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      최근 독일 경찰교육과정의 내용과 시사점: 신규입직 기본교육과정을 중심으로 = German Police Recruit System and its Entry Level Training Program



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      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      형사사법절차의 개선과 함께 적법절차준수 및 인권보호에 대한 시민들의 기대수준이 증가하고 있다. 이를 효과적으로 충족하기 위해서는 경찰직무의 전문성이 확보되어야 한다. 전문성을 ...

      형사사법절차의 개선과 함께 적법절차준수 및 인권보호에 대한 시민들의 기대수준이 증가하고 있다. 이를 효과적으로 충족하기 위해서는 경찰직무의 전문성이 확보되어야 한다. 전문성을 담보할 수 있는 적절한 인사행정 및 신규입직 교육과정의 내실화(실무 및 이론교육 강화 및 교육기간 확대)가 이루어져야 한다.
      독일은 G7 국가들 가운데, 신규입직 경찰교육에 가장 많이 투자하고 있다. 독일 국민들은 경찰에 대해 높은 신뢰를 갖고 있다. 경찰은 연방 및 16개 州경찰로 분권화된 체제이다. 독일경찰의 입직체계는 중급직(고졸)/상급직(대졸)/고급직(대학원)으로 나뉘어져 있다. 경찰입직 후 승진은 대체로 교육과정 수료와 연계되어 있다. 그래서 순경급 입직자는 대체로 연방/주 경찰학교에서 24-30개월, 경위급은 경찰대학에서 36-45개월 교육과정 (내부승진자+인문계 고졸자)을 그리고 경정급은 (연방)경찰대학원에서 2년제 석사과정 졸업을 기본요건으로 하고 있다.
      경찰교육의 주요 내용은 범죄예방(순찰)분야, 교통통제/예방/사고처리 및 범죄통제/수사분야를 중심으로 다양한 법률학(형법/형사소송법/경찰법/행정법/헌법), 사회과학(사회학/범죄학/심리학/수사학) 및 경찰실무(경비/작전/응급조치/운전/통신/사격) 분야로 이뤄져 있다.
      최근 연방수사경찰(BKA)과 노르트라인-베스트팔렌州를 비롯한 6개주는 경찰대학과정을 통해서 신규입직 경찰관을 전원 경위급(Kommissar)으로만 채용하고 있다. 이를 통하여 전문성을 강화하고, 높은 경위-경감급 경찰관 비율을 유지하고 있다. 이러한 측면에서 독일 경찰의 신규입직 교육제도는 시사점을 제공하고 있다.


      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Currently, the Korean people strongly request fundamental right protection and due process of law in the criminal justice system. To meet these demands, Korean police shall be more professionalized in their work, especially in the criminal investigati...

      Currently, the Korean people strongly request fundamental right protection and due process of law in the criminal justice system. To meet these demands, Korean police shall be more professionalized in their work, especially in the criminal investigation process and crime prevention. Police work can be effectively accomplished through the proper personnel management, improvement of working condition, and highly specialized entry level training program.
      The German police usually puts a great deal of resources in the entry level training course than any other developed countries. Through these police job expertness, specialization and efforts, the German police could have received much more trust from its citizen than other public entities under a recent public survey.
      The German police system is federalized and thus each state has an independent police organization and training program. Each state’s police personnel management policy, including recruitment, promotion and salary shall be decided by the state government’s financial situation and criminal policy issues.
      The German police recruitment policy shall be usually determined by the applicants’ educational backgrounds, for example, whether they have high school diploma, university/college bachelor degrees, or master degrees or not. The entry level training program is strongly connected with the applicants’ academic career.
      According to the German police training program, the field officer candidate who shall be employed as a constable or patrolman(Polizeimeister) must complete 30-month training course at the state or federal police academy. Higher officer candidate, as a lieutenant or inspector level(Polizeikommissar) shall finish 36-month or 45-month bachelor degree course in the state or federal police university’s campus and senior officer candidate, as a superintendent level(Polizeirat) shall mandatorily complete 2-year master degree course at the German police graduate school.
      Generally, the main topic of entry level training course provided at the police academy consists of 3 police basic field work areas, for example, crime prevention skills and tactics, traffic control and accidents prevention, and criminal investigation skills and techniques. For the purpose of mastery of these basic skills in police field work, the candidates shall also learn and master more particular and various subjects, including legal studies(criminal law, constitutional law, and administrative law), social science courses(psychology, sociology, and criminalistics) and police practices (self-defense, operation, arrest skill, shooting, first aid, and driving skill).
      Recently, several states including North Rhine-Westphalia have newly adopted police recruitment policies different from others. These states do not hire constable or patrolman level officers any more. Instead, most of these states’ police officers shall be employed only as lieutenant or inspector level officers through the 36-month or 45-month police university course. It is regarded as a very special measure in police training and personnel management policy. German police experience will be useful for us to deal with similar issues in the future.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      1 "중앙일보 2002년 11월 14일자(유재식 베를린 특파원)"

      2 김렬, "인사행정론" 박영사 2016

      3 임준태, "범죄통제론" 좋은 세상 2003

      4 신현기, "독일경찰대학원의 교육과 연구기능-독일연방공화국의 경찰행정에 관한 교육․재교육․연구중심지" 9 (9): 137-159, 2012

      5 이관희, "독일경찰교육제도에 관한 연구" 한국경찰학회 1 (1): 107-149, 1999

      6 DER SPIEGEL, "“Aktion Augen auf,” GfK-Umfrage(1996): “Welches sind die dringlichsten Probleme, die in Deutschland zu lösen sind?” Nr.46"

      7 "https://www.swr.de/swraktuell/rp/beamtenstaerke-in-rheinland-pfalz–zahl-der-polizisten-leicht-gesunken/-/id=1682/did=18841314/nid=1682/qg1vig/index.html"

      8 "https://www.stepmap.de/karte/polizisten-in-deutschland-nach-bundeslaendern- 2016–1658622"

      9 "https://www.polizei.hessen.de/Karriere/Die-Bewerbung/Einstellungsvoraussetzungen/broker.jsp?uTem=bff71055-b1d–50f1-2860-72700266cb59&uCon=0bf59da2-ed9c-0210-3bfb-912109241c24&uBasVariantCon=11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111 111111"

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      11 "https://www.nwpolice.org/join-nwpd/police-officer/police-academy/"

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      16 "https://www.contra-magazin.com/2017/03/deutsche-vertrauen-am-meisten-der-polizei-am-wenigsten-dem-islam/"

      17 "https://www.bundespolizei.de/Web/DE/05Die-Bundespolizei/03Organisation/03Aka demie/Akademie_node.html"

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      19 "https://www.bka.de/DE/DasBKA/FaktenZahlen/faktenzahlen_node.html;jsessionid= 11BA34B4A027DD7E D7E7 B6D1F3D6AA8A.live0602"

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      21 "https://hfpol.polizei-bw.de/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2017/07/Jb2015HfPol.pdf"

      22 "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrians_in_Germany"

      23 "https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polizeiausbildung_in_Deutschland#cite_note-28"

      24 "https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polizeiausbildung_in_Deutschland#cite_note-28"

      25 "https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polizei_beim_Deutschen_Bundestag"

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      30 "http://www.traumberuf-polizei.de/bl/baden-wuerttemberg/"

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      38 "http://www.bmi.bund.de/cln_012/nn_663020/Internet/Content/Nachrichten/ Pressemitteilungen/2006/11/Programm_zur_Staerkung_der_Inneren_Sicherheit.html"

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      41 Wagner, Lars, "Structures fo the German Police Services(독일경찰제도의 구조와 수사조직)" 125-184, 2017

      42 Bouckaert, G., "Potential for comparative public opinion research in public administration" 71 (71): 229-240, 2005

      43 Bundesministerium des Innern, "Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik 2013"

      44 Bundesministerium des Innern, "Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik 2010"

      45 Landeskriminalamt Rheinland-Pfalz, "Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik (PKS): Tisch- vorlage zur Pressekonferenz am 13.03.2017"

      46 Rupprecht, Rheinhard, "Polizei Lexikon" Krimina-listik Verlag 1995

      47 Mathes, Werner, "Organisierte Kriminalität: Wir stehen vor einem General- angriff" (48) : 194-197, 1996

      48 Hochschule des Bundes fuer oeffentliche Verwaltung, "Modulhandbuch Modu-larisiertes Curriculum fuer den Bachelorstudiengang(B.A.)"

      49 Hochschule fuer Polizei Baden-Wuerttemberg, "Jahresbericht 2015" 2016

      50 Scholler, Heinrich, "Grundzüge des Polizei- und Ord- nungsrechts in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" UTB 1993

      51 Baden-Wuerttemberg, "Die Polizei Baden-Wuerttemberg: Menschen-Daten- Zahlen" 2011

      52 Birkenstock, "Der Masterstudiengang ″Master of Police Administration-PoliceManagement,″ und die Entwicklung der PFA zur Deutschen Hochschule der Polizei" 2005

      53 Bruce D. Wilkerson, "Civilian services -civilian employees for police departments"

      54 Statistisches Bundesamt, "Bildung und Kutur: Studierende an Hochschulen" Statistisches Bundesamt 2013

      55 Bundesministerium des Innern, "Bericht zur Polizeilichen Kirminalstatistik 2016" 2017

      56 경찰청, "2016 경찰백서" 경찰청 2016


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