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      • 在中 韓國 留學生의 大學 生活 實態와 學習 效果에 관한 硏究

        총강자 호서대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        ABSTRACT The study of living condition and learning effect of Korean students in China GANG-ZI CONG Department of public administration, The Gradute School Hoseo University Asan, Korea (Supervised by professor Kyung-Suk Chae) Since the reform and opening up, the Chinese government has paid attention to accept and training foreign students, regarded it as the one of the important content of Chinese diplomatic. Expiring on December 31, 2008, the statistics of the ministry show that there were 223499 foreign students to study in China. Korean students account for 39% of all the students, reaching 87234 , which has attracted our attention. In the 17 years of diplomatic relations between china and Korea, the political, economic and educational exchanges have undergone considerable development. The number of Korean students in Chinahasfullyexplainedtheeducationexchangesbetweenthetwocountries. There are 433 foreign students in ShandongUniversity, including 378 Korean students, 87% of all foreign students. Through the questionnaire survey forms, this paper surveyed 150 students from the basic conditions, living conditions, study condition and the motives of the study. Through the analysis of the effective 121 questionnaire for recycling, we can get the following conclusion. First, The motives of the study. The main purpose of most foreign students is to learn Chinese language, to get a good foundation for employment. Second , The satisfaction of university life. Through the analysis of foreign students in Shandong university,the life satisfaction is up to 3.29 . Especially the humanities and social science college students, the life satisfaction of them is higher than the other college students, because they can communicate with professor face to face, and get the scholarship. Third , The adaptation for university life. By analyzing, the longer they stay in china, the higher adaptation for university life. And due to the language learning ability and differences between men and women, the adaptation for female students is generally higher than male students. Fourth , The communication to the Chinese student. By analyzing, the communication between Korean student and Chinese student is not very active, and the same to the communication to the teacher. This leads to the low effect of learning Chinese. By analyzing the problems and combining the current situation of Shandong university, we can propose the following solutions: First, form the specialized training system to different language ability, and explore the fun way method. Second, promote the students into the Chinese family project, and provide the one-to-one communication platform for the new students with Chinese students. Third, improve the students’ website construction, and provide more information for students. Fourth, set up more scholarship project, and improve the activity of learning. To solving the education and management problems of Korean students, we need school’s, teachers’ and students’ participation. With expanding education communication between the two countries, and with the further standardize management, we believe that all these problems will get a good solution. 摘 要 关于韩国留学生在中国大学生活和学习效果的研究 丛岗滋 湖西大学校 大学院 行政学科 行政学专业 (指导教授 蔡京锡) 在当今知识信息时代,国际教育交流非常活跃。中国改革开放以来,派出了大量学生到国外学习同时也有越来越多的外国学生来华学习。随着来华留学生数量的不断增加,中国越来越重视留学生的教育。根据教育部的统计资料显示,截止2008年12月31日,已有223499名学生在中国学习,其中韩国学生有87234名占到总数的39%。在山东大学威海分校,韩国留学生的数量也有2002年的210名增长到2010年的378名。随着时间的推移,将有越来越多的韩国留学省来华学习。随着来华韩国留学生数量的不断增加,对韩国留学生的系统的教育和指导,将成为重要课题。本文以在山东大学威海分校学习的韩国留学生为研究对象,了解学生的大学生活和学习当中的存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出解决方案。 本文通过调查问卷形式,提出如下问题进行分析研究: 1、研究韩国留学生来中国留学的背景和动机。 2、研究韩国留学生对大学生活的满足度。 3、研究韩国留学生对大学生活的适应度。 4、研究韩国留学生和中国学生的交流程度。 为了解以上研究问题,在韩国留学生当中做了问卷调查,通过问卷调查对韩国留学生的大学生活状况进行了综合分析研究。问卷调查中,共发放调查问卷140份,回收128份,其中有效问卷121份。通过综合分析,得出如下结论: 1、山东大学威海分校的大部分韩国留学生通过别人介绍来留学。大多数留学生来中国留学的目的是学习汉语为就业做准备。通过分析在韩国留学生中普遍需要扩大奖学金的范围和需要更多的就业信息。 2、山东大学威海分校的韩国留学生在大学生活的满足度方面处于中等水平。学生对学习方面满足度较高,而对服务于学生的留学生会满足度低。人文社会系列的学生对知识的活用度要比理工系列的学生要高。通过分析,人文社会系列的学生大多数能与教授直接或间接联系,解答疑问,因而学习效果要好并且能够得到奖学金,因而和其他系列学生相比,满足度要高。同时分析数据,学生对学校关于学生的服务和便利性方面满足度不高。 3、通过对不同系列韩国留学生的大学生活适应度进行分析,学生的大学生活适应度处于中间水平。通过分析,在中国停留的时间越长适应度越高,汉语水平高的要比汉语水平低的适应度要高,说明汉语水平的高低同适应度成正比。同时通过分析,女学生的大学适应度要比男学生要高。 4、通过韩国留学生和中国学生的交流情况分析,全体留学生和中国学生的交流极不活跃。通过分析,不论男学生还是女学生,不论年龄的大小和来华的停留时间的长短,同中国学生的交流程度都处于低下水平。通过与中国学生交流对学业帮助的角度分析,汉语水平处于中等的学生通过交流对汉语学习帮助很大,而对汉语水平低的学生而言则帮助不大。 通过对以上结果的分析,针对这些问题提出以下解决方案: 1、山东大学威海分校的韩国留学生在学校学习当中存在很多困难,特别是语言的问题。针对这问题学校应根据学生的语言水平不仅要进行不同层次的语言教学项目并且要改进教学方法,采取多种形式教学。 2、针对韩国留学生和中国学生的交流问题,要形式韩国学生走进中国家庭的教育项目。特别是对新入校的留学生要提供和中国学生一对一的帮助,这样有助于相互间的交流和提高学习的效果。 3、要进一步规范留学生会的管理,充分发挥留学生会“一切为了学生, 为了学生的一切”的服务宗旨。 4、要进一步扩大留学生奖学金的奖励范围,不仅时学习好的学生拿到奖学金也要使有实践能力的学生拿到奖学金。 中韩建交17年来,中韩经济交流取得很大成绩,文化的交流也非常频繁。希望通过本文的研究,对在华韩国留学生的培养体系进一步完善,使得越来越多的韩国留学生来华深造。

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