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      • Aesthetic Imagery : The Need For Evaluation

        Kang, Jun-Mo 홍익대학교환경개발연구원 1994 환경개발연구논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        도시환경의 향상에 많은 관심을 갖은 사람들은 미관을 중요한 분야로 인식하고 있다. 특히 경관과 상징성 분야를 최소한 비용으로 도시의 열악한 환경을 개선하는데 응용되어져 왔다. 과거의 많은 연구가 경관이 인간의 사고와 행위에 많은 관계가 있다고 증명했다. 그러나 중요성에 대하여는 공감하지만 경관의 평가방법에 대한 제시는 매우 미흡하였다. 그러므로 이 논문은 환경계획가들이 합리적인 도시경관 창출을 위한 논리적인 결정을 내릴수 있는 방향을 제시하였다. 경관의 평가를 위해 한가지 측정도구만 사용하지 말고 공간을 이용하는 다양한 계층을 위한 여러 가지 방법이 필요하다. 예를들어 공간에 직접 종사하는 사람에게는 건축의 내부공간에 대하여, 이용자에게는 공간의 동선에 대하여, 그리고 일반시민에게는 공간을 형성하고 있는 물리적 환경에 대한 평가를 내리도록 하여야 한다.

      • 견적과 시공도면 작성을 위한 통합 자료모델 개발에 관한 연구

        정례화,김억 홍익대학교환경개발연구원 1999 환경개발연구논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        건축설계는 기능과 미적 조건을 만족시키면서 동시에 경제성 및 시공타당성에 대한 검토가 요구되므로 설계와 시공 및 견적을 위해 필요한 정보들의 통합을 이룬 실용화 모델이 요구되고 있다. 본 연구는 설계정보를 시공순서와 도면작성에 맞게 구성하여 관련정보를 통합하고 도면작성 자동화를 위한 전산자료모델을 개발하는 것이다. 이 자료모델에 의한 설계정보의 구축은 물량산출과 견적을 위한 데이터베이스를 가능하게 하며, 바닥, 보, 복도 등의 구조도면 작성을 자동화하여 구조 부재에 대한 검토를 용이하게 한다. Building projects must satisfy functional and aesthetic requirements, and at the same time economical feasibility and technical constructability should be assessed carefully. To meet these conditions in building design and construction practice design database is needed at the core of the integrated building information system for cost estimation and construction drawing documentation. This study aims at the development of an integrated data model for this design database which reflects the necessary information in calculating bill of materials and in documenting construction drawings and building schedules.

      • 현지개량방식에 의한 주거환경개선사업에 관한 연구

        宋英燮 홍익대학교환경개발연구원 1994 환경개발연구논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        Housing improvement project is a new urban renewal programme initiated in 1989 by the government with the object of improving living conditions in urban squatter. This programme aims at gradual improvement rather than clearance and redevelopment with mass demolition. For this reason it was expected to ameliorate some negative effects of joint redevelopment project on the lower income residents. In this paper, I tried to evaluate the on-site housing improvement project through a case study of two projects completed recently. It was found that the standard of each house was upgraded considerably as a result of the project, but the eviction problem of the former tenants was very serious as in joint redevelopment project.

      • 江華島民家의 實測調査 硏究

        韓旭,朴彦坤 홍익대학교환경개발연구원 1999 환경개발연구논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        At present day a rapid civilization has made Min-ga to lose its own form. So, the purpose of this study is to preserve the data by serveying Min-ga actually. Kangwha island's Min-ga has its own form for its local and historical charaters. It has the plan type of Seoul region in historical aspects and closure in natural aspects. Followings are the results of this study. First, Kangwha island's Min-ga is not affected by facing in its site and it does not group together but is scattered and has its own territory. Second, the plan type of Kangwha island's Min-ga is '「」' type in Seoul region. But, the form of An-chae does not have 'ㄱ' type but the type of Ban-Gyup-gip Third, Kangwha island's Min-ga has 1.5×2(kan;間) scale Boo-uk comparatively wide. Because it connets Dae-chung on a half of kan. Dae-chung is 1.5×2 scale and has a wall or a door in front facade. The reason of this is to smooth the inner action in spite of closure. Fourth, Kangwha island's Min-ga has Woo-Toi-Ma-roo which is lofted 120㎜-380㎜ at Dae-chung in front of Gun-noe-bang. The reason of this is to enlarge the feeling of open which is decresed by setting up the wall in front of Dae-chung. Fifth, Kangwha island's Min-ga is mostly O-rayng-gip. Because it is the capital of the country for a time. The length of main-Kan is under 2150㎜ and is shorter tan inland one.

      • Object 기반 CAD와 VRML을 이용한 설계 Collaboration 환경 개발에 관한 연구

        金億 홍익대학교환경개발연구원 2000 환경개발연구논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        설계의 질과 생산성 향상을 위해 설계 프로젝트 참여자간의 협업이 매우 중요시되고 있다. 협업에 대한 이론적 확신에도 불구하고, 실현이 미비한 것은 시스템 환경의 구현이 이루어지지 못하고 있기 때문이다. 협업설계를 위한 결정적인 요소는 설계의도에 대한 전문가간의 의사교환이며, 이 의사교환은 동시적이며 Graphic 형태로 정보가 교환되어야 한다. 그러므로 본 연구에서 추구하는 협업환경을 지원하는 시스템을 위해 동시적 Graphic 정보와 의사교환을 가능케 하는 WEB CAD를 개발하고, 아울러 초기단계에 적합한 개념 설계를 위한 경량의 CAD 프로그램을 개발하였다. 이 프로그램 도구들은 인터넷을 통한 정보작성과 검색이 가능하므로, 경제적이고 쉽게 환경 구축과 사용이 가능하다. 또한, CAD로 작성된 3차원 모델은 VRML을 이용하여 3차원의 동적 이미지를 파악할 수 있다. 협업설계 환경은 교육공학에서 연구 개발되고 있는 컴퓨터 지원 협동 학습 시스템이 목표로 하는 역동적 토론과 의사교환을 통한 문제해결 방식을 지원할 것이다. To improve the quality of building design, collaboration between project participants is highly required. Design process is iterative, therefore continuous communication during the design process is critical to the collaboration to accomplish the successful building project. Unsuccessful collaboration is due to the inexistence of communication tools for participants. Not only geographical separation but different time schedules are considered barriers to the communication. To overcome these barriers we need an adequate computer supported collaborative design environment. There are two types of communication in design practice; synchronous and asynchronous. The collaborative design system should support both communication types in a standardized manner such as World Wide Web publication and browse. For this research a light weight CAD program has been developed for schematic design tasks. Also developed is a synchronous WEB CAD to share design intention that is essential to collaboration. Along with a WEB CAD program developed for this research, VRML technology has been integrated for dynamic checking of the 3 dimensional models.

      • 현대 조형 공간과 환경에 관한 연구 : 크리스토, 죠셉 코쥬스, 로버트 어원을 중심으로 Centered on Christo, Jeseph Kosuth, and Robert Irwin

        李尙鎬,朴起雄 홍익대학교환경개발연구원 2000 환경개발연구논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        The Circumstance is becoming great Issue of in Plastic Art. We are able to see many environment art object in daily life space, out of Gallery and Museum. Christo, a land Artist, is utilizing environment to magnify plastic art Space; and tried to change the public site into artistic space; showed biggest Project to be changed into the whole public buildings. From this trial, he is suggesting new possibility, and make the result to magnify the Artistic Idea Region. The land art is showing the Issue that the wide natural space is not only a space of life but also artistic Environment. It could be recreated new one by artists activity and developed into a special artistic object. Joseph Kosuth, a conceptual Artist, is changing the physical space into recognizable space; using special concept to use numbers, letters, emblems, and object for the Art. His Artistic methodology could be art or not, according to be determined by the choice and procedures of the spectators. This is the issue of the concept of recognition of environment. Roberet Irwin, a light and space artist, trying to change visible space into invisible space, shows special aspect of meditation space of light in the dry urban circumstance; make the issue of the light and space as the role of a new field of one artistic aspect; becoming the artist of special study of grafting the urban space with art. Therefore, artistic field is more wider than before, so the gallery and Museum walls could be repalced by natural space.

      • 구성주의 방식에 의한 통합설계 학습에 관한 연구

        김재국,김 억 홍익대학교환경개발연구원 1998 환경개발연구논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 구성주의 방식에 의한 통합설계방법을 학습하는 것이다. 본 연구를 위해 대학원생을 대상으로 Curtain wall의 요소와 과정에 대한 통합설계정보와 자료구조를 학습하고, 통합설계환경과 방법을 개발하였다. Curtain wall의 설계정보를 응용하는 방법을 문제파악과 해결의 관점으로 이해하고 문제구성의 Context를 제공한 후 학습자 스스로 문제해결 방안을 모색하였다. This study aims at learning of an integrated design based on Constructivism methods. For this study graduate students participated in a class for an integrated curtain wall design. Components of curtain wall are examined and data structure of realted information are studied in order to develop an integrated design system environment for curtain wall. Problem finding and solving approach is used so that students understand provided context first and go on to find a method for problem solving in developing and integrated design system of curtain wall.

      • 도시경관개선에 있어 주거환경개선사업과 주택개량재개발사업의 비교연구

        안형순,강준모 홍익대학교환경개발연구원 1999 환경개발연구논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        Urban scene is a general experience of comprehensive and makes a psychological image. It has an effect on general of city and it is connected with city dwellers. Since the urban scene is composed of artificial and physical environment, this mixed environment must be considered as central point in urban scene. This paper compare renewal for housing rehabilitation with redevelopment for residential area about urban scene. The findings of study are as follows: First, element determining a visual preference for scene of hill-apartment are small-scale, bright color and balanced environment. Second, it is prefer redevelopment for residential area to renewal for housing rehabilitation about urban scene.

      • 상세계획제도에 관한 연구

        송영섭 홍익대학교환경개발연구원 1998 환경개발연구논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        The 'Urban Detailed Planning' has been newly introduced in Korea at the time when the Urban Planning Code was amended in 1991. After the 'Guidelines for Detailed Planning' has been released in 1994, Seoul City designated more than 60 urban districts for 'Detailed Planning.' The 'Detailed Planning' establishes a consistent and comprehensive plan for land-use, infrastructure, and superstructure across the designated area in order to effectively maintain and control the urban settings that are aesthetic, and environmentally and functionally sustainable. Though many anticipate significant improvements of the urban environment via the 'Detailed Planning' it still lacks of in-depth scrutiny as to what this planning practice could actually achieve in the this practice. It should be noted that, while the 'Urban Designing'--a very similar type of planning practice to 'Detailed Planning'--has been administered for more than ten years by now, there has never been explicit retrospective evaluations of its consequences. And, as a related matter, many informed observers worry about the increasing reliance on the currently non-tested practice of 'Detailed Planning'. In this context, this study first looks at the background behind the introduction of the 'Detailed Planning' ; assesses the factual consequences of the current 'Urban Designing' practice that is much comparable to the 'Detailed Planning' ; and finally suggests how the 'Detailed Planning' could be properly administered in the future.

      • 철골기계식 주차타워의 최적 구조 시스템에 관한 연구

        홍영균 홍익대학교환경개발연구원 1998 환경개발연구논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        Nowadays the steel parking tower is constructed according to manufacturer's manuals because the lack of the technology of the equipment in the parking tower system causes imports of parking tower without the redesign of structural system. Therefore structural design of the steel parking tower is required by using design conditon in our country. Structural design of the steel parking tower is carried out using the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) and Allowable Stress Design (ASD), Based on the results of this study, it is concluded that the LRFD method give more economic designs compared to the conventional parking tower construction.

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