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      유럽연합 내 영업소 이전에 관한 판례의 동향 = The tendency of precedent on the migration of business office in the EU



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      In summary, in the light of the judgments evaluated, legal certainty could only be achieved to a very limited extent by precedent of the ECJ and the national courts with regard to the cross-border migration of the business office. The precedent of the...

      In summary, in the light of the judgments evaluated, legal certainty could only be achieved to a very limited extent by precedent of the ECJ and the national courts with regard to the cross-border migration of the business office. The precedent of the ECJ concerning confinement of migration of business office may be extended and specified in the scope of Article 49 and 54 TFEU. The rejection of the location theory and the application of the foundation theory in cross-border cases within the EU is also taken into account in the realization of the freedom of establishment as an objective of the internal market. However, the development of precedent on the cases of move-out is contradictory. In general, the distinction between move-out and move-in with regard to the best possible application of the freedom of settlement can not be persuaded in accordance with the principle of “Effet utile”. Also, a distinction between changing and maintaining organisational forms is difficult to reconcile with the "Effet utile" principle regarding the best possible effect of the freedom of settlement. The judgement "Vale" of ECJ has been able to clarify essential questions concerning the change of formality without any contradictions, but the judgement "Polbud" has considerable ambiguities and contradictions. True improvement of unsatisfactory phenomenon is ensured only by European harmonization by means of the migration business office guideline. Promulgation and application of the migration business office guideline could fill a major gap in European company law. Such a guideline would also contribute to the achievement of the freedom of settlement as an essential objective of the internal market. Until then, the cross-border merger may be an alternative solution. However, even this is not a substitute for a European regulation on the migration of business office. However, until harmonized by a guideline, the uncertain legal situation offers the opportunity for design by the individual Member Countries. It is to be expected that the European legislator will recognize the necessity and urgency of a legal regulation of the cross-border migration business office and will soon be induced to take action.


      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      ‘유럽연합의 활동방식에 관한 조약(AEUV)’ 제49조에 따라 유럽연합의 모든 자연인은 유럽연합 어느 회원국에서도 자유롭게 정주할 수 있기 때문에 국경이 없는 그리고 국경통제가 없는 특...

      ‘유럽연합의 활동방식에 관한 조약(AEUV)’ 제49조에 따라 유럽연합의 모든 자연인은 유럽연합 어느 회원국에서도 자유롭게 정주할 수 있기 때문에 국경이 없는 그리고 국경통제가 없는 특권을 향유하고 있다. 이 규정에 따라 법인으로서 설립국에서 권리주체임을 나타내는 회사도 자연인과 마찬가지로 영업소 설치·이전의 자유를 누릴 수 있다. 이에 본 논문은 유럽연합 최고법원의 판례에 근거하여 영업소 설치·이전의 자유에 관한 법적 동향을 분석하고, 유럽연합 내에서 조직형식을 유지한 가운데 그리고 조직형식을 변경하여 영업소를 이전하는 경우를 구분하여 국경을 초월하는 물적회사의 영업소 이전 가능성을 검토하였다. 유럽연합 최고법원의 판결들을 요약하자면 국경을 초월하는 영업소 이전과 관련된 유럽연합 최고법원의 판례가 매우 제한적으로나마 법적 안정성을 제공할 수 있으며, 조직형식을 유지한 채 영업소를 이전하는 전출사례에 대한 판례를 통하여 유럽연합 최고법원은 AEUV 제49조 및 제54조의 적용영역을 확장하고 구체화할 수 있었다는 점을 긍정적으로 평가하였다. 반면 전출사례에 대한 판례는 명확한 모순을 나타내는 것으로 평가하였다. 왜냐하면 효율성(Effet utile)의 원칙에 따른 영업소 설치·이전의 자유의 효과를 고려해 볼 때 전입사례와 전출사례의 구분은 일반적으로 설득력이 없으며, 또한 조직형식을 유지하는 그리고 조직형식을 변경하는 영업소 이전 사이의 구분도 효율성(Effet utile)의 원칙과 합치되기 어렵기 때문이다. 그러한 이유로 가장 최근의 판결인 ‘Polbud 판결’을 중심으로 아직 해명되지 않은 문제들을 확인함과 더불어 영업소이전지침의 필요성을 모색해 보고, 영업소 이전의 대안으로써 합병을 제안하였다.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 Wicke, Hartmut, "Zulässigkeit des grenzüberschreitenden Formwechsels – Re chtssache ‘Vale’ des Europäischen Gerichtshofs zur Niederlassungsfrei heit" 1756-1759, 2012

      2 Stiegler, Sascha, "Wirksamkeit eines Herausformwechsels aus Deutschland – Besprechung der Entscheidung des OLG Frankfurt a. M. vom 3.1.2017 – 20 W 88/15 –" 392-395, 2017

      3 Peters, Carsten, "Verlegung des tatsächlichen Verwaltungssitzes der GmbH i ns Ausland" 245-257, 2008

      4 Monopolkomission, "Sondergutachten der Monoplokomission gemäß 24 b Abs. 5 Sa tz 4" GWB 1988

      5 Ringe, Wolf-Georg, "Sitzverlegung der Europäischen Aktiengesellschaft" Tübingen 2006

      6 Eidenmüller, Horst, "Recht als Produkt" 641-, 2009

      7 Verse, Dirk, "Niederlassungsfreiheit und grenzüberschreitende Sitzverlegung – Zwischenbilanz nach ‘National Grid Indus’ und ‘Vale’" 458-495, 2013

      8 Heidinger, Andreas, "Kommentar zum Gesetz betr effend die Gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH-Gesetz), Band 1" München 2017

      9 Böttcher, Lief, "Grenzüberschreitender Formwechsel und tatsächli che Sitzverlegung – Die Entscheidung VALE des EuGH" 2701-2704, 2012

      10 Deininger, Rainer, "Grenzüberschreitende Verlegung des Hauptverwaltungssitz und der Geschäftsleitung von Kapitalgesellschaften" Herdecke 2001

      1 Wicke, Hartmut, "Zulässigkeit des grenzüberschreitenden Formwechsels – Re chtssache ‘Vale’ des Europäischen Gerichtshofs zur Niederlassungsfrei heit" 1756-1759, 2012

      2 Stiegler, Sascha, "Wirksamkeit eines Herausformwechsels aus Deutschland – Besprechung der Entscheidung des OLG Frankfurt a. M. vom 3.1.2017 – 20 W 88/15 –" 392-395, 2017

      3 Peters, Carsten, "Verlegung des tatsächlichen Verwaltungssitzes der GmbH i ns Ausland" 245-257, 2008

      4 Monopolkomission, "Sondergutachten der Monoplokomission gemäß 24 b Abs. 5 Sa tz 4" GWB 1988

      5 Ringe, Wolf-Georg, "Sitzverlegung der Europäischen Aktiengesellschaft" Tübingen 2006

      6 Eidenmüller, Horst, "Recht als Produkt" 641-, 2009

      7 Verse, Dirk, "Niederlassungsfreiheit und grenzüberschreitende Sitzverlegung – Zwischenbilanz nach ‘National Grid Indus’ und ‘Vale’" 458-495, 2013

      8 Heidinger, Andreas, "Kommentar zum Gesetz betr effend die Gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH-Gesetz), Band 1" München 2017

      9 Böttcher, Lief, "Grenzüberschreitender Formwechsel und tatsächli che Sitzverlegung – Die Entscheidung VALE des EuGH" 2701-2704, 2012

      10 Deininger, Rainer, "Grenzüberschreitende Verlegung des Hauptverwaltungssitz und der Geschäftsleitung von Kapitalgesellschaften" Herdecke 2001

      11 Wasmeier, Oliver, "Grenzüberschreitende Umstrukturierung von Kapitalgesellschaften durch Sitzverlegung und formwechselnde Umwandlung" Hamburg 2014

      12 Stiegler, Sascha, "Grenzüberschreitende Sitzverlegungen nach deutschem und europäi schem Recht" Köln 2017

      13 Bayer, Walter, "Gesetzgebungs- und Rechtsprechungsreport Europäisches Unternehmensrecht 2012" 3-16, 2013

      14 Baumbach, Adolf, "Gesetz betreffend die Gesellschaft mit be schränkter Haftung" München 2017

      15 von der Groeben, Hans, "Europäisches Unionsrec ht, Band 1" Baden-Baden 2015

      16 Kiem, Roger, "Erwartungen der Praxis an eine künftige EU-Sitzverlegungsric htlinie" 289-322, 2016

      17 Kindler, Peter, "Der reale Niederlassungsbegriff nach dem VALE-Urteil des E uGH" 888-892, 2012

      18 Behme, Caspar, "Der grenzüberschreitende Formwechsel von Gesellschaften nach Cartesio und Vale" 936-939, 2012

      19 Bayer, Walter, "Das Vale-Urteil des EuGH: Die endgültige B estätigung der Niederlassungsfreiheit als Formwechselfreiheit" 1481-1492, 2012

      20 Hölters, Wolfgang, "Aktiengesetz" München 2017


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