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      • 여성언어의 보편성과 매개변인화

        우윤식 釜山外國語大學校 語文學硏究所 2003 外大語文論集 Vol.18 No.-

        Women and men do nor speak in exactly the same way as each other in any speech community and the linguistic behavior of women and men differ. It is claimed women are more linguistically polite than men and that women and men emphasize different speech functions. The many researches on the differences between women and men has been conducted in many ways since Lakoff(1973, 1975) identified the following linguistic features of women's speech. (1) a. Lexical hedges or fillers such as you know, sort of well, you see. b. Tag questions c. Raising intonation on declaratives d. Empty adjectives such as divine, charming , cute e. Precise color terms such as magenta, aquamarine f. Intensifiers such as just and so. g. Hypercorrect grammar, e.g. consistent use of standard forms h. Superpolite forms i. Avoidance of strong swear words such as fudge, fuck, my goodness j. Emphatic Stress Much of this initial research was criticized as abstract, artificial and methodologically unsatisfactory because Lakoff's claims were based on her own intuitions and observations. which sparked off a spate of research. In this context, this paper aimed at exploring Holmes'(2000) sociolinguistic universals or generalizations with respect to the different behaviors of women and men and the possibility that each universals can be parameterized. As a result, each universal shown in (42) has been found to be able to be parameterized. But language as a liguistic, sicial and cultural phenomenon is a composite entity and can not be simply and clearly parameterized. Therefore I think that the task of paramerterizing the sociolinguistic universals can be carried out fully with the help of the theory and the findings of sociology and anthropology.

      • 형상성 분류사의 범주화 분석

        우형식 부산외국어대학교 어문학연구소 2001 外大語文論集 Vol.16 No.-

        The Configurational Classifiers are selected by the shape, size, and color of the noun referents, the shape is the most important feature of them. The Configurational Classifiers are divided with special and universal, and the former consists of one-dimensional (long) , two - dimensional (flat), and three-dimensional (round). The system of the Korean Configurational Classifiers is as follows.

      • 의사소통과 추론

        정희자 부산외국어대학교 어문학연구소 2001 外大語文論集 Vol.16 No.-

        There seems to be a general agreement that there can, and should, be a general theory of communication. From Aristotle to modern philosophers, all theories of communication were based either on the code model or on the inferential model. According to the code model, communication is achieved by encoding and decoding messages. In the inferential model, communication is achieved by producing and interpreting evidence. There is a crucial difference between sentences and utterances: a sentence has only linguistic properties, but an utterance has both linguistic and non-linguistic properties. Thus, there is a gap between the semantic representations of sentences and the thoughts actually communicated by utterances. The semantic representation of a sentence takes no account of such non-linguistic properties as the time and place of utterance, the identity of the speaker, the speaker's intention, the speaker's altitude, and so on. It only deals with a literal meaning, which is a kind of common core of meaning shared by every utterance of the sentence. Utterances are used not only to explicitly convey thoughts but to imply the speaker's attitudes to, or relations to, the thoughts expressed. The whole process of verbal communication cannot be accounted for in terms of either the code or the inferential mechanism. The use of coded signals which fall short of encoding the speaker's intentions simply provides incomplete information. On the other hand, the inferential communication cannot be achieved without coded signals. Thus, verbal communication can be achieved successfully with the combination of the code and inferential mechanisms. This paper discussed the synthetic model of communication, the relation between implicature and inference, and how to appropriately infer the speaker's intention or attitude implied. The following are asserted: i) the code model and the inferential model should be combined for successful communication, ii) the speaker's implicature is one side of the coin and the hearer's inference is the other side, iii) the hearer can infer the speaker's implicature in terms of combining the outcome of decoding of the sentence with non-linguistic information from the context in which the sentence is used, and iv) the hearer can't achieve successful communication without inferring the speaker's intention of utterance or the speaker's attitude to the thought expressed.

      • 이태리어 교재 개발 사례 연구 : 대조ㆍ오류 분석 방법론의 적용

        허유회 부산외국어대학교 어문학연구소 2001 外大語文論集 Vol.16 No.-

        In questo articolo si affronta nolle sue linee generali il problema delta analisi e interpretazione del fenomeno degli errori commessi next corso dell'apprendimento dell'italiano da parte degli studenti Coreani e si avanza qualche proposta di applicazione alla metodologia glottodidattica. Un attenta raccolta e classificazione di dati del genere indicato faciliterebbe enormemente il compito dell'insegnante e ancora di pi□ quello dell'estensore di materiale glottodidattico. In questo senso un equilibrate ricorso ai dati offerti da un alto dalla analisi differenziale fra L1 e L2 e dall'altro dalla analisi degli errori seconde le linee generali accennate darebbe un contributo inestimabile al miglioramento di metodi e materiali, e in ultima analisi a tutta la problematica relativa alla psicologia dell'apprendimento.

      • 마인어 학습 방법론 소고 : Focused on Dialect of Jakarta 바하사 자까르따를 중심으로

        강경석 부산외국어대학교 어문학연구소 2001 外大語文論集 Vol.16 No.-

        Makalah ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan suatu care hendak mempelajari bahasa melayu-indonesia. Di dalam makalah ini diterangkan bagaimana caranya seorang pelajar di jurusan melayu-indonesia itu boleh mempelajari bahasa melayu, bahasa malaysia, bahasa indonesia dan bahasa jakarata atau yang disebut dialek jakarta. Untuk menulis makalah yang seringkas ini penulis mendapat berbagai-bagai kesusahan, misalnya pendapatan bahan rujukan yang sepadan dengan topik ini. Walau bagaimanapun, sebuah kames yang bertajuk "Kamus Dialek Jakarta"yang tersusun oleh Abdul Chaer. Kamus ini bukan sebuah buku tatabahasa yang menerangkan seluk-beluknya bahasa Indonesia, khususnya dialek jakarata. Oleh yang demikian, penulis cuba menggunakan satu cara rekonstruksi, iaitu suatu tiara yang membuat satu tatabahasa sementara dengan melihat perbendaharaan data atau keterangan. Dengan demikian makalah ini ditulis sebagai satu percubaan yang pefama di Korea ini. Memang diketahui bahawa percubaan ini sama ada isinya ataupun kerangkannya boleh dianggap sebagai satu titik permulaan di bidang ini boleh ditteruskan lagi oleh penulis yang lain juga.

      • 1930년대 재일 한국인의 일어시 연구

        박경수 부산외국어대학교 어문학연구소 2001 外大語文論集 Vol.16 No.-

        This study is to grasp the meaning and the characteristics of Korean poets' poems which were written in Japanese in Japan in the 1930's, For this, I first examined works of Baek, Cheol and Kim, Yong-jae who were actively engaged in Japanese leftist literary circles and published so many pieces of proletarian poetry. Next I exaamined Ju, Yeung-seob and others' poems which had the contrast characteristics against the former. Baek, Cheol became a member of Japanese vanguard poets' group and after was engaged in NAPF with Kim, Yong-jae in the early of 1930's. Most of his poems in Japanese were the works of narrative poetry which described the concrete facts of Korean life in the colonial period. In this point, I can insist that his poems have the poetic reality and the national identity even if they have the leftist inclinations of Marxism and the boundary of Japanese language usage. What is specially noteworthy once more is that he wrote a new poetic form named 'Shufreih-Call' which was a sort of dramatic poems. It showed us a possibility that could overcome the weakness of a proletarian poetry. Kim, Yong-jae played an important role in Japanese leftist literary group called NAPF and NALUP, and published proletarian poems more than 30 pieces. His poems have many points of likeness to Baek, Cheol's, but express the socialism of a class strugle more strongly than Baek, Cheol's. Nevertheless his poems as like 〈the Strait of Korea〉, 〈the border〉, 〈My lovely continent〉, and 〈Arirang of spring〉 expressed very impressively the poetic reality and the national identity. On the other hand, Ju, Yeung-seob and some others' poems, which were published in the latter of the 1930's, showed us very contrast features against Baek and Kim's. Their poems glorified the civilization of science, or meditated the nature, or distorted and caricatured the reality of life. So they lost not only the poetic reality but also their national identity. Of course, we need to consider that these poems were published under the very oppressive measure on public opinion at that time.

      • 버나드 쑈의 『비탄의 집(Heartbreak House)』연구

        박성환 부산외국어대학교 어문학연구소 2001 外大語文論集 Vol.16 No.-

        G. B. Shaw started Heartbreak House, one of his greatest plays, in 1913 in a moment that looked peaceful enough to ordinary people. Europe had not known a continent-wide convulsion since the time of Napoleon. But Shaw saw clearly that behind the calm, the intensification of international hatred, fear, and envy was causing a slow but dangerous drift toward war. When he began to write the play, his premonitions were of the direst, and there is an ominous undercurrent in the Captain Shotover's electrically charged warnings in the play. As Shotover is Shaw, we see in his age, obsolescence, and impotence the playwright's profound agony at his own insignificance and powerlessness in the face of the brutal realities of World War I. It is a play of great imaginative power and intellectual range, and its portrait of cultured, leisured Europe before the war includes some of Shaw's most astringent and uncompromising social criticism. The play confronts darkness and violence and the shattering of illusions in an unflinching exhilarated mood. Although some positive affirmations are discernible in its overall vision, they appear in a context of fiercely negative and destructive feeling. Heartbreak House is a work which clearly reflects the new dimensions of disorder and violence which were brought into being by the First World War. The War clearly had a profound influence on the themes and atmosphere of the play. It can be interpreted as a warning to the contemporary cultured middle class, of the dangers inherent in their isolation of themselves from the source of power in society. Trapped in barren fancies, they are beyond understanding Shotover's distinction between the genuine happiness that comes from facing life's challenges bravely and the accursed happiness of an escapism that leaves its possessors only half alive. They are too egoistical to conceive that their own self-interest is more than a purely private matter. The despair of 'Heartbreak House' lies in the fear that those of noble and cultured sensibilities have lost their dynamism, and that the vacuum has been filled by ignoble, self-centered, materialistic seekers of power or guardians of a mindless status quo. In prizing human values and culture, 'Heartbreak House' assumes that society must above all be honest and free, allowing each man's genius to express itself openly and without intimidation. What the old Captain Shotover is seeking is what Shaw has always been seeking, like Plato before him: a way of uniting wisdom and power. The Fabians had tried to make the men of power wise. But the men of power preferred a world war to the world's wisdom. Shotover has given them up as hopeless. This paper concludes that 'heartbreak' has great potential if it brings an end to the pursuit of illusion, especially illusion founded on self-interest, because only by reversing the spiritually consuming whirlpool of egocentricity can the soul awaken to the broader consciousness of life and reality.

      • ≪문학≫교재에 수록된 <서울, 1964년 겨울>의 독해 지도 연구

        류종렬 부산외국어대학교 어문학연구소 2001 外大語文論集 Vol.16 No.-

        The work 〈Seoul, Winter of 1964〉 in High School's Literature Textbook was analysed from a viewpoint of teaching reading comprehension. The purpose is to explain the work and to provide a guide to good reading comprehension in the actual teaching field. The results are as follows: First, this novel is well situated in the textbook. The general characteristics of the novel are discussed in the textbook. To understand the theme, characters, point of view, style, tone of the work as the aim of teaching this work is appropriate, also. However the characteristics of the modern novel could be explained more concretely here. Second, the title of this work makes us think of the dark and sullen events which broke out in the very cold winter of 1964 in the modernized Seoul city under the military authorities's rule. The background, Seoul as a symbol of modernization in capitalism, and the time, the winter night in 1964, is established in the work. The year 1964 implies more the economic and social meaning that was the beginning of the capitalistic modernization and industrialization, rather than the political meaning that was the 3rd Republic Ruling Times by the 5.15 military coup. The winter night implies the sullen and desperate mood. Seoul is depicted as symbolic city of modernized capitalism. But such a background of time and space represents the image which refers to the dark and desperate mood of the Seoul night streets and is not the actual objective and concrete world. That is, the background is only the setting in which characters talk each other. Third, an important event or action, which we generally can see in the modern novel, is not found in the development of plot. Therefore it is difficult to explain the plot with the 5 step theory. It is organized as pub→chinese restaurant→fire scene→inn, and is a dispersed plot with the disconnected episodes paralleled in the epic space. Fourth, the characters of the work can be read out if we understand their inner world through their dialogue and actions. They are the speaker 'I', 'Ann', and 'Sanae', who are all characters estranged from the capitalistic real world. This is shown through anonymity, materialism, non-orientation, uncertainty. Next, these three characters are explained as follows. 'Ann' is an individualist and pessimistic nihilist who only pursues her life far from the actual world. 'Sanae' is a poor person of petty bourgeois background, who kills himself because of his extremely estranged feeling. 'I' is an in-between with no certainty and is more opportunistic than the other two characters. Because the explanation of the characters in the textbook is problematic, the characters were treated more concretely in the main body of this thesis. In the presentation of characters the author describes them directly in the first part, and describes them indirectly through their dialogue and action in the second part. Fifth, the point of view is from the first person's viewpoint. For style the work uses dialogue than narration or description, uses up-to-date and daily language and metaphorical and symbolic language. Simple and complex sentences are used alternatively But the style is nearer to the translation of the western sentences than traditional Korean. A sarcastic tone permeates the novel. Sixth, the meaning of the work is to show the estranged and isolated human relationships in 1960s' in Seoul. Here we can see people who were living day by day without any aim in life at the time when the industrialization of capitalism began.

      • 언어연구와 페미니즘 이해

        김귀순 釜山外國語大學校 語文學硏究所 2003 外大語文論集 Vol.18 No.-

        Feminist views on language are diverse. This reflects on the political differences that have always existed within feminism, and the great proliferation for discourse-intellectual traditions, theoretical frameworks, academic disciplines - in which language itself is discussed. In this paper, we would like to show that feminist views on language are complex, and to quide the reader through that complexity, suggesting some frameworks, theoretical, historical and thematic, in which we can order and make sense of different feminist views. Finally, we tried to show that women and men behave differently in several communicative domains. Through communicative processes, cultural models of gender are both portrayed and reinforced, contributing to the socialization of females and males into their expected roles and also creating their ideas about themselves and each other.

      • 대학 영어 읽기 교육의 개선을 위한 제언

        김창호 釜山外國語大學校 語文學硏究所 2003 外大語文論集 Vol.18 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the perceived effectiveness of English reading education at The Pusan University of Foreign Studies. It is also to identify current problems and suggest alternatives to these problems. This study discusses four approaches to the teaching of EFL reading: grammar-translation, comprehension questions, skills and strategies, and extensive reading. After brief descriptions of the first three, this study introduces extensive reading through a discussion of six principles. Extensive reading programs that incorporate the six principles are generally successful: their students become better readers; their attitude toward learning English improves; their motivation to learn English increases; and other aspects of English competency also improve. Six principles are: 1) The purpose of reading is usually related ton pleasure, information and general understanding, and the reading material is easy. 2) A variety of reading material on a wide range of topics is available. 3) Learners choose what they want to read 4) The teacher orients and guides the students, and he or she is a role model of a reader. 5) The teacher establishes a general framework based on pre-, during-, and post-reading instruction. 6) Reading instruction is implemented trough frequent small-group or cooperative activities.

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