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      • 사회체육활성화를 위한 스포츠클럽 조직관리

        구우영 ( Woo Young Ku ) 동의대학교 스포츠과학연구소 2003 스포츠과학연구논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        스포츠클럽 관리에 있어 조직 구조론은 운동조직 및 형태뿐만 아니라 선택적 방법에 의한 지도를 상정한 경우에도 그 조직에 대한 방법론적 지식을 제공해 준다. 따라서 현 단계에서는 경영에 관한 이론이나 지식을 체육지도에 그대로 적용하기보다는 경영학적 인식, 관념, 태도, 현상파악, 방법, 고찰 등을 적용하여 이를 둘러 싼 제 문제에 대하여 재검토가 이루어 져야 한다. 이러한 경영학적 접근방법은 다소 수학적, 확률적 Model에 적용하는 데 유효하며 성취모텔을 설계할 수 있는 의사결정, 경영의 문제해결 등에 유효한 실마리를 제공해 줄 수 있기 때문이다. 그러나 개념의 정확한 사용 등을 포함한 이론적 틀의 미비점, 그리고 경영방법의 정밀화와 연구성과의 저적 등은 앞으로의 연구활동 등을 통해서 검토되어야 할 과제이다. 스포츠 사업은 의료사업과 같은 맥락에서 공익성을 추구해야한다. 인간의 삶의 질 향상을 위한 근본적 접근이 필요하다. 사회체육에서 스포츠클럽의 활성화는 건강하고 건전한 시민 육성이 목적이므로 이윤추구나 비생산적이라는 관점에서 탈피해야 하다. 그러므로 공공 부문의 예산은 국민 복리 증진적 차원에서 사회체육 활성화 사업에 충분히 투자되어야 한다.

      • 스포츠관광의 유형에 따른 스포츠관광 정책의 중요성

        유병인 ( Byung In Yoo ),이재형 ( Jae Hyung Lee ),김윤숙 ( Yun Sook Kim ),정광현 ( Kwang Hyun Jeong ) 동의대학교 스포츠과학연구소 2002 스포츠과학연구논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the pattern of sports tourism which modem tourists like according to their age type, living in the globalization and information age, and how it impacts on improving the quality of human`s life. And this study analyzes on the importance of sports tourism`s policy, therethrough this provides tourism industry of our country with a verifiable data. This data will be able to develop our tourism industry. This examines 498 general Busan citizens who have participated in the sports event activities or have watched the sports games. The results are summed up as follows. First, sports tourism`s pattern according to age is analyzed by χ2 analysis has a significant difference as a whole. Second, the importance of sports tourism industry`s policy according to the pattern of sports tourism has a significant difference as a whole. Third, the plan of sports tourism`s activation is to make a plan to propel sports marketing related with sports tourism, to select a special sports tourism zone, to develop various sports products, to unify the administration of sports tourism, to recognize the importance of sports tourism, and to train and ensure sports specialists.

      • 스포츠관여도에 따른 스포츠영웅의 실증적 요인 분석

        김종표 ( Jong Pyo Kim ),서명제 ( Byung Se Suh ),김찬룡 ( Chan Ryong Kim ) 동의대학교 스포츠과학연구소 2002 스포츠과학연구논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        this study was enforced with questionnaires of 429 men and women high school students in Busan for analyzing factors for sports hero depending on the sex and degree of involvement in sports and analyzed the factors based on the gathered data. According to sex, women subjects answer more various factors for sports hero than men. While the groups having high degree of involvement in sports choose a moral senses as the most important factor for becoming sports hero, the groups having low degree of involvement in sports answer that the degree of contribution in society is most important for becoming sports hero. Specific conclusion is like followings. 1) In case of men`s group highly involving sports, the subjects answered that the most necessary factors for becoming sports hero is a moral sense, and then the degree of contribution in society, strong leadership, and differentiation. 2) In case of men`s group less involving sports, the subjects answered that the most necessary factors for becoming sports hero is the degree of contribution in society, and then differentiation, strong leadership, and a moral sense. 3) In case of women`s group highly involving sports, the subjects answered that the most necessary factors for becoming sports hero is a moral sense, and then strong leadership, the degree of contribution in society, differentiation, and superior record. 4) IN case women`s group less involving sports, the subjects answered that the most necessary factors for becoming sports hero is the degree of contribution in society, and then differentiation, a moral sense, strong leadership, and familarity.

      • 스포츠 상해의 심리학적인 효과분석 -대학 운동선수들을 중심으로-

        곽이섭 ( Yi Sub Kwak ) 동의대학교 스포츠과학연구소 2003 스포츠과학연구논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        본 연구는 대학 운동부에서 활동하는 단체종목 선수들과 개인 종목 선수들을 연구 대상으로 선정하여 운동선수의 생활 스트레스, 성격적 강인함이 운동 상해의 빈도, 정도와의 관계를 검증하는데 목적이 있었고, 운동선수의 심리적 변인 중 운동 상해에 가장 큰 영향력이 있는 생활 스트레스와 성격적 강인함이 운동 상해의 빈도 및 정도에 미치는 효과를 측정하였다. 운동선수의 상해경험 유·무집단간과 생활 스트레스, 성격적 강인함의 차이는 집단간의 차이검증 (t-test)를 하였고, 운동선수의 생활스트레스와 상해 빈도·정도와의 관계는 다변인 회귀분석(multiple regression)을 하였으며, 운동선수의 생활스트레스, 성격적 강인함이 상해 경험 유·무를 잘 판별할 수 있는 요인에 관한 문제는 판별분석(discriminant analysis)을 실시하였으며 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 운동선수의 상해경험 유, 무집단간의 생활 스트레스, 성격적 강인함의 차이는 상해경험 유, 무집단간 평균차이검증을 실시한 결과 생활 스트레스(t-value -3.094, p<.01), 성격적 강인함(t-value -2.1451, p<.01)에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 났다. 2. 운동선수의 생활 스트레스, 성격적 강인함과 상해빈도와의 관계는 다중회귀분석을 실시한 결과, 상해정도를 25.18% 설명해주었다. 3. 운동선수의 생활 스트레스, 성격적 강인함과 상해정도와의 관계는 다중회귀분석을 실시한 결과 상해정도를 52.71% 설명해주었다. 4. 운동선수의 생활스트레스, 성격적 강인함이 상해경험 유, 무를 판별할 수 있는지에 대한 관계는 판별분석을 실시한 결과 운동선수의 생활스트레스와 성격적 강인함으로 상해경험 유, 무가 판별되었으며, 생활스트레스가 많고 성격적 강인함이 낮은 운동선수들이 상해경험이 많았으며, 정준상관계수 0.6743에서 보듯이 높은 상관도를 나타내어 주고 있다. 이러한 결과 이외에 상해를 당하기 전 상해를 당할 지도 모른다는 느낌이 있었던 선수가 총 49%를 차지하였으며, 선수 자신이 인지하는 운동상해의 원인은 주의산만(26.2%), 스트레스(22.3%), 신체적 피로(20.8%), 과거상해재발(16%) 등으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서 운동선수 자신도 상해의 원인을 심리적 요인에 있다고 인지하는 경향이 많은 것으로 나타났으며, 이러한 사실을 바탕으로 가족 코치, 및 스포츠 관계자들이 선수 개개인의 스트레스를 잘 관리하는 것이 상해예방이 지름길이며, 상해예방은 곧 선수가 최고의 수행력을 발휘하게 하는 지름길이라고 할 수 있다. 결론적으로 운동상해에 대한 연구는 한 종목 뿐만 아니라 각각이 종목에 따른 상해종류, 유형과 심리적인 변인을 체계적으로 분석하여 상해를 미연에 방지하며 아울러 심리적인 변인이 운동상해 치료에 미치는 효과에 대한 과학적인 연구가 계속적으로 이루여 져햐 할 것으로 사료된다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of psychological factors(life stress and personality hardiness) of athletes on the frequency and extent of their sports injuries. For this study, 249 student athletes which participated in team and individual sports volunteered. The effects of Life stress, personality hardiness as psychological factors of athletes on injury frequency, and the extent of injuries were measured in this study. The conclusion and implications of this study are as follows: 1. The injury experienced group shows higher life stress and lower personality hardiness compared to the injury non-experienced group. 2. The factors of life stress and personality hardiness explain the injury frequency variable of 25.18%(R=.2518) by multiple regression. 3. The factor of personality hardiness explains the injury extent variable of 52.71%(R=.5271)by multiple regression. 4. Life stress and personality hardiness of the athlete can determine injury experience and injury non-experience. Life stress is 0.895 and personality hardiness is 0.315 by standardized canonical coefficients. These two factors distinguish the injury experience and the non-injury experience group. life stress has a higher discriminating ability than personality hardiness on sports injuries. Each canonical coefficients has statistical differences.

      • 정보화기술(IT)을 통한 스포츠 활성화 대응 방안

        구우영 ( Woo Young Ku ),김광석 ( Kwang Seok Kim ) 동의대학교 스포츠과학연구소 2002 스포츠과학연구논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        Sports Information in 21C is increasing it`s demanding because of the development of IT industry. To satisfy this the needs of the times a research institution or state administrative branch that are related to information industry need the coordinative information management system of the pan-national level and the intensive investment of software that is suited to sports information demander`s request and innovative development will. A condition precedents to achieve that are in a word as follows: 1. Application-oriented information must change the information system of ‘search-coming style’ of the existing pivot of information technique from the information of ‘search-going style’ of the pivot of customer claim, information exchange and Public-oriented information. 2. The object of sports information must select the concrete and gradual subject, and establish a practice-oriented unit business to achieve the strategic object or a unit system. 3. The business areas of sports information must classify knowledge information strategic area, statistics information area, information standard and internet business area. 4. The program business areas must devide and develop the professional sports that have a strong mutual independence, sports science area to improve competition ability, physical and fitness area, sports industry area, sports training information or study area, sports management or administration area. 5. The input stage of information system must be realized information related association and compatiblity between the system of organ, information classification system and standard of code. 6. The electronic information authentication system that has the legal effect, the electronic sanction, and the electronic commerce must urgently legislate. 7. The analysis stage of information must develop DSS or ERP or Data Ware Housing-high grade information management and analysis system-that analyzes and processes a creating information by various object and use. 8. The application stage of knowledge information must construct the overall control skill and achieve the integrated network looks like Karls Project. 9. Sports knowledge in formation must create information infra and practical system, and Factors-the existing compatibility of system, information system application, manpower cultivation for information, system and consolidation of law must adjust and consolidate. 10. In the sports knowledge information all people must equally and conveniently get the sports service of quantity or quality for their`s past-information.

      • 단전호흡 수련이 중학생의 체력과 신체적 자기효능감에 미치는 영향

        구우영 ( Woo Young Ku ),한태준 ( Tae Joon Han ),김영모 ( Young Mo Kim ) 동의대학교 스포츠과학연구소 2002 스포츠과학연구논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Dan-jeon breathing on the physical fitness and physical self-efficacy in junior high school students Subjects were second-grade students and program was composed of each session lasted for 60minutes, 3days a week during 12 weeks. The test item were sit-up, push-up, standing long jump, 50m shuttle run, trunk flexion, 1600m running and walking and physical self-efficacy. The conclusions of this study were as follows ; 1. Physical fitness : The Dan-jeon breathing group showed improved at the mean score. The amount of improvement was 0.62sec in 50m shuttle run, 0.37cm in standing long jump, 5.9beats per min. in sit-up, 9.8cm in trunk flexion, but decreased 3.06beats per min. in push-up and delayed 13.21sec in 1600m running and walking. 2. Physical self-efficacy : The physical activity(climb mountain) group and the Dan-jeon breathing group was higher than control group on perceived physical ability, on the other hand, physical self-efficacy was improved but there is no significant. 3. Due to the short period of this training program, the shorta ge of participants, there was no significant different any test item among the group. but this study shows the possibility the our traditional Dan-jeon breath will be helpful to education for the students. I suggest Dna-jeon as a practical approach to physical education which emphasizes both body and mental and a way to attain spiritual enlightment.

      • 축구 슈팅동작의 운동역학적 분석

        진영완 ( Young Wan Jin ) 동의대학교 스포츠과학연구소 2002 스포츠과학연구논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        The purpose of this is to analyze the difference when the instep shooting is performed in three states of a ball; standing, rolling on and rolling to a player. To set up these conditions, we consider that shooting is done in most cases in a dynamic situation. The targets of this study are elite male soccer players, and the method used in the research are 3-dimensional Cinematography and Force Platform. Confidence interval is tested by One-Way ANOVA. The conclusion of this study can be summarized as follows. First, in respect of kinematic variations, the statistic is significantly dependent upon ball velocity, but other factors do not affect the difference. Second, in respect of kinetic variations, the maximum value of FZ(vertical force) varies with theree shooting motions, but other factors do not affect the difference. At the moment of impact, the peak force of Fy(medio/lateral force) is ahead of the peak force of Fx(anterior/posterior) in all three states. Also, the result of this study shows that Fy and Fx are related with approaching angle and ball velocity. In studying of the contact time of the support leg, there is not so much difference statistically; however, the study tells us the faster support leg ports from the ground, the faster one`s motion will move after impact.

      • 장기간의 유산소성 운동이 20대 비만여성의 최대산소섭취량 및 좌심실기능에 미치는 영향

        이장소 ( Jang So Lee ),채종훈 ( Jong Hoon Chae ) 동의대학교 스포츠과학연구소 2002 스포츠과학연구논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of □O2max and Heart functions after 24weeks aerobics training. Subjects were composed of fourteen obesity women. 7 of subjects were trained during 24weeks(60~70%Hrmax, 4 frequencies/week, 1 hour) and remainder were controlled. The exercise intensities are decided by %Hrmax. The result of this study are as follows ; 1. □O2max and □O2max/kg were increased in aerobics training group after 24weeks aerobics training. 2. Both groups were significantly not changed in parameters of cardiac function, but EF was significantly(p<.05) increased in aerobics training group after 24weeks aerobics training. In conclusion, Aerobic training was shown to positive influence on circulorespiratory function and, although left ventricular function wasn`t significant difference. It is to be the important variable to prevent heart disease in obesity women.

      • 목표설정 수준이 축구슈팅 수행력 및 신체적 자기효능감에 미치는 영향

        김광석 ( Kwang Seok Kim ),한태준 ( Tae Joon Han ),정인철 ( In Chul Jeong ) 동의대학교 스포츠과학연구소 2002 스포츠과학연구논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        The purpose of this was aimed to verify the effects of assigned goal setting on sport performance and physical self-efficacy. For this study 60 members of male high-school students are allocated into three groups. Namely, the group was assigned with upper level goal(n=20), lower level goal(n=20), and control(n=20) respectively. The soccer program was put into two times a week during eight weeks. The pre test was performed by using Soccer wall accuracy test and Physical Self-Efficacy before the soccer program. The post test was carried eight weeks after the soccer program was finished. Two-way ANOVA and Duncan`s Multiple Range test used in order to deal with the materials. In addition to these paired t-test also was used. The level of significance of all hypothesis tests wasα=.05 and the write got result as follow. 1) The performing records of soccer wal accuracy test in the group with upper level advanced significantly more than those who lower level and control groups. 2) The level of anterior and posterior perceived physical self-presentation confidence in the group with upper goal, the group with lower goal, and control group were shown significant difference. 3) The level of anterior and posterior perceived physical ability in the group with upper goal, the group with lower goal, and control group were shown significant difference. 4) The level of anterior and posterior physical self-efficacy in the group with upper goal, the group with lower goal, and control group were shown significant difference. 5) There was no effect of interaction between goal level and neither reached goal or not.

      • 주부의 신체활동 참여가 생활만족도에 미치는 영향

        구우영 ( Woo Young Ku ),김태구 ( Tae Gu Kim ) 동의대학교 스포츠과학연구소 2003 스포츠과학연구논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        본 연구는 2003년 B시에 소재한 스포츠 시설을 이용하는 주부를 모집단으로 설정한 후 비확률 표본추출법 중 편의추출법(convenience sampling method)을 이용하여 표본을 추출하였다. 본 연구에서 사용한 설문지의 구성내용은 인구통계학적 특성에 관한 5개 문항, 참여정도(형태, 강도, 빈도, 경력)에 관한 4개 문항, 생활만족도에 관한5개 문항 총 14문항으로 구성되었다. 생활만족도의 신뢰도는 α=.5405로 대체적으로 높은 신뢰도를 나타내었다. 설문지를 이용한 조사연구 및 통계 처리는 SPSS Ver 10 프로그램을 활용하여 one-way ANOVA와 Duncan-test를 사후검증으로 이용하였다. 위의 연구방법을 통하여 나타난 결론은 다음과 같다. 생활체육활동 참여자들의 참여정도는 생활만족에 영향을 미쳤다. 생활체육 참여정도 중에서 참여강도는 생활만족에 유의한 상관이 높은 것으로 나타났고, 참여형태와 참여빈도는 유의한 상관이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 참여경력은 생활만족과 상관이 없는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 연구결과 생활체육활동에 참여함으로서 생활만족도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 주부들의 생활만족과 체력향상 및 건강관리를 위해 장기간의 프로그램을 지속적으로 실시되어야 할 것으로 생각된다.

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