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      • 자폐아의 행동특성과 관계변인에 관한 연구

        이종성 단국대학교 대학원 특수교육학과 정신박약교육전공 1984 국내석사

        RANK : 254735

        The purpose of this study was to investigate autistic child-ren's behavior dharactics through precedent studies and system-atic method of observatIon, and to see clearer the relative vari-ables of autistic chIldren, the rate of the prevalence, degree of prevalence of behavIor characteristics in the subjects that can be used to dIagnose, treat and educate autistic children. The subjects were 29 boys and 4 girls, with the age of 4 to 13, diagnosed as beIng autistic, who were being educated at professional, therapeutIc facilities and special schools. The test used in the study was a check - list which was made by the investigator. The check - lIst was based on the precedent stu-dies and the systematIc observation of the subjects, and consisted of 31 items in 16 subsectIons and 6 relative variables. The observation were done by a class teacher, who checked the degree of prevalence (alway - 1, common - 2, occasionally - 3, very rare - 4) once a month for 4 months for each behavior characteristic and marked it on the scale of it and took the mean. The findings of thIs study were as followings. A very frequent behavIor characteristic of the most of the subject was "difficulty In playing with other children". (97%) The frequent behavlor characteristics of the most of the "subjects were a seemIng Indifference and unawareness of other people" (91%)' A tendeney does not look on ones face directly and glance it (71%). The comparative frequent behavior characteristics of the most of the subjects were "a dislike in mix with other children and doing aloofness" (91%), "pronominal reversal" (89.9%). The comparative frequent behavior characteristics of the about 3/4 were "a short attention span" (84.8%), "great under -actIvity" (81.8%), "doIng repetive behavior unconsciounessly"(81.2%). The sometimes behavIor characteristics of the about 3/4 were "monotony in way of talkIng" (81.8%), "when a man looked on his eye, avoid eye to eye contact and turn one's back" (78.8%), "when a man hold it In hIs arms with showing affective gesture, it shaked off his hand or turn his back" (78.8%), usage of mono-tone speech as for 2 age (78.8%), "when a man comes near by it, then it afraid of and takes defence gesture" (72.7%), "Imenediate or delayed echolaiz" (72.7%), "when a man takes it's hand, It shake off his hand" (72.3%), usage of partial or fragmentary speech (72.3%). The comparative frequent behavior characteristic of the Just over half "a tendency to playing away it's time with a peculiar thing" (66.7%). The sometimes behavIor characteristics of the just over half were "it play oddly wIth a thing in the way of monetone and re-petive" (66.7%), a excessIve anger or suffering with other's interference" (66.&%), dislIke to change and resistence to it"(66.7%). UThe excussIve anger and tantrum were last long" (54.5%). The comparative rare behavior characteristic of the just under half was "self-injury" (33.3%). The rare behavior characteristic of the just under half was "great over - activIty" (39.4%). "An inability to play or learn imaginatively and assumption-ally'was seen by the just over 4/5 ot the subjects (84.8%). "The pecularity In the way to inquire an object" was seenby the about half of the subjects (45.5%). "a disorter of motor activity" was seen by the least of the subjects" (14.2%). Anpredominance of 60 boys over girls showed a ratio of about 7 to 1. The first-born chIldren were greater incidence compared with other sibling. Ratio of the high level on shcool career were higher in autistic children's parents predominantly than that of the com-parative group (UniversIty extension: father-72.7%, mother-54.5%). The maternal age durIng the period of maternity does not higher significantly. (below 30 years - 87.97o) Non - verbal over Verbal autisuic children showed a ratio of 1 to 4 (27.3%). Ratio of those wlth an ephileptic history was 1 to 4 (24.2%).

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