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        아관파천 후(1896~1903) 한국정부의 유학정책

        김기주 호남사학회 2008 역사학연구 Vol.34 No.-

        아관파천으로 들어선 친러정권은 일본유학을 중단시키고 기존의 유학생들을 대폭적으로 귀국시켜 이전정부의 유학정책을 부정하였다. 정부는 1896년 말 慶應義塾과의 유학생파견 계약을 해소하고 관비생 전원을 귀국시키기로 결정하였다. 관비생에게 1897년분까지만 학비를 지급해 주면서 그해까지 귀국할 것을 지시하였다. 동시에 학부모를 통하여 부모의 친병이나 친상을 구실로 귀국을 종용케 하였다. 상당수는 정부의 지시에 따라 자발적으로 귀국하였다. 1897년이 지나자 잔류한 유학생들은 친목회를 중심으로 정부의 조치를 비난하고 자구책을 강구하면서 일본에 남아 공부를 계속하겠다고 결의하였다. 잔류유학생들은 일본정부 및 민간인의 후원과 국내 독립협회 모금운동의 지원에 의해 학업을 계속할 수 있었다. 특히 독립협회의 관심과 지원은 정부로 하여금 일본유학생에 대한 학비 지원을 재개하도록 하는데 기여하였다. 1898년에 들어와 독립협회 등 국내 여론에 부담을 느낀 대한제국 정부는 일본유학생에 대해 방침을 바꾸어 하반기부터 학비를 지원해 주기로 하였다. 그와 함께 매우 혁신적인 해외유학정책을 구상하기까지 하였다. 아울러 다음해 정부예산에 외국유학생 경비도 산정해 놓았다. 그러나 그 계획은 예산과 실천의지의 부족으로 실현되지 못하였다. 1899년부터 예산에 책정된 일본유학생의 학비는 오랫동안 지체되다가 일 년이 훨씬 지난 이듬해 4월이 되어서야 학비가 지원되었다. 그러는 중에도 정부는 20여명의 사비생을 관비생으로 전환하여 충원하기도 하였다. 학비의 지체는 1900년에도 재현되고 1902년까지 이어졌다. 지체된 학비는 1903년 초 유학생에 대한 전면적 소환시 대부분 변제되었다. 정부는 1903년 2월 관비유학생 전원에 대해 소환 지시를 내렸다. 1902년에 드러난 유길준의 쿠데타음모사건에 일본육군사관학교를 졸업한 유학생 출신의 청년장교들이 연루된 때문이었다. 유길준 외에도 일본에 망명하고 있던 박영효․이준용 등 반역자들이 유학생들과 접촉하고 있어서 그들로부터 분리시키기 위해서였다. 25명의 관비생과 4명의 사비 일본육군사관학교 학생을 소환토록 하였으나 대부분은 그대로 남아 학업을 마친 후에 귀국하였다. 일본유학생을 소환하는 한편으로 러시아에 10명의 유학생을 파견하였다. 그리고 영국과 프랑스에도 각 10명씩의 유학생파견이 추진되었으며, 이어서 일본에도 10명의 유학생을 파견하였다. 이는 모두가 고종의 군사력증강책의 일환이었다. 아관파천 이후 한국정부의 유학정책은 이전 갑오개혁기에 친일개화파가 파견해 놓은 유학생에 대한 부정적 인식으로 인해 전반적으로 소극적이었다. 이는 정부의 학비지원에도 영향을 끼쳐 학비가 항상 지체되는 결과를 낳았다. 반역자들과 차단시키려는 정치적 상황과 결부되기도 하여 정책적 일관성을 갖지 못한 면도 있었다. 그러나 서양에 대규모로 유학생을 파견하려는 혁신적이고 원대한 구상도 있었고, 나중에는 군사력증강의 일환으로 서양과 일본에 소수 단위나마 유학생을 파견하였음을 볼 때 정부는 유학생 파견의 필요성을 항상 인식하고 있었고 부국강병책의 중요한 수단으로 삼고 있었음을 알 수 있겠다. 또한 유학생파견을 다국가적인 외교 교섭의 방편으로 활용하고 있었다. The pro-Russian government, which had been established due to Agwan Pacheon (King Gojong's Flight to Russian Legation), stopped studying in Japan, and ordered existing students studying in Japan to return sharply from Japan, and so negated the studying-abroad policy of the previous government. Our government decided to cancel the contract with Gyeong Eung Ui Suk for dispatching students studying in Japan and order all the government students studying in Japan to return from Japan at the end of 1896. Our government paid government students studying in Japan only the school expenses up to 1897, and then ordered those students to return from Japan until such year. At the same time, our government made the students' parents persuade their students to return form Japan in the pretext of their parents' illness or bereavement. Considerably many students returned voluntarily from Japan according to the order of our government. After 1897, around Chin Mok Hoe, the remaining students studying in Japan denounced the measures of our government, and devised self-help measures, and so made their determination to remain studying in Japan continuously. The remaining students studying in Japan could continue to study by the sponsorship of Japanese government and civilians and the support of our domestic Dong Nip Hyeop Hoe's fund-raising campaign. Especially, the interest and support of Dong Nip Hyeop Hoe (Independence Club) helped our government to resume the assistance of school expenses for students studying in Japan in the end. In 1898, our government felt the burden from the domestic public opinion including Dong Nip Hyeop Hoe, and so changed the policy toward students studying in Japan, and then planned to assist school expenses from the latter half of the year. In addition, our government even planned the very innovative policy toward studying abroad. Also, our government appropriated the expense for students studying abroad in the government budget of the next year. However, such plan was not realized owing to the lack of budget and practical will. The school expenses for students studying in Japan, which had been appropriated in government budget from 1899, were delayed for a long time, and then were assisted in March in the next year after even more than one year passed. Meanwhile, our government converted and recruited about 20 students studying in Japan at their own expenses into government students studying in Japan. The delay of school expenses reappeared in 1900, and was continued until 1902. Most of delayed school expenses were repaid when students studying in Japan were recalled in a full-scale way in the beginning of 1903. Our government recalled all the government students in Japan in February, 1903. The reason was that the young military officers from students studying in Japan, who had graduated from the Japan Military Academy, were involved in Yu Gil Jun's coup d'état plot which was revealed in 1902. Besides Yu Gil Jun, the traitors including Park Yeong Hyo and Yi Jun Yong, who were seeking political asylum in Japan, kept in contact with students studying in Japan, and so our government intended to separate these students from such traitors. Our government recalled 25 government students studying in Japan and 4 students studying in the Japan Military Academy at their own expenses. But, most of them remained studying in Japan and so returned from Japan after finishing their studies. Our government recalled students studying in Japan whereas our government dispatched 10 students studying in Russia. And our government promoted dispatching 10 students studying in England and France respectively. And then our government dispatched 10 students studying in Japan. All these policies were a part of King Gojong's policy toward military strength buildup. After Agwan Pacheon, the studying-abroad policy of the Korean government was entirely passive owing to the negative recognition of students studying in Japan, whom the pro-Japa...

      • KCI등재

        메이지(明治) 유신기 일본의 유학생 파견 연구

        김보림 전북사학회 2016 전북사학 Vol.0 No.49

        Japanese students studying abroad in the Meiji period played the important role on the introduction of western knowledge and skills. The dispatching students type of studying abroad in the late Tokukawa divided into two by "who sent the students"; Bakuhu(幕府) or Bun(藩). Chōshū Domain(長州藩) sent students including Hirobumi Ito to England in 1863 and Satsuma Domain(薩摩藩) also dispatched students to England in 1866. On the other hand, There were students went overseas individually like Kusakabe Tarou(日下部太郞). The characteristics and phenomenon of the studying abroad policy can be divided into four periods. The first phase is between 1868 and 1872 when the number of students studying abroad were increasing and the government activity about dispatching students to foreign countries were very aggressive. The second phase is the period that there were restriction of the dispatching students to other countries by the rule, Taejungkwan which the government presented in 1873. The third phase was started in 1875 which 'the Rule on the students studying abroad by the Ministry of Education(文部省) was presented. The last forth phase was the period which the professional students appeared and 'The Rule on the Student studying abroad at government expense' was enacted. In conclusion, the studying abroad policy were supported or restricted through the internal response about the foreign country civilization.

      • KCI등재

        외국인 유학생의 대학생활적응 탐색 척도 개발 및 실태분석: J대학 사례

        최태진,백유미 한국문화융합학회 2019 문화와 융합 Vol.41 No.6

        This study aims to explore the factors that affect the university school life adjustment of foreign students studying abroad. Based on these factors, it also aims to construct a scale that can measure the adjustment levels and examine the variables that affect the said adjustment. For this purpose, a survey was conducted using 129 foreign students studying abroad and 21 professors of such students. Research results show that the maladaptive behaviors or lifestyles of foreign students studying abroad as perceived by professors include life factors such as finance and academic factors such as academic degeneration along with dating and relationship problems. Additionally, the physical and mental health factors (anxiety, depression, etc.) were extracted as sub-factors of the university school life adjustment of these students through literary studies. These sub-factors were categorized into life, academic, physical, and mental health factors. Furthermore, the results of survey in the life, academic, physical, and mental health domains show that the cultural adaptation stress experienced by foreign students studying abroad has a positive correlation with life factors, academic factors, and anxiety. For example, Vietnamese students studying abroad showed high levels of life concerns and academic problems. With respect to physical health, Chinese students studying abroad showed high smoking rates while Vietnamese students studying abroad showed low vaccination rates. Overall, the mental health (e.g. anxiety, depression, etc.) levels were good, but students studying abroad for less than a year experienced relatively higher levels of depression and anxiety. These research results are significant since they provide the base material to improve the effective university life adjustment of foreign students studying abroad.

      • KCI등재

        College students' perceptions of studying abroad and their readiness

        Dian-Fu Chang 서울대학교 교육연구소 2012 Asia Pacific Education Review Vol.13 No.4

        This study aims to determine what college students believe is essential on studying abroad and investigates which programs they prefer for outbound study. The trend of globalization and expansion of higher education have resulted in changes for studying abroad programs in numerous Asian countries. In particular, the overprovided undergraduate and graduate education system in Taiwan raises questions on how college students perceive such outbound study. This paper collected survey data from 219 college students at 2 universities in Taiwan to analyze their opinions and levels of readiness on studying abroad programs. This study applied fuzzy methods to transform the data and interpret the results, and the findings showed that gender and college major influence student perceptions on the importance of studying abroad, as well as their readiness to study abroad. Typically, women exhibit more preparedness for studying abroad than their male counterparts. Following the expansion of higher education in Taiwan, more students are considering studying abroad programs for short-term stay in foreign countries. According to the patterns of perception, this study built fuzzy models to explain the consistency of importance and levels of readiness on studying abroad. The results reveal that fuzzy statistics can be used for proper interpretation of the factors influencing students to study abroad and their readiness.

      • KCI등재

        남경국민정부시기(南京國民政府時期) 재미중국유학생(在美中國留學生)의 실태(實態)와 영향(影響)

        이재령 ( Jae Ryoung Lee ) 중국사학회 2012 中國史硏究 Vol.79 No.-

        This study intends to research external factors of modern Chinese history through examining the actual condition of contemporary Chinese Students Studying in America(CSSAs) for the first half of the 20th century, who were young minds in Chinese to try to take up a positive attitude in overcoming aggression by foreign powers and their internal conflicts. It concretely focuses the whole attention on CSSAs` present or real condition and the influence after their return from abroad during the Nanjing Nationalist Government(NNG). Since the NNG, studying in the United States had increased and it had become the mainstream, especially, after the middle 1930s. This period is largely classified into three categories. Above all, the NNG handled everything that had to do with the study-abroad-system modification and the international student management from June in 1928 to July in 1937. The next period was until August in 1945 and, at the same time, there were the Sino-Japanese War and the Pacific War. In this period, the CSSAs could apparently developed in terms of both quality and quantity. Lastly, the number of students steeply, even explosively increased for two years after the war. In this period, studying in the U.S. was not the actual purpose for learning but the academic flight for each individual safety. The NNG directly supervised to select students studying abroad. It also controlled their courses as well as disciplines. It could contribute to reducing some rash study abroad and gaining greater efficiency. However, it is difficult for students to learn and adopt Western civilization because of the excessive interferences and restrictions. It caused studying overseas to be transmuted into a way of pursuing personal wealth and fame rather than chasing the opportunities for creative and challenging progress. In the ruling period of the NNG, most Chinese students in America acquired diverse modern knowledge and technologies. They, in addition, went through the Western advanced culture for themselves, overcoming a lot of hardships. That is why they were able to transplant and foster modern civilization everywhere, which was especially prominent in the educational, political or governmental, and specialized-job world when they returned to China. Their several new cultures and thoughts derived from the West, precisely America, formed the basis of the modern Chinese. The CSSAs were primarily the upper class and mostly came from the coast of China, while there were very a few students from its interior or border. Furthermore, it made inequitable distribution of social and human resources intensify by settling in some big cities, mainly situated on China`s coast. A study abroad brought about the result of aggravating the imbalance or disharmony between regions and classes and led to another social conflict. Nevertheless, in the first half 1900s, they were a sort of leaders for an intellectual interchange, introducing and accepting Western civilization into China. They also were a kind of agents for the cultural exchange between the East and the West, spreading their valuable experiences through living abroad over their native country.

      • Korean College Students’ Responses on Study Abroad

        Hyeon-sook Kang 한국영어교육연구학회 2008 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.36

        Going abroad to study English is a trend in Korea. The number of people studying abroad from kindergarten children to adults is steadily growing. This study examined Korean college students' ideas and expectations about studying abroad. Three hundred thirty college freshmen participated in this study. The focuses are three-fold: if and why Korean college students want to improve their English, if they want to study English abroad, and what they expect from study abroad. The results showed that they want to improve English to get high test scores in proficiency tests and to get a good job. Also, they want to speak with other English speaking people. The vast majority, 72 percent of the subjects wanted to study abroad. What they expect most from studying abroad is to learn about another culture not to get the better test scores. They hope to increase speaking ability from studying abroad experience not to gain higher test scores. Some pedagogical suggestions were made based on the results of the study.

      • KCI등재

        빅데이터 기반 지능형 유학 매칭 플랫폼 연구

        김진일 한국지식정보기술학회 2019 한국지식정보기술학회 논문지 Vol.14 No.5

        Recently, Asian market for studying abroad is becoming activated. In particular, the number of international students that want to study in Korea is increasing due to the influence of the Korean Wave. International students are changing to the trend of searching for a personalized service that is suitable for them, and they want to receive not only college entrance information but also various information such as information necessary for studying abroad and career information after studying abroad. Now, the Korean study information system provides general information about studying in Korea, including online application, comprehensive study guidebook, college information guide and scholarship system. But it does not provide enough information or convenience for international students. Therefore, international students are provided with the college information they want, and the college solves the problem of attracting and interpreting international students. The guide for studying aborad is at a time when it is necessary to provide customized information to international students and colleges to provide services to each other. In this paper, we design an intelligent studying aboard matching platform based on bigdata that provides services for foreign students who want to study in Korea, colleges that provide educational services, guides for interpreting and admission procedures, visa agency services and learning coordinator and counseling services.

      • KCI등재후보

        Attracting Domestic Students to Study Abroad Programs at Universities

        ( Michael Manning ),( Chad Anderson ) 인천대학교 사회과학연구원 2016 사회과학연구 Vol.8 No.-

        Korea provides one of the largest populations of international students studying in the United States but has fewer international students studying in Korea than domestic students studying abroad. In contrast, higher education in the United States has become more of a priority for international students in recent years. However, as the number of international students studying in the United States has risen, domestic university students have not followed the same pace with roughly 1-2% of domestic students studying abroad in recent years. Recent literature shows that lack of interest is not the main deterrent for domestic students with financial concerns and postponement of graduation being reported as the main issues. The purpose of this study is to: 1) identify what administrators at universities in America and Korea are doing to recruit domestic students for study abroad programs, and 2) determine if the administrative policies of Korean universities are being or should be implemented by American universities to balance the ratio of incoming and outgoing study abroad program students. The administrative differences were analyzed through a series of interviews with International Studies and Program Coordinators from four American and four Korean universities. The interviews focused on the areas of professional training and experience, method of recruitment of domestic students for study abroad programs, and challenges involved in student recruitment. The results from the interviews generated a number of promising suggestions for how American and Korean universities can modify their programs. The discussion and conclusion include specific policy suggestions with implications.

      • KCI등재

        International students' experiences of living temporarily abroad: Sense of belonging toward community well‐being

        Pazil Nur Hafeeza Ahmad,Hashim Intan Hashimah Mohd,Aziya Julia Abyana,Mohd Nasir Nur Farah Wani 한국사회복지학회 2023 Asian Social Work and Policy Review Vol.17 No.1

        This article unveils the voices of the international students of the Universiti Sains Malaysia by exploring their belongingness and community well-being in Malaysia. This study was conducted with 14 international students (seven males and seven females) studying at the Universiti Sains Malaysia for at least a year. A qualitative approach was employed using in-depth case interviews to examine the socio-cultural challenges they experienced while studying abroad. The specific challenges reported among the international students are their well-being in distinct aspects such as physical, mental, and emotional. This study seeks to explore the international students' reliability on conational communities for social support. When achieving belongingness with their conational friends, international students can flourish well in their current community in Malaysia, thus achieving social community well-being although they are far away. Besides maintaining established close friendships, the international students develop a sense of comfort and familiarity by forming new friendships with conational and other international students. Sharing similar backgrounds and nationalities, as well as experiences and struggles, are significant for international students in maintaining close friendships and situational harmony. This study highlighted the meaning behind physical and emotional distance, as well as the situation of “being temporarily abroad” and its relations to intimacy practices and belongingness in close friendships. The results presented in this article contribute to an increasing understanding of international students' challenges and the future of social harmony and community well-being while temporarily living in Malaysia. Correspondingly, as a result of this study, students will be more deferential of cultural differences and cross-cultural sensitivity, which will also help to decrease prejudice and discrimination.

      • KCI등재

        유학목적지 이미지가 지각된 가치, 유학만족 및 추천의도에 미치는 영향*: 몽골인 유학생을 중심으로

        체렝어치르 히식체렝,이상호 (사)한국관광레저학회 2022 관광레저연구 Vol.34 No.2

        This study aims to analyze the structural relationships among destination image of study abroad, perceived value, satisfaction of study abroad, and recommendation intention. The destination image of study abroad consisted of four attributes: educational system, Hallyu, convenience of study abroad, and living environment. The survey was conducted on Mongolian international students who study in South Korea. A total of 320 questionnaires were returned according to the snowball sampling, of which 309 were used for subsequent statistical analysis, excluding 11 of outliers. As a result, the educational system and convenience of study abroad positively influenced perceived value. The living environment positively affected to the satisfaction of study abroad, while the convenience of study abroad negatively affected the satisfaction. The perceived value by international students influenced satisfaction of study abroad, while not the recommendation intention. Based on these results, several strategic implications were proposed to attract and manage potential international students.

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