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      • 조선조 주자학(朱子學), 이기심성론(理氣心性論)의 한국 유학적 전개 양상 -한,중 문화의 공유성과 평화공존의 의미를 중심으로-

        전홍석 한국문명교류연구소 2011 문명교류연구 Vol.2 No.-

        本論文在硏究朝鮮朝朱子學, 理氣心性論在韓國儒學中的發展趨勢方面, 主要闡述了以朱子的理同, 栗谷的理通, 洛學的性同, 北學派的人物均論連接的韓國儒學的思想體系。這一過程當中, 筆者深入硏究了栗谷的理通氣局論與湖洛論爭之間的失系及其影響以人物性同異論證爲中心建立的洛論界思想基礎, 洛學和北學的思想背景以及韓國近代韓國思想史的哲學基礎和其趨勢。尤其, 歸結爲北學派的普遍同一視中華夷一論的朝鮮理氣心性論, 一方面意味著朱子的性理學在韓國獲得發展, 령一方面意味著克服了朱子學裏所蘊含的華夷差別主義傾向。這樣, 本文的中心內容是漢族中心主義的中國 朱子學到了韓國之後, 融合韓國社會, 擺脫了東亞地區中世紀濃厚的華夷論色彩, 重新組織了人類史上有普遍性的思想, 從此可見, 韓國思想界有自主性。這樣, 與中國不同的朱子學在韓國思想史上的發展趨勢不僅不斷追求與外部世界的平等調節和應對, 而且到現代向韓中文化交流中的互動性和和平共處提供了文明共處傳統的典范。例如, 韓國的理氣心性論中理通的疏通性和華夷一論在現代有對文明强權注意的알制和抵抗。這在過去意味著追求在特權文化中被忽略的邊緣文化的權利, 便到重視生命尊嚴的當今時代意味著相互平等的和平共處。

      • 연구논문 : 『시경(詩經)』 "한혁편(韓奕篇)"을 통해 본 정략결혼(政略結婚)과 문물교류(文物交流) 연구

        엄광용 ( Gwang Yong Eom ) 한국문명교류연구소 2009 문명교류연구 Vol.1 No.-

        문명의 교류는 크게 인적 교류와 물적 교류로 나눌 수 있다. 그러나 인적 교류 없이 물적 교류는 이루어질 수 없다. 사람의 왕래가 있어야만 그로 인한 물적 교류 또한 이루어지기 때문이다. 한중 문명교류에 있어서 가장 오래된 사건은 『시경』 ``한혁편``의 ``한``과 ``서주``간에 외교전술의 일환으로 이루어진 ``정략결혼``이라고 할 수 있을 것이다. 여기서 ``한``은 ``고조선``을 말한다. 즉 고조선과 서주는 기원전 9-8세기에 ``정략결혼``을 통한 문물교류의 물꼬를 텄으며, 처음에는 사신이 오고가는 ``관무역`` 형태를 유지하다가, 서주 멸망 이후 춘추시대로 접어들면서 ``사무역`` 형태로 바뀌어 활발한 무역 활동이 이루어졌다. 결과적으로 보면 『시경』 ``한혁편``에 나오는 고조선(한)의 군주 ``한후``와 서주 선왕의 고종사촌 여동생 ``한길``의 ``정략결혼``은 한중 문물교류의 시발점이 되는 매우 중요한 사건이었다고 할 수 있다. 당시에 이와 같은 ``정략결혼``이 이루어질 수 있었던 배경에는 서주와 변방의 사이(四夷) 간의 역학관계가 크게 작용하였다고 판단된다. 당시 서주의 사정은 급박하였다. 동·서·남·북 사방을 사이에게 둘러싸인 상황에서 내부적으로는 군주의 폭정으로 인하여 민심이 흉흉하던 때였다. 폭정의 원흉이었던 군주 여왕이 망명하고 나서 14년간 공화정이 실시되었고, 그가 죽고 나서 그의 아들 선왕이 즉위하였다. 그는 사이 중에서 가장 멀리 있는 ``동이``로 대표되는 고조선과 정략결혼을 통한 외교관계를 수립하여, 가까이 있는 서·남·북의 ``삼이``를 공략하는 이른바 ``근공원교`` 전략을 구사하였다. 이러한 시대적 상황을 배경으로 하여 고조선과 서주는 ``정략결혼``을 통한 외교관계 수립하였으며, 이 사건은 관무역을 실시하면서 한중간의 문물을 교류하는 계기로도 작용하였다. 고조선은 주로 서주에 호랑이나 곰의 가죽인 문피를 수출하였으며, 서주에서는 견직물 종류가 고조선으로 유입되었다. 서주가 멸망하고 춘추시대가 되면서 제후들이 ``칭왕``을 하며 천하의 패권을 다툴 때 고조선은 연나와 제나라 등과 사무역 형태로 활발한 무역 활동을 펼쳤다. 크게 육로와 해로를 통한 무역로가 형성되었는데, 고조선은 문피를 주로 수출하였으므로 필자는 임의로 이 교통로를 ``문피로드``라고 명명(命名)하기로 하였다. 이 ``문피로드``는 실크로드의 연장선상에 있으며, 고조선을 위시한 한반도 지역과 중원대륙을 잇는 무역의 길로 정착되었다. The oldest accident in cultural exchange between Korea and China is ``marriage of convenience`` occurred due to diplomatic tactics between ``Han`` and ``Western Chou(Seoju)`` of ``Hanhyeok Part`` of 『the Book of Odes』. Here, ``Han`` means ``Old Jeosun``. Namely, the Old Jeosun and Western Chou started cultural exchange through ``marriage of convenience`` in the 9~8th century before Christ, and first, it maintained an ``official trade`` form that envoys came and went, but while it entered the Spring and Autumn Period after collapse of Western Chou, it changed to a ``private trade`` form and thus active trade activities had been carried out. It is judged that the dynamics between Western Chou and four frontier barbarian countries largely influence as the background that the ``marriage of convenience`` like this could be achieved at the time. The situations of Western Chou was urgent at the time. It was that the mind of people was internally agitated due to tyranny of a ruler in situations surrounded by four barbarian countries in four directions of the east, west, south and north. After the queen, who was a tyrant, exiled herself, a republican form of government was carried out for 14 years. And after the queen died, King Seon, her son, ascended the throne. He established an diplomatic relationship through marriage of convenience with Old Jeosun represented as ``East barbarian country`` located most remote among four barbarian countries and attacked three barbarian countries of the East, South and North located near. With the background of this epochal situations, Old Jeosun and Western Chou established an diplomatic relationship through ``marriage of convenience``, and this case acted as a momentum that cultural exchange between Korea and China was carried out through execution of official trade. Old Jeosun usually exported leather(Munpi) of tigers or bears to Western Chou, and the silk fabrics of Western Chou were flowed into Old Jeosun. This ``Munpi Road`` is related to the Silk Road, and it was settled as a trade road connecting the Korean Peninsula Area including Old Jeosun to the continental midfield.

      • 연구논문 : 서구 패권적 현대 "문명패러다임" 비판과 그 대안 모색 -후쿠야마의 단수적 문명전파론과 헌팅턴의 복수적 문명충돌론을 중심으로-

        전홍석 ( Hong Seok Jeon ) 한국문명교류연구소 2009 문명교류연구 Vol.1 No.-

        이 논문은 대표적인 현대 문명 담론으로 일컬어지는 문명패러다임의 서구 중심적 패권주의 성향 극복과 그에 따른 참된 문명관의 모색을 위한 시론이다. 현대 문명 담론의 최대 관건은 단일 문명론과 복수 문명론의 화해와 회통에 있다. 현재 학계의 대체적인 견해는 현재와 미래의 세계는 단일의 보편 문명과 고유한 특징을 지닌 복수의 개별 문명들이 중층적으로 공존한다고 보고 ``문명 다원주의를 그 전제로 한 보편 문명에의 지향``으로 귀결된다. 그러나 이 중층적 규정은 문명 다원주의와 ``보편 문명``이라는 상충된 문제와 결부되어 있다. 이로 볼 때 ``보편 문명``과 ``문명 다원주의``의 긍정적인 면을 동시에 구현시킬 수 있는 논리 구조의 새로운 문명관을 모색해야 한다. 아울러 서구 중심적 제국주의 성향을 극복할 수 있는 보편 문명에 대한 공론이 담보되어 있어야 한다. 이런 의미에서 본 논고에서는 그 대안 담론으로서 상호 주체적 평등 관계를 기초로 한 범인류 중심의 유기체적인 세계주의 문명관 즉 ``문명생태주의패러다임``을 논함과 동시에 여기에 따른 타자에 대한 이항 대립적 차별 의식을 불식하고 타자와의 호혜적 조응을 위한 참된 문명관의 다섯 가지 기본요칙을 제시하였다. This thesis is a current view for overcoming the trend of Western Europe-oriented Hegemony of a civilizational paradigm called as a typical comtemporary civilization discourse and searching a true view of civilization. The largest key point of a comtemporary civilization discourse is a reconciliation and its response of a single theory of civilizations and a plural theory of civilizations. The general opinion of the current academic world is to view that a single universal civilization and plural separate civilizations having unique characteristics coexists in a multi-layered form in the current and future world and bring it to a conclusion of ``intention toward universal civilization on the premise of multi-civilizations``. But this multi-layered regulation is being linked to a contradicted problem called multi-civilizations and ``universal civilization``. In this viewpoint, a new view of civilization with logical structure that can realize the positive aspect of ``universal civilization`` and ``multi-civilizations`` at the same time should be sought. In this meaning, the present study discussed a view of civilization of organic cosmopolitanism centered on pan-sapient based on a mutual subjective equal relationship, namely, ``paradigm of culture ecology`` as it alternative discourse and suggested five kinds of basic principles of a true view of civilization to wipe out binary opposing discrimination against other persons according to this and to reciprocally correspond to other persons at the same time.

      • 연구논문 : 고려 이전의 배달겨레와 중앙아시아 간의 문화교류

        김정위 ( Jeong Wi Kim ) 한국문명교류연구소 2009 문명교류연구 Vol.1 No.-

        배달겨레는 아득한 옛날 중앙아시아에서 초원로를 따라 동으로 이주해 왔다. 도중에 이곳 저곳 한동안 머물다 결국 만주벌판에 정착했다. 이 벌판에서 배달겨레는 부여(夫餘), 옥저(沃沮) 등 국가를 창립했다. 또한 그 중 일부는 한반도로 들어가 정착한 후 역시 마한(馬韓), 진한(辰韓), 변한(弁韓)을 세웠다. 이것이 고구려(高句麗), 백제(百濟), 신라(新羅)의 삼국시대 이전에 배달겨레가 일구어 온 간략한 역사이다. 즉, 삼국시대이전의 약 천 년 간 배달겨레와 중앙아시아 사이에는 인적 물적 교류가 있었는지 그 역사적 기록도 거의 현존하지 않거나 또는 그 유적마저 매우 귀하거나 드물다. 심지어 삼국시대에 들어 와서도 고구려와 백제를 한편으로 또 중앙아시아의 투르크계나 소그드족 국가 사이에 오간 국가적 교류는 그리 흔한 편은 아니다. 하지만 그에 비해서 중앙아시아에서 들어온 불교 스님의 배달겨레에 대한 포교활동은 매우 활발했다. 더욱이 이 포교활동에 참여한 중앙아시아 출신의 승려 수가 두 지역 국가 간의 교류 수보다 훨씬 많았다. 하지만 그들의 이름만 전할 뿐 그들의 체류기간이나 활동에 대한 자료는 현재 남아있지 않다. 불교가 들어온 초기에는 중앙아시아의 승려들이 더 많이 배달겨레를 찾아 포교활동에 참여하였으나 배달겨레 출신의 승려들은 아무도 중앙아시아를 찾지 않았다. 그러나 후기에 들어와서는 삼국시대의 배달겨레 출신의 승려들이 불교를 연구하러 천축국으로 가는 길이나 마치고 돌아오는 길에 중앙아시아를 들렸다. 그 가운데 가장 잘 알려 진 스님이 『왕오천축국전(往五天竺國傳)』의 저자 혜초(慧超)이다. 불교의 영향으로 회화, 건축, 음악, 로만글라스 등 많은 불교의 문화요소도 배달겨레에게 들어 와 그 문화를 더욱 풍요롭게 만들었다. 국가 관료나 승려의 교류에는 그 수가 매우 제한적이었다. 그에 비하면 수만 명의 고구려 유민이 668년에 고구려가 당(唐)과 신라연합군에게 망한 후 만주와 한반도의 고향 땅에서 현 신강성(新疆省) 용우도(용右道), 즉 중앙아시아로 강제 이주되었다. 두 지역 간 또는 한 지역에서 다른 지역으로의 이러한 인간교류는 문화나 물적 교류와 비교하면 그 중요성이 매우 미약하다. 특히 예를 들면 유리제조법의 전파과정이다. 하지만 그 과정은 너무나 오래 되었고 또 언제 어디서 발명되었고 또 어떻게 전파 되었는지 그 자료를 찾기나 결정적 이론을 확립하기 매우 힘들다. 반면에 예술, 스포츠경기, 식물 등 다른 문화유형은 중앙아시아에서 또는 그 지역을 통하여 배달겨레에게 전달되었다는 사료가 비교적 뚜렷하게 남아 있다. 그 가운데 중앙아시아에서 들어 온 것이 확실한 것은 무용인데 예를 들면 사자무(獅子舞), 호선무(胡旋舞) 및 무애(無導 또는 無碍)이다. 이 무용과 동행해 온 것이 악기임은 당연하다고 볼 수 있다. 즉 비파(琵琶), 공후, 장고(杖鼓) 등이 그 좋은 예이다. 이 악기는 후에 한국의 전통악기로 발전했다. 건물의 장식품으로는 벽화(壁畵), 당초문(唐草文), 비천문(飛天文)을 들 수 있다. 스포츠 경기로는 격구(擊毬), 즉 폴로(polo)와 장기(chess)가 역시 중앙아시아를 거처 들어 온 것으로 유명하다. 포도(葡萄)와 석류(石榴)도 역시 실크로드를 따라 한반도로 유입된 것이다. 결론적으로 말하면 인간생활에 유익하고 도움이 되는 것은 무엇이든 인종과 언어를 초월하여 온 세계로 퍼져 나간다는 사실이다. 이 사실은 고려이전의 수천 간에 걸친 중앙아시아와 한반도간의 교류를 돌이켜 보아도 쉽게 알 수 있다. 하지만 이러한 문물도 스스로 살아남기 위해서는 개선 또는 개량되어 가야지 그렇지 않으면 역사 속으로 도태되어 사라지게 마련이다. The original home of the Koreans is assumed to be somewhere in Central Asia. On their way eastward along the Steppe Route of Silk Road. they stopped moving and stayed here and there sometimes. Finally they reached Manchuria and set up small states such as Buyeo(夫餘), Okjeo(沃沮) there. Later on, after some of them immigrated into Korean peninsula and settled down there, they also established states like Mahan(馬韓), Jinhan(辰韓) and Byonhan(弁韓). This is a brief history of Koreans before the period of the Three Kingdoms of Koguryo(高句麗), Baeckje(百濟) and Silla(新羅). During the more than thousand years long time of the pre-Three Kingdoms, not only few historical records on the human or material contacts between the Koreans and Central Asians remained, but even any other vestiges of the period also very seldom and rare. Even in the period of the Three Kingdoms there are few available historical records in the diplomatic level between Koguryo or Baeckje on the one hand and Turkish or Soghdian states of Central Asiain on the other. In the comparison with the relations between states of both sides, the zeal of propagations over the Koreans by the Buddhists from Central Asia was much more energetic and effective. The number of the monks who served their mission of propagation in the peninsula was also much more numerous than that of states personals. But they themselves left nothing memorial or traceable behind. Only few records of Korean resources are available nowadays. At its earlier period the monks from Central Asia visited the peninsula while none of Koreans was reported to pay a visit to Central Asia. On the contrary during its later period, the more Korean monks dropped in Central Asia on their way to India for the sake of studying Buddhism and on their return way home. Its best example is the well-known monk named Haecho(慧超), author of the travel diary 『Wangohchonchukgukjon(往五天竺國傳)』. The many different elements of Buddhism carried so precious cultural treasures such as music, art, painting, Roman glasses and so on. As a result the Korean culture became more enriched. The exchanges of diplomats and Buddhist monks were not so numerous and limited in the light of their number. On the contrary there were a massive enforced immigration of Koreans in Yongoo(용右道) of Chinese Shinjang(新疆), part of Central Asia from their home towns of Manchuria and the Peninsula after the collapse of Koguryo in 668 by the united forces of both Tang China and Silla. Such human exchanges and migrations between the two areas in particular and from one area to another in general is less important in the historical viewpoint than the pure material and cultural exchanges. For example the manufacture of glass is too old to know how and when it has been invented and spread. Its spread must have been very slow. Moreover we can not infer any conclusion on all the process of its invention as well as the stage of its spread. However, the other many cultural types of arts. sports games, and plants have left many marks of their coming to Korea from Central Asia. The most famous ones out of the well-known folk dances which were accepted by the Koreans originated from Central Asia are the lion dances(獅子舞), hoseonmu(胡旋舞) and muae(無導, 無碍). It is very natural to accompany the dances with musical instruments such as Pipa(琵琶), Konghou(공후), Jango(杖鼓). They had been developed even to the unique tools of Korean traditional music. Some ornaments and decorations such as murals(壁畵), dangchomun(唐草文) and bicheonmun(飛天文) can also be added as the result of the cultural exchanges between Korean peninsula and Central Asia, too. Some sort of sport games like polo(擊毬) and chess also came to Korea from Central Asia. With these games, such delicious fruits like grapes(葡萄) and pomegranates(石榴) followed suit along the Silk Road. On the conclusion anything useful and beneficial to the general life and well-being of humankinds regardless of the importance of human races and languages can spread all over the world for the time being. These very facts can also be proved and confirmed from the history of cultural exchanges between Korea and Central Asia for thousands year before the age of Koryo dynasty. Those things must also be improved even for the sake of their own survival with the flow of time and otherwise can be easily abandoned and disappeared in the history.

      • 해상 실크로드를 통한 한,중 해상 교류 ; 고려(高麗)와 중국 남동해안지역과의 해상교류를 통해 본 11세기 황해 해로 변경

        차광호 ( Kwang Ho Cha ) 한국문명교류연구소 2011 문명교류연구 Vol.2 No.-

        The civilizational exchanges between the East and the West has been enacted actively in the Middle ages. So, the Groyeo that had strong openness and marine characteristic may have also joined this stream of the world. But the investigation into the fact is difficult because of the limits of the literatures remained. But this article grappled the substitution which could reveal the reality of the marine interchanges of the Koryeo. And then, it took note at the relics which were relevant to the name of ``Koryeo`` in the marine cities of Southeastern China. These are the important basis which could prove the interchanges of the both sides, considering that there are places, relics, products, and family names which have the name of ``Koryeo`` in the marine cities of Southeastern China such as Ch`uanChou(泉州) and Nyinpou(寧波). In addition, the Chinese merchants of Ch`uanChou and Fuzhou-near the relics with ``Koryeo``-caught the participation in the diplomatic relations as well as the trades between Koryeo and Song dynasty.

      • 해상 실크로드를 통한 한,중 해상 교류 ; 동북아 해로고(東北亞 海路考) -나당해로와 여송해로를 중심으로-

        정수일 ( Su Il Jeong ) 한국문명교류연구소 2011 문명교류연구 Vol.2 No.-

        So far, the seaway of Northeast Asia which was disparaged as a border area by the cliquish view of civilization like ``Orientalism`` or ``Sinocentrism`` has been in the external field of scholarly interest. Thus, the research of Northeast area or sea route carries an important significance to ascertaining the extension to the Korean Peninsula of the sea route as well as to reconstructing the global circulativeness of the sea route that is a trunk route of the three trunk routes in the Silk Roads. The seaway in the Northeast sea area which had been formed about 10,000 years ago early opened, and has been today through the period of incunabula, the period of unfoldment, and the period of development in sequence. This unworthy article concretely clarifies the process of the unfoldment of the seaway between Silla-Tang and the seaway between Goguryeo-Song in the period of unfoldment which recorded a brilliant chapter in the history of the Northeast seaway. Some kinds of seaway in this period were explored and used due to the vigorous trade and coming and going between Korea and China. But there are diverse opinions about the kinds and names of the sea routes among the two`s scholars. because there is no common criteria. The writer of this article proposes the two, the direction of the voyage and the picture of the unfoldment which can most clearly show the characteristic of the sea route and the recognition of it on the basis of the common criteria. The sea routes between Korea and China in the period of unfoldment are assorted into three kinds of sea routes, such as the coastwise toward North and South, the crosscut toward the North, and the oblique route toward the South. The coastwise toward North and South is the sea route that is unfolded along the South and North between the coast of the Southwest in Korean Peninsula and the Northeast and the Southeast coast of China. The crosscut toward the North is the sea route that starts from the coast of the Southwest in Korean Peninsula, and across the Yellow Sea, and then reaches the coast of Shantung-Peninsula in China. Compared with the two, the oblique route toward the South is the sea route which departs from the Southeast coast in Korean Peninsula, and across the Yellow Sea obliquely, and is extended to the coast of the Southeast in China at the end. The frequency of use and the function of these three parts of sea routes were variable in line with the shipbuilding, the development of navigation, and the changes of the domestic and foreign affairs. In regard to these sea routes, the journey, the circumstances of the schedule and the year can be relatively ascertained in details on account of the remains of the involved ruins and relics as well as the records of literatures such as Dorigi of GaTam(賈耽道里記) and the Goryeodokyung of SeoGung(徐兢高麗圖經). But the continuous research is necessary because there are still lasting some talking points like the trial period or the designation of the place. Balhae, in this period, also certainly contributed to the unfoldment of the sea route of the Northeast Asia through the ``Japanese Route`` which was linked to the Japan after crossing the East Sea from Tokyo. But that research is fairly insufficient yet. The writer of this tried to identify the coming and going of the ships using the seasonal wind that could be the basic material for giving the entire picture of the substance of the ``Japan Route``, and the port of departure and the port of arrival.

      • 해상 실크로드를 통한 한,중 해상 교류 ; 4~5세기 한,중 간 항로변화에 대한 검토 -교섭기사를 중심으로-

        김인홍 ( In Hong Kim ) 한국문명교류연구소 2011 문명교류연구 Vol.2 No.-

        This article takes notes on the exchanges of the Yellow Sea between Korea and China in the 4th to 5th centuries. The significance in particular is the key positions such as Hwanghae-do and the Southwestern seaside, Shandong Peninsula in the Korea-China trade. It tried to grasp the exchanges and the locations of the sea routes in the two by looking into the politics and economic conditions between Korea and China. As a result, it could draw the conclusion that ``the crosscut seaway`` was settled in the early 5th century. This view is differentiated from the existing view, that the ``crosscut seaway`` was used in the early 9th century.

      • 고대 한,중 문명 교류 중심지 요동과 연암의 역사문화 인식 -『열하일기(熱河日記)』 도강록(渡江錄)편 요동 기사를 중심으로-

        엄광용 ( Gwang Yong Eom ) 한국문명교류연구소 2011 문명교류연구 Vol.2 No.-

        ``Ywo dong(遼東)`` has a characteristic that various appearances of civilization still remain. Because it was the pivot of the ancient civilizational exchanges, This zone that was the ancient border between Korea and China, which has also been the place for the fierce battle with the chinese dynasties in history through the Gojuseon(古朝鮮), the Puyeo(夫餘), the Goguryeo(高句麗) and the Balhae(渤海). In accordance with that, personal exchanges and material exchanges were made up of there. The aspects of civilizational exchanges are divided into three kinds. One is the Fusion in which two civilizations are mixed constructively. Another is the Deliquescence where a new and the third civilization comes out of the former two civilizations. The other Assimilation in which either one or the other in the two absorbs the rest. This article concentrically analyze how the ancient civilization between Korea and China has undergone changes on the basis of the topics of ``crossing river`` in 『the Jehol Diary(熱河日記)』. Thus, it studies Yon Am`s cognition of ancient history, and his civilizational awareness of Ywo dong region through Park Ji Won who was a intellectual in the late of Choseon(朝鮮) Dynasty. The best desirable form in the development of civilization could be the type of the fused civilization, in which the combined merits of the two civilizations give birth to the third civilization. Especially, This article only searches the fused form of civilization in the ``Ondol(溫突)``, and the assimilated form of civilization in the ``Brick`` laying pagoda owing to the limitations of looking for just in the 『the Jehol Diary』.

      • 연구논문 : 고구려 초기 고분 벽화와 중앙아시아 고대 암각화

        장석호 ( Seog Ho Jang ) 한국문명교류연구소 2009 문명교류연구 Vol.1 No.-

        이 글은 고구려 초기 고분벽화와 중앙아시아 고대 암각화를 동일 선상에 놓고, 그 주제 및 양식을 검토하여 양자 사이에 보이는 동질성에 관해 논한 것이다. 먼저 고구려 고분벽화의 조형성을 정면성과 측면성, 주대종소(主大從小), 입체감, 운동감, 이야기 도입, 사회상 반영 등 여섯 가지 측면에서 검토하였으며, 고대 암각화도 같은 방법으로 그 조형 세계를 살펴보았다. 이를 통해서 고구려 고분벽화와 고대 암각화 속에는 주인공과 그 주변 인물들의 표현에서 주인공은 정면, 그 밖의 인물들은 측면에서 포착하여 그린 점, 주인공은 화면의 중심에 크게, 그 밖의 인물들은 역할에 따라 크기가 차등적으로 그린 점, 앞 시대와 비교할 때 사물을 포착하는 시점이 다시점(多視點)에서 일시점(一視點)으로 바뀐 점, 일시점 지각에 따라 형상 하나하나에 입체감이 구현된 점, 서로 다른 장면을 병치시켜서 화면 속에 이야기가 도입된 점 그리고 당시의 사회 상황을 살필 수 있는 제재가 형상화된 점 등을 읽어낼 수 있었다. 이로써 주제의 측면에서는 수렵, 마차, 개마무사와 전투도 등이, 양식의 측면에서는 주대종소 일시점 화법 그리고 운동감 중시 등이 고구려 초기 고분벽화와 중앙아시아 고대 암각화 사이에서 공통적으로 살필 수 있는 동질성임을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 바로 이러한 동질성이 중앙아시아 고대 미술의 보편성임과 동시에 한국 고구려 초기 고분 벽화는 중앙아시아 고대 암각화와 같은 계통의 조형 예술임을 알 수 있었다. This thesis lays the tomb murals of early Goguryeo and petroglyphs of the Ancient Central Asia on the same line and discussed its homogeneity being seen between both things by investigating its subject and patterns. First, the formative characteristics of the tomb murals of early Goguryeo were examined in an aspect of six kinds such as frontality and sidedness, largeness of main parts and smallness of accessory parts. cubic effect, a sense of movement, story introduction, reflection of a social aspect and others, and the formative world of the Ancient petroglyphs were also examined in the same way. Through this, the point that the hero was drawn in the front and other figures were drawn in the side for expression of a hero and surrounding figures in the tomb murals of early Goguryeo and petroglyphs of the Ancient Central Asia, the point that the point that the hero was largely drawn in the center of a picture and the size of other figures were differentially drawn, the point that the visual point capturing objects was changed from multi-visual points to one visual point, the point that the cubic effect was realized in every shape according to sensing of one visual point, the point that a story was introduced in a picture by putting a picture different from each other side by side, and the point that many materials viewing social situations at the time were visualized could be understood. Therefore, it could understood that hunting, a carriage, heavy cavalry and combat drawings, etc. in an aspect of a subject. and largeness of main parts and smallness of accessory parts, painting methods of one visual point and emphasis on a sense of movement, etc. in an aspect of a pattern are homogeneity that can be commonly viewed between the tomb murals of early Goguryeo and the Ancient petroglyphs of the Central Asia. And it could be understood that this homogeneity is universality of the Ancient art of the Central Asia, and that the tomb murals of early Goguryeo are formative arts with the same system of the Ancient petroglyphs of the Central Asia.

      • 『지봉유설(芝峯類說)』 속 외국명 고증문제

        정수일 ( Su Il Jeong ) 한국문명교류연구소 2011 문명교류연구 Vol.2 No.-

        Ji bong(芝峰), Yi Su Gwang(李수光) who was the pioneer of Silhak in the late of Joseon dynasty brought about the turning point in the history of Korean awareness of world, when he adduced the geographical world view which aimed at discarding the traditional ``Sinocentrism`` in the first Korean encyclopedia, 『Jibong yuseol(芝峯類說)』(1614). The unworthy manuscript of mine, in the first place, studied the enterprising world-awareness of Jibong through the broadness and openness of the foreign countries(87countries) named in the clause of the Foreign Countries in the chapter of All Nations of this classic. But Jibong mainly made his historical sources in his description with miscellaneous` classes such as legends or some strange stories, and omitted some important professional topographic books such as Jaebunji(諸蕃誌) in Song, 『Doiryackji(島夷志略)』 in Won, 『Seoyangbungukji(西洋番國志)』 in his references. This can not but expose his some limitations in the aspects of the extension of geographical world-view and its accuracy. In sequence, it disclosed a few problems which were revealed in association with the translation, annotation, and ascertainment of the names of foreign countries in the translated and annotated version, 『Jibong yuseol』 and 『Chinese-Korean unabridged dictionary』 Which were both published. There is only one country(老과國, Laos) which is translated into the present name of the country from Chinese name among the names of foreign countries in the translated and annotated version, and We don`t know the present places of the remainders, because they are translated into just Korean sound from Chinese character(ex: 忽魯謨國, 홀로모국). This is the evidence of weakness for a translated and annotated book. In the case of 『Chinese-Korean unabridged dictionary』, when we refer to it for the foreign country, fifty two countries which amounts 60% are on the list, but the important names of the countries such as Yuguguk(琉球國), Deamado(對馬島), Sambuljae(三佛齊, Pallambang), Younggiliguk(永吉利國, England) which are presented in almost every topographic book are omitted on the list. It is the evil convention from the copying the Chinese literatures without investigating the foreign countries one by one appeared in our classics. Studying should be free from Toadyism. For such a reason, I will put three Suggestions for the right translation and annotation. First, when the classics are understood, the importance of the translation and annotation should be deeply considered. Second, A variety of translations and annotations should be used properly. The last, the translation and annotation should be terse and distinct, avoiding both excessive lessening and being wordy.

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