1
      • 제1절 문제 제기 및 연구의 목적 = 1
      • 1. 문제 제기 = 1
      • 2. 연구 목적 = 4
      • 제2절 연구의 범위와 방법 = 6
      • 1. 연구의 범위 = 6
      • 2. 연구 방법 = 6
      • 3. 연구의 한계 = 8
      • 제2장 선행연구 및 이론적 배경 = 9
      • 제1절 선행연구 = 9
      • 제2절 이론적 배경 = 11
      • 1. 저작권의 의의 및 특징 = 11
      • 2. 저작권 관련 용어 정의 = 12
      • 제3장 국내외 저작권 실태 = 14
      • 제1절 남한과 북한의 저작권 실태 = 14
      • 1. 남한의 저작권 실태 = 14
      • 2. 북한의 저작권 실태 = 23
      • 제2절 통독 이전의 서독과 동독의 저작권 실태 = 30
      • 1. 서독과 동독의 교류 및 통일 과정 = 30
      • 2. 서독의 동독 저작권 보호 실태 = 33
      • 3. 동독의 서독 저작권 보호 실태 = 34
      • 제4장 남한에서의 북한저작물의 저작권 귀속 사례 = 37
      • 제1절 북한저작물의 저작권 귀속 사례 = 37
      • 1. 두만강 사건(서울민사지방법원 1989. 7. 26, 89카 13692결정) = 37
      • 2. 갑오농민전쟁 사건(서울형사지방법원 1989. 12.12, 89고단 4609판결) = 40
      • 3. 임꺽정 사건 = 42
      • 4. 리조실록 사건(서울지방법원 남부지원 1994.2.14, 93카합 2009판결) = 43
      • 5. 불가사리 사건 = 46
      • 제2절 남북한의 법적 지위 = 48
      • 1. 남북기본합의서상의 법적 지위 = 48
      • 2. 헌법 제3조와 법적 지위 = 50
      • 제5장 남북한 출판 저작물 상호 보호 방안 = 52
      • 제1절 북한저작물 이용을 위한 방법 또는 절차 = 52
      • 1. 남한에 가족이 있는 경우 = 52
      • 2. 남한에 가족이 없는 경우 = 57
      • 제2절 북한저작물 보호의 한계 = 59
      • 1. 윌북 작가의 저작권 보호 문제 = 59
      • 2. 북한 주민의 저작권 보호 문제 = 60
      • 제3절 남북한 출판 저작물 상호 보호 방안 = 62
      • 1. 입법론적인 보호 방안 = 63
      • 2. 실제적인 보호 방안 = 67
      • 제6장 결론 = 71
      • 참고문헌 = 73
      • ABSTRACT = 76
      • 부록 = 80
      • 부록 1. 남북 사이의 화해와 불가침 및 교류·협력에 관한 합의서 = 80
      • 부록 2. '남북 사이의 화해와 불가침 및 교류·협력에 관한 합의서'의 제3장 남북교류 ·협력의 이행과 준수를 위한 부속합의서 = 80














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