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      • 敎會의 地域社會福祉 實踐과 活性化 方案에 관한 硏究 : 예장합동 서수원노회 교회의 자원 활용실태를 중심으로

        임영기 水原大學校 社會福祉大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 250703

        This study, as a research for the ways of activating the regional social welfare practices of local churches, is intended to promote the regional social welfare practices of local churches by suggesting the ways of activating regional social welfare activities based on the data for the regional social welfare practices of local churches and by analyzing the actual resource allocation situations of local churches. This study has acquired its resource allocation data for the regional social welfare practices of local churches by mailing survey questionnaires to the pastors in charge of 150 churches, belonging to the 5 geographic areas (Gwonseon, Jangan, Ansan, Hwaseong, and Osan) of West-Suwon Presbyterian Elderly Assembly. The study data include the general characteristics of subjective local churches, the correlations with the regional social welfare practices of local churches and the opinions of pasters in charge for the regional social welfare activities, while considering that pastors' awareness to the matter may greatly influence on the churches' resource allocation for the regional social welfare activities, and the human resources, programs and facility operations, financial resources, connection to local public organizations, and ways of improving local welfare activities for the regional social welfare activities of local churches. This study results may be found in the following paragraphs. First, most churches in the sample are located in the areas where middle and lower class people mostly live, and the majority of churches consist of 50 or less believers. Second, the service duration of pastors in charge was an average of 7.59 years, and 72.5% of them told yes to "mission work and regional service should be carried out together" and 82.5% to "relief and service are the essential mission of churches." And they said that welfare services for the elderly population should be carried out by all means. Third, there has not been any social work education or training for believers, and the training or education for volunteers has hardly been made. Also, a separate department for welfare activities has not been set up, and there has been no guideline for welfare activities. Fourth, old-people facility visiting and support were the most common practices in each field of programs, and church facilities were hardly open to them. The total budget was below 10 million Won for 25% of churches, and 1~3% of the budget was used for the relief and social services. The local welfare budget has taken an average of 37.78% from the allocated budget. They were cooperating with residents in some parts, and the cooperations with regional welfare facilities and public institutions were not made common. Fifth, the correlation analysis between the years of pastoral duties and the regional social welfare activities tells that "gospel preaching was the first priority" from those with 15~20 years of pastoral duties with higher frequencies and with 10~15 years the replies to "gospel preaching and social services should be run in parallel" had more frequencies. Sixth, as for the correlation between the "regional social welfare activities" and "welfare-related education and training experience" of pastors in charge and the "regional social welfare budget ratio," the "regional social welfare budget ratio" of 3~5% was commonly found for the "active regional social welfare practices" and the "regional social welfare budget ratio" was found to be 1~3% for the inactive regional social welfare practices. Seventh, looking at the regional conditions of facilities and programs in relation to the churches, the facilities and programs for teenagers were found to be most common with 28.7% in Gwonseon and Hwaseong districts. It can be suggested in the following to activate the regional social welfare activities of local churches from the results of this study. First, it is essential to provide financial support for the practices of regional social welfare systems and hence, local churches need to establish welfare budget, to allocate realistic amount, and to apply it consistently. Second, churches need to set up a welfare department for regionai social welfare activities, to make the guidelines for demand survey and welfare practices, and to systemize the organizations and the operations for systematic welfare activities through assessment meetings. Third, they need to provide welfare education and training opportunities to their believers, to run the regular education and training programs for volunteers, and to respond to the needs of local societies by opening their facilities. Fourth, they need to play their best role as a local institution by reinforcing the contact with the public facilities and institutions in each region for the local welfare services.

      • 노인소외 현상의 원인과 대책

        김형락 수원대학교 사회복지대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 250687

        우리사회는 국가경제개발 계획의 결과로 근대화·도시화를 거치며 급속한 경제성장과 기술혁명, 그리고 사회변동으로 새로운 사회체제를 구축하게 되었다. 이로 인해 현대사회는 가족구조, 인구구조, 가치관 그리고 매스컴 등이 급격히 발전하게 되었으나, 반면에 노인소외현상은 사회구조가 변화됨에 따라 과거보다 더욱 심각하게 대두되고 있다. 다시 말해 사회구조가 변화되고 날로 발전하는 기계문명과 정보화 시대의 현실 속에서 노인층은 자신이 설자리를 잃어가고 있으며, 물질적·정신적 측면에서 소외되어가고, 과거에 지녔던 사회적인 지위와 역할에서 많은 변화를 겪고 있다. 그러나 우리 사회는 노인소외문제에 많은 관심을 가지고 있지 않고 있으며, 심각하게 받아들이지 않고 있다. 이에 따라 사회구조적 변화에 의해 나타나는 노인소외현상의 원인과 이를 개선하기 위한 대책과 방안에는 어떤 것들이 있는지 대안을 제시하였다. 첫째, 선진국에 비해 시기가 빠르게 다가오는 정년퇴직과 갑작스런 명예퇴직, 그리고 퇴직 후 다양하지 못한 직업종류에 따른 재취업 공간이 협소하여 경제적 어려움으로 인한 소외를 느끼고 있기 때문에 선진국과 같은 정년제도를 연장하고 나아가 다양한 취업공간을 마련하여 능력을 발휘할 수 있는 여건을 마련해야 한다. 둘째, 문화적 여가활동의 요구를 충족하고 싶은 노인들의 수에 비해 복지시설 및 문화공간이 부족하여 대부분의 시간을 TV시청으로 보내는데, 이나마 노인에 대한 왜곡되고 부정적 시각이 많이 보이고 있어 소외감을 더 느끼게 하는 만큼 다양한 복지시설 및 문화공간을 개설·보완하여 다른 노인들과 어울릴 수 있는 여건을 마련해야 하며, 노인 전문 프로그램을 활성화 시켜야한다. 셋째, 노인에 대한 사회의 부정적 고정관념으로 인해 노인 스스로가 자아 정체감을 갖게 하고, 사회적으로 적응을 힘들게 하며, 심하면 우울증을 초래하는만큼 노인에 대한 부정적인 편견을 바꾸어 우리 사회의 일원이면서, 한 가정의 구심원으로 바라보고 경로효친사상을 배경으로 대해야 한다. 본고에서 제시한 바와 같이 노인소외현상을 노인만의 문제로 보지말고, 우리사회의 문제로 생각하여 노인에 대한 인식을 바꾸고 우리 모두가 함께 고민하여 해결해 나갈 수 있도록 기여하는데 본 연구의 의의가 있다. Due to the results of our nation's economic development plan rapid modernization, urbanization, economic growth, technology advancement and society movement have made up a new society structure. Because of this new society family structure, population structure, values and media have all improved, but on the other hand compared to the past neglection of the elderly has become a major issue in modem society. Once again, in today's ever changing machine civilization and information age elderly people are losing their place in society. Elderly people are being overlooked in physical and mental aspects, and they have been through much change from the status and roles they had in the past. But in our society the problem of neglection to the elderly is not being paid enough attention to, and it is not thought of as a major problem. So this essay explains the causes and suggests some alternative proposals to improve elderly neglection that appear in today's changing social structure. First, in our country quick retirement age, sudden retirement and limited post retirement plans are the major problems compared to advanced countries. Because of these problems elderly people feel financially neglected. So we need to come up with various types of regulations like the advanced countries use, that can help elderly people keep their jobs and also find new ones that can fully express their potential. Second, there are not enough welfare institutes and culture centers where elderly people can satisfy their cultural and leisure desires. Therefore many elderly people spend most of their time watching television. Many elderly people are seen in a negative aspect and they feel much neglect because of it. To make elderly people feel better we need to establish various welfare institutes, culture centers and elderly social programs that can make them meet other people and feel less left out of society. Third, we need to change how elderly people feel and the way they are seen. Because of our society's negative outlook toward the elderly, they have very little self esteem. With little self esteem it is hard for them to adopt and get along with society. So they feel very depressed. We need to change the prejudice we have toward the elderly. Our job is to make them feel like they are a part of society and view them as a member of our family. Most importantly we need to treat them with much respect and with the basis of elderly first theories. As you can see in this essay we should not only look at elderly neglection as an elderly peoples problem, we need to expand it into a society problem. We have to change the cognition toward elderly people and try to figure out the solutions and answers for elderly neglection altogether. This is the main idea of this experiment.

      • 고령화사회의 노인인력 활용방안

        김성회 수원대학교 사회복지대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        This study elevates the social awareness of the aging society and suggests a utilization plan of the elderly's manpower in the aging society along with the understanding of them. Through collection and analysis of documents such as works of domestic scholars' writings, general treatises, various statistical materials, periodicals of the government or local governmental bodies and daily newspapers related to the study subject, this study, as a literature study, identified the present condition of the utilization of the elderly's manpower in Korea with a reference of those materials from the Korea National Statistical Office, the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Labor in order to understand the present condition of the elderly's manpower. This thesis is composed of 6 chapters. In Chapter 1, the purpose, scope and method of the study are presented; in Chapter 2, based on the theoretical background about the utilization of the elderly's manpower, the characteristics and necessities of the elderly's manpower utilization were reviewed; in chapter 3, the present utilization condition of the elderly's manpower in foreign countries were studied; in Chapter 4, related laws, regulations and policies relating to the elderly's manpower utilization in this country and the present condition of the elderly's manpower utilization were reviewed; in Chapter 5, the problems of the elderly's manpower utilization were identified and the plan of the elderly's manpower utilization was suggested; and in Chapter 6 to describe the conclusion, the thesis' contents described above were summarized to enhance the social awareness about the utilization plan of the elderly's manpower. The proposed utilizations presented in this study are as follows: First, the recommendations in "Employment Promotion for the Aged Act" should be converted to obligations in order to reinforce the law to gain substantial effects, and insufficient terms and conditions should be supplemented, and the present condition of the policy which is in effect according to the law should be identified, and the problems should be continuously improved. Second, the extension of the age-limit system and a compulsory employment system of the elderly are required. In addition, for the utilization of the elderly's employment program, legal and instrumental devices about the elderly's employment education should be prepared to expand and diversify the educational system in consideration of the characteristics of the elderly people in order to remove the anxieties of the elderly people about retirement, through the preliminary education for retirement and help be re-employed. Third, the employment agency centers and joint workplace for the aged who hope to continue work should be activated. In addition, the establishment of the elderly employment policy or the expansion of programs for the activation of the elderly's manpower utilization is important, but, above all, the awareness change toward the elderly is required and the social awareness about advantages of the elderly employment needs to be improved.

      • 후원자 개발을 위한 인터넷마케팅 활용에 관한 연구 : 사회복지공동모금회와 United way of America의 웹사이트 비교분석을 중심으로

        채희자 수원대학교 사회복지대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        The purpose of this study is to examine whether the Internet websites of social welfare organizations are efficient as a marketing instrument in order to develop supporters and seek more efficient direction of website development than the current utilization through the observation of the Internet's marketing value which is fast spreading to all social standings. To this end, previous studies and documents about the support and marketing of social welfare organizations were reviewed and 5C (Contents, Commerce, Communication, Community, and Connection) as performing strategies for Internet marketing and components of required websites for the supporter development was referred and the analysis framework was driven. Based on this, the two fields of awareness improvement and customer convenience as well as a fund-raising and supporter development about the websites of Community Chest of Korea and United Way of America were analyzed respectively. On the basis of two websites, the methods to compose a website for the performance of the Internet marketing function are as follows: First, in respect of contents it is required to construct and operate a website in consideration for users, and to improve its contents. Second, the development of specialized support products is required in the utilization of commerce. Third, the communication functions should be activated by various communication tools. Fourth, the community on the website should be activated. Fifth, positive website promotion is necessary for the efficient connection. In addition, as for the budget and manpower required in the course of the construction of the efficient website for the supporter development of social welfare organizations, there is a way to give more allotment to the Internet through review of budget adequacy and place the existing manpower in education through organization diagnosis or supplement the insufficient manpower through a contract with a Internet dedicated business. Further studies and efforts paying attention to the potential supporter's desire in the cyber world with information developed for the various technical support and the site design focusing on desires and the establishment of the Internet marketing strategy are required.

      • 주거 빈곤가구를 위한 주거복지 정책

        노희경 수원대학교 사회복지대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        우리나라의 주거복지정책은 보건복지부, 건설교통부, 지자체 등 이원화된 주거복지 전달체계 속에서 시행되어 왔으며 선정기준에 있어서도 기관별 프로그램의 대상자 선정기준이 상이하여 주거복지정책의 목표대상과 수혜대상이 다르게 나타나거나 일부 계층은 정책대상에서 소외되고 있는 실정이다.특히, 건설교통부에서 저소득층의 주거안정을 위해 시행하고 있는 공공임대주택의 공급확대 정책은 주거 빈곤가구에 해당하는 국민기초생활수급자에게 지원하고 있는 주거급여를 상회하는 주거비 부담을 초래하고 있어 실질적으로 입주가 어렵거나 정책의 수혜대상에서 소외되는 문제점이 야기되고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 공공임대주택 공급정책을 중심으로 2005년 공급하였거나 입주 예정인 임대주택의 부담 주거비를 파악하고 이를 국민기초생활 수급자에게 지원되는 주거급여와 비교분석하여 그 문제점을 도출 하였으며 각 부처별로 시행되는 주거복지 프로그램의 연계성과 대상자 선정기준의 타당성을 분석하여 문제점을 도출하였다. 이에 따라 현 실태와 관련 제도의 문제점을 분석하여 앞으로 보다 실질적으로 주거 빈곤가구에 대해 혜택이 돌아갈 수 있는 주거복지정책의 제도적 개선방안에 대하여 연구한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 저소득층을 위한 주거지원제도의 대상계층이 국민기초생활수급자와 같은 복지정책의 대상계층과 연계성을 지니기 위해서는 가구의 경제적 능력을 파악하기 위한 정부차원의 일관된 기준이 필요하며 적정 주거기준 설정과 함께 정책지원 대상을 명확히 하여야 한다. 2. 부처별 주거복지 지원프로그램의 연계성과 환류를 통한 정책조정의 용이성 확보 등을 위하여 중장기적인 복지정책 전략 속에서 종합적, 통합적인 주거복지를 모색하여야 한다. 3. 공공임대주택 공급프로그램의 대상자 선정 및 지원내용에 있어서 주거 빈곤가구 등 취약계층에 대한 우선순위를 부여하고 주거비 부담이 과도하지 않도록 유형, 규모, 임대료, 입지여건 등을 다양화 하여 공급토록 하여야 한다. 4. 주거비지원 프로그램에서 국민기초생활수급권자에 대한 주거급여에 대해서도 생계비에 포함된 주거비를 점진적으로 독립적인 주거급여로 포함시켜야 한다. 5. 국민기초생활 수급자에게 지원되는 최저주거비는 소득보조의 차원을 넘어서 주거수준의 향상 및 주거비 부담완화에 기여할 수 있도록 현실화하여야 한다. The residential welfare policy in Korea has been implemented under the dualized transmission system of the residential welfare such as the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Construction and Transportation, and the self-governing body, etc. In terms of the selection criteria, the selection criteria for those applicable in the program are different per organization. As a consequence, the targeted object and the beneficiary object in respect of the residential welfare policy are different. Or it is the current situation that some class is alienated in terms of the object in policy. In particular, the expansion policy in supply with respect to the public leased residence which is executed by the Ministry of Construction and Transportation for the stable residence of the low income class causes a burden of the residential cost which exceeds the residential wage that is supported to the beneficiary for the national basic living equivalent to the poor household in terms of residence. Accordingly, it is the present situation that the problem in which the moving in is difficult or he/she is neglected in terms of the beneficiary object in policy occurs in practice. Thus, in this study, the residential cost borne by the leased residence, which was supplied in 2005 or is scheduled to be supplied is found out on the basis of the supply policy of the public leased residence. In this regard, the relevant problem is deduced by way of comparison and analysis with the residential wage that is supported to the beneficiary for the national basic living. And the problem is derived through analyzing the validity of the connection in the residential welfare program implemented per each ministry and the selection criteria for those applicable. Subsequently, the result of studying the systematic improvement scheme in the residential welfare policy to give the more practical benefit to the poor household in terms of residence by analyzing the problem in the current situation and the related system can be summarized as follows: 1. In order for the applicable class in the residential support system for the low income class to retain the connection with the applicable class in the welfare policy such as the beneficiary for the national basic living, the consistent standard at the level of government to find out the economic capability of the household is required and the object for the support in policy as well as the establishment of the proper residential standard should be made clear. 2. In order to obtain the easiness in the policy adjustment through the connection and reflux of the support program in respect of the residential welfare per ministry, the comprehensive and integrated residential welfare should be tried under the mid and long term strategy of welfare policy. 3. The preferential priority should be given to the weak class such as the residential poor household, etc. in terms of the selection of those applicable and the details on the support for the supply program of the public leased residence. And the supply should be made by way of diversifying the type, size, lease fee, and condition of the location, etc. to avoid the excessive burden on residential cost. 4. With regard to the residential wage for the beneficiary for the national basic living in case of the program to support the residential cost, the residential cost included in the cost of living should be gradually included as the independent residential wage. 5. The minimum residential cost supported to the beneficiary for the national basic living should be materialized to improve the residential standard and to reduce the burden of the residential cost beyond the level of the income assistance.

      • 고등학교 문학 교과서에 나타난 노인 이미지 분석 -7차 교육과정 18종의 현대소설 작품을 중심으로-

        이덕주 수원대학교 사회복지대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        전통사회와 달리 현대산업사회로 오면서 노인들의 존재가 평가절하되고 노인의 이미지는 의존적이고 무능력하며 비사회적인 존재로서 부정적으로 형성되어 왔다. 후기산업사회로 오면서 노인의 지위와 역할은 다시 활동적․주체적으로 바뀌고 있는데 노인에 대한 인식 변화는 그에 따르지 못하고, 여전히 노인에 대해 부정적 이미지가 만연해 있다. 이러한 부정적인 노인이미지는 노인 스스로 부정적인 자기 인식을 강화시켜 노인의 삶의 질을 떨어뜨릴 뿐만 아니라, 노인의 대한 복지정책을 시혜의 차원에 머무르게 하여 사회의 부담도 증가시키고, 세대 간의 단절도 강화시켜 다가오는 노령화사회에 대한 올바른 대응을 위한 사회적 합의를 이끄는데도 장애가 된다. 청소년기가 노인에 대한 부정적 고정관념을 수용하기 쉬운 시기이고, 그 부정적 고정관념이 노인의 삶의 질에 영향을 줄 뿐 아니라 노인에 대한 복지대책을 만들고 시행할 미래 세대까지 영향을 줄 수 있다는 점을 고려할 때 노인에 대한 긍정적 이미지 제시와 수용은 매우 중요한 과제이다. 이런 점에서 학생들이 수업시간과 시험준비를 위해 반복해서 읽는 교과서 중에서, 특히 감수성이 풍부한 청소년들이 쉽게 등장인물과 동일시하게 되는 문학작품들에 노인이미지가 어떻게 나타나는지 분석하는 것이 의미있다고 보았다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 노인에 대한 태도의 일면으로 볼 수 있는 노인에 대한 이미지에 주목하고 연구의 목적을 고등학교 문학 교과서의 현대소설작품에 등장한 노인인물의 성격과 역할을 분석하는 데 두었다. 분석대상으로 고등학교 18종 문학교과서에 실려있는 현대소설 목록을 모두 뽑은 다음에 노인이 주인공이거나 주요인물로 등장하는 총 21편의 작품을 최종 선별했다. 이 작품들의 노인 인물들의 역할과 성격을 대별하여 총 5가지 유형으로 분류하여 각 유형에 속하는 작품의 줄거리와 작품 개요를 소개하고 그 작품에 등장하는 노인들의 성격과 역할을 분석 서술한 후, 서술 말미에 긍정-부정 이미지를 판별하여 제시하였다. 분석 결과 노인에 대한 부정적인 이미지가 긍정적 이미지보다 훨씬 많았으며, 긍정적 이미지를 가진 인물의 경우에도 전통적인 노인상의 틀을 벗어나지 못하고 있었다. 현재의 문학교과서의 현대소설작품에 등장하는 노인인물들이 전체적으로 어둡고 부정적인 이미지로 정형화되어 있다는 점, 대부분의 작품에서 젊은 세대와 노인 세대가 단절되어 젊은이로서는 전혀 노인에게 친근감이나 동일시 욕구를 가질 수 없는 점, 여성노인인물의 수가 절대적으로 부족하고 이들의 역할이 지극히 제한적이라는 점 등을 참고하여, 교과서에 수록될 작품 선정에 보다 신중을 기하고 아울러 긍정적 노인이미지를 갖게 할 교육을 위한 본격적인 문학제제가 수록되어 문학교육을 통해 올바른 노인이미지 확립이 이루어질 수 있도록 해야 할 것이다. In modern industrial society, existence of the old has become devaluation and images of them have been formed negatively as a dependent, inefficient and unsociable being different from traditional society. Since post industrial society comes, positions and roles of the aged are changing actively and independently again, but change of recognition about them cannot follow those and some contradictory images to them are aimless as ever. These negative images for the old decrease the quality of them by reinforcement of negative self-recognition, and increase the burden for the society by lack of welfare policies. Furthermore, these become difficult of social agreement for the right countermeasure to graying society by reinforcement of a generation gap. Therefore, the presentation and acceptance of positive images to the old has been an important problem because the negative fixed ideas to them which is easy to learn in adolescence cause the decrement of the life quality of the aged, and may affect to the next generation who will establish the welfare policies for the old. From this view, it is noteworthy to analyze how images of the old appear in textbooks that students read repeatedly for class and exam; especially literary works which sensitive teenagers identify themselves with characters simply. This study pays attention to the images which can be seen a side of attitude about the old. Also the purpose is to analyze personalities and roles of the aged characters that appear on modern novels of high school literature textbooks. For analysis, first of all, I made a list of modern novels on 18 kinds of high school literature textbooks. In addition, I finally selected 21 works that the aged are the main or leading characters. Next, roles and personalities of these works were divided into five types. After introducing plots and outlines of the works belonged to each type and describing the personalities and roles of the aged that appear on the works, I suggested the positive-negative images on the bottom of the description. The results show that there are much more negative images to the old than positive ones, even some positive characters cannot break the traditional forms. There are three points for reference. First the old characters, appearing on the modern novels of the present literature textbooks, are being standardized dark and negative images generally. Second, the young cannot have any affinities and identifying desire with the old because there is a generation gap on the most works. And finally, the number of old women characters are absolutely lacking and their roles are extremely restrictive. Referring to these points, We should be careful to select literary work put in the textbook, and have an effort for establishment of right images to the old through literary education.

      • 老人福祉會館 프로그램 開發에 관한 硏究

        한선희 水原大學校 社會福祉大學院 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        In preparation for the aging society, the role of SWC in the local communities has been on the increase. Although, until now, SWC has been in pursuit of the quantitative growth, it now has to reestablish the definition of its functions and roles to meet a variety of welfare-related needs of the seniors in the local community and formulate plans to pursue the professionalism and specialty in respect of quality. SWC has to make every effort to provide effective programs and alternative plans to improve the quality of the lives of seniors through close cooperation with local governments. According to this research, its objective is for the development of the proper SWC program requested by the local society, and we looked it by using the examples of the SWC built in the district "Seruw", Suwon. To develop the program, we distributed the questionnaire about the realities of the senior's life condition and the welfare desires among those who go to the office for the aged, the result is the following ; For the economy situation, 41.7% of them are suffering from it and more than 40% of themare suffering from the health. The most needed for the spare time, they want sports, health, hobby, and volunteering for the local in order, but the participation of the volunteer was low. For the difficulties they feel, the problem of the health was the highest, the next problems were loneliness and isolation. They have little help from the outside but the communication with their family to solve the problems. However, more than the half of them answered they would accept the SWC's help in the future. For the service from the SWC, they need the free hospital for the aged, the healthy exercise in the field of the health, and they want Baduk, Korean Chess, flower arrangement, learning a song in the field of the entertainment. Moreover they need the restaurant, health club, and hair shop for the facilities of the public welfare. Through the analysis of this results, the welfare program of the SWC could be the following ; First, we must run the program by considering the senior's health, educational background, and their financial conditions etc. Second, we need the health consulting, lecture which are focused on the disease for the aged and the program related to the health in order to recover their physical function. Third, we need to make them participate in the volunteering that offers the social opportunities to enhance their old age. Fourth, we develop the systematic job program to give them proper jobs which are helpful for their finance and activate that program to make the partnership with enterprises. Fifth, we need the service program include a professional counselor who can consult the senior's diverse issues. Sixth, we make the residents participate in the volunteering program spontaneously through the SWC inspired in the local residents with the awareness that the community supports the local seniors. We can also run the social educational program and various courses with low price and high quality. Seventh, we need to develop the program working together with the young in order to raise the respect for the aged.

      • HIV/에이즈 감염인을 위한 사회복지 서비스에 관한 연구

        박희숙 수원대학교 사회복지대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        Since a HIV infected patient was officially found first in 1985 in Korea, the government took an instrumental action for prevention of a AIDS and organized a health administration body under theordinance of the Ministry of Health and Welfare. At present, health centers that have jurisdiction of infected patients' residence administer the HIV/AIDS infected patients in Korea. As studies about HIV/AIDS treatment have been developed, the infected patients may live a social life for 10 years like non-infected people and their life expectancies are also increasing depending on individual differences. On the other hand, they must struggle against AIDS virus and face the employment and economy, attitudes of their family and neighbors, human rights and community problems while they are living. They naturally get to have a variety of desire to treat these problems. Under these circumstances, the writer believes that existing social and health policy toward HIV/AIDS requires changes to a social and welfare service system which can improve the life quality of the infected patients, with a focus on the desire of the infected patients. Based on this awareness, a descriptive survey in relation tothe mental, emotional, economical, medical and social desire of the infected patients was conducted in order to study the interventions of social welfare service for the HIV/AIDS infected patients. Likert Scale was used forthe desire score ("Strongly Agree" 5points to "Strongly Disagree" 1) and the subjects were the HIV/AIDS infected patients residing in the jurisdiction of Seoul and Gyeonggi health center. The survey period was from February2 to March 20. Of the collected questionnaires, ANOVA and T-Test of frequency analysis, average analysis and correlation and average analysis were performed for 123 answers using the social science statistics program of SPSS/Win 10.0. Based on the social and welfare desires of the HIV/AIDS infected patients shown on the analyzed results from the questionnaire, the writer would like to suggest a social and welfare service policy for the HIV/AIDS infected patients as follows: First, the national policy about HIV/AIDS changes to medical welfare service centered system to provide a professional medical service for the HIV/AIDS infected patients so as to manage the diseases wellenough to preserve health and keep a social life. As the result of this study, the very great desires of the HIV/AIDS infected patients include disease state, disease management and AIDS specialized hospital. The desires can be gained by providing high quality service of special hospitals. However, because of budget problems and NIMBY (not in my backyard), it is very difficult to establish and operate official specialized hospitals for the HIV/AIDS infected patients. Accordingly, thewriter suggests an instrumental device so that the government can designate general hospitals by areas with 3`5 health centers and internally establish and operate AIDS specialized wards and the social service offices of the hospitals can manage AIDS and provide medical welfare service to the HIV/AIDS infected patients. Second, through the intervention of social welfare service for the HIV/AIDS infected patients, it can help the HIV/AIDS infected patients overcome the emotional, economical and social problems caused by AIDS infection and improve the quality of life. In this study, high desires for a counselor, utilities, convenient facilities, economic support and economic rehabilitation, welfare benefit for the disabled or AIDS related legal advisory body were shown. The writer wouldlike to suggest the expansion and reinforcement of the functions of resting places operated by AIDS related private bodies in order to solve the problems of the HIV/AIDS infected patients. The government can support the resting places to implement the social welfare business and education, public relations and preventive business of AIDS for the communities. In the end, based on the social service offices of general hospitals, it is considered that studies toidentify concerns on HIV/AIDS infected patients and the present conditions of medical service and to examine the concerns of medical professionals or social workers on HIV/AIDS infected patients and social welfare practicesare subsequently required. The writer expects that the social welfare service system for HIV/AIDS infected patients would gradually be in place in Korea and the HIV/AIDS infected patients manage their health and return to normal life without alienation and the information and preventive education about AIDS would be activated all over the country in order to protect the people from AIDS infection.

      • 치매노인의 재가복지서비스 개선방안에 관한 연구

        김윤희 수원대학교 사회복지대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        This study searches for solutions to advance staying welfare service by analyzing the current status and examining the problems of staying welfare service in Korea. First, to improve safety approach for the demented elderly, the subjects for the service should be expanded and the expense burden also must be advanced. The reality of staying welfare service is that the demand by the demented elderly and the old men excesses the supply, and even though there is supply, most people do not use it because there is no public relations effect in the community. Moreover, the subjects of the service is limited to low class focused on those who receive livelihood protection, so the old above the middle class are not able to receive the favors, and the service is not suitable for the demented elderly because the staying welfare service is not providing professional service appropriate for them. In the future, the staying welfare service should not restrict the limits only to the demented elderly without family or in low class, and should study the service activities to expand the subjects to those who have a family or earning, but also have the will to receive staying welfare service from conversing point of view. Secondly, comparing the characteristics of dementia and the seriousness of the disease, those who are in need for staying welfare service belong to a serious case, so human resource, facility, and program must be intensified so that the service can provide suitable professional service to the demented elderly. Thirdly, the problem is about quality advancement of nursing related service for the demented elderly. In case of service for the demented elderly, the nursing service must be intensified, so nursing related part in education curriculum should also be intensified. Fourthly, since staying welfare service puts its originality in staying welfare delivery system in the community, it should have intimate relationships with the civilians of the district, social welfare institutions, and public institutions. Therefore, administrators, professionals, and inhabitants must create a welfare community that cooperates, collaborate, and mutually assist each other with their own roles to solve welfare problems. For selection of subjects, consultation with subjects, connection to the service, and management of cases, connection with related institutions is fundamental for efficient management. Fifthly, since the service cannot be appropriately provided with low financial assistance from the government for staying welfare service, the to develop government support is a prior assignment to do, and the budget must be divided appropriately to distribute service and tasks that considers district characteristics, and for financial independence of local government by the local government. Based on these improvements, essential problems must be solves in national dimension rather than individual or family responsibility about service for the demented elderly, and support for the demented elderly should be created so that the family can execute the support as the main body. The community and government's responsibility to carry out the roles to strengthen the functions of the family is being emphasized, and voluntary participation of those who live in the community can be an important standard to measure how successful staying welfare service for the demented elderly is. The problem for the demented elderly, which is a degrading disease that is chronic and gradually progressive, is no more a problem that can be neglected to family problems; it is an important social issue. Therefore, families, the community, and the government should develop and expand the policies and systems based on the desire of the demented elderly and supporting family, and should make a more effective and efficient staying welfare service.

      • 기혼남녀의 아버지와의 원가족 경험이 우울에 미치는 영향

        이선희 수원대학교 사회복지대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 250655

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of primary family experience with father on depression in married people. For the study 207 married people living in Seoul area participated in the study. The major results are as follows. First, primary family experience was divided into factors emotional disconnection, emotional separation and triangularization. The total mean score of primary family experience was 65.25 in 5 point likert scale. Emotional disconnection mean score was 27.40, emotional separation 23.82 and triangularization 14.03. Thus emotional disconnection score the highest among the factors. Second, analysis of primary familly experience depending on demographic characteristics show that primary family experience differed depending on personal traits. Men showed higher emotional disconnection than women whereas women shower higher emotional separation than men. People with age between 41 to 50 years old were highest in emotional disconnection. In emotional separation Christian participants showed the highest scores. In triangularization people with no religion showed the highest scores. Regarding educational background in emotional disconnection people with graduate school level degrees showed the highest scores. In emotional separation people with undergraduate degrees showed the highest scores. Regarding length of marriage life people who have been married 6-10 years and 11-15 years showed highest scores in emotional disconnection and people the 1-5 years of experience showed highest scores in emotional separation. The differences among groups were statistically significant. Third, the total mean score of depression was 27.49. Analysis with demographics showed that women showed higher scores than men and Buddhist group showed the highest score among religious groups. Regarding age people over 51 years old had higher scores in depression. Also longer the marriage life higher was the scores in depression. People with more than 3 children had high depression scores. Fourth, to identify the effects of primary family experience on depression multiple-regresssion was conducted. As results higher the scores on emotional disconnection and emotional separation higher the scores on depression as well. Implications of the study show that primary family experience which people experience through emotional disconnection and triangularization have negative effects on personal health and depression. Thus, the causes social problems such as legal separation, divorce and family violence. Preventive solutions for lowering depression through primary family experience are as follows. First, in times such as ours when separated family, single parent family, remarriage couples family, grand parent-child family, multicultural family and Saeteomin family are increasing culture recognizing diversity is needed. Also scales integrating primary family experience applying foreign ethnicity needs to be developed. Second, vitalizing and promoting pre-marriage couples education, father education programs for preventing and healing family problems in healthy family support centers are greatly need. Primary family experience approach can be used in couples program in helping couples to realize that emotional maturity helps to recognize the difference of perception in married couples and also achieve self-differentiation in spouses who have low self-differentiation level which is an important process in development of a person. Third, men should try to have commitment to family as well as social achievement. Also proper evaluation and institution support for men's effort in sustaining family life should be established.

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