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    RISS 인기검색어

      KCI등재 SCOPUS

      초산부에서 연령에 따른 분만 및 분만방법의 추세 (1985~1995 년) = The Trends of Delivery Outcomes and Mode by Age Factor in Primiparous Women (1985~1995 years)



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      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      1985년 1월부터 1995년 12월말까지 만 11년간 성애병원 산부인과에 입원하여 분만한 총 18,160예와 초산부를 대상으로 연령에 따른 임상적 고찰을 통해 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 2985~1995년...

      1985년 1월부터 1995년 12월말까지 만 11년간 성애병원 산부인과에 입원하여 분만한 총 18,160예와 초산부를 대상으로 연령에 따른 임상적 고찰을 통해 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다.
      1. 2985~1995년간 초산부의 평균연령은 26.4세였다.
      2. 19세이하의 초산부가 1985년에 0.5%인데 비해 1995년도에는 1.5%로 3배의 증가를 보였다.
      3. 35세이상의 노령초산부는 1985년에 0.9%에서 점차 증가되어 1995년도에는 2.0%로 증가되었고 30세이상 초산부의 변화는 8.1%에서 15.2%로 1.9배의 증가를 보였고, 11년간 제왕절개술 시행율은 별다른 변화가 없었다.
      4. 태위는 두정위가 17,107예(94.2%)이고 둔위가 1,053예(5.8%)였다.
      5. 분만방법은 질식분만이 10,295예(56.7%), 복식분만이 7,865예(43.3%)였다.
      6. 제왕절개술식은 자궁협부, 황절개술이 7,831예로 전체의 99.5%를 차지하였고, 체부종절개술은 13예로 0.2%였다.
      7. 연령별 제왕절개술은 19세이하 24.1%, 20세~24세 38.1%, 25세~29세 42.8%, 30~34세 54.7%, 35세이상 76.4%로 연령이 증가할 수록 제왕절개술 빈도가 증가함을 알 수 있고 10대에 비해 노령초산부에서 제왕절개술 시행율이 약 3배로 많았다.
      8. 제왕절개술의 적응증 중 아두골반 불균형이 59.5%, 둔위가 13.1%, 분만진행의 지연 및 실패가 9.0%, 태아절박증이 6.5%, 임시중독증이 6.4%, 전치태반 2.9%, 쌍태아 2.2%, 태반조기박리 0.4%순이었다.
      결론적으로 최근 증가된 10대 초산부에 대한 성교육 및 예방이 필요하며, 경산부에 비해 증가된 초산부의 노령화에 따른 산과의의 산전관리 및 분만방법의 신중한 선택으로 산모와 태아의 분만관련 위험성을 저하시켜 무분별한 제왕절개술의 시행으로 인한 합병증 및 경제적 부담을 주지 않도록 산과의의 적극적인 자세와 노력이 필요하리라 사료된다.


      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      With the changing life style of women in current society, there is often postponement of childbearing and the pregnancy rate of teenage and elderly mothers is increasing. Thus the impact of maternal age on delivery outcome and mode becomes important...

      With the changing life style of women in current society, there is often postponement of childbearing and the pregnancy rate of teenage and elderly mothers is increasing.
      Thus the impact of maternal age on delivery outcome and mode becomes important.
      This study was carried out retrospectively based on the clinical charts of 18,160 primiparous women who had delivered from January, 1985 to December, 1995 at the department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Sung Ae Hospital.
      The results obtained were as follows;
      1. Total primiparous deliveries were 18,160 cases and the overall incidence of cesarean section was 43.3%.
      2. The mean age of total 18,160 delivered primiparous women was 26.4 years.
      3. In 1985, the rate of primiparous delivery was 0.5% under 19 years and 0.9% over 35 years, this rate rose to 1.5% under 19 years and 2.0% over 35 years in 1995.
      The rate was 1.9 times as high in 1995 as in 1985 for mothers age 35 over and 2 times as high for teenage mother.
      4. 17,107 cases(94.2%) were vertex presentation, 1053 cases(5.8%) were breech presentation.
      5. 10,295 cases(56.7%) delivered vaginally and 7,865 cases(43.3%) abdominally.
      6. In the types of operation, lower segmental transverse incision was the most common (99.5%), and classical section was 0.2% in rate.
      7. According to maternal age distribution, cesarean section rate was 24.1% in under 19 years group, 38.1% in 20~24 years group, 42.8% in 25~29 years group, 54.7% in 30~34 years group, 76.4% in over 35 years group.
      8. The indication for primary cesarean section were cephalopelvic disproportion(59.5%), breech(13.1%), failure to progress in labor(9.0%), fetal distress(6.5%), placenta previa(2.9%), twin(2.2%), placenta abruption(0.4%).
      9. Maternal age was a strong determinant of delivery mode in this study ; the Cesarean rate in women aged$gt;35 years was about three times the rate reported in teenagers.
      In conclusion, delivery outcomes and mode markedly changed for recent 11 years.
      That changes was increment of teenage mothers and elderly mothers.
      There was also an increased frequency of cesarean section rate in the older women.
      Thus maternal age factor is important for delivery outcomes and mode in primiparous women.
      So careful antenatal and intrapartal care should be performed for the older aged pregnant women and teenage mothers.


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