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      • KCI등재

        성경적 위기 목회상담의 이해와 적용: 욥기서를 중심으로

        김태두 ( Kim Paul Taidoo ) 한국복음주의상담학회 2021 복음과 상담 Vol.29 No.1

        이 연구의 목적은, 욥기서를 중심으로 성경적 관점의 위기상담을 이해하고 목회현장에 적용하기 위함이다. 욥기서에는 테러, 자연재해, 가족의 사망, 건강의 악화, 엄청난 재산적 손실, 부부간의 갈등, 잘못된 상담의 폐해, 외상후 스트레스 장애, 의인의 고난과 악의 문제, 고난의 신비, 하나님의 주권 등을 다루고 있기에 위기목회상담에 필요한 책이다. 연구자는 욥기서를 중심으로 크게 네 가지 면에서 연구하였다. 첫째, 욥의 가족에게 닥친 재난에 대한 배경이해, 둘째, 하나님의 절대주권과 고난에 대한 이해, 셋째, 욥의 세 친구와 엘리후의 위기상담의 효율성, 넷째, 위기 목회 상담학적인 이해와 적용이며, 이에는 1) 공감 능력의 중요성, 2) 정확한 위기 진단과 안내의 중요성, 3) 증인이요 중재자요 대속자 되신 하나님, 4) 회개와 용서 그리고 회복과 치유의 필요성 등이다. 연구방법으로는 본문 전체를 구조분석한 후 관련된 본문들을 주해하고, 성경적 위기목회 상담학적인 관점에서 분석 후 재해석하였다. 연구 결과로는 고난은 하나님의 절대주권 아래 놓여 있는 신비이며, 욥과 같이 성도의 인내가 필요하며, 인류의 중보자요대속자로서 하나님은 회복과 치유를 베푸시는 선하신 하나님이며, 예수 그리스도는 성육신하신 위대하신 상담자 하나님이시란 것이다. The purpose of this research is to apply a biblical perspective and understanding of the book of Job in a pastoral crisis counseling context. Job deals with diverse counseling issues such as disasters, death of family members, health issues, financial loss, marital conflict, poor counseling, PTSD, and struggling to understand God’s sovereignty and the mystery of the suffering of the righteous. The researcher analyzed the entire book, then exegeted passages to apply them in a pastoral crisis counseling context. The researcher then applied the findings to four areas: (1) The Background of Job’s family and their Experience of unexpected disasters. (2) The Understanding of God’s sovereignty and of the Suffering of the righteous. (3) The Efficiency of the crisis counseling of Job’s three friends and Elihu. (4) The Understanding and Application of pastoral crisis counseling. The study also explores the importance of empathy, accurate diagnoses of crises; of God as the Advocate and Redeemer; and of the Necessity of repentance, forgiveness, resilience, and healing. The researcher found that suffering is under God’s sovereignty and that perseverance and faith like that of Job is needed in the midst of the mystery of suffering. The researcher also found that God the Advocate and Redeemer is good and faithful to provide resilience and healing and that Jesus Christ is the eternal Wonderful Counselor.

      • KCI등재

        “우리가 항상 좋은 것을 하나님께로부터 받는데, 악한 것을 또한 받지 못하겠느냐?”(욥 2:10) - 욥기가 말하는 신정론에 대한 성서 신학적 고찰 -

        구자용(Cha-Yong Ku) 한국구약학회 2019 구약논단 Vol.25 No.4

        The problem of theodicy is an important issue to be discussed in the history of human beings over time and space, but it is very difficult to find an appropriate answer for it. Nevertheless, the book of Job discusses the problem of theodicy, especially the suffering of a righteous person, as the most important subject. The book of Job has a frame structure composed of the prose section of the front and back and the poetic section of the middle, which is to clarify the debate on the theodicy. Inside this frame structure is a hermeneutic premise that prevents readers from misunderstanding this subject. In other words, Job is a righteous man, and Job"s suffering is determined by God in the heavenly council. At the same time, in the frame structure an answer is implied to the problem of theodicy. The broad spectrum of the poetic dialogue shows what human nature is and what ideal a man can have in front of God, and it especially examines all kinds of possibilities of a suffering righteous. Although it cannot be said that it is providing the right answer, it can nevertheless recognize the value of being a set of common ideas that mankind can have on the subject. The clear answers and conclusions of the endless discussion are already implied throughout the whole plot, but they are ultimately evident in the utterances of God and in Job’s last confession of 42:1-6. It is that the problem of theodicy is never solved in human knowledge and wisdom. Because the problem of theodicy is the question of God"s work in the human aspect, but the solution can be presented only from God. It is as if this discussion were beyond the wisdom of a two-dimensional human being, and therefore can never be answered here, but can only be solved by expanding the dimension of discussion through the intervention of God as the Creator. It is concluded that human beings can finally achieve the solution of this problem only by acknowledging these facts.

      • KCI등재후보

        욥기 28장의 구조와 기능

        함택 장로회신학대학교 장로회신학대학교 2009 장신논단 Vol.0 No.35

        This paper investigates the two kinds of wisdom being contrary to one another described in the poem of Job 28, “Hymn to Wisdom,” and how the two different ideas of wisdom could be compounded in the poem without discrepancy. The result of this investigation clarifies how Job 28 could contribute to the understanding of the Book of Job. For the purpose of this study, the writer analyzes the literary structure of the poem. The analysis clearly clarifies what the poem intends to convey. To interpret this analysis in relation to the context of the poem is to be a very useful instrument to find out how to unite wisdom outside human ability(vv. 1-27) and wisdom as “fear of God”(v. 28). The literary analysis affirms that the poem consists of four Stanzas in which there are ten Strophes. Strophe 6 and 8 function as refrains, and play a role in making readers’ attention concentrate on the grand proposition of Strophe 9. In the content and structure of the poem, the part from Strophe 1 to 9 (vs. 1-27) can be considered as a faultless poem. However, the author makes Strophe 10(Stanza IV) a conclusion of the whole poem so that it balances with the inaccessibility of wisdom in the previous part and at the same time forms a parallel with the main theme and structure of the whole book of Job. The poem of Job 28, composing the two kinds of wisdom, wisdom acquired and used by only God and wisdom accessible through “fear of God,” into a poem, plays a role in looking out in a lightly different angle the theme of the Book of Job, human inability in dealing with the righteous’ suffering and emphasis on the traditional faith.

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