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      • 干潟資源の持續的利用と維持·管理に關する硏究 : 韓國·咸平灣及び日本· 伊万里灣におけるカキの採捕活動の比較分析 = A study on the maintenance, sustainable utilization, and the management of marine resoueces on tidal fiats : acomparative analysis of oys

        이응철 鹿兒島大學 2002 국내박사

        RANK : 1551

        本硏究では, 韓國と日本の干潟生態系におけるカキの採捕活動に焦点を當てて, 兩國の干潟でカキの採捕者を對象に直接觀察法と聞き取り調査を行った. 採浦活動の時間的·空間的構造及び採捕者の性差·年齡差·經驗年數差とその內容について分析し, 兩國における干潟資源の利用形態の相違点と共通性の比較檢討を試딘みた. さらに人間の生業活動の中で採浦文化がもつ意味をも考察した. 本論文によつて明らかにされた知見は. 以下の通りである. 年齡及び經驗年數と採捕量や採捕時間の關係で, 韓國においては年齡と經驗年數による 採捕量に統計上の有意差が見られなかったのに對して, 日本では年齡と經驗年數による採捕時間に統計上の有意差が見られた. 採捕活動日と採捕量や採捕時間の關係では, 兩國において日が經つにつれて採捕量や採捕時間が減少 していく傾向が見られ, 潮汐との關連が示唆された. 韓國と日本における干潟資源の利用形態でもっとも大きな相違点は, 第一に, 採捕活動を行う採捕者と人數である. 韓國では一世帶あたり女性一人だけが採捕に從事するのに對して, 日本では採捕人數に制限がなく家族全員で行う. 卽ち, 干潟資源は, 韓國では採捕人數で, 日本ではカキの採捕量で維持·管理されていることが, 明らかになった. 第二に, 時間的構造でみられる大きな相違点は, 韓國では主に日中の採捕活動であるのに對して, 日本では夜間の採捕活動が主ではることが, そしていずれの場合も朝汐との關連が大きいことが示唆された. また, 空間的構造については, 韓國では採捕場である干潟の現場で力カキの身をむくのに對して, 日本では干潟でとったカキ殼ごとを海上に設置した小屋まで持ち歸り, 小屋でカキ打ちをするという大きな違いがみられた. 第三に, 採捕したカキの販賣方法で, 韓國では個人單位での販賣であるのに對して, 日本では漁業協同組合を通 じた共同販賣を行う点であった. 韓國と日本における干潟資源の利用形態でもっとも顯著な共通性は, 兩國のいずれにおいても採捕活動が村落の共同的組織である漁業協同組合(韓國では 「漁村契」とばれる)を通じて維持·管理されていることである. つまり, 採捕場の選擇や決定から採捕期間や採捕量にいたるまで, 共同的組織による管理が干潟資源の保全及び持續的利用に深くかかわつているのである. さらに兩國の調査地ば, ともに半農半漁的な色彩が强い村落であることと, カキの採捕活動が冬季のあいだ, 農業や漁業に替わる收入源として重要な生業活動の-つになっていることであった. 地域住民が, 干潟のもつ生態的, 文化的, 社會·經濟的價値についていだく高い認識も, 自然環境の保全や傳統文化, ひいては干潟資源の持續的利用と維持·管理に深く寄與 していて, 干潟資源をめぐるヒトの活動系を捉えるには學際的な視座も不可欠であるといえる. 以上のように, 本硏究は日本と韓國の干潟生態系で展開される生業の-つであるカキの採捕活動に注目し, 干潟資源の利用や維持·管理のために不可欠な基礎的かつ점新的な知見を學會に提供した. 同時に, 脆弱な生態系の-つである干潟生態系の保全を圖る上でも重要な示唆と手法を與えてくれた. 今後, 學會, 干潟關連事業とその振興分野での多大な貢獻が期待されるものと, 審査委員會は, 本論文が博士(農學)の學位論文として十分に評價できるものと判定した. A study on the maintenance, sustainable utilization, and the management of marine resources on tidal flats: a Comparative analysis of oyster-gleaning activites in Hampyeong Bay, Koreaa and Imari Bay, Japan Tidal flat ecosystem is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the natural world, and the livelihood of human beings is variously formed by their characteristics. In recent years, the various functions and values of tidal-flats have drawn attention and interests in tidal flat resources. This study focusses on oyster-gleaning activities in the tidal flat ecosystem in Korea and Japan. Direct observations and interview were conducted with people engaged in the activities on the tidal flats in both countries. The spatio-temporal structure of the gleaning activities, as well as the differences in sex, age, years of experience and so on, were analyzed to examine the differences and common characteristics in the utilization of tidal-flat resources between the two countries. What oyster-gleaning culture means to the livelihood of human beings was discussed. Major findings by the author are as follows: In terms of the weight of gleaned oysters and the amount of time spent in gleaning activities, there was no significant correlation observed between age and years of experience in Korea, but it was significant in Japan. In respect to the gleaning date and the amount of time engaged in gleaning activities, there was a tendency for a catch to decrease as days went by suggesting a connection with the tide conditions in both countries. The most major differences in the utilization of tidal flat resources between Korea and Japan are the persons engaged in gleaning activities and the number of them. While only one woman per household engages in oyster-gleaning in Korea, there is no such limitation imposed on the number engaged in Japan. That is to say, while tidal flat resources are maintenance and managed by the number of gleaners in Korea, the same is done by the weight of gleaned oysters in Japan. Secondly, as to the temporal structure, while oyster-gleaning activities are mostly conducted during the daytime in Korea, but in nighttime in Japan. In either country, a significant relationship was suggested between the activities and the tidal conditions. Thirdly, as to the spatial structure, while oysters are shucked at the oyster-gleaning grounds in Korea, the operation is conducted in a hut installed on the sea in Japan. Finally, as for sales routes, while gleaned oysters are sold by the gleaners independently in Korea, they are sold through a fishing association in Japan. One of the major common characteristics in the utilization of tidal-flat resources between Korea and Japan is the fact that, in both countries, fishing associations as local communities are taking the initiative in maintaining and managing oyster-gleaning activities. In other words, their initiative in managing the ground, gleaning time periods of and the weight of the gleaned oysters have a profound connection with the security and sustainable use of the resources. Another feature in common is that, as an alternative source of subsistence activities in winter other than farming or fishing, oyster fishing is one of the important regular vocations for the observed communities where most households are dependent on half-farming and half-fishing. The residents high awareness of the ecological, cultural and economical values that tidal-flats have is also making a great contribution to the preservation of traditional culture and nature as well as the sustainable use, maintenance and management of tidal flat resources. Tidal flat resources and human activities needed to be considered from a comprehensive and interdisciplinary point of view.

      • 酵母抽出物中のシイタケ子實體形成促進物質 : The active constituent in yeast extract for promoting the fruit body formation of lentinula edodes

        신갑균 鹿兒島大學 1999 해외박사

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        본 연구에서는 표고버섯[Lentinula edodes(Berk) Pergler.]의 자실체형성에 관한 기초적 지식을 얻기 위해, 효모추출물중에 함유된 자실체형성 촉진물질을 명확히 하고, 또한 그 촉진작용은 펩톤·글루코스 기본 액체배지(PG배지)을 가지고 검토했다. (1) 효모추출물을 겔 크로마토그래피에 의해 분자량이 다른 Ⅰ~Ⅴ의 다섯 개의 획분으로 분획하여 각 획분의 표고버섯 자실체형성 촉진활성을 PG배지를 가지고 검토했다. 그 결과, 획분Ⅱ의 활성이 가장 높고, 효모추출물과 거의 같은 촉진 효과를 나타내었기 때문에, 먼저 획분Ⅱ에 함유되어 있는 촉진물질에 관해서 검토했다. 촉진활성물질의 효과는 획분Ⅱ을 100배로 희석해도 유지되었지만, 알카리성에 가열처리하면 현저히 감소했다. 효모추출물중에는 알카리에 대해서 불안정한 티아민이 0.58㎎/g 함유되어 있고, 그것의 약 85%가 획분Ⅱ에 유리형으로 존재하는 것을 알았다, 획분Ⅱ중의 티아민을 파무치토를 가지고 선택적으로 제거하면 활성은 소실되고, 역으로 PG배지에 염산티아민만을 첨가하면 자실체가 형성되었다. 이러한 결과, 효모추출물의 획분Ⅱ에 함유되어 있는 표고버섯 자실체 형성 촉진물질은 티아민이라는 것을 알았다. (2) 획분Ⅱ보다 고분자량의 획분에 해당되는 획분Ⅰ에도 전체의 약10%에 상당하는 티아민이 존재하지만, 그 활성은 같은 몰농도의 염산티아민을 첨가한 경우보다도 낮았다. Sephadex G-75을 가지고 검토한 결과, 획분 Ⅰ의 티아민은 단백질과 같이 상당히 넓은 범위에 걸쳐서 검출되었다. 더욱이 프로테아제로 전처리 하면 티아민이 검출되지 않으므로, 획분Ⅰ의 티아민은 여러 종류의 단백질과 결합해서 존재하고 있다고 추정된다. 또한 티아민의 촉진활성은 단백질과의 결합에 의해서 억제되어진다는 것이 명확하게 되었다. (3) 티아민은 표고버섯의 자실체 형성에 대해서 적게는 15㎍/ℓ이상의 농도가 필요로 하다. 한편 배지내의 티아민은 배양의 초기에 균체내로 흡수하지만, 영양균사 성장에 대해서는 1.5㎍~1.5㎎/ℓ의 농도범위에서는 명확한 촉진효과를 나타내지 않았다. 이상의 검토결과 효모추출물에 함유된 표고버섯 자실체 형성 촉진물질의 주체는 티아민이라는 것을 알았다. 또 본 연구에 사용한 표고버섯 균주는 자실체 형성에는 비교적 고농도의 티아민을 요구하지만, 영양세대의 균사성장을 위해서는 미량의 티아민밖에 요구하지 않는다는 것이 명확하게 되었다.

      • 漁船雜音 がマアジ漁群ぼ及ぼす影響に關する基礎的硏究

        정용진 鹿兒島大學 1998 해외박사

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        어선에서 방사되는 수중잡음에 의거 어군이 도피행동을 취하는 것이 알려지고 있다. 본 연구는 2해역에서의 해양중의 주위잡음과 소형 트로올어선 1척(가변피치 프로펠러선: A선), 선망어선 4척(고정피치 프로펠러선: 망선 B, 등선 C, 운반 D, 등선 E)의 방사잡음을 수록하고, 음압해석 및 주파수분석을 실시하여 음향특성을 분명히 하였다. 또한 고기의 청각특성으로서 전갱이의 청각역치를 측정하였다. 그리고 전갱이의 청각역치와 어선의 방사잡음과를 관련시켜 전갱이의 도피행동에 대해서 검토하고, 다음과 같은결과를 얻었다. 1. 정선시 프로펠러에 의한 잡음이 없는 경우의 방사잡음은, A선에서는 600 rpm에서 10 ㎐1100 rpm 에서 20 ㎐ 를 기본파로 하는 고조파의 선 스펙트럼 성분을 볼 수 있었다. 또한 발전기도 동시에 운전한 경우, 특히 주기 회전수와 발전기 회전수와의 비가 약 2 : 3이되는 경우, 20 ㎐ 와 30 ㎐를 기본파로 하는 고조파 성분이 서로 중첩되었다. E선에서는, 600 rpm 에서 10 ㎐를 기본파로 하는 고조파를 볼 수 있어, A선과 유사 하였지마, 방사잡음 스펙트럼은 저주파측으로 변위한 패턴이었다. 2. 항주시의 방사잡음은, 주기·발전기의 출력 및 회전수에 의거 특징 지울 수 있는 전기 기본파와 그 고조파의 선 스펙트럼 성분에 덧부쳐, Full 항주시에는 50 ㎐ ∼200 ㎐ 의 사이에, 후진시에는 50 ㎐ 이상의 주파수대에 프로펠러 캬피테이션에 의한 연속 스펙트럼성분이 더해졌다. 가변피치 프로펠러선에서는, 저속시에서도 고속시와 동레벨의 방사잡음을 방출하고, 프로펠러 잡음의 레벨가 선속에 따라서 달랐다. 고정피치 프로펠러선에서는, 선석의 다름에 의거 주파수 특성, 음압레벨 모두 크게 변화하고, 선속이 빠르게되면 방사잡음의 레벨도 크게 되었다. 3. 전갱이는 실험한 70 ㎐∼300 ㎐의 자극음에 대하여 지각 가능하였다. 음원이 등방향에 있을 때, 실험한 주파수의 가장 낮은 70 ㎐에서 청각역치는 104.5 dB로 최대가 되고, 주파수가 높게됨에 따라 청각역치는 적어지는 경향을 볼 수 있고, 1500 ㎐에서 75dB로 최소를 나타내었다. 음원이 공시어의 측면방향에 있을 때, 청각역치는 1000 ㎐에서 80.9 dB로 최소를 나타내고, 3000 ㎐까지 켜지는 경향을 나타내었다. 4. 어선 어업에서 문제가 되는 것은, 어선에서 발생하는 잡음에 의거 어군이 도피행동을 개시하는 거리이다. 전갱이에 대한 위협레벨은 144 dB 이상으로 추정되었다. 과거 도피행동은 음압레벨과 관련해서 논해져왔지만, 음절·음색등 음압레벨 이외의 요인도 영향할 수 있는 가능성을 지적 하였다. 고기의 청각특성은 아직도 불명한 점이 많기 때문에, 보다많은 데타를 축적함과 동시에 어선 및 조업형태에 의한 해중에의 방사잡음과를 관련시켜, 어군의 도피행동에 대하여 검토를 더해갈 필요가 있다.

      • 淺海干潟域における底質の擧動に關する硏究 : Study on the behavior of sediments and fluid muds in the tidal flat region of the shallow sea

        박종화 鹿兒島大學 1995 해외박사

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        본 학위 논문에서 수행한 연구내용의 개요는 다음과 같이 크게 두가지로 분류되어진다. 첫째, 淺海干潟域의 환경, 생태계 및 어업활동의 생산성에 영향을 미치는 底質의 擧動에 관해 실험적, 해석적 규명에 목적을 두었다. 특히 간석지의 형성 및 소멸과정과 밀접한 관계에 있는 靜止海水中 懸濁물질(SS)의 界面沈降特性 및 정지해수중에 침강, 堆積한 저질의 유동특성에 관해 검토 고찰했다. 먼저 실험을 통한 현상의 검증방법으로, 계명침강특성에 관해서는 천해간석역의 평균수심에 해당하는 높이 (2m)의 沈降筒을 사용해, 저질의 종류, 초기 현탁농도, 해수의 염분농도와 침강특성과의 관련성에 관해 실내실험을 통해 명확히 했다. 또한, 유동특성에 관해서는 침강통에 침강, 퇴적한 저질을 사용하여, 실제의 천해간석역의 海況에 부합하는 조건을 설정하여 실내실험을 행 했다. 저질의 종류, 초기 현탁농도, 해수의 염분농도를 변화시켜 행한 실험 결과와 降伏値 및 점도로 대표되는 유동특성치를 추정하고, 그 유효성을 현 장관측데이타와 비교하고 검증했다. 본 연구에서 얻어낸 연구성과는 低 Rey- nolds 數域 현탁물질(SS)의 계면침강속도식을 제시했다는 점으로, 이론식과 실험치를 비교한 결과, 양자간에는 좋은 일치관계가 있어 이 식의 유효성이 검증되었다. 또한, 현탁물질(SS) 및 저질의 이동기인이 되는 저질의 강복치 및 점도를 파악함으로써 물질(底質)이동 발생기구의 일단을 명확히 했다. 둘째, 淺海沿岸域의 환경(수질환경), 생태계, 수산 및 농업생산활동 등에 큰 영향을 미치고 있는 탁도분포에 관해, 인공위성 Landsat-5호 TM Data 를 이용하여 계측하고, 예측하는 방법확립에 목적을 두었다. 해석방법은 현지관측에서 얻어진 탁도 및 해면반사 스펙트럼과 Landsat-5호TM Data를 이용하여 얻어진 탁도 및 해면반사 스텍트럼 특성과의 관련성에 관해 검토했다. 더하여 TM Data에 포함된 Path radiance 특성, TM Data의 대 기보정법과 이 Data에 의한 탁도분포 계측법에 관해서 검토, 고찰했다. 본 연구에서 도출한 연구성과는 연안역의 Path radiance 에 상당하는 TM band 5의 輝度와 Path radiance의 파장의존성을 이용한 간편한 대기보정법을 제시했다. 여기서 TM band 3 휘도와 band 2 휘도와의 비는, 탁도와의 회귀식 에 의해 대상해역의 탁도분포는 정도높게 구할 수 있었다. 본 연구에서 얻어진 연구성과는 수시로 변화하는 간석지를 포함한 연안해역ㅁ치 간처배후지의 물질순환과 이 지역의 환경 및 생태계의 변화의 파악 및 예측의 기초자료로 유용하다고 추론됨.

      • 浮沈式海洋構造物の人工魚礁機能に關する硏究

        홍성완 鹿兒島大學 1997 해외박사

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        인공어초는 연안어장조성의 유효한 수단으로써, 일본 각지에 설치되고 있다. 한편, 부침식 해양구조물을 이용한 부어초의 발상은 만새기 부침어업에서 기인되었고, 부어초의 집어효과는 널리 알려지고 있다. 일반적으로 부어초는 어장조성해역을 입체적으로 확대하고자 하는 것이고, 표·중층 어류의 유도, 위집 및 체류를 목적으로 설치하고 있다. 본 연구에 이용된 대형 부침식 인공해양구조물은 선반을 갖고 있는 강제형 해중구조물로써, 이와데현과 해양과학기술센타가 주체로 파랑이 심한 해역에서도 설치가능한 시설물의 개발에 착수하여, 1996년 부침식 인공해저라고 명명한 해양구조물을 제작하였다. 우선, 인공해저의 구조는 기계실, 해저면(종 36cm, 횡 20cm)과 부상시에 인공해저의 안정성을 유지하기 위한 밸런스웨이트로 이루어졌다. 해저면은 통상 수심 7m층에 오도록 설계되었으며, 센타뱅크의 해수를 배수하여 인공해저를 수면에 부상시키게 된다. 본 시설물의 설치 후, 인공해저의 성능파악 및 이용을 목적으로 몇가지의 조사연구를 실시했다. 본 연구의 목적은 인공해저 주변에 위집한 어류의 분포구조를 통해 위집기구 및 어군량 추정을 정량적으로 파악하는 기법을 개발하고자 했다. 조사방법으로는 어군탐지기, 잠수관찰 및 수중카메라를 이용하여 어군행동을 계측하였으며, 조사기간 동안에 메모리 전자유속계를 해저면의 하단에 설치하여, 해황상태를 연속적으로 계측하였다. 우선, 어탐항주조사 결과, 어군분포의 일주기 변화는 주간에 인공해저 주변의 저층에 분포했던 표적강도(TS)가 -41~-38dB인 고등어 어군이, 야간에는 인공해저와 관계없이 전해역의 표층부근에 분산형태를 보였다. 한편, 고등어의 TS치는 -44~-38dB로 나타나 고등어 1kg당의 TS를 -29dB(주파수 50kHz)로 하면, 어체중은 약 80~160g로 추정되었다. 잠수관찰에 의해 어군의 행동패턴을 보면, 돌돔과 돔감펭 볼락의 유어는 인공어초와 밀접한 관계를 갖고 있었으나, 회유성 어종인 전갱이는 일시적으로 체류하는 경향을 보였다. 인공해저 주변해역을 대상으로 어군량 추정은 프린터 용지에 나타난 에코를 컴퓨터로 화상처리시켜 단위면적당의 어군 점유면적을 산출하였다. 이 기법은 일단 어군탐지기에서 얻어진 데이터 해석도 가능하다고 판단되었다. 이상으로 어류의 위집상황 및 인공해저의 구조 등을 고려해 볼 때 부어초적 시설물인 인공해저는 치어 및 유어의 보호육성장으로 충분한 어초기능을 갖고 있다고 판단되었다. 한편, 본 연구에 이용된 인공해저는 세계적으로 유일한 구조물로써, 앞으로 해상양식 및 해상관측 시스템 활용에 유효적이라고 판단되며, 어류행동 및 생태연구에도 손쉽게 관찰할 수 있는 구조를 갖고 있어, 인공어초의 위집기구 해명에 많은 도움이 되리라 생각된다. The pernnial tension between tradition and transformation as the purpose of religious education has existed throughout history but it was George Allbert Coe who articulated this tension with his question, "Shall the primary purpose of Christian education be to hand on a religion, or to create a new worid?" This study ezamines historical understandings of the tension and explores the ways in which twentieth century religious educators, especially Coe, C. Ellis Nelson, John Westerfoff, Sara Little, and Mary Boys, handled both the tension between tradition and transformation as purpose, and the tension betweensocialization and teaching as process/method. The purpose of this dissertation is to lay a for understanding these tensions, a foundation we can use to bulid educational theories. In the early 20th century, Coe dichotomized tradition and transformation as the purpose of religious education, pursuing transformation over tradition. However, in developing a theory whose aim wae the creation of a new world he maintained a balance between socialization and intentional teaching as process. In the mid 20th century, exponents of the Christian education mivement attempted to recover the tradition element they thought had been lost to the emphasis on transformation. For this movement, recovering tradition meant finding a suitable theology onwhich to base "Christian" education. In the late 20th century, sa society and culture became more diverse, secular and pluralistic, Nelson and Little shared the same purpose : transformation of society through tradition, while advocating different processes. Both are responding to Dwayne Huebner's question'"... is education in a religious community necessary or is living with others inherent1y educational?' At the close of the 20th century, the overrding question is, "how can we transform this dysfunctional society?" In response to this question some contemporary theories will be introduced. In conclusion, this study suggests that dichotomy between handing on tradition and transformation as a purpose for religious education is a false dichotomy. While distinctive, neither is complete without the other. The same is true with socialization and teaching as process. We must overcome the dichotomy of either/or, and embrace the tension of both/and.

      • 水田放飼した合鴨による接觸刺激ならびに中耕濁水が手稻生産に及ぼす影響

        高秉大 鹿兒島大學 2002 해외박사

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        合鴨農法は水田生態系內での稻作と畜産の有機的結合により無農藥の水稻生産が可能であり, その技術的效果についても除草, 驅蟲ならびに肥料效果等について明らかにされてきている. しかしながら, 合鴨の水稻への接촉刺激ならびに中耕濁水效果については, その實驗手法の難しかしながら, 未だた科學的な裏づけはなされていなかつた. 本論文は, 合鴨による水田內での水稻への接촉刺激ならびに中耕濁水が水田環境ならびに水稻生産に及ぼす效果について. その實驗手法に創意工夫を응らし, 3年間にわたる反復試驗により再現性の高い實증を試みたものである. 得られた成果は以下のとおりである. 1. 合鴨の接觸촉刺激が稻生育と收量に及ぼす影響 合鴨による接촉刺激は水稻の草丈の伸長生長を著しく抑制するが, 有效莖數, 葉面積の增加ならびに根張りの促進が示唆された. また, 下位部間の直經および稈の挫折抵抗力を大きくし, 倒伏輕減效果が示唆された. さらに1株穗數, 登熟步合および反當たりの靑精인收量は增加することが明らかとなった. なお, 合鴨の接촉刺激による生長抑制の一因が生長ホルモンであるエチレンガ關與しているものと推察きれるが, 實驗圍場での本體の測定が難しく, 今後の檢討課題である. 2. 合鴨の中耕濁水が水田環境に及ぼす影響 合の中耕濁水により潛漑水のpHは平均7.4前後で推移し, 稻生育の適正範圍內にあり, 溶存酸素濃度は合鴨放飼初期に一時增加するが, その後水稻の生育が進むにつれて急速に減少した. 浮遊物質濃度は合鴨放飼期間中邊化しないことが示唆きれた. なお灌漑水中のアンモニア態窒素およびリン酸濃度は低下することが示唆された. 3. 合鴨の中耕濁水が稻生育および收量に及ぼす影響 合鴨の中耕濁水は水稻の草丈および下位節間の伸長生長を著しく促進するが, 有效莖數は增加させないことが明らかとなった. また, 稻地上部と根の乾物重量は增加し, 稈長, 穗長は長くなり, 出穗後の稻生育を促進させた. 稈の直徑と挫折抵抗力は增加したが, 倒伏輕減效果は認められなかった. 1穗○花數, 登熟步合および千粒重は著しく增加し, 最終的には稻收量の增加をもたらすことが明らかにされた. 本論文は合鴨農法の技術的效果の中で, 未だに科學的な裏づけがなされていなかった合鴨の接촉刺激ならびに中耕濁水效果について, 3年間にわたる周到な反復試驗により初めて解明したものであり, 今後の環境調和型農業としての合鴨農法の普及推進に寄與するところ大であり, 學位論文として十分な價値を有するものと認められた. Major positive effects of integrated rice and duck farming system include weeding, pest control, manuring, physical stimulation to a rice plant, and intertillage and muddying by the animals. Some reports on the advantageous effects of weeding, pest control and manuring are available, whereas, there have been little scientific and clear findings in regard to the effects of the physical stimulation, intentillage and muddying by free-ranging Aigaamo ducks. Therefore, this study was undertaken to determine the influence of physical stimulation by the ducks on rice plant growth and yield, and to the effect of intertillage and muddying on paddy field environment, soil physics and chemistry, and rice plant growth and yield, and to clarify the significance of the activities of the animals in the integrated rice-duck farming system. 1. Effect of physical stimulation by the ducks on rice growth and yield This experiment was conducted to clarify the influences of the physical stimulation by free-ranging Aigamo ducks (Chinese native ducks) on rice plant growth and yield. The experimental paddy field was consisted of a physical stimulation plot (PS) and a non-physical stimulation plot (NPS), i.e. the 40 hills were randomly selected and each hill was enclosed with a wire netting. Twelve ducklings at 8 days of age were free-ranged in the experimental paddy plots (4.0a) on the 9th day after the transplantation of the rice plant. The length of the rice plant in the PS plot was significantly shorter than that in the NPS plot following the 30th day after introducing the Aigamo ducks into the paddy field (P<0.05). In contrast, the number of tillers per hill significantly increased in the PS plot (P<0.05). The leaf area of maximum tiller number stage and heading stage of the rice plant were significantly increased by the physical stimulation with the Aigamo ducks, also the shoot and root fresh and dry weight of the heading stage of rice plant were markedly increased in the PS plot than that in the NPS (P<0.05). The number of roots when the ripening stage more in the PS plot than that in the NPS plot (P<0.05), but the chemical composition of the rice plant was not changed by the physical stimulation of the animals. After heading of the rice plant, the culm length in the PS plot was significantly shorter than that in the NPS plot, however the length of the panicle significantly increased in the PS plot (P<0.05). The number of productive tillers, the fresh weights of the culm and ear of the rice plant were significantly increased by the physical stimulation of the rice plant by the animals (P<0.05). The dry weight of the top part of rice plants in the PS plot was significantly heavier than that in the NPS plot (P<0.05), but not in the root of the rice plant. The percentage of starch accumulation and leaf number of the rice plant was significantly higher in the PS plot (P<0.01). The length of the 4th internode was markedly shorter and the diameter of the 3rd and 4th internode was larger in the PS plot (P<0.05). Therefore, the lodging resistance of the rice plant in the PS plot was significantly larger than that in the NPS plot (P<0.05), and the lodging index showed lower value in the PS plot (P<0.05). The number of ears, ripening grains and yield crops per hill of the rice plant in the PS plot were significantly more than those of the NPS plot (P<0.05). Therefore, the yield of each rice plant per 10a was significantly increased in the PS plot (P<0.01). These results indicate that physical stimulation to a rice plant by free-ranging Aigamo ducks promoted an increase in dry weight of the ground parts of a rice plant including the number of tillers per hill, leaf area, panicle length, culm and ear weight, and finally results in an increased rice yield, though the plant length and the internode elongation were not observed to increase. 2. Effect of stocking density on duck behavior pattern, rice plant growth and yield under a rice-duck farming system. This experiment was carried out to elucidate the optimum density of free-ranging ducks in a rice-duck farming system in terms of effects on duck behavior, growth and yield of rice plants. Four identical paddy fields were used for this experiment, with varying stocking densities (6, 9, 12 and 15 birds per plot. respectively). Ducklings at eight days of age were free-ranged in each plot (4.0a) on the 9th day after the transplantation of rice plants. Foraging, moving, resting, diving and pecking behaviors of the ducks were observed twice (12hr in the daytime a day) during the experimental period. Rice plant growth arid yield were also examined. The foraging and moving time of the free-ranging ducks in paddy fields tended to be longer in the 12-bird plot. The working time including foraging and moving time was significantly longer in the 12-bird plot than others (P<0.05). The resting time was significantly longer in the 9- and 15-bird plots than in the 12-bird plot (P<0.45). The frequency of moving behavior for 6 hours during the daytime in the 15-bird plot tended to be lower than that in others, but this difference was not statistically significant. The amount of diving and pecking behavior in the 9-bird plot was significantly larger than that in others, and pecked hills tended to increase with increasing stocking density. After 30 days, the length of rice plants tended to be significantly shorter in the 12- and 15-bird plots compared to the others. The number of tillers per hill in the 12- and 15-bird plots was significantly more than those of the 6-bird plot (P<0.05). The contents of dry matter, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber of the rice plant in the ripening stage were higher in the 12- and 15-bird plots than others, however the other chemical compositions were not significantly different among the treatments. The culm length of rice plants was significantly shorter in the 12- and 15-bird plots than others, but stocking density did not affect the panicle length. The root dry weight of the rice plant was increased with increasing density, but there was no such increase in the ground part of the rice plants. The number of panicle, ripening grains and crop yield per hill of rice plants in the 12-bird plot were significantly higher than those of the 6- and 9-bird plots. Therefore, the yield of each rice plant per 10a increased in the order of 12-, 9-, 15- and 6-bird plots. These results suggest that the higher the stocking density, the more inhibited the elongation growth of the rice plant, but the number of tillers per hill and root dry matter of the rice plant are increased. Moreover, the lodging resistance and the yield per 10a of the rice plant were elevated with increasing stocking density except for the 15-bird plot. Although the higher stocking density resulted in promote the physical stimulation, problems such as odor from excessive manure, percentage of rice plants damage and increase of feed requirement were observed in this study. Therefore, the optimum stocking density is suggested to be 30 birds per 10a. 3. Effect of manual physical stimulation to the rice plant on the rice growth and yield in paddy fields, in imitation of pecking behavior of ducks. This study was conducted to prove the relationship between simulated pecking behavior of Aigamo ducks on rice plants and the rice growth and yield under the rice-duck farming system. The experimental paddy field consisted of two plots, a physical stimulation plot (PS) and a non-physical stimulation plot (NPS). Twice a day, 10a.m. and 5p.m., the manual physical stimulation to the rice plant was given by gently hitting the bottom part of the plant (100 times) with a stick and by stroking its top part (30 bouts) with a duster. After four weeks. the plant length from the PS was significantly shorter than that of the NPS (P<0.05), but there were no significant differences in the number of tillers, degree of hill spread, stem thickness and leaf area of the rice plant. During the maximum tiller number and heading stage of the rice plant, the top dry weight of the plant in the PS was significantly less than that in the NPS (P<0.05), whereas its root dry weight was significantly greater heading and ripening stage of the rice plant (P<0.05). The length of the 3rd and 4th internode elongation of the bottom part of the rice plant was significantly shorter in the PS than in the NPS (P<0.05). The height of gravity center of the rice plants was also significantly lower in the PS (P<0.05). The lodging resistance of the rice plants in the PS was higher, but the lodging index was smaller (P<0.05). Both the number of panicles and the weight per 1000 grains were not significantly different between the treatments. The number of spikelets per panicle of the rice plants in the PS was significantly less than that in the NPS (P<0.05), however the percentage of ripened grains was significantly higher in the PS (P<0.05). The yield of paddy rice per unit area was not different between the treatments. The results imply that physical stimulation to rice plants inhibited not only the plant length and internode elongation of the bottom part, but also it affected the root dry weight of the plants. Though the lodging resistance and shoot growth after heading of the rice plant were elevated by the physical stimulation, the rice yield components including panicle number, weight per 1000 grains and paddy rice yield were not affected. 4. Effect of intertillage and muddying by the ducks on paddy field environment and soil physics and chemistry. The present study was carried out to determine the effect of intertillage and muddying by free-ranging Aigamo ducks on paddy field environment, soil physics and chemistry. Two paddy fields comprised of the muddying (without physical stimulation to a rice plant by the ducks) and the control plots (no ducks) were used for this experiment. As for the muddying plot, 50 hills ware randomly selected and each hill was fenced with a wire net in order to prevent the ducks from stimulating rice plants physically. The variation in irrigation pH was smaller in the muddying plot than the control, showing around 7.4, and the value varied within a reasonable range for the growth of rice plant. Dissolved oxygen was significantly higher (P<0.05) in the muddying plot than the control during the first half period after introducing the ducks, and then it was rapidly decreased as the rice plants grew up. The contents of the suspended soil and turbidity in irrigation water were not changed over the free-ranging period, but NH3-N and P2O5 were decreased by intertillage and muddying by the ducks. There were no differences in both the soil physics and chemistry between the muddying plot and the control during and after finishing of the free-ranging period. These results indicate that intertillage and muddying by Aigamo ducks resulted in a small variation in irrigation pH, and reduced the dissolved oxygen and P2O5, although the soil physics and chemistry were not changed. 5. Effect of intertillage and muddying by the ducks on rice growth and yield in the paddy field. The present study was carried out to determine the effect of intertillage and muddying by free-ranging Aigamo ducks on rice plant growth and yield. Two paddy fields consisting of the muddying (without physical stimulation to a rice plant by the ducks) and the control plots (no ducks} were used for this experiment. As for the muddying plot, 50 hills were randomly selected and each hill was fenced with a wire net in order to prevent the ducks from stimulating rice plants physically. The length of the rice plant was significantly longer (P<0.05) in the muddying plot than the control, but the number of tillers increased in the control plot during the second half period (P<0.05). The shoot and root dry weight of the rice plant tended to increase in the muddying plot than the control, and the leaf area and root number of rice plant in the ripening stage was significantly increased in the muddying plot (P<0.05). The length of culm, panicle, the 3rd and 4th internode of rice plant after heading were significantly longer in muddying plot than the control (P<0.05). Moreover, the diameter of 3rd and 4th internode in the muddying plot was remarkably larger than the control (P<0.05). The lodging resistance of the rice plant in the muddying plot was significantly larger (P<0.05) compared with the control, but did not affected the lodging index. The spikelet number per panicle, the percentage of ripened grain and weight per 1000 kernels in the muddying plots were significantly (P<0.01) more than the control. Therefore, the paddy rice yield per 10a was significantly increased in the muddying plots (P<0.01). These results indicate that intertillage and muddying by the ducks promoted the internode elongation of ground part of the rice plants, and increased the yield components such as the number of spikelet per panicle, percentage of ripened grains and 1000 grains weight of rice plants. 6. Effect of manual physical intertillage and muddying to the irrigation water and soil on the paddy field environment and soil physics and chemistry, in imitation of the duck behavior This study was conducted to prove the effect of manual physical intertillage and muddying to the irrigation water and soil on the paddy field environment, soil physics and chemistry, in imitation of the duck behavior The experimental paddy fields consisted of two plots, i.e. the muddying (intenillage and muddying) and the control plot (non intertillage and muddying) were used for this study. The manual intertillage and muddying to the paddy field water and soil were given twice a day, at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. by gently plowing the bottom part of the soil (10 times) with a hoe and by stirring the paddy field water (5 minutes) with a hand. The variation in irrigation pH was smaller in the muddying plot than the control, and the pH value varied within a reasonable range for the growth of rice plant, However, there was no significant difference in pH between the muddying plot and the control. Dissolved oxygen was significantly lower (P<0.05) in the muddying plot than the conn-ol during the second half period after introducing the ducks, and it rapidly decreased as the rice plants matured. The contents of the suspended soil and turbidity in irrigation water were not changed over the manual physical treatment period, but NH3-N and P2O5 were significantly decreased by physical intertillage and muddying (P<0.05). There were no differences in both the soil physics and chemistry between the muddying plot and the control over the experimental period. These results indicate that physical intertillage and muddying did not affect the irrigation pH, but decreased the dissolved oxygen. The irrigation NH3-N and P2O5 also decreased in muddying plot, though the soil physics and chemistry were not changed. 7. Effect of manual physical intertillage and muddying to the irrigation water and soil on the rice growth and yield in paddy fields, in imitation of the duck behavior This study was undertaken to prove the effect of manual physical intertillage and muddying to the irrigation water and soil on the rice growth and yield in paddy fields, in imitation of the duck behavior The experimental paddy fields consisted of the muddying (intertillage and muddying) and the control plot (non intertillage and muddying) were used for this study. The manual intentillage and muddying to the paddy field water and soil were given twice a day at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. by gently plowing the bottom part of the soil (10 times) with a hoe and by stirring the paddy field water (5 minutes) with a hand. After ten days, the plant length in the muddying plot was significantly longer than that of the control (P<0.01), but there were no significant differences in the number of tillers, degree of hill spread, leaf area and stem thickness of the rice plant. The shoot and root fresh weight of the rice plants in the muddying plot were significantly heavier than that in the control (P<0.05), especially the shoot dry weight was significantly greater in the ripening stage (P<0.01). Moreover, the root dry weight in the maximum tiller number and ripening stage was significantly Larger in the muddying plot than the control (P<0.05). The length of culm was longer in the muddying plot (P<0.05) after heading of the rice plant. The diameter of the 3rd and 4th internode of the rice plant was also significantly larger in the muddying plot than in the control (P<0.05). However, muddying did not significantly affect the lodging related character such as the height of gravity center, lodging resistance and lodging index of the rice plant. The numbers of panicle and spikelet were not significantly different between the two treatments, but the percentage of ripened grains and the weight per 1000 grains of the rice plant in the muddying plot were significantly greater than that in the control (P<0.05). Therefore, the paddy rice yield per l0a was significantly increased in the muddying plot (P<0.01). The results suggest that the physical intertillage and muddying to paddy field water and soil not only promoted the length of the plant and culm but also affected the shoot and root fresh weight and dry weight of the rice plants. Moreover, it increased the paddy rice yield including the percentage of ripened grain and weight of 1000 grains. In conclusion, physical stimulation to a rice plant by free-ranging Aigamo ducks promoted the plant growth, lodging resistance and an increased rice yield, while intertillage and muddying by the ducks caused an increase in the plant length, internode elongation of the bottom part, shoot growth of the rice plants after heading, which finally improved rice yield and its yield components. Therefore, the advantageous effects of physical stimulation, intertillage and muddying by free-ranging Aigamo ducks were scientifically and convincingly verified. Key words : Aigamo ducks, Physical stimulation, Intertillage and muddying, Rice production, Rice-duck farming system.

      • 魚類βグロビン遺傳者のクロ-ン化および構造解析

        진덕희 鹿兒島大學 1995 해외박사

        RANK : 1551

        고등 진핵 생물의 globin유전자는 family를 형성하여 그 발현은 혈액계 세포 에 있어서 특이적으로, 더우기 발생단계에 특이적으로 전사되는 유전자가 결 결 되고 있다. 또한 포유류와 조류의 α- 및 β-globin유전자는 각각 다른 염 색 체상에 복수로 위치하며 유전자군을 형성한다. 그러나 어류에 있어서는 거 의보고되어있지 않으므로 어류유전자의 발현조절기구의 해명을 위해 globin유 전자의 구조를 해석하는 것은 유용하다고 생각하여 잉어 β-globin유전자를 cloning하여 그 유전자의 구조해석을 행하고 조사하였으며, 순계가 확립되어 있는 Medaka의 β-globin cDNA를 clone화하여 구조해석을 행하였다. 잉어 혈액으로 부터 염색체 DNA를 추출정제하여 여러가지 제한효소를 조합하 여 소화한 후 southern blot hybridization을 행하여 상동성을 갖는 단편을 얻어 clone화 하였다. 얻어진 clone을 dideoxy 법으로 염기배열을 결정하고 구조해석을 하였다. 또한 Medaka 간장으로 부터 mRNA를 추출 정제하고 이것을 주형으로 cDNA를 합성화여 cDNA library를 만들어 Medaka β-globin cDNA를 clone화, 그 구조해석을 행하였다. 이러한 결과로서, 잉어 염색체 DNA로부터 clone화한 β-globin 유전자의 전 사개시부위 ATG의 상류에는 promoter 영역인 CCAAT TATA box가 존재하여 전 사종결부위 TAG의 하류에는 polyadenylation signal 부위가 두군데 존재하였 다. 단백질은 번역하는 coding 영역은 세개의 Exon과 두개의 Intron으로 구 성되어 있으며 전장은 441 염기이었다. 기존에 보고된 어류 β-globin의 아 미노산 배열과 비교하였을때 금붕어와 가장 높은 상동성을 보였으며, 잡종잉 어, 야생잉어, 거울잉어, 독일우로코잉어, 사구야마도잉어에 있어서도 β-gl obin유전자는 다형을 나타내었다. 염기배열의 해석 및 Southern hybridizatio n 그리고 PCR 방법에 의하여 잉어 α및 β-globin유전자는 유전자의 상류측 이 서로 마주보며 연좌하고 있는 것을 증명하였다. Medaka 간장 cDNA library 로 부터 다수의 clone이 얻어졌으며 그 중 한개의 clone에 대하여 전염기배 열을 결정, 구조해석을 한결과 438염기의 단백질 번역영역이 존재했다.

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