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      • 디지털 테크놀로지와 노동의 시·공간적 확장

        신도연 연세대학교 대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 232265

        This thesis examines how white-collar workers in their 20s and 30s engage in labor on mobile messaging applications which dismantle the previous time-space boundary of work. It researches about the discipline and control that make them embody the resulting long hour performance of work, and analyzes how the workers respond to the work-discipline enforced upon them by the instantaneity of mobile messaging. The long hour labor discussed in this thesis which is the work performed on a mobile messenger that blurs the time and space boundaries of communication has emerged as a social problem. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a critical analysis on this issue and to suggest countermeasures. The researcher used in-depth interview, literature review and discourse analysis for the methodology of this thesis. Thirteen Korean office workers in their 20s or 30s, who have high rates of smartphone usage, participated as informants for the in-depth interviews between February and March of 2017. The findings of the research are as follows. First, a mobile messenger functions as a virtual workplace that is an extension of physical work space. It creates the effect of enforcing workers to work through self-censorship regardless of the time and space of work which they initially agreed upon. Workers perform work outside their contractually negotiated hours because communication on the mobile messenger demands immediate action and intimacy. This demand of intimate responses on the mobile messenger is combined with the hierarchical order existing in the workplace to compel workers to perform emotional labor. Second, workers who are subordinated to the extended working hours are reacting to the current labor system by securing their own time and space, which attempts are made through the use of digital technology. Workers whose working hours have been extended through smartphones use the smartphones to engage in activities which are perceived as 'taking rest', such as hobbies or access to information of their interests online. This contradiction results in blurring not only the temporal boundaries but also the spatial boundaries of work and life. Third, the researcher argues that government intervention is needed in the negotiation on work hours and work disciplines between workers and corporations. The workers do not hold equal status as the corporations in negotiating work hours but the labor with ambiguous time-space boundaries continues to be imposed upon them. This situation demands counter-measures prepared at government level. France, which presented institutional measures against expanding working hours through the use of smartphones, decided to prohibit corporations from demanding workers to work outside the working hours based on the "right to disconnect". Germany introduced measures to block company e-mail servers in order to prevent workers from sending or receiving e-mails outside of working hours. The Japanese government is taking measures to the social issue of long working hours as these have caused overwork suicides and deaths. In Korea, a bill introducing the “right to disconnect” was proposed. Korean workers in their 20s and 30s today are experiencing the expansion of working hours which is sustained by the hierarchical order of workplace, and are forced to perform emotional labor. The interface characteristics of mobile messengers contribute to implementing work discipline and control. Workers are responding to this situation by securing private time and newly defining this time. This thesis argues that the issue should be resolved by providing detailed classification in identifying what is working hours and by initiating related measures. 본 논문은 시∙공간적 경계를 해체하는 모바일 메신저 상에서 이루어지는 업무, 이로 인해 장시간 노동의 수행을 내재하게 하는 규율과 통제에 대해 분석한다. 나아가 즉각적 반응을 이용해 강요된 노동 규율에 대한 20-30대 직장인들의 대응을 알아보고자 한다. 본 연구가 다루는 장시간 노동은 소통의 시∙공간적 경계를 해체하는 모바일 메신저 상에서 이루어지는 업무이며 사회적 문제로 부상했다. 이에 대한 비판적인 분석을 진행하고 대응 방안을 제시하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 본 연구를 위해 심층면접과 문헌조사, 담론 분석을 이용했다. 심층면접은 2017년 2월에서 3월 사이에 진행되었으며, 스마트폰 이용률이 높은 한국의 20-30대 사무직 직장인 13명을 대상으로 수행되었고, 이를 통해 도출한 분석은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 모바일 메신저는 물리적 직장 공간의 연장선상에 있는 직장 공간의 역할을 수행하게 한다. 이는 직장인들로 하여금 자기 검열을 통해 지정된 업무의 시∙공간과 무관하게 노동자로서 일하게 하는 효과를 갖는다. 모바일 메신저가 유발하는 즉각성과 친밀성이 커뮤니케이션에 요구되면서 직장인들은 자신이 계약상 협의한 노동 시간 외에도 업무를 수행하고 있다. 또, 친밀성의 표현이 요구되는 모바일 메신저 공간과 직장 내 존재하는 위계질서가 결합되면서, 직장인들은 업무뿐만 아니라 감정 노동의 수행을 강요 받는다. 둘째, 확장되는 노동시간에 예속된 노동자들은 자신 고유의 시간과 공간을 확보하려는 방식으로 현 노동 체제에 대응하고 있으며, 이러한 시도는 디지털 테크놀로지를 통해 이루어지고 있다. 노동시간이 스마트폰을 통해 확장된 상황에서 직장인들은 스마트폰을 이용해 취미나 관심사에 접속하여 휴식을 취한다고 믿게 되고, 이러한 모순성은 일과 생활의 시간적 경계뿐만 아니라 공간적 경계까지 흐려지게 하는 결과를 초래한다. 셋째, 연구자는 노동자와 기업 사이의 노동 시간 및 규율의 협상에 있어 정부가 개입해야 한다고 주장한다. 현재 노동시간의 협상에 있어 기업과 노동자의 관계가 동등하지 못하며, 시∙공간적 경계가 불분명한 노동이 지속되고 있기 때문에 이에 대한 대책의 마련이 정부의 차원에서 이루어져야 한다. 스마트폰의 이용을 통해 노동시간이 확장되는 상황에 대한 제도적 대책을 마련한 프랑스는 ‘연결되지 않을 권리’를 바탕으로 근무 시간이 아닌 시간에 노동하는 것을 노사간 합의 하에 금지하도록 했다. 독일의 경우 근무시간 이외에 메일을 주고 받지 않기 위해 기업의 이메일 서버를 차단하는 대책을 내놓기도 했다. 과로로 인한 자살, 사망사건이 대두되면서 장시간 노동이 사회적 문제로 부각되고 있는 일본의 경우 정부 차원의 대책을 마련하려는 움직임을 보이고 있다. 한국에서는‘연결되지 않을 권리’를 중심으로 하는 법안이 발의되었다. 현재 한국의 20-30대 직장인들은 직장의 위계질서 노동시간의 확장을 경험하며 감정 노동의 수행도 강요 받고 있고, 여기에서 모바일 메신저의 인터페이스적 특성이 노동통제와 규율의 이행을 돕는다. 직장인들은 이러한 상황에 자신의 시간을 확보하고, 새롭게 의마화하는 방식으로 대응하고 있다. 나아가 이 문제는 근로시간의 의미를 세분화하고, 이에 대한 꾸준한 법안의 발의를 통해 개선 되어야 한다.

      • The effect of school violence, harsh parental discipline and child work on the self-esteem of children in Myanmar : 학교폭력, 거친 부모훈육, 아동의 일참여가 미얀마아동의 자아존중감에 미치는 영향: 사이트무웨이마을 아동 중심으로 : an example of Saih-MWE

        Elizabethi 한림대학교 대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 215915

        This study aims to explore the effect of school violence, harsh parental discipline and child work on the self-esteem of children in Myanmar. In addition, the study also aims to look at the bio-psychosocial condition of the children. The subjects of the study comprised of 100 children from the 5th to 7th grade from Saih-Mwe village located near Yangon, the former capital city of Myanmar. The study was based on survey questionnaires conducted at the school from August 25th to August 29th, 2016. Descriptive analysis, T-test, and multiple regression analysis were carried out using SPSS Win 18. The results are as follows Firstly, the description analysis concerning the actual condition of the children shows a high rate in underweight (27%) and school missing incidence (37%) among the children. Access of technology turns out to be extremely low, 73 percent of children had never used a computer however there is a high demand for access to extracurricular activities and educational facilities. Secondly, the multiple regression analysis results show that the children’s experience of school violence had no statistically significant effect on their self-esteem neither did harsh parental discipline. Indeed only when severe discipline methods, which could also be classified as child abuse, are analyzed separately, these discipline methods resulted in having a significant negative effect on self-esteem of children (β= -2.41). Thirdly, child work resulted in having positive effect on the children’s self-esteem (β= .329). The longer the hours the children work, the higher the level of their self-esteem increases. This illustrates that not all work completed by children is bad for them; rather children learn different skills from working. As an implication, this study suggests that child work should not be deemed as something negative, but should be monitored well according to the standards of child labor defined by ILO. For the various bio-psychosocial needs of the children, a welfare center for children is suggested. In addition, two other child service models from Korea are also suggested as examples to assist children in Myanmar.

      • 대기발령의 법적 성격과 정당성에 관한 연구

        노승민 고려대학교 대학원 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 199497

        Employers have the right to unilaterally instruct, that is, personnel rights, even for matters that cannot be included in all of the labor contracts in advance, based on the characteristics of the labor relationship as a continuous bond relationship. Although such personnel rights are generally exercised in an active form, such as specific work orders, depending on the management or business needs of a company, it is sometimes exercised in a passive form that excludes workers from the work being performed. In labor practice, suspension is sometimes exercised as such a passive form of exercise of personnel rights and as a disposition to exclude from the existing work assigned by the employer. However, the meaning of the considerable discretionary power granted by the court for the suspension is arbitrarily interpreted in labor practice, and is used as a disciplinary bypass method by carrying disadvantages inconsistent with the essential purpose and purpose of the standby issuance, or as a means of bypassing dismissal in connection with the due retirement. It is undeniable that it has been abused. This is due to the lack of clarity and systematic judgment standards for the suspension. Based on this awareness of the issue, this paper focused on the determination of the legal nature and legitimacy of the suspension. Suspension can be defined as a temporary or temporary disposition that excludes workers from work under the unilateral direction of the employer for the purpose of smooth relocation of the labor force and prevention of work-related obstacles. This essentially belongs to the realm of personnel rights and is distinct from discipline as punitive sanctions for the purpose of maintaining corporate order. Since the suspension is primarily aimed at protecting the human and material resources of a company, it can be understood as a self-protection measure of the employer. In other words, it is reasonable that the employer also bears the wage risk in that workers perform labor benefits in a form that is changed from the existing work performance method of performing a suspension temporarily. The legal nature of suspension is different from disciplinary action as personnel rights. However, in labor practice, the fundamental reason why the standby order is claimed as a discipline is due to disadvantages. Disciplinary action should be based on agreements, such as employment rules, as sanctions for violations of common order in the workplace. Therefore, as long as the suspension is not stipulated as disciplinary action in the employment rules and collective agreements, the legal nature still belongs to the personnel rights, and if the employer exercises the suspension for the purpose of disadvantage, it can be evaluated as having so-called disciplinary nature. Even if there is, it is difficult to be interpreted as disciplinary action. In the end, the standby order accompanying disadvantages should be treated as a matter of determining the legitimacy of personnel rights. In the legal structure of the contract, the establishment of disadvantages, such as the reason for suspension, the reduction of wages, and the limit of promotion, in accordance with the employment rules, will have legal effect on the contracting party. However, from the viewpoint of the Labor Law, unfavorable personnel dispositions are subject to the rules of the Labor Standards Act. At this time, in terms of the systemicity of Article 23 (1) of the Labor Standards Act, it is not only dismissal, disciplinary action, and change of job, but all disadvantaged personnel disposition. It should be viewed as an exemplary rule to be accepted as an object. Therefore, it can be understood that the standby order accompanying disadvantages is also subject to the control of Article 23. The precedent is a legal rule for determining the legitimacy of a personnel order, suggesting whether it is a violation of the Labor Standards Act or abuse of rights. The justifiable reason should be established, and the criterion for judging the right reason at this time should be viewed as an abuse of right. Therefore, it is reasonable to judge the legitimacy of the suspension on the basis of comparison and bridge between business necessity and disadvantage. The nature of the right is the main purpose of preventing business obstacles. In this respect, whether there is a need for employers to protect the management organization by separating workers from work is understood as the core of the work necessity. The business necessity of such a suspension may be composed differently depending on the type of the suspension. This paper requires a lack of work performance, poor work attitude, criminal prosecution and disciplinary action based on the employment rules of the company. The type of suspension was classified into cases that were made, and based on the analysis and review of cases of suspension such as court decisions and labor committee decisions, the justification criteria for each type were presented. 사용자는 근로관계가 갖는 계속적 채권관계로서의 특성에 기하여 사전에 근로계약에 모두 포함할 수 없는 사항들에 대해서도 일방적으로 지시할 수 있는 권한, 즉 인사권을 갖는다. 이러한 인사권은 구체적인 업무지시 등 적극적인 형태로 행사하는 것이 일반적이지만 기업의 경영상 내지는 업무상 필요에 따라 근로자를 수행 중인 업무로부터 배제하는 소극적 형태로 행사되기도 한다. 노동실무에서는 이러한 소극적 형태의 인사권 행사이자 사용자가 부여한 기존 업무로부터 배제하는 처분으로서 대기발령을 행사하기도 한다. 그러나 대기발령에 대해서 법원이 부여한 상당한 재량권의 의미가 노동실무에서는 자의적으로 해석되어 대기발령의 본질적 취지와 목적에 부합하지 않게 불이익을 수반함으로서 징계 우회적 수단으로 활용되거나 당연퇴직과 연계되어 해고 우회적 수단으로 남용되어 온 점을 부인할 수 없다. 이는 대기발령에 대한 명확성과 체계적 판단기준의 부재에 기인하는 바, 이러한 문제의식에 기초하여 본 논문에서는 대기발령의 법적성질 및 정당성 판단을 중심으로 논의를 전개하였다. 대기발령은 노동력의 원활한 재배치 및 업무상 장애의 예방을 목적으로 사용자의 일방적 지시에 의하여 근로자를 업무로부터 배제하는 일시적․잠정적 처분이라 정의할 수 있다. 이는 본질적으로 인사권의 영역에 속하며, 기업질서 유지를 목적으로 행해지는 징벌적 제재로서의 징계와는 구분된다. 대기발령은 기업의 인적․물적자원의 보호가 주된 목적이므로 이는 사용자의 자기보호적 조치로 이해할 수 있다. 즉 근로자가 잠정적으로 대기명령의 수행이라는 기존의 업무수행 방식과는 변경된 형태로서의 노무급부를 이행한다는 점에서 임금위험 또한 사용자가 부담하는 것이 합당하다. 이러한 관점에서 볼 때, 대기발령은 확정적 인사처분인 전직, 노무급부의 중단 상태인 휴직 그리고 제재 처분으로 행해지는 정직과는 구분된다. 대기발령의 법적 성질은 인사권으로서 징계와는 구분된다. 그러나 노동실무에서 대기발령이 징계로 주장되는 근본적인 이유는 ‘불이익’에 기인한다. 징계는 사업장 내 공동 질서위반에 대한 제재로서 취업규칙 등 협약에 근거해야 한다. 따라서 대기발령이 취업규칙 및 단체협약에 징계로서 규정되지 않는 한, 법적 성질은 여전히 인사권에 속하는 것이고, 만약 사용자가 불이익을 목적으로 대기발령을 행사함으로서 이른바 ‘징계성’을 띠고 있는 것으로 평가될 수 있는 경우에도 징계로 해석되기는 어렵다. 결국 불이익을 수반하는 대기발령은 인사권의 정당성 판단 문제로 다루어져야 한다. 계약법적 구조에서는 취업규칙상 대기발령 사유와 임금의 감액, 승급의 제한 등 불이익의 설정은 계약당사자에게 일응 법적 효력을 발생시킨다. 그러나 노동법의 관점에서 볼 때 불이익한 인사처분은 근로기준법의 규율대상이 되며, 이때 근로기준법 제23조 제1항의 체계성 측면에서 볼 때, 해고, 징계, 전직뿐만 아니라 불이익한 모든 인사처분을 판단의 대상으로 수용하는 예시적 규정으로 보아야 한다. 따라서 불이익을 수반하는 대기발령 또한 제23조의 통제 대상이 되는 것으로 이해할 수 있다. 판례는 인사명령에 대한 정당성 판단 법리로서 근로기준법 위반 및 권리남용 해당 여부를 제시하는 바, 이를 기초로 정당성 판단 기준을 설정한다면, 인사권으로서의 대기발령이 유효하기 위한 전제로서 근기법 제23조에서 요구하는 ‘정당한 이유’를 갖추어야 하며, 이때 정당한 이유를 판단하는 기준은 ‘권리남용’으로 보아야 할 것이다. 따라서 대기발령의 정당성은 업무상 필요성과 생활상 불이익의 비교․교량을 원칙으로 판단하는 것이 합당하다. 대기발령의 본질은 업무상 장애의 방지에 주된 목적이 있다. 이러한 점에서 사용자가 근로자를 업무로부터의 분리함으로써 경영조직을 보호할 필요성이 존재하는지 여부가 업무상 필요성의 핵심으로 이해된다. 이러한 대기발령의 업무상 필요성은 대기발령의 유형에 따라 다르게 구성될 수 있는 바, 본 논문에는 기업의 취업규칙을 토대로 직무수행능력 및 근무성적의 부족, 근무태도의 불량, 형사기소 및 징계의결이 요구된 경우 등으로 대기발령의 유형을 분류하고 법원의 판결 그리고 노동위원회 결정 등 대기발령 사례의 분석 및 검토를 토대로 유형별 정당성 판단기준을 제시하였다. 또한, 생활상 불이익과 관련된 가장 근본적인 쟁점으로서 대기발령을 이유로 한 임금감액의 문제가 발생한다. 대기발령의 본질은 직무에서의 배제이고 이는 일방적인 인사권 행사로서 사용자의 경영상 장애를 예방하기 위한 목적으로 행사된다는 점을 볼 때, 근로자는 여전히 노무제공 의무는 이행되는 것으로 이해된다. 따라서 소정근로를 전제로 한 고정적 임금은 전액 지급되는 것이 마땅하다. 다만, 실질적 업무에 수반되는 변동성 임금 - 직책수당, 상여금, 성과급 등 - 에 대한 합리적 보호 방안으로서 휴업수당 준용의 필요성을 제시하였다. 대기발령은 원칙적으로 그 취지에 따라 일시적으로 행해지는 것이 원칙이므로 기간의 합리성 판단은 대기발령 사유로서 업무상 필요성의 존속여부가 관건이 될 것이다. 인사권의 본질상 대기발령의 정당성 판단에 있어 비록 협의 등 절차 준수 의무가 필수적으로 요구되는 것은 아닐지라도 적어도 근로계약의 당사자에 대한 일방적 업무배제 조치에 대해서는 신의칙상 그 합리적 이유와 기간 명시의 필요성을 제시하였다. 그 밖에 대기발령과 연계된 주요 법적 문제와 관련하여 대기발령에 이은 당연퇴직, 대기발령이 인격권 침해로서 행해지는 경우 직장 내 괴롭힘과 관련된 쟁점 및 실효된 대기발령 기간 중 발생한 법률상의 불이익을 해소하기 위한 구제이익의 필요성을 중심으로 논의하였다.

      • Ecological Influences of Parental Discipline Behaviors and Child Outcomes among Families in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

        Ward, Kaitlin P ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Mich 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 182828

        Children living in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are disproportionately at-risk for failing to meet their developmental potential. Meeting important social, behavioral, and cognitive milestones in childhood sets the stage for healthy development across the lifespan. More research is needed to determine how to leverage the rich population heterogeneity, cultural diversity, and strengths found in LMICs, while reducing risks to child development. Parental discipline behaviors have the potential to both promote and hinder child outcomes across the world. However, relatively little research has examined how parental discipline behaviors interact with contextual factors to predict child outcomes in LMICs. Leaning on family stress and bioecological theories, this dissertation examined how contextual factors (i.e., country, child age, country-level human development, and country-level gender inequality) shaped the associations between aggressive and non-aggressive parental discipline behaviors with child aggression, distraction, and prosocial behavior. Data came from rounds four (2009-2013) and five (2012-2017) of the United Nations Children’s Fund Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys. First, nationally representative prevalence estimates of 11 parental discipline behaviors were estimated across 58 LMICs. Next, Bayesian multilevel logistic regression analyses were conducted to examine the associations between 11 parental discipline behaviors with child outcomes, and whether the strength of these associations varied by country. Finally, traditional frequentist multilevel logistic regression analyses examined whether the associations between parental discipline behaviors and child outcomes varied by child age, country-level human development, and country-level gender inequality. Results suggest that physical aggression, psychological aggression, and taking away privileges were harmful to child developmental outcomes, while verbal reasoning and redirection were helpful. Refraining from physical and psychological aggression were most important in countries with lower human development and higher gender inequality, whereas verbal reasoning and redirection were most important in countries with higher human development and lower gender inequality. Results underscore the need for cross-functional and multilevel interventions in LMICs to promote child socioemotional development.

      • An Analysis of School Connection on Academic Success and Discipline Infractions

        Zuerner, Kelly ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of St. 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 150302

        The importance of establishing positive relationships is a common theme in educational philosophies and recommended practice. Educators inherently believe this to be true. It is assumed relationships are the key to academic and behavioral success, as well as students' social emotional well-being. Furthermore, relationships may even be the key to preventing school violence The word “connection” is so relatable that educators tend to move past how difficult that simple act can be for many students. There are already known barriers that exist for our most vulnerable students but does the lack of connection have an adverse effect on their future success? Do we have any data or research that would suggest that there is a correlation between a student’s sense of belonging in their school community to their academic or behavioral success? The purpose of the study was to investigate whether students who feel connected in their school community do better behaviorally and academically. The study was conducted in a large suburban high school in Illinois over the course of a two-year time frame. One class was identified in order to reduce the number of potential outliers. There are a number of potential barriers to receiving data and providing research that can be applicable to future studies and for review. In order to eliminate the amount of experiential or environmental factors that can contribute to growth and connection, the data was only derived from one graduating class. This particular class had experienced the recent pandemic during their eighth-grade year. Data from the larger group, which is the Class of 2024, was used to look for surface correlations between discipline and involvement in activities or athletics. The data also examined any correlations between enrollment in advanced placement or honors courses and discipline. The larger data was used to see what, if any correlations, existed between high achieving students and those that participate in activities and/or sports and any resulting discipline they had experienced.

      • Understanding the School Social Worker Role in Reducing School Suspensions

        Duran , Lorena ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Azusa Pacific Univ 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 35678

        The adverse outcomes associated with exclusionary discipline resulting in a school-to-prison pipeline has led to school discipline reform in California schools. There is a need to explore effective alternatives that will reduce the use of suspensions and improve student outcomes. School discipline reform in California mandates that disciplinary responses must be developmentally appropriate and address the student’s specific misbehavior. School social workers are equipped to implement culturally sensitive, developmentally appropriate, multi-level approaches to reduce suspensions, but little is known about their role and effectiveness in school discipline. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore how school social workers in California are used to provide alternatives to exclusionary discipline and to assess how school social workers measure the effectiveness of their strategies in reducing future suspensions. The participants in this study were selected using instrumental, multiple case purposive sampling and were recruited from the California Association of School Social Worker’s (CASSW) Google listserv. The 11 participants were individuals employed by a California school district in a position that required a Master’s in Social Work and a Pupil Personnel Services Credential in school social work and whose services were included in their district’s Local Control Accountability Plan. There was representation across California with at least one participant from each of the CASSW regions (Central Valley, Los Angeles, North Bay/San Francisco, Northern California, Sacramento, San Diego, and South Bay/San Jose).Using the conceptual framework of the National School Social Work Practice Model (Frey et al., 2013), this study examined the perspectives and practices of school social workers in supporting frequently disciplined students. The National School Social Work Practice Model is a framework for service provision and to establish consistency in training and practices across the school social work field to ensure practitioners can reach their goal of improving academic and behavioral outcomes for students. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and a content analysis of district Local Control Accountability Plans (for information related to discipline goals and use of school social workers). Data were coded and analyzed using NVivo 12. The responses of the school social workers interviewed confirmed that the National School Social Work Practice Model (Frey et al., 2013) is evident in their work supporting frequently disciplined students. All participants shared examples that illustrated the various ways they use the three practice features to provide an alternative to suspension and get to the root cause of student misbehavior. The themes related to the role of a school social worker in providing alternatives to suspension were (a) school social workers navigate systems for frequently disciplined students; (b) school social workers mediate and represent student voice in schools; (c) school social workers build staff capacity and tackle teacher pushback related to student discipline; (d) school social workers mobilize to shift schools from a punitive to a restorative culture; (e) school social workers facilitate engagement, collaboration, and supports across key stakeholders to reduce suspensions and improve disciplinary practices; and (f) school social workers are building an evidence-based, multi-level, alternative-to-suspension practice toolbox.Evaluating the effectiveness of their work in reducing student suspensions was described by participants as challenging. The modalities described by participants fell into the categories of (a) anecdotal feedback, (b) data, (c) surveys/screeners, and (d) service logs. There were challenges inherent in the evaluation of the services provided to frequently disciplined students due to the existence of multiple, often complicated, levels of intervention needed for each student. Implications for social work practice exist at various practice levels. School social workers can use findings from this study to equip their practice toolbox to better address student misbehavior, fill a coaching/facilitator role in affecting a school’s disciplinary system, and address biases and cultural clashes that might be underscoring discipline disparities at their school site (Welsh & Little, 2018). Implications for school districts include the need to address system-level barriers and the benefit of having staff who operate from an ecological perspective.

      • Unraveling Teacher Implicit Biases: The Role of Student Identities in Patterns of Stereotype Activation for Black and White Teachers

        Patak-Pietrafesa, Michele The Ohio State University ProQuest Dissertations & 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2588

        Racial disproportions in discipline within the U.S. public school system have been documented since the 1970s and continue to grow despite decades of research and intervention. A solid base of research ruling out individual student- and family-level factors as main causes of the racial disproportions has amassed, however, deficit narratives, stereotypes, and biases about students and families of color continue to be documented throughout the literature. Likewise, interventions directing change toward student and family behaviors and claiming to be "race neutral" by applying the same behavioral expectations and discipline decisions across all students, continue to fail at reducing disproportionate discipline outcomes for students from marginalized groups. A large portion of the literature about teachers' perceptions of students also does not accurately account for the intersectional nature of students' multidimensional identities. Further, many studies fail to use analysis methods that accommodate the complexity of school data.Through the lenses of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Critical Disability Studies (DisCrit), the current study aimed to test relationships between various dimensions of student identity (race, gender, disability, and socioeconomic status) and U.S. public elementary school teachers' perceptions of students in areas vulnerable to systemic identity-based stereotypes (student academic capability, effort, oppositionality, aggression, and parent involvement). Specifically, the current study used structural equation modeling with secondary data collected from 1,251 elementary school students and their teachers in a southeastern U.S. state, to test structural relationships between student identities and teacher perceptions across areas vulnerable to stereotypes.Relational patterns between student identities and areas of teacher perception in the study largely mimicked patterns of identity-based stereotypes in society. For example, Black student identity predicted teacher perceptions of lower student effort and parent/caregiver involvement, but higher ratings of student oppositionality and aggression. But not all student identities were equally predictive across all areas of teacher perceptions. Together, student race, gender, disability, and SES accounted for up to 32% of the variance in teacher perceptions of students. Although not statistically different, patterns in perceptions across Black and White teachers did differ in nuanced ways lending support to the argument that teacher perception data should be analyzed in disaggregate form. Future research should include collateral data collected from families and school records to compare teachers' perceptions to actual student data (e.g., student academic achievement, frequency of behavioral infractions, types of infractions, and actual parent/caregiver attendance at school events and involvement behaviors in the home).Continuing to uncover differences in stereotype activation across Black and White teachers in U.S. schools has the potential to move the field away from deficit-based programs that focus intervention solely on student change, and toward the use of teacher focused interventions that build self-awareness and promote individual behavior change.

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