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      • Philosophies and Methodologies in Polulation Geography

        Park, Soon Ho 경북대학교 문리과대학 지리학회 1990 地理學論究 Vol.- No.10-11

        이 연구는 1950년대 이후 지리학자들이 어떻게 인구를 그들의 연구에서 다루었는지를 살펴보았다. 이 연구는 인구 지리학에서 주요한 지리학자들의 연구를 바탕으로 인구지리학의 본질과 연구방법을 여섯가지 접근방법으로 구분 조사하였다: 분포적(distributional), 공간적(spatial), 상호작용적(interactional), 행동적(behavioral), 인문주의적(humanistic), 그리고 구조적(structural). 미국에서 1953년 Trewartha의 AAG의 회장연설에 힘을 입어 인구지리학이 지리학내에서 한 독립된 분야로 성립되어졌다. 1950년대와 1960년대 초에는 분포상 접근법이 주를 이루었다. 분포상 접근법에서는 지시적인 관점에서 인구의 변수에 의한 분포의 패턴을 찾아서 지역적 다름(areal differentiation)을 찾는데 주로 관심을 두었다. 1960년대 계량 지리학의 혁신에 힘을 얻어, 인구지리학자들은 공간상에서 분포 관계를 찾으려고 하였다. 공간적접근법에서 그레버티(gravity)모델은 인구이동 연구에 많이 이용되어졌고, 확산(diffusion)모델은 innovation의 확산 연구에 주로 이용되었다. 공간적접근법에서는 사람이 경제적인 동물이라고 가정하여 연구하였고 그리고 연구지역의 지역 특성을 고려하지 않은 단점은 가지고 있다. 상호작용적 접근방법에서는 인구변수와 인구변수가 아닌 인자들 사이에 상호관계를 찾으려고 Correlation과 regression방법이 채택 되었으나 ecological fallacy의 단점이 나타났다. 공간적·상호작용접근법에서 계량지리학의 결점으로 인해 인구지리학의 연구는 행동적, 인문주의적, 그리고 구조적 접근방법이 강조되었다. 행동적 그리고 인문주의적접근은 조사되는 인구를 이해하기 위하여 미시적인 관점에서 연구되어진다. 인구지리학에서 행동적접근방법은 개개인이 이주를 결정하는 과정에 많은 연구가 되었다. 인문주의적접근방법은 인간을 생각하는 실체로 다루므로 순환이동(circular mobility)과 이주(migration)와 같은 인구의 사건들(demographic events)에 직접 관여된 개개인의 느낌을 통하여 이해하려고 한다. 행동학적·인문주의적접근방법은 조사되는 사람들의 이해를 증진시키는데 기여하였다. 구조적 접근방법은 생산구조와 그것과 관련된 사회조직이 인간 개인의 행동을 지배한다는 관점에서 일상 생활품 생산자들과 행상인들이 도시와 그들의 고향간의 순환이동을 개인과 사회간의 변증법적 관계에서 설명하였다. 즉 구조적접근법은 사회전체를 통하여 인간 행동을 설명한다. 인구지리학에서 미래의 접근법은 아마 구조적접근법과 인문주의적접근법이 복합된 방법일 것이다.개개인의 행동은 사회의 구조에 의해 지배되어지지만 개개인은 사회의 조직을 변화시킬 수 있는 능력을 가지고 있다. 즉 개개인의 결점은 그들 자신의 행위에 주요한 역활을 하는 한편 그들의 행동은 사회의 한 부분이다. 사회의 형성과 인간의 행동을 이해 설명하고자 하는 인구지리학자들에게는 복합된 접근방법이 유리할 것 같다.

      • 韓國風水思想의 現代地理學的 意義와 課題

        李夢日 경북대학교 문리과대학 지리학회 1988 地理學論究 Vol.- No.9

        Poongsoo Chiri is a traditional geographic thought in the Far East Asia. Poong means wind and soo means water. Poongsoo is the principle of adapting the residences of the living and the dead to Nature. It is underpinned by the metaphysical meaning of special topographical features which embodies the occult powers. Poongsoo theory was applied and practised for placing the capital of the state, villages, dwellings, and graves on the ideal site. Therefore, it has been played a major role in the evolution of cultural landscape. The purposes of this paper are to explore the contemporary geographical significance of Poongsoo Chiri and to clarify the problems of it. The contemporary geographical significance of Poongsoo Chiri is researched from the three standpoints, that is, environmentalism, regional geography, and geographic education. The environmentalistic significance implicit in Poongsoo thought is its organismic view of the nature. The regional geographic significance implicit in Poongsoo thought is its regional reflection on the forming process of cultural landscape. The geographic educational significance implicit in Poongsoo thoght is emphasized on the organismic environmental education, profound education to the land of Korea, and the effective education of Korean history of geography As mentioned above, the theory of Poongsoo is a worthy subject to study in the contemporary geography. Under the environments of modern industrialization, the findings and education of symbolism and placeness of Poongsoo Chiri will contribute to recover the human value in relation to natural environment. In order to modify the disbelief of Poongsoo thought, there is no doubt that the theoretical framework and the changed contents of Poongsoo thought should be re-established in a contemporary sense.

      • 地理學과 文化의 接點

        康鶴淳 경북대학교 문리과대학 지리학회 1990 地理學論究 Vol.- No.10-11

        This paper is (1) to make inquiries into the connection between geography and culture, (2) to discuss the interdisciplinary relationship among cultural geography, cultural anthropology and cultural ecology, (3) to review the interpretation of cultural landscape and the humanistic thrust in cultural geography. The geographical aspect of culture is spatial and environmental aspect. The main themes of culturology and cultural geography overlap or have close relation with each other. That All of the theories of culture, evolutionism, diffusionism, structuralism, symbolism, cognitive anthropology, have much to do with geographical aspect is discussed here. As seen from White's viewpoint, culture is an outcome of the ability of human beings to communicate among themselves through symbols in a specific district. Therefore, especially in the days of poor traffics and communication, culture rests upon a geographic basis for habitual and shared communication is likely to occur only among people who occupy a common area. Cultural geography is the study of spatial variations among cultural groups and the spatial functioning of society and culture, culture area, cultural landscape, cultural origine and diffusion, cultural ecology constitute the core themes of cultural geography. Cultural landscape is a concrete and characteristic product of the complicated interplay between a given human community, embodying certain cultural preferences and potentials, and a particular set of natural circumstances. Therefore, it has come to signify rather more specifically the humanized geographical content of an area. There are two sorts of viewpoints on the interpretion of cultural landscape; reductionism and holism. The former is useful in describing characters of region and human group and also in classifying regions. The latter is to good advantage in interpreting variations of the evaluation of individuals and cultures. The conceptual advantages evident in recent years that are most intimately tied to cultural geography are those with a humanistic thrust whose philosophical background is closely related with existentialism and phenomenology. Humanistic geography has originated from the reflextions and criticisms on the objective recognition, narrowly defined human nature of scientific approaches. The focus of humanistic geography is on people and their conditions in the geographical world. Since humanistic thrust has intimate relation not only with existentalism and phenomenology but also with structuralism, symbolism and cognitive anthropology, it can provide 'the spatial variations of culture' with impartial viewpoints and rather precise interpretaions. But one major criticism concerns skepticism as to the ability to see into the minds of others. And it is quite possible to argue that the interpretaions made by the researchers are primarily determined by the research methodology. More generally, geographic processes are not really understood even by the participants. since cultural geography includes not only the study of spatial, environmental aspect of nature but also the study of total way of life including human behavior, culture in geography is not different from that in anthropology. But we can discriminate the character of the two sciences by realizing that cultural anthropology concerns more with comprehensive culture and requires univeral process as necessary conditions, while cultural geography recognizes substantial variations of culture caused by interplay with the environment in a specific society. Cultural ecology is the analysis of human adjustments to environment by means of culture. The environment did not only set limits on what adjustments could be made but also played a creative role. Although the concept of environmental adaptation underlies all cultural ecology, the procedures must take into account the complexity and level of the culture. For, in advanced societies, the nature of the culture core will be determined by a complex technology and by productive arrangements which themselves have a long cultural history. On the perspective of cultural geography, we may define cultural ecology as the study of (1) environmental influence on culture and (2) the impact of people, acting through their culture, on the ecosystem. Barrow declared that 'geography is the science of human ecology'. And Stoddart explicitly proposed the idea of a geosystem as a replacement for ecosystem argued that system analysis at last provides geography with a unifying methodology, and using it geography no longer stands apart from the mainstream of scientific progress. But human ecosystems need to be reviwed more cautiously as the biological limits to human behavioral patterns are less rigid. Thus R. J. Chorley insists that the traditional ecological model is inadequate 'because human geography is no simple extention of biography'. Viewed from these discussions, though cultural ecology has made positive contributions to cultural geography, it is important not to be too concerned with assertions and counter assertions concerning the need to define geography ecologically.

      • 社會科 硏修敎育에서 나타난 中等學校 地理敎育의 問題点 報告

        金元經 경북대학교 문리과대학 지리학회 1975 洛東地理 Vol.- No.1

        문리대 지리학과 출신 중 많은 사람들이 현재 일선 교직에서 지리교육에 전심하고 있고 또 대부분의 재학생들이 교직과목을 수강하고 있다. 그러나 이러한 모든 사람들이 지리교육에 대한 일반적인 관점이나 지리교육목표에 대해서는 무관심한 실정이다. 이들에게 일선 사회과 교사들이 지리교육에 대해서 직접 체험하고 따라서 앞으로의 지리교육에 바라는 문제점들을 종합해서 분석한 이 글을 읽고 지리교육에 종사하고 있고 또 앞으로 교직을 희망하는 문리대 지리학과 출신들에게 조금이나마 도움이 되었으면 한다. 본 보고의 자료는 1974년 하기방학을 이용한 중등교사(사회과)연수교육 후 중등학교 지리교육에 대한 문제점을 리포트로 제출한 것으로 하였다. 그 총수는 122매였고 각 개인이 몇 개의 문제점을 제시하여 문제점의 항목은 361개로 나타났으나 같은 항목은 합하고 또 지리과 본질에서 볼 때 동일한 의미의 것은 같은 항목으로 취급하였으나 예를 들면 종합적이란 말은 학문적인 면에서와 교육적인 면에서는 그 의미가 다르기 때문에 분리시켰다.

      • 情報化社會의 空間的 暗示와 地理情報시스템

        李圭睦 경북대학교 문리과대학 지리학회 1990 地理學論究 Vol.- No.10-11

        1. Discussion Is this evident that the communications environment is taken for granted, as much as a fish might regard the water in which it swims? Nearly after 1980, there have been a great stride in the sector of computer and its potential for communication in Korea. So we are now more closed to the information intensive society. Information society depend heavily on computer and communication technology as a spatial technique, as well as knowledge, information, technology. Just this point reminds me of the impacts of information society to spatial aspects from the spatial experience of automobile culture at the beginning of the this century. The spatial discipline, Geography focussing on the man and its environment, unfortunately, have not shown a brilliant contribution to socio-spatial phenomena, especially in recently, owing to not having a sensitive technique to socio-spatial changes. Moreover, as we have absorbed in the wall of information intensive society without refining the spatial theory throughly we'll have a bitter experiences again. Let's sensitive to spatial change. So, with the armament of full considering the spatial information society as a spatial variables and information as a cultural temporal background we must attack the castle of Earth surface with newly defined spatial theory. Under the information intensive society, the socio-spatial context are more complex than its appearance, another kinds of obstacles in spatial analysis waits us. On second thoughts, the quantitative approach had been the eyeopening medicine for those complexity of geographical space, none the less for his faults. Moreover, spatial organization and its forming direction of changing the spatial aspects are becoming more complicated under informatiuon society. So, I'm sure that geographical informtion system(GIS) as a newly introduced spatial technique, plays a important role in the sea of geographical issue. 2. Prospects and tasks Under those information society as mentioned above, there are so many sprouts of prospects and task to go over followed. ① Will the efficient utilization of natural land be achieved through new dimension of technique for spatial development called GIS? ② Does the spatial technique of information society enhance the potential development of small town and newly born city owing to the effect of lowering the base line of urban size? ③ Does the high-quality communication information network accerate the urbanization owing to the effect of decreasing the socio-spatial costs? ④ Will the alternative of traffic issue be hit by its limit and the GIS lessen the spatial flow through being substitutioned by the effect of information flow, which result in changing the direction of traffic issue? ⑤ Will the rural area experience the early urbanization or remain as a primitive production area with expediting the progress of optimizing the crops to cultivate? ⑥ Will the computer and its communication technology' as a sptial techique affect the concentration or not? ⑦ Will the regional conflict of socio-cultural aspects be thawed or still in flames? ⑧ Which part of geographical theory should be corrected when considering the spatial information variable and its property? ⑨ Will the GIS critically help making the regional planning, predicting natural disaster and preparing its counterplans? Without the equipments above mentioned facts in geographical approach to space, urban and regional development, we are to be tackled again by so many difficulties at the phase of primitive planning. Regions not supported those points, especially in computer communication network and GIS, will be sure dropped in the race of growth under information society.

      • 日帝下 大邱府의 都市構造

        崔奭周 경북대학교 문리과대학 지리학회 1990 地理學論究 Vol.- No.10-11

        This reserch is to present an aspect to the fundamental data for the coming city planning and a study of modern-community-formation, examing into the cause of changes through the history. At this time, under political, economical, and social situation, the formation-process of urban structure of Taegu must be observed, and so connection with recent urban form of Taegu can be groped for. And it also can be found connection with development of a modern city and can show us the changes of moving process in it. Taegu, having the characteristic of the previous industrial community as well a walled city is going to bring a change on the urban structure, it commences on the introduction of modern civilization, and wave of modernization by Japanese colonial rule, however, cities of those days, like every other social economical elements in the colonial and imperialistic binding, were in such an opration as an abnormal. Therefore, as the imperialistic ignored inhabitants spontaneous desire for living, who were living in their own land, a distorted capitalistic elements were overrun. From this point of view, a development as faced to a new city must be pursue recognizing this very historical urban-form-process.

      • 臥龍山 地形의 形成過程

        金又寬,曺明姬,田迎權,朴湘記 경북대학교 문리과대학 지리학회 1990 地理學論究 Vol.- No.10-11

        Mt. Waryong situated on the western part of Daegu City is a monadnock (299.6m), which is formed erosional basin in the center of it. The main aim of this study is to clarify formation processes through analyzing the geological and geomorphological characteristics of study area. The summary of the characteristics are as follows; 1. The study area had been formed sedimentary rocks of Kyoungsang series at the Mesozoic era, and later, the intrusion of Bulguksa granite had occured. 2. In the center of the area, there is distributed Bulguksa granite, as it is the plutonic rocks which is weak to weathering that was formed erosional basin. 3. The surroundings of the area is formed ridge that is consist of metamorphic rocks(Hornfels) which is strong to weathering. And we can find rockfall zone of breccia here and there at the upper-slope. 4. As the result, the landform of mountain block is formed concave like 'U' letters open to northward. From the characteristics mentioneo above, we can classify formation processes in the Waryong mountain as follows; 1. Pre-forming period of the mountain. 2. The intrusion of granite and contact metamorphism period. 3. Differential erosion period.

      • 岩屑斜面에 관한 硏究動向 및 理論的 背景 : Talus·Block Stream·Block Field를 중심으로 mainly about Talus·Block Streamr·Block Field

        田迎權 경북대학교 문리과대학 지리학회 1990 地理學論究 Vol.- No.10-11

        The main purpose of this paper is to review the previous research trend and theoretical background on debris slope landform in the inside and outside of the country. The results are as follows. 1. The domestic research of debris slope landform is not lively progressed., but in case of foreign countries on the field many researchers showed substantial results of research in many directions. 2. The viewpoints of definition on the term of debris slope landform are various all over the world. So, the writer closely analyzed and try to give a definition on the landform in the writer's own way. 1) Talus is the landform that debris formed by various weathering are accumulted at the base of cliff or ledge, or on the steep slope (gradient: >26˚) in rock fall. 2) Block stream is the landform that debris formed by chemical deep-weathering in the pre-pleistocene or warm period, or by frost shattering in the pleistocene or cold period extend downslope normal to the contour and into valleys. They show long-tongue shape on the shallow valley floor(gradient:5∼25˚). 3) Block field is similar to block stream in constituent debris formation. But, they are more extensive along a mountainside parallel to the contour than downslope. The writer can distinguish block fields derived form underlying bedrock as autochthonous and those of transported debris derived form elsewhere as allochthonous, and they usually distribute on the gentle slope or on the flat landform (gradient:<5˚) in alpine areas throughout of the world.

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