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      • 李贄文學思想的實質及其與五四新文學的聯繫

        崔炳學 復旦大學 2000 해외박사

        RANK : 1551

        Li Zhi is a special person with great significance in the history of Chinese literature and thoughts. Most of the new tides of literature appearing in the latter part of the Ming Dynasty were closely connected with him. Representatives like Tang Xian-zu, Yuan Hong-dao, Feng Meng-long and Ling Meng-chu all had a similarity in their thoughts with that of Li Zhi. Some of them even respected him as a mentor. As a result, we consider Li Zhi as the representative of the new tides of literature in the latter part of Ming Dynasty. However, Li Zhi didn't receive enough attention since Emperor QianLong of the Qing Dynasty. It was during and after the May 4 Movement that people turned their eyes again on his thoughts. Scholars like Zhou Zuo-ren came to study the relationship between his literal thoughts and those flourished after May 4. Later researchers took it as an important research topic the influence of Li Zhi over the Later Ming Dynasty and discovered the links between his thoughts and those of the Gong'An School. Such kind of research waned in mainland China since the 50's until the 80's. Similar studies overseas have also been developing but with few significant breakthroughs. Current research of Li Zhi is still only focused on his relationship with the literal thoughts of the later Ming Dynasty. More profound and comprehensive studies on the essence of his thoughts as well as of the Later Ming Dynasty are still unavailable. As to the relation between his literal thoughts and that of the May 4, attention was only paid to the resemblance instead of the difference. So the paramount purpose of this paper is to disclose further the nature of Li's thoughts of literature and thus expaining the thoughts of later Ming. Through such illumination, the difference between Li's thoughts and that of the May 4th will be more clearly manifested. The main content of this paper is to explicate the linkage between the literal thoughts of Li zhi and the New Literature of May 4th. It contains two main parts: first, on the view of "humanity", the nature of his "child's heart" theory will be examined with possible diclosure of its relation with the social development of the later Ming Dynasty. And second, based on the conclusion of the first part, further explanation of the relationship of his literal thoughts and that of the May 4th New Literature will be made. It is my point of view that, Li's "child's heart" theory, based on Confucianism, Budhaism and Taoism, was aimed at the ChengZhu LiXue. The theory has an indispensable internal vitality for any new literal tides, which served as a bridge linking tides of thoughts of later Ming Dynasty and the May 4th New Literature. However, Li's points of view were still restricted by the traditional culture, which led to the discrepancy between them and the New Literature. For example, on the issue of Feudalism, there exist two solutions, the amelioration and the reformation another example is that their comprehension for humanism is also different. These resemblance as well as difference prove that in how tortuous a way the modern conception of the Chinese Literature was born. 이지는 중국문학사 혹은 중국문화사상사를 이해하는 데 열쇠가 되는 중요한 인물이다. 이는 명대 후기에 형성된 새로운 문학조류를 선도한 창작방면의 대표인물인 湯顯祖, 袁宏道, 등蒙初 등이 모두 그 사상경향에 있어 이지와 상통하고 심지어는를 이지를 스승으로 모신 경우도 있으며, 또 그들 외에도 당시의 수많은 사람들이 이지를 매우 추숭했다는 사실에서 확인할 수 있다. 따라서 문학사상의 측면에서 말하자면, 만명문학의 새로운 조류는 사실상 이지를 대표로 한다고 하겠다. 그러나 淸代 乾隆 시기 이후로 이지는 문학사가로부터 중시받지 못하였고, 그후, 五四時期에 이르러서야 다시금 중시를 받게 된다. 오사 이후로 周作人을 대표로 하는 일부 학자들이, 이지의 문학사상과 오사 이후의 문학사상을 연계시켜 연구하기 시작하였는데, 이로부터 관련 학자들이 진일 보하여 이지의 문학사상이 만명문학에 미친 영향을 중요한 연구과제로 삼았으며, 점차 이지의 문학사상과 公安派등의 문학사상의 관련성에 주목하였다, 그러나 이러한 연구추세는 중국 대륙의 경우 50년대 이후로 쇠퇴의 국면에 들었다가, 80년대에 들어서야 재차 주목을 받게 되었으며, 기타 대만과 한국 및 일본, 구미 등의 유관 연구 또한 총체적으로 말해서 커다란 발전은 없었다는 것이 일반적인 관점이다. 고로 목전의 이지에 대한 연구는 보통 그의 문학사상과 만명문학사상의 관계에 대한 검토 수준에 머물러 있으며, 이지 문학사상의 실질 내지 만명문학의 실질에 대해서는 아직까지 비교적 깊이있는 연구가 이루어지지 않고 있다고 생각된다. 더욱이 이지의 문학사상과 요사문학사상 간의 '異同' 문제에 있어서는, 일반적으로 '相同'한 측면에만 주의를 기울일 뿐, 그 '不同'한 측면에 대해서는 아직 심도있는 연구가 출현하지 않고 있다. 따라서 본 연구주제는 상기 문제를 중심 과제로 하며, 이지 문학사상의 실질에 대한 검토와 이를 통한 만명문학의 실질에 대한 검토를 일차 목적으로 삼는다. 그리고 일단계 작업의 기초 위에서 이지 문학사상과 오사문학사상 간의 '不同'한 측면에 검토를 이단계 작업으로 진행한다. 즉 본논문에서 궁극적으로 목적하는 것은, 이지 문학사상의 실질에 대한 검토와 이를 통한 오사신문학과의 연계를 검토하는 것이다. 이를 위해 필자는 두 방면에서 작업을 진행한다. 첫째, 人性論의 각도에서 이지 “童心”說의 실질적인 내함을 살펴보고 아울러 만명사회의 발전 추세와의 관련성을 밝힌다. 둘째, 전항의 논증 결과에 근거하여, 이지 문학사상과 오사 신문학 간의 '異同' 문제를 살펴본다. 결론적으로 이지는를 '儒佛道' 三敎를 융합한 사상기초 위에서 自然人性論의 입장에서 程朱理學에 맞서 “童心”說을 제시한다. 이 학설은 문학의 새로운 조류의 사상적 토대가 필요로 하는 '내재적인 활력'을 내포하고 있으며, 이러한 '내재적인 활력'은 또한 직접적으로 만명사조가 오사신문학에 연결되는데 있어 교량적인 역할을 수행한다. 단지, 이지의 유관 견해가 비록 '미래적인 성분'을 포함하고는 있지만, 그래도 아직 완전하게 전통문화의 범위를 벗어난 것은 아닌 까닭에, 오사신문학과의 관계에 있어서 필연적으로 모종의 차이가 있음을 발견할 수 있다. 예를 들어, 동일하게 封建禮敎에 대해 비판하고 있지만, 이들 간에는 ' 改良'과 '改革' 이라는 함량 차이가 존재하며, 동일하게 인본주의를 출발점으로 하고 있지만, 그 궁극적인 趣向에 있어서는 상이한 모습을 보이고 있다. 그러나 우리는 바로 이러한 '相同'하면서도 '相異' 한 특점을 통해서 中國近代文學觀念의 탄생의 복잡다단한 내막을 강력하게 시사받을 수 있다고 하겠다.

      • 硏究系知識分子群體的國家建設構想及其實踐(1911-32)

        吳炳守 復旦大學 2001 해외박사

        RANK : 1551

        This thesis is to understand the process of China's nation-building during the republican period of 1911-49 by looking at the development of intellectuals' ideas on nation-building and the structure of the 'opinion venue' in which the ideas competed one another. For this end, I tried to make a concrete analysis on the nation-building idea and practice of the intellectuals of the 'research circles'. The legitimacy (or the basis of governing) of a modern nation lies in the protection of happiness and security of the governed not by the transcendent morality or absolute value but by the concrete political behaviour. And the process of nation-building consists of two different processes i.e. the establishment of state apparatus and the making of modern national. Depending on the power of culture, the intellectuals play a very important role in the emergence of modern national, firstly, by interpreting all the changes which occur during the long and complicated process of nation-building and, secondly, by showing the path of right evolution. Therefore, the opinion venue in which various ideas on nation-building compete one another shows well the characteristics of the process of nation-building. This paper is to understand the process of nation-building through the explanation of the role of the intellectuals in it as they were a nucleus of social integration. The terminology of 'research circles' (RC) did not represent a concrete object or concept. It was an abstract one which came out of the 'opinion venue'. It contained three implicit meanings which were all negative and different from one another in mentioning their respective object. Among them the intellectuals of the RC did stand out 梁계超Liang Qi-chao. He dominated the 'opinion venue' on the basis of the power of culture which had been rapidly and broadly formulated after May 4th Movement. Others included 張동선 Zhang Dong-sun, 張君매Zhang Jun-mai, 난公武Lan Gong-Wu, Jiang Fang-zhen and their sympathizers. The intellectuals of the'RC(RCI) were formed as they actively joined the politics in the beginning of the republican era but the origin of the circles could go back to the traditional gentry class in China. Afterwards they established the State Socialist Party and pursued the politics governed by reason, which, in turn, would limit state power through the autonomy of society. Naturally, they were very critical of the rule and its legitimacy of the Nationalist Government. This thesis analyses the changes of their ideas on nation-building and practice over time from the three major perspectives. Firstly, it analyses their thoughts on the relation between state and society, especially on the basis of social integration and legitimacy. Secondly, it pays attention to the dynamic relation between their ideas on nation-building and the 'opinion venue'. Through this, the thesis tries to show that the process of nation-building could be understood as a structural process in which various factors joined in the formation of nation while competing one another. Thirdly, it also tries to look at the issue of their self-consciousness and social role as an intellectual in this process. Further, it shows through their process of politicization how they overcame their traditional gentry class origin and reached a level of universal value. The research results are as follows; The RCI began to form as they had actively spread their political ideas which took shape largely under Yang's influence in the political arena at the beginning of the republican era. Yang strongly advocated the party politics from the start. Yang's political ideas was to put an emphasis upon the role of intellectuals under the condition of China's lack of citizen society in adjusting the conflicting interests among various political forces and checking the Revolutionary and Yuan Shi-kai. He regarded the intellectuals as a representative of social reason armed with political knowledge and morality and a main force of social integration. In other words, the intellectuals should check the state power for politically unmature people, speak for the interest of people through joining the parliamentary politics and guide the opinion of people. To this end the research circles advocated the party politics and the drawing-up of a constitution. However, the Yuan Shi-kai's dictatorship crushed the party politics and, accordingly, the RCIs' political ideas and action had to change. They interpreted the Yuan's dictatorship as both the personalization and the unlimited expansion of state power. Therefore, they made various political moves in order to fight the state power through the gathering of social forces. They advocated a new culture movement to separate morality and literature from politics. And they also maintained to reduce the state power within the administrative arena through cabinet and federation system and to rearrange the governing unit of people to the minimum in which the autonomy of people itself would be possible. Particularly they advocated the coalition of the progressives in order to confront the political collusion of the state power and the reactionaries and endeavored to link the forces of the progressives through the publishment of ChenZhongBao. This provided a basis for Yang, afterwards, to develop his ideas of 'no-party-ism'. However, their political objective was the recovery of a politics based on a constitution and the intellectual was still regarded as a 'wise man' to speak for the interests of unmature people. They started to think the relation between state and society from a new perspective as the parliamentary experiment collapsed in China and the new thoughts from the west began to be accepted after W W I. Particularly they consumed Kantism and Guild Socialism with the background of no legitimacy of regime in China and the advocacy of self-determination, and pursued the formation of ethical citizenship and systemization of social forces of reason. Their ideas were often transformed in a practical level, for instance, into a job-representative system, federationism or cooperationism. They dominated the opinion venue, advocating the coalition of the intellectuals, which was the influence of Kantism. But they only maintained the political awareness of people and the enhancement of autonomy power but failed to realize these as a political means. The intellectuals were merely regarded as a group to instigate and heighten the reason of society. The civil wars between warlords and the rapid development of Nationalist Revolution again made them rethink the importance of state, which was embodied as their establishment of the State Socialist Party in 1932. However, while admitting the leadership of state in the economic development planning, they maintained the reasonization of state through the protection of human rights and the introduction of a constitution. There was no change in their argument that the legitimacy of state came from the guarantee of society autonomy and individual creativeness and that the state power should be limited by reason. Though their establishment of the State Socialist Party had a meaning in folding the intellectuals through a concrete party regulation which used to be loosely connected through a person acquaintance, they failed to develop their party into a mass political body based on citizenship. They solicited many intellectuals who were critical of the Nationalist Party and this became a basis to found the Democratic Political Alliance later. As we can infer from the charateristics of China's nation-building which lacked the experience of a rule under a constitution, their ideas that the state power should be limited by the reason of society did not carry much weight in the real politics. They only succeeded in realization of their political manifesto through the establishment of a political party. The Chinese revolution was accomplished as the peasant class was organised as an army and as the demand by the forces of the reason of society was accepted in a form of manifesto. The destruction of manifesto means the crushing of the forces of the reason of society. The criticism on this goes back to the tradition of the continuous maintenance of the rule under a constitution by the research circles. The ideas and thoughts of the research circles still shed some light on the reality of China which has been looking for the construction of socialist civilization as a social integration since its opening of 1978.

      • 試論文化重建在朝鮮半島統一的地位和作用

        郭德煥 復旦大學 2000 해외박사

        RANK : 1551

        Since Korea lost its sovereignty at the end of the 19th century, the national independence and reunification have been the whole nation' s desire. Both South and North Korea have been making every effort to achieve the reunification in more than 50 years of their history, but the antagonism between South and North Korea has not yet been removed . Although the end of the cold war brought a favourable international environment for their reunification, both sides couldn't make outstanding progresses. From a totally new theoretical angle, this thesis makes a deep analysis about the situation and proposes a fundemental solution. First of all, this thesis explains the causes of the separation in a way quite different from the previous study. It states that there are direct and indirect causes of such a separation. The direct one caused by the cold war has principally dispersed with the ending of the cold war whereas the indirect one caused by the failure of Korean modernization at the end of 19th century still exists. Therefore the separation between South and North Korea has not been basically solved. Then the thesis probes into the cause of modern drive's failure and draws a conclusion that the failure was brought about by the lack of self - reliance in the nation. Only starting from the aspect concerning national self - determination of Korean people, the cardinal way to achieve reunification can be found. That is, restoring self - importance and self - reliance of the nation is the essential prerequisite of the national reunifcation. In other word, the nation which loses confidence in its culture cannot gain motivation -to inherit its cultural heritage and cannot carry on its national undertaking. The thesis states that the only way to restore the self - importance and self - reliance of the nation is the re - establisment of national culture which achieves modern construction as important content. As a reference, the Deng' s thought of Chinese socialism and theory of elementary stage of socialism will affect affirmatively on such idea. At the same time, the Korean modernization in the 21st century should step forward with the development of human culture. For the purpose of achieving its modernization, Korea should create its new national culture by absorbing the essence of both eastern and western culture. On the basis of it, she could establish the self - importance and self - reliance of the nation and cure the physical and spiritual wound caused by the long - lasting disruption, thus accomplishing the culture integration and completely achieving the national unification. The reunification refers to not only that of territory and political system but also that of ideology, economy and society, which will lead to the reunification of true meaning. Based on the deep analysis, the thesis proposes the specific measures of the reunification, to realize the localization of the Korean culture, to construct a society of justice, to enhance the identification of the nation, to execute multilateral diplomacy, to violate antiquated tradition, to strenghten the comprehensive communication between South and North Korea. The re-estabilshment of Korean culture is crucial to the reunification of Korea while the core of the re - establishment lies in restoring the self - reliance of the nation. In addition, the identity of the national culture plays an important role in the accomplishment of the national reunification.

      • b三·四十年代海派都市小說的人物形象演變

        조병환 復旦大學 2000 해외박사

        RANK : 1551

        "해파문학" 연구는 줄곧 중국현대문학 연구에 있어서 하나의 중요한 위치를 차지하고 있다. "해파도시소설"은 도시화와 현대화를 특징으로 하는 문학이며 上海를 대표로 하는 현대화도시의 산물이다. 그것은 20년대 말부터 형성되기 시작하여 30년대에는 번영을 그리고 40년대에 이르러 중국적인 특색을 가미한 새로운 성질의 "해파도시소설"을 탄생시킨다. 그 대표적 작가로 劉눌鷗, 穆時英, 施蟄存, 서알, 張愛玲 등을 들 수 있는데 그들은 서로 다른 시기에 나타난 각자의 작품에 도시생활의 본질을 분명하게 펼쳐 보았으며 특히 영혼 깊숙이 감추어진 감각, 본능, 환각 등의 각종 변태심리와 감각체험을 발굴하였고 또한 서방의 현대주의에 광범하게 유행하고있는 각종 표현형태들을 잘 접목시키고 있다. 그러나 20년대 말에서 40년대에 현대적인 요소를 가미한 많은 도시소설들이 창작되었음에도 불구하고 당시 무산계급혁명문학의 창작 조류에 휩쓸려 "해파도시소설"은 상대적으로 천시되고 소홀히 다루어졌다고 할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 기존의 "해파도시소설"연구가 도시소설의 창작특징이나 예술수법 등에 편중되어 있다는 것과 도시소설의 인물형상 연구가 아직도 초보적 단계이거나 계통적이고 총체적이지 못함을 고려하여 "해파도시소설"의 인물형상연변이란 주제를 가지고 "해파도시소설"의 역사, 문화적 발전 관계 및 시대적 특징, 사람의 가치관, 사유방식, 심미의식 등을 고찰하여 보았다. 제1장에서는 "해파"에 대한 연구상황 등을 소개하고 또한 그에 대한 개념을 정의하였다. 그리고 중국 도시소설의 발전과정 및 "해파도시소설"의 특수한 함의에 대하여 논하였다. 제2장에서는 "해파도시소설"의 선구자이자 강렬한 주관색채로 현대도시문명의 부식과 도시인간성의 변질상황을 드러내 보인 유눌구의 작품을 분석하였다. 제3장에서는 "해파도시소설"의 선풍을 조성시킨 穆時英 작품을 분석하였는데 그가 묘사한 인물들은 병적이고 변태적인 것이며 고독하고 적막하며 또한 비관적이거나 절망적인 것이다. 그리고 인물들은 일종의 초조함과 모순적인 심리가 가득 차 있다. 제4장에서는 施蟄存의 작품을 분석하였는데 그의 소설은 대부분 사람들의 내심세계를 잘 묘사하고 인물들의 변태심리, 감정체험, 이중인격 등을 발굴한다. 특히 그의 소설은 주관정서를 도시인과 향촌인이 결합하는 과도기적 입장에서 현대도시문명과 정통문명 사이에서 충돌하는 인물들을 잘 형상화하고 있다는 것을 특징으로 보고 이를 분석하였다. 제5장에서는 "해파도시소설"의 발전 방향을 철학적 사유방식과 예술적 사유방식으로 발전시킨 서알의 작품 <鬼戀>과 <風蕭蕭>의 인물형상을 분석하였다. 제6장에서는 "孤島時期" 현대도시인의 인성의 일그러짐과 심리변태가 조성한 이기적인 인간상을 냉담하게 잘 묘사한 張愛玲의 작품을 분석하였다. 30'40년대 "해파도시소설"의 인물형상은 이전의 "市民小說" 이나 "市井文學"혹은 20세기 상반기의 "원앙호접파"소설중의 인물형상과는 다르며 또한 "創造社" 작가가 최초로 시험한 낭만주의, 유미주의, 퇴폐주의 형식의 자서전적 도시소설중의 인물형상과는 다르다. 그리고 좌익작가가 묘사한 도시소설중의 인물형상과도 다르다, "해파도시소설"의 현대주의적인 기질은 현대도시생활의 본질을 분명히 나타내 보였으며 도시영혼 깊숙이 숨겨있는 감각, 본능, 환각 및 각종 변태적 심리와 감각체험을 발굴하고 그 위에 서방의 현대주의에 광범하게 유행하고있는 각종 표현형태들을 가미하고 있다.

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