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1 조문철, "모자반(Sargassum thunbergii)을 이용한 Pb 및 Cr 제거" 한국수산과학회 38 (38): 153-157, 2005
2 Lee,S.S, "of environmental factors on growth and maturity of Sargassum fulvellum(Turner) C. Agardh" Natl. Fish. Univ 1991
3 Green, E.P, "World atlas od seaggrasses. Prepared by the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre" University of California Press 298-, 2003
4 Yoon,Y.H, "Variational characteristics of water quality and chlorophyll a concentration in the northern Kamak bay, southern Korea" 9 : 429-436, 2000
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