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      요한계시록에 나타난 무천년왕국에 대한 해석학적 쟁점(계 20:1-7) = The Hermeneutical Issues of Amillennial Kingdom in the Book of Revelation



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the interpretation of amillennialism mainly based on Revelation 20:1-7 with reference to the inner-contextual relation to the Book of Revelation. Having stated several issues for deciding reality of the mill...

      The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the interpretation of amillennialism mainly based on Revelation 20:1-7 with reference to the inner-contextual relation to the Book of Revelation. Having stated several issues for deciding reality of the millennial kingdom, this paper provides the hermeneutical bases of the amillennial perspectives.
      First of all, Revelation 20:1-7 should be interpreted symbolically, rather than literally. John employs numeral symbols such as 666 for the reality of anti-Christ and 7 for representing the power of the lamb, as well as the Holy Spirit. The chain and abyss should be understood as the metaphor for restrictions of the dragon.
      Secondly, the millennial kingdom begins with the ministry of Christ, including death and resurrection by the first coming of Christ rather than the second coming of Christ. The parousia, which is hardly identified as parousia, may have occurred at the final judgment day(cf. 16:6; 19:11-22; 20:7-10). The Christ event of first coming caused war between the dragon and the church; as well as to establish the kingdom of Christ. On one hand, Revelation 12 depicts the reality of the dragon who fell down by defeat in the cosmological heavenly war. On the other hand, Revelation 20 focuses on the same defeat of thedragon by the metaphor of binding with a big chain and restriction in the abyss.
      Thirdly, the millennial kingdom is the present reality, realized in the life of the church rather than the future reality after the second coming of Christ. The restriction of dragon in the abyss is a signal of millennial kingdom(20:3). There is shockingly no activity of the dragon, except chapter 12, in the Book of Revelation. John sees the present situation of that is reined by the power of Christ and at the same time persecuted by the beasts.
      Fourthly, Revelation 20:1-7, only states that the base of millennial kingdom should be treated as a new unit which redescribes the life of church before the final judgment and saving day by the second coming of Christ. Καὶ εἶδον (and I saw) is a literary device that refers to a switch over of the other aspect of the same visional event. The large context of Revelation 16- 20 shows the recapitulation of the final war between the army of Christ and the dragon(16:6; 19:11-22; 20:7-10). Before the last eschatological battle takes place, the dragon is already put into the temporary prison so called the abyss.
      Fifth, the millennial kingdom manifests the reality of heavenly aspects rather thanearthly aspects. In Revelation 20, the dragon is bound and directly put into the abyss. There is no indication that the millennial kingdom is literally established on the earth. The martyrs who sit on their thrones in the heavenly temple court function as a mirror that shows both the present suffering reality of the earthly church and the future glorious reality of the eternal kingdom.
      Finally, the aorist active verb ἔζησαν(they lived) does not give any clear indication of the general resurrection or bodily resurrection. John only mentions the first resurrection for the life of the martyrs in the heavenly temple. If all human beings participate in the second resurrection as bodily transformation in the eternal kingdom, the first resurrection must be understood as a spiritual or symbolic resurrection appeared in the heavenly vision.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 1. 천년왕국에 대한 해석학적 필요성
      • 2. 천년왕국을 문자적으로, 아니면 상징적으로 해석할 것인가?
      • 3. 천년왕국은 언제 시작되는가?
      • 4. 천년왕국은 미래적 사건인가, 아니면 현재 진행적 사건인가?
      • 5. 천년왕국을 연대기적 진술, 아니면 반복적 진술로 볼 것인가?
      • 1. 천년왕국에 대한 해석학적 필요성
      • 2. 천년왕국을 문자적으로, 아니면 상징적으로 해석할 것인가?
      • 3. 천년왕국은 언제 시작되는가?
      • 4. 천년왕국은 미래적 사건인가, 아니면 현재 진행적 사건인가?
      • 5. 천년왕국을 연대기적 진술, 아니면 반복적 진술로 볼 것인가?
      • 6. 천년왕국이 지상적 또는 천상적 실체인가?
      • 7. 보좌에 앉은 자들이 누구인가?
      • 8. 결론과 제안
      • Abstract

      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 Craig A. Blaising, "전천년왕국론, In 천년왕국이 무엇인가: 천년왕국에 대한 세 가지 관점" 부흥과개혁사 229-, 2011

      2 이필찬, "요한계시록 어떻게 읽을 것인가" 성서 유니온 선교회 256-260, 2000

      3 Aurelius Augustinus, "신국론" 분도출판사 2277-2281, 2004

      4 최갑종, "미래의 지상적 천국왕국 성경적 근거 없다, In 천년왕국, 사실인가 상징인가" 생명의 말씀사 92-94, 1996

      5 박두환, "땅에서 올라온 다른 테리온(계 13:11-19)과 666에 대한 연구" 10 : 220-221, 2003

      6 최갑종, "계시록 20장 1-6절의 해석과 천년왕국설" 한국신약학회 6 : 213-250, 2000

      7 김세윤, "계시록 20:1-7의 위치와 다양한 천년왕국설들" 44 : 197-, 1993

      8 Joachim Jeremias, "ἄβυσσος, In TDNT vol. I" Eerdmans 9-10, 1964

      9 Ray Summers, "Worthy Is the Lamb: An Interpretation of Revelation and the Life Beyond" Broadman 176-, 1959

      10 A. T. Robertson, "Word Pictures in the New Testament: The General Epistle and the Revalation" Baker 248-, 1933

      1 Craig A. Blaising, "전천년왕국론, In 천년왕국이 무엇인가: 천년왕국에 대한 세 가지 관점" 부흥과개혁사 229-, 2011

      2 이필찬, "요한계시록 어떻게 읽을 것인가" 성서 유니온 선교회 256-260, 2000

      3 Aurelius Augustinus, "신국론" 분도출판사 2277-2281, 2004

      4 최갑종, "미래의 지상적 천국왕국 성경적 근거 없다, In 천년왕국, 사실인가 상징인가" 생명의 말씀사 92-94, 1996

      5 박두환, "땅에서 올라온 다른 테리온(계 13:11-19)과 666에 대한 연구" 10 : 220-221, 2003

      6 최갑종, "계시록 20장 1-6절의 해석과 천년왕국설" 한국신약학회 6 : 213-250, 2000

      7 김세윤, "계시록 20:1-7의 위치와 다양한 천년왕국설들" 44 : 197-, 1993

      8 Joachim Jeremias, "ἄβυσσος, In TDNT vol. I" Eerdmans 9-10, 1964

      9 Ray Summers, "Worthy Is the Lamb: An Interpretation of Revelation and the Life Beyond" Broadman 176-, 1959

      10 A. T. Robertson, "Word Pictures in the New Testament: The General Epistle and the Revalation" Baker 248-, 1933

      11 Jay E. Adams, "The Time Is at Hand" Presbyterian and Reformed 7-11, 1970

      12 Michel Gourgues, "The Thousand-Year Reign (Rev 20:1-7): Terrestrial or Celestial?" 47 : 679-681, 1985

      13 Harry R. Boer, "The Reward of the Martyrs: Re-examining Revelation 20" 25 : 9-28, 1975

      14 Stephen S. Smalley, "The Revelation to John: A Commentary on the Greek Text of the Apocalypse" InterVarsity Press 501-, 2005

      15 Leon Morris, "The Revelation of St. John, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries" Eerdmans 234-235, 1984

      16 Sun-Bum Choi, "The Restoration Theme in the Book of Revelation: From Creation to New Creation" The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary 2003

      17 G. Κ. Beale, "The Purpose of Symbolism in the Book of Revelation" 41 : 54-56, 2006

      18 Edward A. McDowell, "The Meaning and Message of the Book of Revelation" Broadman 194-195, 1951

      19 R. C. H. Lenski, "The Interpretation of St. John’s Revelation" The Wartburg Press 583-584, 1943

      20 J. A. du Rand, "The Imagery of the Heavenly Jerusalem (Revelation 21:9-22:5)" 22 : 66-67, 1988

      21 Meredith G. Kline, "The First Resurrection: A Reaffirmation" 39 : 111-113, 1976

      22 Meredith G. Kline, "The First Resurrection" 37 : 370-, 1974

      23 John Wick Bowman, "The First Christian Drama: The Book of Revelation" Westminster Press 1968

      24 G. K. Beale, "The Book of Revelation, NIGTC" Eerdmans 973-, 1999

      25 George R. Beasley-Murray, "The Book of Revelation, NCB" Oliphants 289-292, 1974

      26 Robert H. Mounce, "The Book of Revelation" Eerdmans 360-, 1977

      27 Luther Poellot, "Revelation: The Last Book in the Bible" Concordia 260-202, 1962

      28 M. Eugene Boring, "Revelation, In Interpretation: A Biblical Commentary for Teaching and Preaching" John Knox Press 129-131, 1989

      29 Grant R. Osborne, "Revelation, BECNT" Baker 697-, 2002

      30 James L. Blevins, "Revelation as Drama" Broadman 13-, 1984

      31 James L. Blevins, "Revelation as Drama" Broadman 1984

      32 Ray Summers, "Revelation 20: An Interpretation" 57 : 182-, 1960

      33 G. E. Ladd, "Revelation 20 and the Millenium" 57 : 169-, 1960

      34 George R. Beasley-Murray, "Premillennialism, In Revelation: Three Viewpoints" Broadman 32-33, 1977

      35 William Hendricksen, "More Than Conquerors" Baker 1939

      36 P. E. Hughes, "Interpreting Prophecy" Eerdmans 97-100, 1976

      37 Herbert Weir Smyth, "Greek Grammar" Harvard University Press 543-544, 1956

      38 Vern Sheridan Poythress, "Genre and Hermeneutics in Rev 20:1-7" 36 : 46-54, 1993

      39 Henry Barclay Swete, "Commentary on Revelation" Kregel 266-, 1977

      40 Ibson T. Beckwith, "Beckwith, The Apocalypse of John" Macmillan 739-740, 1919

      41 Anthony A. Hoekema, "Amillennialism, In The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views" InterVarsity Press 159-160, 1977

      42 Herschel H. Hobbs, "Amillennialism, In Revelation: Three Viewpoints" Broadman 32-33, 1977

      43 Andrew J. Bandstra, "A Kingship and Priests: Inaugurated Eschatology in the Apocalypse" 27 : 19-20, 1992

      44 A. T. Robertson, "A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research" Broadman 925-927, 1934

      45 Nigel Turner, "A Grammar of New Testament Greek: Syntax" T&T Clark 110-112, 1963

      46 H. Charles, "A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Revelation of St. John, vol. 1" T. & T. Clark 320-321, 1920

      47 G. B. Caird, "A Commentary on the Revelation of St. John the Divine" Harper & Row 150-151, 1966


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