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      지방대 영문학 전공자를 위한 미국학 교수모형 연구 = A Pedagogical Model of American Studies for English Majors in Local Universities and Colleges



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

        How to redesign the curriculum of university English departments has been the subject of crucial debate in Korean academe. This paper aims to suggest what can be done to redraw the curriculum of English departments especially for education...

        How to redesign the curriculum of university English departments has been the subject of crucial debate in Korean academe. This paper aims to suggest what can be done to redraw the curriculum of English departments especially for education-centered universities and colleges in local areas. Interdisciplinary and de-centralizing measures are suggested as key tools to navigate this pedagogical arena, in which the concept of canon is questioned, and the redrawing and expansion of pedagogical focus is expected.<BR>  This paper explores the possibilities of the incorporation of area studies into the curriculum of the English department. It further explains how "teaching America through American literature" can be a relevant subject in specific Korean contexts of English departments, and how remapping the courses of American literature can answer the issues involved in the Korean students" stereotyped vision of America. The tailored program for English majors can only be constructed on the basis of open-mindedness toward interdisciplinary approaches and pedagogical experiments to trigger the students" academic curiosities and activities.<BR>  The pedagogical design should be constructed with a positive understanding of not only "what to teach" but also "how to teach," This design should include experiments in new media, and a variety of teaching projects which encourages student-reader responses. Research in instructional media, and the methodology that enriches pedagogical practices, by providing rich electronic environments that bring multimedia features into the classroom, including digital archives, electronic resources, electronic forum, and aural and visual texts, needs to be encouraged. Innovations in educational technology, and flexibility in adapting a variety of teaching strategies, open-mindedness toward the practical pedagogical use of technology in the specifically adjusted to the Korean classroom environment, will be the subjects of an ongoing discussion for the future of American Studies and English Departments, in the Korean educational context.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • Ⅰ. 서론 - 문학비평능력과 지역권 이해
        Ⅱ. 영문과와 한국적 미국학
        Ⅲ. 학제적 문학교과목, 탈중심적 교수방법론
        Ⅳ. 결론 - 문학비평능력의 사회적 함축
        인용 문헌
      • Ⅰ. 서론 - 문학비평능력과 지역권 이해
        Ⅱ. 영문과와 한국적 미국학
        Ⅲ. 학제적 문학교과목, 탈중심적 교수방법론
        Ⅳ. 결론 - 문학비평능력의 사회적 함축
        인용 문헌

      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 "한국에서의 미국학: 그 활성화를 위하여, 한국에서의 미국학" 서울: 한국외국어대학교 출판부 123-143, 2005

      2 "한국 중학생, 대학생, 성인의 미국에 대한 인식: 반미감정의 심리 사회 문화적 토대 탐색" 9 (9): 139-178, 2003

      3 "한국 영문학 50년의 반성과 전망" (50) : 3-22, 1995

      4 "지역학으로서 미국학 교육의 가능성" 1-15, 2003

      5 "세계화 시대의 비판적 페다고지: 영어권 문학연구와 문학교육의 이론과 실제" 서울: 생각의 나무 2001

      6 "미국학의 역사 정의 및 이론, 미국학" 서울: 살림, 11-50, 2003

      7 "문화교육을 위한 대학 학문제도의 개혁 방향, 이제, 문화교육이다" 서울: 문학과학사 104-128, 2003

      8 "To touch the Trends, Internationalizing American studies: Perspectives from Hong Kong and Asia"" 36 (36): 42-58, 1996

      9 "The Social Sciences in American Studies" 202-224, 1974

      10 "The Modern Novel in Britain and the United States" Dutton 1964

      1 "한국에서의 미국학: 그 활성화를 위하여, 한국에서의 미국학" 서울: 한국외국어대학교 출판부 123-143, 2005

      2 "한국 중학생, 대학생, 성인의 미국에 대한 인식: 반미감정의 심리 사회 문화적 토대 탐색" 9 (9): 139-178, 2003

      3 "한국 영문학 50년의 반성과 전망" (50) : 3-22, 1995

      4 "지역학으로서 미국학 교육의 가능성" 1-15, 2003

      5 "세계화 시대의 비판적 페다고지: 영어권 문학연구와 문학교육의 이론과 실제" 서울: 생각의 나무 2001

      6 "미국학의 역사 정의 및 이론, 미국학" 서울: 살림, 11-50, 2003

      7 "문화교육을 위한 대학 학문제도의 개혁 방향, 이제, 문화교육이다" 서울: 문학과학사 104-128, 2003

      8 "To touch the Trends, Internationalizing American studies: Perspectives from Hong Kong and Asia"" 36 (36): 42-58, 1996

      9 "The Social Sciences in American Studies" 202-224, 1974

      10 "The Modern Novel in Britain and the United States" Dutton 1964

      11 "The Making of an Oriental Yankee" 1937

      12 "The Grass Roof" Charles Scribner's 1931

      13 "Post-Nationalist American Studies." Berkeley: U of California Press 2000

      14 "Picture Bride" Yale UP 1983

      15 "Paradigm Dramas in American Studies A Cultural and Institutional History of the Movement" 293-337, 1979

      16 "Crossroads of Cultures: The Transnational Turn in American Studies - Presidential Address to the American Studies Association," 57 (57): 17-58, 2005

      17 "21세기에 다시 보는 한국의 영문학 교육" 47 (47): 813-846, 2001

      18 ".The Woman Warrior:Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts" Vintage 1977

      19 ".American Studies in the United States:A Survey of College Programs" Louisiana State UP 1958















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