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      남·여성 ‘자아’ 형성에 미치는 지배담론의 영향 : 『엄마도 아시다시피』를 통해 본 모자·모녀 관계의 상대성 = The Influence of Dominant Discourse On The Formation of Male and Female Self : The Relativity of The Relationship Between Mother and Child through 『As Mom Knows』



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      After a long exploration and narrative work on body discourse and feminine discourse, Cheon Yeon-young shows a deep experimental spirit in terms of the influence of existing discourses and grand discourses and the correlation that has on the formation...

      After a long exploration and narrative work on body discourse and feminine discourse, Cheon Yeon-young shows a deep experimental spirit in terms of the influence of existing discourses and grand discourses and the correlation that has on the formation of ‘Ego’. The artist has come to the novels 『Ginger』, novel collections 『Myeongrang』, 『As you knows』, and closely explores the process of forming the self through family relations father-and-daughter relations mother- and-son relations and mother-and-daughterd relations and the language and human existence. She is dealing with the essential problem of Her work, which reveals the true nature of self and subject by looking into the child s family relationship, which begins with the relationship of the body, is an achievement that must be reevaluated in that she is always heading for a more fundamental problem while pioneering a new narrative field. This paper examines the aspects of the self, subject that the artist identifies with the works of the recent work collection 『As Mom Knows』, and the relationship between the ego formation and the language of the system. The male protagonist at the position of the father in the triangular structure of family desires seen in the collections of works 「As Mom Knows」, 「Glass Lip」, and 「Twenty-Three Eyes」 is still in the arms of maternal women. It shows that you are staying at the level of being a boy. This is what the artist perceives as the “Ego” of a man under the patriarchal system of this land and the meaning that the work represents. In the appearance of staying in the child who stayed in the male protagonist s mother s arms or returning to it, the mother s son, who exhibits perfect maternality, does not become a rational subject that has achieved independence and individualization and is dependent on the boy appearance. The author s clarification and insight that the existing men in this land did not become independent subjects of complete separation, but rather became a dependent self in real life such as food, clothing and shelter by staying in boys who need the care of women with motherhood. Could be confirmed I was able to face the artist s insight and representation of staying in the self . In the mother s arms, who play the role of a strong guardian and male head in the patriarchal system, the “son” manifested an inner “anima” and stayed in the mother’s arms, showing that the mother and child relationship could continue to be completely united. This was to recreate the reality that the son was able to live without having to achieve separation and personalization because there is a mother who has been wholly devoted to a son born with a phallus in the patriarchy and has been a powerful fence. The author s clarification and insight that the existing men in this land did not become independent subjects of complete separation, but rather stayed in boys who need the care of women with maternity, thereby having a dependent self in real life such as food, clothing and shelter. Could be confirmed. On the other hand, from the image of a girl who had to live alone, thrown out of her mother s arms or without any fence, from the triangle of family desire to the role of husband and father as guardians works “Remaining Education”, “Closed Eyes” and “My Severe and sad children”. In the mother-daughter relationship, the mother gave a female hysteria to her daughter, and the girl had to accept it and protect her, but the girl showed an animus-like ego and played the role of the father (father) protecting the house and women. The reality of this narrative is not a story of a girl in a peculiar environment, but rather a mother-daughter relationship in our society where the idea of son preference was strong. Could In the works, the mother , who had to live a life of frustration under the existing patriarchal system, can pour out the resentment.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 1. 서론 : 인간 탐색을 위한, 담론 가로지르기 2. 본론 : 지배담론에 따른 남성 자아 vs 여성 자아 3. 결론 : 어머니와 담론이 구성하는 남·여 자아의 상대성
      • 1. 서론 : 인간 탐색을 위한, 담론 가로지르기 2. 본론 : 지배담론에 따른 남성 자아 vs 여성 자아 3. 결론 : 어머니와 담론이 구성하는 남·여 자아의 상대성

      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 박선경, "해체주의 인식 및서사기법, 몸담론과 여성담론" 박이정출판사 2018

      2 김해옥, "페미니즘이론과한국현대여성소설" 도서출판, 박이정 71-72, 2005

      3 여성문화이론연구소정신분석세미나팀, "페미니즘과정신분석" 도서출판여이연 179-188, 2003

      4 박선경, "지배담론으로 진입하기 위한 몸담론의 기법과 전략 - 몸담론의 새로운 인식론과 글쓰기 방식 2 -" 한국어문학회 (103) : 371-398, 2009

      5 쥬디스 버틀러, "젠더 트러블" 문학동네 118-, 2008

      6 이현재, "장소로서의 몸과 비환원적 물질성" 대한철학회 110 : 123-145, 2009

      7 이부영, "인간과 무의식의 상징" 집문당 1985

      8 이현재, "여성주의적 정체성 개념, 이론 15" 여이연 출판사 38-, 2008

      9 수잔 보르도, "여성의 몸 어떻게 읽을 것인가? : 성의 상품화 그리고 저항의 가능성" 한울 123-, 2001

      10 김혜숙, "여성과 철학" 현실사 41-, 1999

      1 박선경, "해체주의 인식 및서사기법, 몸담론과 여성담론" 박이정출판사 2018

      2 김해옥, "페미니즘이론과한국현대여성소설" 도서출판, 박이정 71-72, 2005

      3 여성문화이론연구소정신분석세미나팀, "페미니즘과정신분석" 도서출판여이연 179-188, 2003

      4 박선경, "지배담론으로 진입하기 위한 몸담론의 기법과 전략 - 몸담론의 새로운 인식론과 글쓰기 방식 2 -" 한국어문학회 (103) : 371-398, 2009

      5 쥬디스 버틀러, "젠더 트러블" 문학동네 118-, 2008

      6 이현재, "장소로서의 몸과 비환원적 물질성" 대한철학회 110 : 123-145, 2009

      7 이부영, "인간과 무의식의 상징" 집문당 1985

      8 이현재, "여성주의적 정체성 개념, 이론 15" 여이연 출판사 38-, 2008

      9 수잔 보르도, "여성의 몸 어떻게 읽을 것인가? : 성의 상품화 그리고 저항의 가능성" 한울 123-, 2001

      10 김혜숙, "여성과 철학" 현실사 41-, 1999

      11 황희숙, "여성과 철학" 철학과 현실사 92-, 1999

      12 조주현, "여성 정체성의 정치학" 또 하나의 문화 127-128, 2000

      13 천운영, "엄마도 아시다시피" 문학과 지성사 2013

      14 질 들뢰즈, 가타리, "앙티 오이디푸스" 민음사 1994

      15 한국여성연구소, "새여성학강의" 동녘출판사 144-, 1999

      16 이부영, "분석심리학 : C. G. Jung의 인간심성론" 일조각 1982

      17 박선경, "본격화하는천운영작가의‘몸주체’의 몸담론" 한국언어문학교육학회 29 :

      18 엘리자베스그로츠, "뫼비우스의띠로서몸" 도서출판여이연 191-, 2001

      19 박선경, "몸담론의 새로운 인식론과 글쓰기 방식" 한국문학이론과비평학회 11 (11): 373-398, 2007

      20 Jane Gallop, "The Daughter’s Seduction: Feminism and Psychoanalysis" Cornell Univ.Press 125-, 1982

      21 Elizabeth Grosz, "Jaques Lacan: A Feminist Introduction, Great Britain" Routledge 174-,

      22 Linda Mcdowell, "Gender, Identity and Place" Minnesota univ. press 34-, 1999


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