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      • 양성평등교육을 위한 과학교육의 방향

        장인경 연세대학교 교육대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 248655

        이 연구에서는 과학교육에서의 성차를 해소하고 양성 평등교육을 실현하기 위해 문헌연구를 통한 사례연구를 하고 나름대로의 개선방안들을 몇 가지 정립해 보았다. 본론에서는 양성평등에 관련된 용어들의 정의와 양성평등 교육의 의미를 어디에 둘 것인지 2가지로 나누어 알아보았다. 또한 현재의 일반적인 교육에서의 문제점들을 짚어보고 그의 방향을 제시해 보았고, 교육에 지대한 영향을 미치는 교사의 현 의식구조도 재점검해 보았다. 그 결과 교사양성의 system부터 양성평등교육에 대한 내용이 빠져있었음을 알게 되었다. 이에 과학학습에서 발생되는 성차의 요인을 생물학적, 사회 문화적, 가정적, 교육적 변인으로 나누어 좀 더 자세히 그 문제의 요인들을 짚어보았다. 양성 평등교육의 성차 해소를 위해서 외국에서는 어떻게 노력하고 있는지 외국의 몇몇 연구 프로그램도 참조했다. 아직 양성평등에 대한 인식의 역사가 짧아 많이 연구되어져 있지는 못하지만, 나름대로의 문헌조사를 통해 그 내용을 토대로 결론 부분에 몇몇 방안을 제시해 놓았다. 과학교과라고 해서 반드시 남성들이 뛰어난 재능을 발휘하도록 특징 지워진 학문은 아니다. 단순히 사회 문화적인 여러 요인들에 의해 그리 보여진 것일 뿐이고, 그러한 요인들에 영향을 받은 교수법에 의해 가르쳐 왔기 때문에 불균등한 성취도가 나온 것이다. 앞으로 좀더 양성평등교육에 대해 관심을 갖고 개선방안 및 양성각각의 특성에 따른 교수방법이 계속 이루어져 양성 모두가 높은 균등한 성취결과를 나타내도록 해야 할 것이다. This study has established the concepts of gender gap and gender equity education in science education in two ways through the reviews of literature. current problems of gender gap in general education and science education have been discussed, and some ways to eliminate such gender gap and to realize gender equity education have been suggested. There have not been many studies of gender equity education because the gender gap problems have not been recognized. While man can exhibit his excellent ability in science, such excellence can also be found in woman. People usually think that man is better than woman in science due to social tradition and to education emphasizing man's superiority. Thus, woman's accomplishments in science have not been realized. Continued studies are necessary to find out ways to eliminate gender gap in science education and to realize equal education rights for female.

      • 양성평등 의식 함양을 위한 <홍계월전> 교육 방안 연구

        김민경 동국대학교 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Literature reflects various human lives, and learners internalize various values by learning literature. However, one of the various values, gender equality, is neglected in school educations and is pointed out to reproduce the stereotypical gender roles. This study began with such critical mind, and put a purpose to explore educational methods that would allow learners to cultivate gender equality consciousness through <Honggyewoljeon>. Education on gender equality refers to the cultivation of consciousness that can overthrow the patriarchal society and reconstruct a gender equal society. In order to find out the current state of gender equality education in Korean literature, the transition of literature education curriculum within the Korean literature over a period of time has been examined. The issue of gender equality evidently appears in 2007 revised education curriculum but gradually reduces, and finally in 2015 revised education curriculum, it has become ambiguous. Although the idea of gender equality in 2015 revised education curriculum has become ambiguous, the featured works in literature textbooks were explored based on the potential achievement criteria in addressing the issue of gender equality. As a result, the works featured in literature textbooks generally addresses the problems related to modern society arising from modernization. Furthermore, it is majorly exclusive of modern literature and is difficult to find the classical literature in the content, as it discusses the issues in modern society. Therefore, when revisiting the aspects of featured classical novels in literature textbooks, the classical novels are discussed within the flow of literature history. Consequently, as it was considered to potentially cultivate a gender equality consciousness, <Honggyewoljeon> was chosen among the featured classical novels in literature textbooks, and its elements and contents of the gender equality consciousness were analyzed. In <Honggyewoljeon>, a female protagonist, Gyewol, dresses up as a man and portrays heroic aspects in a patriarchal society. Despite the background being Joseon Dynasty, an era with a proliferated patriarchy, it is a challenge towards the stereotypical gender roles for a female protagonist to dress up as a man. The arising conflicts and the process of resolving these challenges capture mutual understanding and harmony of community in gender inequality. The researcher believed that this would enable learners to cultivate a gender equality consciousness. Based on the content analyzed in <Honggyewoljeon>, a teaching and learning plan was constructed in four sessions. Out of four sessions, a discussion activity was included to enable learners to read <Honggyewoljeon> and individually think about meanings of gender equality. Furthermore, the discussion also allow learners to share different views on the topic while providing a forum for understanding. In addition, by utilizing the media data, the content was organized to enable the learners to think and reflect on the stereotypical gender roles. This study commented on how <Honggyewoljeon> is unequally considered with the sole focus on the flow of literature history, and reconsidered how it could be addressed to cultivate gender equality consciousness. Beginning with this study, by educating the learners with directly exposed issue of gender equality in literature education, hopefully they will be able to achieve a society of gender equality in the future with the correct establishment of gender outlook. Keywords: Classical novel, Community problem, Female hero novel, Gender equality, Gender equality education, Gender inequality, Honggyewoljeon, Literature education, Patriarchy.

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