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      • 世界 大形 割引店의 진출에 따른 韓國 割引店의 對應 戰略

        이영일 翰林大學校 經營大學院 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        In these day, for the extreme business stagnation, market is declining people's economic problem is more increasing. And economic condition has been fluctuating. In this situation and economic condition has been fluctuating. Korean discount store face with opportunity and crisis coincidentally. People's consumption pattern is more reasonable (they is a very price conscious consumer) and some foreign discount store already positioned in korea. Against for this korean discount store is also concrete suitable of korean marketing and compete with foreign discount store now. But in competition with foreign discount store that fund and impropriation power is developed, korean discount store's future fact with problem Especially, it can show that environment of the korean distribution industry have been changed extremely. So this study find out problem and situation of the korean distribution industry to face with crisis and opportunity, solution of discount store level to survive at competition of foreign discount store and effort of government level to make good distribution industry infra. Also, I analyze situation and problem of the korean discount store through domestic distribution industry, inform successful strategy of the korean discount store to win in the age of infinite distributionary competition In this study, I studied the plan in the point of view that overcome facing with the breast crisis of discount store. Also reinforce competition safeguard against rival. To come after, we carry forward to development that unique private brand constituent up-and-coming strategy of marketing to go ahead market research about new control goods of trade and project of commercial, Especially, government discuss with specialist of distribution industry. Hereby we lighten industry related comsumer stream. All it takes government heavily interrupt unfair trade and cater to advantage tenant discount store . At least, I hope this study contribute for another person who endeavor optimum condition of his study

      • DEA를 利用한 綜合病院의 生産效率性 評價

        윤성대 한림대학교 경영대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        This paper has two major objectives. One is to evaluate the performance of university hospitals, particularly in view of productive efficiency, The other is to contribute to the hospital management and the existing efficiency literature by providing, through Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA), an analytic empirical analysis of efficiency in university hospitals in Seoul. An approach taken in this study is to measure differences in productive efficiencies across university hospitals. Efficiency is measured by constructing a production frontier which characterizes efficient hospitals, and gauging the efficiencies of all other hospitals relative to this frontier. DEA was applied to eighteen university hospitals located in Seoul. For the productive efficiency models, we used various combination of input and output variables, i.e., number of doctors(staffs, fellows, residents), nurses, technicians, total employees, and beds as input variables, while number of inpatients and outpatients as output variables. Finally, four models were derived. The results indicate as follows; (1) productive efficiency of each hospitals(DMU) could be measured, distinguishing efficient hospitals from the others. This results also shows a potential levels of improvement that could be achieved if data values were adjusted to bring inefficient hospitals in line with their efficient referents. (2) In respect to productive efficiency, moderate scale hospitals appeared to be more efficient than others at all models, even though not statistically (3) The weights of doctors were less than those of nurses in some major university hospitals. It seems that this contrary result was due to the nonproductive burden of research and teaching as well as caring in respect of the function of university hospitals.

      • 홈네트워크 서비스 소비자 니즈의 탐험적 연구

        윤승순 翰林大學校 經營大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        Home-networking services start to burgeon these days. Therefore, it is critical for networking service providers, solution providers, and suppliers to develop future strategies based on what consumers want. However, most of previous research studies based on providers or suppliers' perspectives. As a result, there have been some gaps on the market characteristics on this subject. In this paper, by focusing on the consumers' needs, we reduce gaps between the needs and seeds of market. The main objective of this thesis is to identify the consumers' needs in home-networking service. In particular, we identified which aspects suppliers, service providers, and consumers should emphasize based on the consumer needs. Furthermore, we relate home-networking services to home electronics appliances and introduce innovation framework in order to explain theoretically and empirically. Since sample size was relatively small, we report the major findings rather than hypothesis testing results. First, we classified the needs of home electronics into five factors: essential goods, convenience, pleasure, variety, utility. Which home electronic appliances fit well for home networking was our primary concern. In the study, we rank-ordered the appliances and identified which appliances should have features of home-networking services. The results demonstrate that the home-networking feature should be incorporated into utility or pleasure appliances such as internet, digital tv, game products as well as home security services. On the other hand, convenience products such as washing machine or refrigerator are the least emphasized ones. That shows why people do not buy internet-ready refrigerator at this time. Using the framework of innovation, consumers are willing to pay a premium for new services but their emphasis are different for how to utilize or perceive their needs. Based on these results, we can infer how long will it take for home-networking to take-off. Since our sample is rather small, it is very difficult to discuss in detail. However, we could set up the theoretical framework and relevant questionnaire for home-networking service researches with respect to home electronic appliances in this study.

      • 가상시장에서의 인터넷 쇼핑몰 전략 : KT를 중심으로

        김종연 한림대학교 경영대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        Recent rapid developments in telecommunications, computing and contents change marketing environments so fundamentally that we see birth of new marketing system, such as cyber space. Exchange in cyber space system is free from temporal and spatial limits. Moreover enlarged span and interactions among existing market participants will redefine whole industries, channels of distribution and over information flows. As a result, will be oercome the information imbalances between consumers and vendors. We have seen so much academic developments in communications and information systems area. Research activities of disciplines are being applied to these areas. But recent literatures about cyber space systems are focusing too much on the opportunities of this new marketing system rather than the strategies that firms will face. This study review cyber space marketing literature and borrow marketing concepts such as customer partnership and customer-to-customer relationship, and suggest cyber space marketing strategies from the perspective of internet retailer Buynjoy.

      • LPG와 LPG 車輛에 대한 消費者 認知度 조사와 마케팅 戰略

        홍상길 翰林大學校 經營大學院 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        I. 상황 변화 1. LPG는 1960년대부터 정부의 연료 정책의 일환으로 일반에게 보급되기 시작하여 1999년 말 현재 약 9백만 가구에서 연료 및 난방용으로 사용하고 있고, 약 50만개의 음식점등 업소에서 연료로 사용하고 있다. 2. 차량용 연로로서는 1982년부터 정부의 정책에 의해 영업용택시가 사용하기 시작한 이래 계층별, 용도별, 차종별로 단계적으로 조금씩 문호가 개방되였다. 1999년 말 현재 LPG차량의 총 등록 대수는 79만대이며 2000년 7월로 100만대를 돌파하였다. 3. 이렇게 급속하게 확대 보급된 이유는 정부의 엄격한 가격 통제와 타 연료 대 상대적으로 매우 낮은 수준에서 가격이 결정되었기 때문이고, LPG 자체의 특성상 편리하고 깨끗하며, 취급이나 보관이 쉽기 때문이다. 4. 1990년대 들어오면서 각종 연료의 가격 규제가 철폐되기 시작하여 시장기능에 따라 가격이 결정되는 가격자유화가 도입되었고, LPG도 2001년부터 가격자유화가 실시될 예정으로 있다. 5. LPG를 연료로 사용하는 차량에 대한 규제도 점차 완화되어 연료의 가격구조 개편 효과를 보아가며 계층별, 용도별, 차종별로 적용되고 있는 각종 규제 조치를 철폐하여 궁극적으로는 모든 소비자에게 자유로운 연료 선택권을 부여할 예정으로 있다. II. 연구 목적과 방법 1. LPG와 LPG차량에 대한 인지도를 실증 조사를 통해 분석할 것이며, 이에는 관찰조사, 질문 조사. 설문지 조사의 방법 등을 이용하였으며. 조사 내용은 LPG와 LPG차량의 구체적 속성, 추상적 속성, 기능적 혜택, 도구적 가치, 궁극적 가치 등에 대한 소비자들의 선호도와 중요도 및 만족도의 수준을 파악한다. 2. LPG와 LPG차량에 대하여 적용되고 있는 규제 추이와 현재의 상황 및 앞으로의 정책 방향을 각종 자료를 통해 분석한다. 3. LPG에 관한 한 소비자들이 선택 대안이 별로 없는 수동적으로 반응하는 수동적 소비자 상태에 자주적 사고의 주체로서 문제 해결자의 역할을 갖게 되는 인지적 소비자의 입장으로 바뀌게 됨에 따라, 소비자의 LPG와 LBG차량에 대한 태도와 지각, 지식에 관한 분석을 이론적인 내용에서 정리하여 소비자의 행동을 예측할 수 있는 방향을 설정한 후, 기 정립된 몰입이론에 입각하여 소비자의 정보처리와 의사 결정을 분석하여 4. 상기 연구 결과를 바탕으로 하여 차량용 연로로서의 LPG에 대한 시장 세분화 등 마케팅 전략을 수립하고자 한다. III. 태도 ◁그림 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) IV. 몰입이론 1. 몰입의 결정요인과 유형 ◁그림 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) 2. FCB 격자도( Foote, Cone, Be1ding Grid) ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) 3. 몰입수준과 의사결정의 특성을 기준으로 한 소비자 행동유형 ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) 4. 몰입과 마케팅 믹스 전략 ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) V. LPG 와 LPG 차량에 대한 인지도 조사 1. 관찰 조사와 질문 조사 병행 실시 충전소에서 관련있는 소비자들의 행동 또는 상황을 직접 관찰하여 자료를 수집하였으며, 조사 당사자들에게 직접 질문하여 사람들의 지식, 태도, 선호도, 구 행동 등에 관하여 정보를 수집. 2000년 8월부터 11월 까지 랜덤으로 선정하여 실시. 2. 설문지 조사 2000년 11월 4일부터 25일 까지 설문지를 작성하여 직접 경험자에게 100부, 간접 경험자에게 200부 포하여 실시. 회수된 것 중 분석에 무의미 한 것은 제외하고 117부만 분석에 이용 각 측정 항목과 관련 질문항목 분류 ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) VI. LPG와 LPG 차량 1. 주요석유 제품별 상대 가격지수 ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) 2. LPG차량 규제 허용 추이 ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) VII. 결론

      • 都·農間 女性 沼費者의 化粧品 購買 行動에 관한 硏究 : 강원 영서지역을 중심으로

        길광수 한림대학교 경영대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        This study was intended to investigate the differences in purchasing cosmetics between urban & rural areas. I asked some basic questions such as how customers use cosmetics, how consumers buy them, how much they know about cosmetics, etc. Data collection was done by survey and the questionaire consisted of 56 questions on 15 topics; the subjects were 196 women. They were sampled by stratified sampling. Pretest was done with 15 college students. Data analysis was done by Statistical Packages for Social Science. F-test, chi-square test, Duncan test, frequency analysis were performed to test the hypothesis, where they are applicable. Findings are as follows: First, age of starting make-up is getting younger. Second, on the contrary to the previous research results, working women are more concerned about price than more than the house wives are. The richer the woman, the less they care about the price. Rural women tend to be more concerned about the fashion, but are less satisfied with the price. Third, knowledge on cosmetics was not sufficient. Consumer knowledge is very much limited to how to use the cosmetics. Consumers did not have much information about refund policy. The ways to purchase the cosmetics were different between urban and rural areas. This study added some knowledge to the field by finding the difference in purchasing behavior between urban and rural women.

      • 공시지가와 실거래가 괴리도의 실증적 연구

        이숙자 翰林大學校 經營大學院 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        There is all the difference between the prices of publicly announced lands and those of their real transactions in Korea. The latter is almost higher than the former, which makes the parties to the transaction pay less taxes because of levying on the publicly announced land price. This Korean taxation system has a significant problem in view of national financial aspect including taxpayer's unfair advantage by a delicate transaction. The yield of local taxes is sure the public financial foundation in this local autonomy era especially in Gangwon-do. Chapter I contained the aim of this study with the scope and methodology. Chapter II described the land property and general survey of land system including Korean land system compared with that of foreign. With theoretical and related concepts on the publicly announced landprices in Chapter III, Chapter IV presented some difficulties which have to be solved, and discussed some recommendations to get the better land system. Chapter V investigated the general conditions of Korean publicly announced land price system compared with those of the other countries and analyzed the related data obtained from Gangwon-do. Suggestion in this paper are follows : The appropriate procedures should be introduced to improve the current system of land assessment which may bring skewed distribution and relative scarcity of benchmark land. Land officials should be educated regularly to meet new situations and be positioned for longer time to have correct information about their territory. The yield of local taxes of the public financial foundation in the local era should be reconsidered. It is recommended to do more scientific and elaborate study under long-term plans.

      • 병원 서비스에 대한 환자 만족도 연구

        문종필 翰林大學校 經營大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        The purpose of this study was to research the degree of patints' satisfaction for general hospital service. The subjects of this study were comprised of 276 patints using H hospital in Gangwon. The data collection was performed from March 10 to 31 2003. They were of the 5-point Likert scale. With computerization and statistics obtained through the SPSS statistics program, it was analyzed for error, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test, and F-test(ANOVA). The existing method for seeking patients' satisfaction was a one-dimensional analysis of patients' satisfaction, followed by seeking for Cronbach alpha. The results based on this are the followings: 1) Respondents rated their patients' satisfaction at 3.21 as the average. For patients' satisfaction with the hospital services of each area, medical staffs' service topped the list with a 3.53 rating, followed by 3.19 for the comprehensive questions regarding the hospital, 3.18 for hospital administrative services, and 2.84 for hospital environment and facilities. 2)There were significant differences in clients' satisfaction, recommendation, reuse of hospitals concerning relationships between respondents' reasons for selecting a particular hospital and comprehensive questions.(P<0.05) The above results were analyzed based on the assumption that the existing patients' satisfaction is one-dimensional. However, this thesis made a multi-dimensionally approach and studied the relationships with factors impacting patients' satisfaction to provide a fundamental framework for strategic use. The following are the concrete results: 1) Factors impacting patients' satisfaction should be interpreted not one-dimensionally, but multi-dimensional. 2) Impact analysis by variants of comprehensive question regarding the hospital of factors impacting patints' satisfaction should be a composition. This research was conducted on 276 patients of a university hospital with more than 500 wards in the Gangwon province, thus requiring care from the point of making expansive analysis.

      • 市內버스의 서비스品質과 顧客滿足에 관한 硏究

        김민영 한림대학교 경영대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        The purpose of this paper is to find the factors of service quality of intracity bus transportation in rural areas, which is one of the most important service industries in Korea. To do so, we develop a model of customer satisfaction in the intracity bus transportation industry. We also examine the relationships among customers overall satisfaction and underlying dimensions such as perceived service quality and cost. Factors related to customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction are derived from customer critical incidence survey. A new questionnaire of service quality based on critical incidence technique was developed and distributed to 340 passengers in Hongchon and the suburbs of Hongchon. The model is estimated with multivariate data analysis; factor analysis, multiple regression analysis, and cluster analysis. Results indicate that (1) the service quality of intracity bus transportation are 7 factors: qualification of driver, comfortability, accessibility, facility, noisy of music, convenience, and diversification of fare, (2) the factors; qualification of driver, comfortability, accessibility, facility, and noisy of music, have more positive influence on customer satisfaction, (3) facility is the main driver of customer overall satisfaction.

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