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      • 北韓의 大量殺傷武器가 韓國과 美國의 對北政策에 미친 影響과 向後展望

        한승호 全州大學校 國際經營大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 250655

        본 硏究는 世界에서 유일하게 分斷國家로 남아 있는 韓半島에서 최근까지 閉鎖政策을 고수하였던 북한을 상대로 韓國과 美國이 실시해온 對北政策의 推進過程을 시대별로 각종 文獻과 新聞, 雜誌 및 硏究報告書 등을 통해 살펴보았으며 특히 최근 문제가 되고 있는 북한 핵 개발과 관련해 북한의 대량살상무기가 韓國 및 美國의 對北政策에 미친 영향을 考察해 보고 향후 南北關係와 北美關係를 전망해 보았으며 그 硏究結果는 다음과 같다. 韓國은 80년대 중반까지는 對北政策의 目標를 냉전적 국제상황에서 對北韓외교경쟁에서 우위를 확보함으로써 국제사회에서 북한을 孤立시키는데 두었기 때문에 진전을 보기가 어려웠다. 하지만 노태우 政府에서는 1980년대말 경제성장에 따른 국제적 지위의 향상과 중국이나 러시아 등 공산주의 국가들의 改革·開放政策에 맞추어 北方政策을 추진하게 되었으며, 그 결과 동구권 국가 및 중국·러시아와 關係改善으로 이어져 修交를 맺게 되었다. 이러한 社會主義 國家들과의 關係改善은 남북관계에도 영향을 미쳐 남북 UN동시가입과 南北基本合議書를 採擇하게 되어 과거 적대적 남북관계를 경쟁적 협력관계로 전환시키는 계기가 되었다. 그리고 김대중 政府는 과거의 政府에서 추진하였던 統一政策 및 北方對策 등을 바탕으로 包容政策을 적극적으로 추진하였는데 이는 국내외적으로 경제적 위기 등 어려움에 처해 있는 북한을 적극적으로 도와줌으로써 북한을 變化시키고, 나아가 남북의 異質感을 解消하여 궁극적으로 남북통일을 이룩하기 위한 발판을 마련하기 위한 對北政策이었다. 이러한 包容政策은 철저한 政經分離原則에 입각해 추진되었는데 일부 국내 보수세력에 의해 '퍼주기식 정책'이라는 비판과 軍事的 衝突에도 불구하고 지속적으로 추진되었으며 南北頂上會談을 비롯해 경제적 교류 ·협력과 민간 교류는 많은 成果를 이루었다. 이는 美國을 비롯한 주변국가들의 지지와 협조가 뒷받침되었기 때문이며 특히 클린턴 政府의 지지와 협조에 의해 南北關係가 개선되고 긴장이 緩和되었으며 주도적인 입장에서 南北關係를 發展시켜 나갈 수 있었다. 특히 북한의 핵개발과 미사일개발 및 수출문제에 있어서 클린턴 政府는 북한과 협상 및 대화로 問題解決에 접근하였고 韓國의 입장과 의지를 적극 반영하였다. 이 과정에서 북한은 많은 反對給付를 얻을 수 있었던 것이다. 그러나 부시行政府의 등장과 9.11테러 발생 이후 美國의 强硬政策에 의해 북·미 관계는 교착상태가 되고 韓國의 對北政策에도 많은 영향을 미치고있다. 부시 行政府는 북한을 테러지원국으로 규정하고 大量殺傷武器 개발로 世界安保를 위협하는 '악의 축'으로 지칭하며 선 핵무기 포기를 요구하면서 중유공급을 중단하고 경수로 사업도 중단된 상태이며, 이에 대해 북한은 강경대응책으로 핵개발 카드로 대치하였다. 美國은 북한과 함께 '악의 축'으로 지명한 이라크를 2003년 3월 20일 대량 살상무기제거와 후세인 逐出이라는 名分아래 전격 侵攻하여 26일만에 승리로 이끌었으며 관심을 북한에 집중하고 있다. 이에 대해 북한은 美國의 武力使用 가능성에 불안을 느끼고 '不可侵 確約'을 요구하며 '先 核武器 抛棄'를 주장하는 美國과 대립하였으며 핵문제 解決에서는 남한을 제외시키면서 경제적 협상 접촉은 계속 실시하는 벼랑 끝 전술과 실리 챙기기를 동시에 펼치고 있다. 韓國政府는 대화에 의한 북한 핵문제 해결을 原則으로 다자간 협상에 의해 問題解決을 제안하여 추진 중에 있으며 직접 참여는 이루어지고 있지 않지만 韓國의 입장과 의지를 분명하게 밝히고 反映되도록 외교노력을 하고 있다. 현실적으로 남북관계도 북·미 관계가 개선되어야 진전될 수 있고 북한의 입장에서도 북·미 관계가 개선되어야만 각종 制裁措置로부터 자유로워지고 경제난을 극복하고 體制維持를 할 수 있기 때문에 협상을 통하든 물밑접촉을 통해서든 問題解決이 될 것으로 전망된다. 美國의 입장에서는 북한의 핵물질 및 핵무기와 핵제조기술이 擴散만 되지 않는다면 세계전략면에서 크게 문제될 것이 없고 북·미간에 여러 가지 懸案問題가 있지만 핵문제가 해결된다면 一括妥結될 수도 있기 때문에 노무현 政府는 이러한 점에 着眼해 외교적 노력을 기울여야 할 것이다. This research is based upon the last and only remaining divided country in the world, Korea. I tried to define the two allies'(Korea&USA) policy towards N.Korea's closed regime by analysing various documents, periodicals, research notes, etc. Especially about the recently raised issue upon N.Korea's nuclear development which may caused some effect on it's policy. Until mid 8O's , Korea kept it's policy based upon anti-communism which enforced to isolate N.Korea from the rest of the democratic states. This was a trend whithn the "Cold-war" era but as time went by, New-detente folw made many communist nations to re-facilitate and refrom it's country. Along these open policy, 6th. Government tried to improve it's relationship with N.Korea. It's "Northern Policy" brought many changes to the relationship. communist states and finally made amity treaties with these nations. These changes made possible to bring out N. Korea to the outer world. Previous enemy is now on it's way to competitive collaboratot . Kim DaeJung administration carried out it's "Sunshine Policy" towards the N.Korea which tried to help N.Korea to strengthen it's economy and change it's close policy. This policy was mainly to make N.Korea to change and clear out the barrier which led between the two Koreas, so it may extend friendly relationship. But this policy was criticised by the conservative party which discriminated as a "Throw-away Policy". Despite the criticism and many military collitions, this poky was carried throughout the President Kim's adminitration and several positive results like "Summit talks", economical exchanges were achived. These results were possible to achive under the Clinton adminitration's support and co-operation. Especially, Clinton Administration tried to make talks with N.Korean regime and let them discard the Nuke policy by themselves. Also, S. Korea's standpoint and policy was highly reflected throughout it's talk with N.Korea. N.Korea gained many benefits during this time. But after the Bush Administration and 9.11, US government rapidly changed to harline policy. It's firm attitude brought negative effect to the US-N.Korea relationship. US government accused N.Korea as one of the Terrorist supporting nation, and defined it as the "Evil Axis" which interferes the world peace. N.Korea didn't give-up it's Nuke policy and it also took the hard-line policy towards the US administration's isolation policy. Bush adminitration lately has took over one of the "Evil Axis", Irak under the justification of clearing the mass-killing arms and removal of the Husain regime within 26 days. N.Korea fears the US'S possibility of using power expel the present regime and it is keep on asking for the "Inviolable treaty" while trying to gain benefit out of this policy. US government will not accept this unless the N.Korea discard the Nuclear arms fist. S.Korea is out of the actual negotiation but it is keep on expressing it's policy and position through the diplomatical channels so that our position can be reflected in these talks. Presently, relationship between the two Korea's cannot be clarified without US-N.Korea's realationship. Also, N.korea needs the economical sanctions to be taken off. US will keep on talks and clarify all possible sanctions towards the N.Korea, if N.Korea clarify the Nuke by themselves. No Mu-Hyun government should understand this current situation and inforce on diplomatical efforts.

      • 우리 나라 物流 서비스 수준의 問題點과 改善方案 관한 硏究

        이강현 全州大學校 國際經營大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 250655

        마케팅은 무엇이 적정한 로지스틱스 수행인지를 파악하여 핵심 전략사항을 수익성 있는 거래로 지원하고 조장하게 될 서비스의 조합과 요구형태를 결정하는 문제이므로 고객서비스에 많은 관심을 갖고 더욱 발전하여 나아가야 할 것으로 생각되며, 많은 경영자들이 고객서비스가 중요하다는 것에 동의는 하지만, 정확히 그것이 무엇이고 무슨 일을 하는 것인가를 설명하지는 못한다. 보통 표현되는 두 가지 해석은 서로 거래하기 쉽게 해주며(easy to do business with), 고객의 요구에 민감하다(sen-sitive to customer needs)는 것이다. 그러한 일반화가 질적인 측면에서 호응을 받고 있지만, "함께 거래하기 쉽게 해주는 것"이 많은 고객들을 매일 상대하는 기업들에게 무슨 의미를 지니는가를 해석하는 것은 쉽지 않다. 고객서비스 전략을 개발하기 위해 서는 고객서비스의 실용적 정의를 개발할 필요가 있다. 고객서비스 중에서 가장 중요한 전문인력관리가 대두되고 있으며 유통산업이 급속히 성장하는 속에서 유통전문인력이 매우 부족하여 신규 유통업체의 인력확보가 어렵고 이에 따른 인력스카웃이 심화되고 있어 직업의식 및 직장모럴이 문제되고 있으며 생산성 문제 또한 대두되고 있다. 기업의 물류관리에서 가장 중요성이 부각되는 고객만족에 절대적으로 중요하기 때문에 경영자는 제품을 판매가 전부가 아님을 인식하고 운송 시스템(transport system)을 더욱 발전시켜 국가 및 기업의 인프라, 정보통신기술, 고도의 서비스 정신을 갖춘 인적자원이 결합된 결정체라 할 수 있으며, 고객과 고객사이의 접점인 우수한 배송사원의 양성이야말로 배송발전의 가장 중요한 자원이 되고 있으며 이러한 배송사원 책임감 강화를 위해서는 배송사원을 일용직원이나 아르바이트 사원이 아닌 정식 사원으로 채용하여 서비스의 질 향상 및 거래처 정보가 Feedback될 수 있도록 하고. 또한 배송사원의 교육 강화를 통해 일정한 자질을 유지 할 수 있도록 지속적인 인성교육 및 서비스 교육을 통하여 접객수준을 향상시켜 이에 따른 회사 이미지를 제고시키고 또한 단순 배송직원이 아닌 상품지식(기술)력을 제공하고 정보전달 및 수집활동이 가능하도록 교육을 강화하여야 하며, 서비스 물류개념의 등장으로 물류는 이제 더 이상 제품의 배달만이 아닌 가치의 배달과정을 중요시 하여야 한다. 항상 중요한 고객 서비스 변수들을 잘못 확인하는 것은 고객을 불만족스럽게 만들고, 궁극적으로는 판매기회를 잃게 만든다. 고객에게 만족을 줄 수 있고 만족된 고객의 충성도에 의해 기업의 매출이 증대되며 기업은 계속적 성장을 할 수 있다. 현재 우리나라의 기업물류 산업이 안고 있는 많은 문제점들을 정부 물류업체, 소비자 세 이해당사자가 효과적으로 개선하고 발전시켜 물류업체에 대한 경쟁력을 더욱 확보하여야 하겠다. 마케팅은 무엇이 적정한 로지스틱스 수행인지를 파악하여 핵심 전략사항을 수익성 있는 거래로 지원하고 조장하게 될 서비스의 조합과 요구형태를 결정하는 문제이므로 고객서비스에 많은 관심을 갖고 더욱 발전하여 나아가야 할 것으로 생각되며, 많은 경영자들이 고객서비스가 중요하다는 것에 동의는 하지만, 정확히 그것이 무엇이고 무슨 일을 하는 것인가를 설명하지는 못한다. 보통 표현되는 두 가지 해석은 서로 거래하기 쉽게 해주며(easy to do businesswith), 고객의 요구에 민감하다(sen-sitive to customer needs)는 것이다. 그러한 일반화가 질적인 측면에서 호응을 받고 있지만, "함께 거래하기 쉽게 해주는 것"이 많은 측면에서 호응을 받고 있지만, "함께 거래하기 쉽게 해주는 것"이 많은 고객들을 매일 상대하는 기업들에게 무슨 의미를 지니는가를 해석하는 것은 쉽지 않다. 고객서비스 전략을 개발하기 위해 서는 고객서비스의 실용적 정의를 개발할 필요가 있다. 고객서비스 중에서 가장 중요한 전문인력관리가 대두되고 있으며, 유통산업이 급속히 성장하는 속에서 유통전문인력이 매우 부족하여 신규 유통업체의 인력확보가 어렵고 이에 따른 인력스카웃이 심화되고 있어 직업의식 및 직장모럴이 문제되고 있으며 생산성 문제 또한 대두되고 있다. 기업의 물류관리에서 가장 중요성이 부각되는 고객만족에 절대적으로 중요하기 때문에 경영자는 제품을 판매가 전부가 아님을 인식하고 운송시스템(transport system)을 더욱 발전시켜 국가 및 기업의 인프라, 정보통신기술, 고도의 서비스 정신을 갖춘 인적자원이 결합된 결정체라 할 수 있으며, 고객과 고객사이의 접점인 우수한 배송사원의 양성이야말로 배송발전의 가장 중요한 자원이 되고 있으며 이러한 배송사원 책임감 강화를 위해서는 배송사원을 일용직원이나 아르바이트 사원이 아닌 정식 사원으로 채용하여 서비스의 질 향상 및 거래처 정보가 Feedback될 수 있도록 하고, 또한 배송사원의 교육 강화를 통해 일정한 자질을 유지할 수 있도록 지속적인 인성교육 및 서비스 교육을 통하여 접객수준을 할 수 있도록 지속적인 인성교육 및 서비스 교육을 통하여 접객수준을 향상시켜 이에 따른 회사 이미지를 제고시키고 또한 단순 배송직원이 아닌 상품지식(기술)력을 제공하고 정보전달 및 수집활동이 가능하도록 교육을 강화하여야 하며, 서비스 물류개념의 등장으로 물류는 이제 더 이상 제품의 배달만이 아닌 가치의 배달과정을 중요시 하여야 한다. 항상 중요한 고객 서비스 변수들을 잘못 확인하는 것은 고객을 불만족스럽게 만들고, 궁극적으로는 판매기회를 잃게 만든다. 고객에게 만족을 줄 수 있고 만족된 고객의 충성도에 의해 기업의 매출이 증대되며 기업은 계속적 성장을 할 수 있다. 현재 우리나라의 기업물류 산업이 안고 있는 많은 문제점들을 정부, 물류업체, 소비자 세 이해당사자가 효과적으로 개선하고 발전시켜 물류업체에 대한 경쟁력을 더욱 확보하여야 하겠다.

      • 傳統飮食의 觀光商品化 方案에 관한 硏究 : 전주비빔밥을 中心으로

        유경민 全州大學校 國際經營大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 250655

        The development of industry and transportation which enables products of a region to spread nationwide. As a result of this and the influence of western food, Our traditional foods are disappearing. We in the Jeon-ju city must try to revive a flavor for traditional food and commercialize regional tourism product. Besides we have to develop the Jeon-ju Bibimbab, we also must Spotlight Native Local food meseums and exposition sites where foreigners experience traditional culture of the ,Jeon-ju. We car expect social and economic effect through commercialiging the Jeon-ju Bibimbab. Methods t o Commercialize Jeon-ju Bibimbab. · Improving and promoting the Jeon-ju Bibimbab. · Supporting and designating the Jeon-ju Bibimbab restaurant. · Developing tourism products connecting the Jeon-ju Bibimbab with sighteeing sites. · Franchising Jeon-.ju Bibimbab. · Publishing coupons of the Jeon-ju Bibimbab. In order to effectirely commercialize the Jeon-ju Bibimbab, we need to need t o make efforts to encourage coopetition between companies, universities and the government.

      • 全北地域의 環境保全에 關한 硏究

        김용생 全州大學校 國際經營大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        An environment is the prerequisite to preserve and maintain human life, has some close connection human living, and essential in point of immeasurable energy to live humanlike life. Therefore we can say that environment matter in the 21th century called an era of environment has become a current matter of grave concern in this global village as well as a policy task of one nation. Environment matter has been always looked upon as opposition and conflict from the viewpoint of conservation and exploitation. But nowadays environment matter must not be considered as simple matter in connection with human survival. Every variety of policy and business for the protection and preservation of environment all over the world is putting into operation, and it is also accepted as the first policy of the nation in Korea without exception. Especially in case that Seohaean Express Highway, Gunjang Industrial Park, New Gunjang Port, and a large development work in Jeonbuk Province Area as the point of production and exchange of Circum-pan-Yellowsea economic bloc is promoted, there is an ample possibility that a reckless exploitation of land takes place on the skirts of the area owing high development demand and a main road. On that account, we need to establish a planned framework about land utilization to use a land intentionally and lead good urban development. Consequently we must establish the basic direction of an environment-intimate land use. We must try to both minimize destroy a scene and lead planned exploitation by means of introducing environment-intimate land use system, bringing in wide land use planning system, reconsidering utility of land, establishing land information system to use land scientifically. Therefore this study is intended to inquire into the present condition of preservation of environment in Jeonbuk Province Area and present effective and synthetic management system and method. We would like to proceed this study on the basis of preservation of environment and statistics in Jeonbuk Province Area with several methods listed as follows; In chapter 2, we inquired into the present condition and several points of land and presented basic direction to establish environment-intimate land use system in Jeonbuk Province Area. In chapter 3, we analyzed the present condition and the point at issue to preserve local ecology environment and establish management system, and created basic direction in accordance with the change of condition and prospect, In chapter 4, we analyzed main development works laying stress on the present condition and several points for securing water resources safely and administering demand and requirement it. In chapter 5, we analyzed the present condition and the point at issue to complete provision and handling facilities for preservation of environment In chapter 6, we inquired into fine driving measures and main development works laying stress on the present condition and the point at issue to construct the foundation of environment-intimate urban life with high level function. Consequently this study is intended to inquire into the present condition and the point at issue for the successful preservation of environment in Jeonbuk Province Area, and present long and short term environment counterplan.

      • 중소기업의 경쟁력 향상을 위한 지원정책에 관한 연구 : 전북지역을 중심으로

        김영곤 全州大學校 國際經營大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        So far, our government has actually made a series of political efforts for the development of small and medium enterprises in domestic market. Moreover, the government has continuously made and developed corresponding policies such as various taxational supports, political financing and protection for industries specific to domestic small-to-medium scale companies. Despite these political supports, however, there has not been any significant efficiency in the level of political effects. The reason may be attributed to lack of any approach in the structural level. On the way to industrialization based on specific locations, economic growth driven mainly by large-scale enterprises and rapid restructuring, cur small-to-medium scale companies have been increasingly losing self-generating development capabilities. In particular, small-to-medium scale companies around Jeonbuk area have faced critical problems such as poor investment in social infrastructure and facilities, low effects of technical inducement resulting from deficient high-tech industry within the area and lack of complementary development in linkage with large-scale companies. Moreover, the supportive policies led by our government for small-to-medium scale business have mainly focused financial supports on some solid medium-scale companies or high-tech businesses. Unfortunately, small-to-medium scale business around Jeonbuk area has showed the weakest scale and quality level in domestic business. This study intends to diagnose actual conditions and problems of these small-to-medium companies in Jeonbuk area and present reasonable countermeasures for enhancing their competitive edges. Meanwhile, reference literatures were inquired to perform the study on supportive policies for better competitive edges of domestic small-to-medium scale companies. To perform a study based on reference literatures, this study focused on domestic and foreign treatises and addressed theoretic considerations about publications and other books of related law or regulations and systems as issued by organizations related to small-to-medium business such as Small and Medium Industry Promotion Corporation, as well as a variety of statistical sources and governmental publications. Furthermore, this study intends to analyze problems in current supportive systems for small-to-medium scale companies and show better directions corresponding to those problems. Improvement directions of existing supportive policies for small-to-medium scale companies can be summarized as follows: First, it is necessary that the government should turn from conventional positions to proactive efforts to verify the efficiency of its supportive policies for small-to-medium scale business. Unless there is any process of reviewing what results each policy-making activity may bring about, the supportive policy would be nominal or in vain. Secondly, it is required that a series of supportive policies for small-to-medium scale business should be promoted along with a comprehensive development plan in social level. Thirdly, a training system for industrial and technical manpower should be implemented to supply technical personnel and lead technical development in the industry. Of course, various organizations should be previously invited to enable such human resource procurement and technical development even in Jeonbuk area. Fourthly, it is critical to expand existing credit loan limits in terms of financial loan for small-to-medium companies. Here, financial organizations must expand those credit loan limits beyond customary mortgage loan practices. Finally, it is necessary to continue a series of investments in expanding facilities of social infrastructure and improving the conditions of industrial location in the level of pending projects in Chonbuk area.

      • 中小企業의 製造物 責任法 施行에 따른 效果的 對應 方案에 關한 硏究

        이동선 全州大學校 國際經營大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        The PL(product Liability) Law has been going into effect in Korea since July 2002. Accordingly, a company's responsibility for customers who are damaged by the defect in the product safety has been gradually strict and imposed burden on management. PL refers to the liability of any or all parties along the chain of manufacture of any product for damage caused by that product. This includes the manufacturer of component parts(at the top of the chain), an assembling manufacturer, the wholesaler, and the retail store owner(at the bottom of the chain). Products containing inherent defects that cause harm to a consumer of the product, or someone to whom the product was loaned, given, etc., are the subjects of PL suits. While products are generally thought of as tangible personal property, PL has stretched that definition to include intangibles (gas), naturals (pets), real estate (house), and writings (navigational charts). PL claims can be based on negligence, strict liability, or breach of warranty of fitness depending on the jurisdiction within which the claim is based. Many states have enacted comprehensive PL statutes. These statutory provisions can be very diverse such that the United States Department of Commerce has promulgated a Model Uniform Products Liability Act(MUPLA) for voluntary use by the states. There is no federal PL law. In any jurisdiction one must prove that the product is defective. There are three types of product defects that incur liability in manufacturers and suppliers: design defects, manufacturing defects, and defects in marketing. Design defects are inherent ; they exist before the product is manufactured. While the item might serve its purpose well, it can be unreasonably dangerous to use due to a design flaw. On the other hand, manufacturing defects occur during the construction or production of the item. Only a few out of many products of the same type are flawed in this case. Defects in marketing deal with improper instructions and failures to warn consumers of latent dangers in the product. PL is generally considered a strict liability offense. Strict liability wrongs do not depend on the degree of carefulness by the defendant. Translated to PL terms, a defendant is liable when it is shown that the product is defective. It is irrelevant whether the manufacturer or supplier exercised great care; if there is a defect in the product that causes harm, he or she will be liable for it. This study gives suggestions as to PL prevention of manufacturing companies through the case research of PL prevention strategies and the prevention systems of a small-to-medium-sized company. In the study, PL claims are based on three 3 theories of law : 1. Negligence, 2. Strict Liability, 3. Breach of Warranty.

      • 地域 호텔의 마케팅戰略에 關한 硏究 : 전북지역 관광호텔을 중심으로

        이장원 全州大學校 國際·經營大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        Recently the environment of enterprise management is continually changing and the speed and contents of the change are getting more complicated. The radical change of the environment in management is emerging as a new aspect of marketing tendency. So new marketing strategy is necessitated in order to cope with this change. The hotel industry in Korea is expanding its scope to mass production of modern hotel business. But it still keeps many problems, which should be urgently corrected. These misled marketing activities make not only enterprises but also customers face various difficulties. The Hotel marketing strategy has special aspects such as formlessness of service, concurrency of production and consumption, disappearance of service, variableness of service production, easiness of duplication, which are different from the aspects of other productions. It makes the establishment of strategy more complicated. Therefore, the basic problems of hotel enterprise is to create the guest-oriented marketing. In other words, customer-oriented marketing strategy is necessitated in order to satisfy the increasing varieties of tourism demands and need of guests in accordance with their improvement of their living standard. This study is to survey the effective strategy of Hotel marketing classifying the survey subjects and the survey range. Documentary research method and empirical research method are adapted to survey this study. In Chapter Ⅱ, I surveyed the hotel environment reestablishing the theories about the hotel marketing mix and hotel enterprise. In Chapter Ⅲ, I studied the statics and the analyzation of materials through the empirical materials based on the theories. In chapter Ⅲ, I presented the main problems of hotel marketing resulted from the survey of Chapter III with focus on sales improvement, production strategy, price strategy and circulation strategy. I also presented the developmental strategy of regional hotel marketing to face these problems. I selected eleven hotels in the Jeonbuk Province areas of Jeonju,Iksan,Gunsan,Jeonup,Muju,Gochang,Namwon,Whanju(Daedun Mt.) and surveyed the opinions of the division managers of the Marketing part and the Sales part and the personnels of each divisions. But it was not easy to establish the clear and active strategies for the international trend of Hotel industry due to the difficulties of reaching for the pre-studies about the hotels of other countries. So the limitation of this study is the lack of the objectivity and rationality of marketing strategy due to the shortage of the materials resulted from the exclusiveness of hotel business information. Therefore, it is necessary for the further studies to establish more creative researches based on this limitation introducing systematic empirical surveys.

      • 旅行業 서어비스品質이 顧客滿足에 미치는 影響에 관한 硏究

        김만기 全州大學校 國際·經營大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        In the future, the success and failure of travel agencies have to achieve effectively the corporate goals, positively coping with the corporate environmental changes in the transformation of the professional management system with the strong customers focused on the environments and give the priority of customer's satisfaction in the process of carrying out the management. Service quality has been discussed in that the service quality provides a basis for customer satisfaction in a service industry. Especially, studies of service quality and its evaluation methods have been made out of recognition that quality management rests upon the service quality researches. The aim of this study is to identify the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction along with making some suggestions. Both literature study and empirical study are taken simultaneously in this research. The attempt to systemize the concept and the relationship of service quality and customer satisfaction was conducted through literature study. In performing the empirical study a field survey was offered to the travelers. The material extracted from the field survey was analyzed through ANOVA, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. The results are summarized as follows; First, the result from ANOVA shows that the determinants of travel service quality have the differences according to the demographic distinction. In the case of tourism industry, differential service quality should be offered to the itemized customers laying stress on group distinction. Second, travel service quality determinants, customer satisfaction, and repurchase intention maintain tight relationship. Service quality may be stressed on particular service quality items. Third, travel service quality determinants, customer satisfaction, and repurchase intention interact each other. We can say that the customer satisfaction in tourism industry management should depend on the service quality improvement.

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