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        중국 쑤저우 고전원림 포장문양의 사상적 배경 고찰

        뉴즈츠 ( Zi Chi Niu ),안계복 ( Gye Bog Ahn ) 한국전통조경학회 2015 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.33 No.3

        중국 강남지방 고전 사가원림의 포장문양은 황가원림보다 종류도 다양하고 변화도 많다. 쑤저우 사가원림에서 다양한 문양을 도입하게 된 사상적 배경을 규명하기 위해서 세계문화유산으로 지정된 9개소의 원림을 조사 분석하였다. 그 결과 원시 자연숭배신앙인 애니미즘과 토테미즘의 영향은 소수로 나타났다. 쑤저우 고전원림 포장문양 가운데 큰 영향을 미친 것은 유교, 도교, 불교 사상인 것으로 나타났다. 유교 사상이 나타난 사례는 간방식, 팔방식, 육방식 문양으로 주로 진입로나 정당건물 앞에 넓은 면적에 포설된다. 도교 사상이 나타나는 문양은 오복봉수(五福捧壽), 반도(蟠桃), 암팔선 문양이다. 불교 사상이 나타나는 사례는 팔보 문양인데 그 가운데 윤회사상을 나타내는 반장 문양이 제일 많이 나타난다. 이밖에 쑤저우 고전원림 포장 문양 76 종류 가운데에는 복(福), 재물, 다산(多産), 신분상승을 기원하는 의미에서 선호하고 믿었던 민속문화라는 범주의 문양들이 있다. 박쥐, 나비, 잠자리, 사슴, 개구리, 금섬, 잉어, 동전 등이 있다. Compared to pavement of Chinese palace gardens, those of private gardens in south part of the Yangtze River(長江) in China shows variety of patterns. In order to figure out what causes the difference in paving pattern, this article focuses on the traditional Chinese ideologies during the all time. An analysis on ‘Classical Gardens of Suzhou’, which has been designated as UNESCO World Heritage, was used to determine how ideologies have influence on paving pattern of Classical Gardens. As a result, various Chinese ideologies such as Nature worship, Totemism, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Folk Culture were found in paving patterns of the private gardens. Pattern of sun in the Retreat & Reflection Garden(Toisawon) is an example of Nature worship among primitive beliefs of ancient China. Phoenix pattern of the Couple’s Retreat Garden(Ouyuan, Liuyuan) reflects Totemistic beliefs. Confucianism is the underlying philosophy of Eight Square pattern, Six Square pattern, and Cross Square pattern. These patterns were mainly used to pave large area and easily found in many gardens. Patterns reflect Taoism are “Wufu holding life” pattern(the Five blessing holding life, 五福捧壽), Flat peach pattern, and Alluding Eight Immortals pattern. Paving patterns related to Buddhism are patterns of ‘Eight treasures’ and Endless knot pattern appears most frequently since it expresses concept of reincarnation well. Paving patterns shows folk culture and beliefs of the time in China are bat, butterfly, dragonfly, frog, carp, and coin(ingot).

      • KCI등재

        말의 통정, 반어적인 차단 -주요섭 소설에 나타난 봉쇄된 인물관계에 대한 고찰-

        우자한 ( Niu Zi-han ) 국제어문학회 2021 국제어문 Vol.- No.90

        본고는 「말」이라는 주요섭의 초기 논설에서 출발하여 그의 수필, 감상문 등 비소설적인 장르에서 두 가지 이념을 제시하였다. 주요섭은 비소설적인 장르에서 인간이 서로 통정하기 위해 신체언어가 아닌, 입말과 글말을 포함한 행위로서의 ‘말’로 교류해야 한다는 ‘이해의 언어철학’을 보여주었다. 또한 문학작품을 통해 독자에게 타인에 대한 이해를 말하고자 하는 창작 의도를 가지고 있었다. 본고는 이 두 가지 이념이 주요섭에게 어떻게 문학적으로 형상화되었는지에 집중하여 해방 전에 발표된 「첫사랑값」과 「아네모네의 마담」, 해방 후에 창작된 「극진한 사랑」, 「여대생과 밍크코우트」, 네 편의 작품에 잠재된 봉쇄된 인물관계를 비롯한, 아이러니에 의해 만들어진 소설적인 조각물을 중점적으로 살펴봄으로써 주요섭 문학세계 안팎에서의 배반(背反)의 역학 관계와 그 관계에 의해 연결된 작가와 독자의 대화 경로의 형성 과정을 시론(試論)하는 데 연구의 목적을 둔다. 「첫사랑값」에서 말을 부정하며 눈의 기능에 집착한 유경은 내포작가(implied author)의 대척점에 놓이고 일기에서 일그러진 심리 상태에 빠지며 눈으로 N과 사랑하는 사이가 되기 위해 애썼다. 분열된 정신 상태, 독단적인 시선과 발화에 내포된 자기도취, 내포작가와의 정반대된 입장으로 인해 유경은 ‘믿을 수 없는 서술자(unreliable narrator)’가 되어 버리고, 이에 따라 그가 신뢰한 눈의 ‘완전한 역할’도 환상으로 간주될 수밖에 없다. 눈의 허위성은 「아네모네의 마담」에서 다시 한 번 증명된다. 영숙은 ‘눈과 말의 시합’에서 유경과 같이 눈을 선택하였다. 그러나 그녀가 눈으로 바라보는 사랑은 마지막으로 주요섭을 대변한 한 부인물의 가치중립적인 설명으로 무너져 갔다. 「극진한 사랑」에 이르러서는 ‘눈의 이야기’가 사라지고 광적인 주인공의 ‘침묵을 포함한 독백’이 극단적으로 그려진다. 소설에서 수신인이어야 하는 남자의 실체가 은폐되기 때문에 서간체로 쓰인 유언장이자 주인공의 최후 진심은 전달되지 못하였다. 주요섭은 작품의 구성방식을 변화시킴으로써 차단된 말을 생산하며 인물관계를 ‘독백으로서의 편지’라는 폐쇄된 공간에서 봉쇄해 버리고 이를 남자가 아닌 독자에게 느끼게 함으로써 독자와의 대화 경로를 만들어낸다. 「여대생과 밍크코우트」에서 부녀간의 긴장 관계와, 주고받는 말을 통해 일방적인 편견을 해소하여 화해한 친구 관계가 양립되고 있다. 주요섭은 일방적인 관계와 이상적인 공감 관계를 대비시켜 몰이해와 이해가 각각 낳은 상이한 결과를 제시한다. 이로써 말년의 작가 주요섭은 보다 직접적으로 그의 ‘이해의 언어철학’을 표현할 수 있게 되었다. This study adopts, a different perspective from the existing research on Ju Yo-seop. Starting from his initial treatise “Language”, this study reveals the “parole of discourse” and the “philosophy of language about understanding” based on it, which he proposed in the non-fiction genres of essays and lyric articles. At the same time, the study highlights his intention to create a literary work that will enable readers to put aside their prejudices and further achieve understanding among individuals and social communities. A total of four works are analyzed: The Price of First Love Anemone Madam, Extreme Love and The College Girl and the Mink Coat, focusing on how these two ideas are artistically expressed in Ju Yo-seop’s works. Through the analysis of the “blocked character relationship” implied in the works, which is created through the technique of irony, the dialogue path between the reader and the author is examined, as well as the back-and-forth relationship through this. In The Price of First Love, the protagonist, who denies the role of discourse and insists on communicating with his eyes, is placed in opposition to the implied author, who, together with the restless mental state he displays in his diary, can be seen as the “unreliable narrator”. In this way, the function of the eye, which he emphasizes, takes on a hypocritical character. This is once again confirmed in Anemone Madam, in which the love that Yongsuk imagined with her eyes also eventually proved to be a ridiculous drama. In Extreme Love, the “story of the eyes” is no longer presented, and only the main character’s “monologue containing silence” remains. In addition, the author erases the entity of the man who is supposed to appear as the recipient character in the novel, and the main character’s final confession cannot be conveyed. Through the use of fictional techniques, the author establishes a communication with the reader by making the severed words and blocked character relationships directly felt. In The College Girl and the Mink Coat, the opposition between the antagonistic relationship between father and daughter and the reconciled friendship can be seen. In his later years, Ju Yo-seop uses such a contrast to demonstrate the different results that the relationship between “understanding” and “non-understanding” finally generates, and in this way expresses his “philosophy of language about understanding” in a more direct way.

      • Cloning and Molecular Characterization of a Novel Rolling-Circle Replicating Plasmid, pK1S-1, from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki K1

        Ming Shun Li,Jong Yul Roh,Xueying Tao,Zi Niu Yu,Zi Duo Liu,Qin Liu,Hong Guang Xu,Hee Jin Shim,Yang-Su Kim,Yong Wang,Jae Young Choi,Yeon Ho Je 한국응용곤충학회 2009 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.05

        Bacillus thuringiensis, an entomopathogenic bacterium belonging to the B. cereus group, harbors numerous extra-chromosomal DNA molecules whose sizes range from 2 to 250 kb. In this study, we used a plasmid capture system (PCS) to clone three small plasmids from B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki K1 using PCS which were not found in B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki HD-1, and determined the complete nucleotide sequence of plasmid pK1S-1 (5.5 kb). Of the six putative open reading frames (ORF2-ORF7) in pK1S-1, ORF2 (MobK1) showed approximately 90% aa identity with the Mob-proteins of pGI2 and pTX14-2, which are rolling circle replicating group VII (RCR group VII) plasmids from B. thuringiensis. In addition, a putative origin of transfer (oriT) showed 95.8% identity with those of pGI2 and pTX14-2. ORF3 (RepK1) showed relatively low aa identity (17.8-25.2%) with the Rep protein coded by RCR plasmids, however. The putative double-strand origin of replication (dso) and single-strand origin of replication (sso) of pK1S-1 exhibited approximately 70% and 64% identities with those of pGI2 and pTX14-2. ORF6 and 7 showed greater than 50% similarities with alkaline serine protease, which belongs to the subtilase family. The other 2 ORFs were identified as hypothetical proteins. To determine the replicon of pK1S-1, seven subclones were contructed in the B. t huringiensis ori-negative pHT1K vector and were electroporated into a plasmid cured B. thuringiensis strain. The 1.6 kb region that included the putative ORF3 (Rep1K), dso and ORF4, exhibited replication ability. These findings identified pK1S-1 as a new RCR group VII plasmid, and determined its replication region.

      • KCI등재

        Nonlinear Kalman filter bias correction for wind ramp event forecasts at wind turbine height

        Jingjing Xu,Zi-Niu Xiao,Zhao-Hui Lin 한국풍공학회 2020 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.30 No.4

        One of the growing concerns of the wind energy production is wind ramp events. To improve the wind ramp event forecasts, the nonlinear Kalman filter bias correction method was applied to 24-h wind speed forecasts issued from the WRF model at 70-m height in Zhangbei wind farm, Hebei Province, China for a two-year period. The Kalman filter shows the remarkable ability of improving forecast skill for real-time wind speed forecasts by decreasing RMSE by 32% from 3.26 m s-1 to 2.21 m s-1, reducing BIAS almost to zero, and improving correlation from 0.58 to 0.82. The bias correction improves the forecast skill especially in wind speed intervals sensitive to wind power prediction. The fact shows that the Kalman filter is especially suitable for wind power prediction. Moreover, the bias correction method performs well under abrupt weather transition. As to the overall performance for improving the forecast skill of ramp events, the Kalman filter shows noticeable improvements based on POD and TSS. The bias correction increases the POD score of up-ramps from 0.27 to 0.39 and from 0.26 to 0.38 for down-ramps. After bias correction, the TSS score is significantly promoted from 0.12 to 0.26 for up-ramps and from 0.13 to 0.25 for down-ramps.

      • KCI등재

        Research on the Use Behavior of BIM Information Technology in the Context of Smart City Construction

        Yan-Yan Li,Zi-Yang Liu,Mei-Ying Niu 사회혁신기업연구원 2023 혁신기업연구 Vol.8 No.2

        With the development of the new round of technological revolution, the intelligent city construction background, vigorously promote the intelligent construction of this innovative development model has become inevitable. In particular, the use of new BIM technology in the construction industry can realize the management of the whole life cycle of the project, thus improving the overall productivity and management level of the construction industry. However, the adoption and utilization of BIM in the construction industry is still low at this stage, which seriously hinders the construction and development of smart cities. So effectively grasping the reasons for the poor utilization of information technology in the construction industry has become a key concern for the construction industry. Based on this, this study takes a user resistance perspective to explore the factors influencing employees' usage behaviors by using Chinese construction workers as the respondents. The results show that there is a significant relationship between perceived switching costs, perceived switching benefits and dispositional resistance to change and a negative relationship between dispositional resistance to change and adoption intentions, and verify that negative emotions mediate the relationship between perceived switching costs, perceived switching benefits and dispositional resistance to change. In-depth analysis of the formation mechanism of user boycott is helpful for managers to formulate targeted preventive measures and then accelerate the construction of smart cities.

      • KCI등재

        Archaeal Communities in Mangrove Soil Characterized by 16S rRNA Gene Clones

        Bing Yan,Kui Hong,Zi-Niu Yu 한국미생물학회 2006 The journal of microbiology Vol.44 No.5

        An archaeal 16S rRNA gene library was constructed from mangrove soil. Phylogenetic analysis revealed archaea in mangrove soil including the Crenarchaeota (80.4%) and Euryarchaeota (19.6%) phyla. The archaeal community in mangrove soil appears to be a mixture of organisms found in a variety of environments with the majority being of marine origin.

      • An Arabidopsis SUMO E3 Ligase, SIZ1, Negatively Regulates Photomorphogenesis by Promoting COP1 Activity

        Lin, Xiao-Li,Niu, De,Hu, Zi-Liang,Kim, Dae Heon,Jin, Yin Hua,Cai, Bin,Liu, Peng,Miura, Kenji,Yun, Dae-Jin,Kim, Woe-Yeon,Lin, Rongcheng,Jin, Jing Bo Public Library of Science 2016 PLoS genetics Vol.12 No.4

        <P>COP1 (CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1), a ubiquitin E3 ligase, is a central negative regulator of photomorphogenesis. However, how COP1 activity is regulated by post-translational modifications remains largely unknown. Here we show that SUMO (small ubiquitin-like modifier) modification enhances COP1 activity. Loss-of-function siz1 mutant seedlings exhibit a weak constitutive photomorphogenic phenotype. SIZ1 physically interacts with COP1 and mediates the sumoylation of COP1. A K193R substitution in COP1 blocks its SUMO modification and reduces COP1 activity in vitro and in planta. Consistently, COP1 activity is reduced in siz1 and the level of HY5, a COP1 target protein, is increased in siz1. Sumoylated COP1 may exhibits higher transubiquitination activity than does non-sumoylated COP1, but SIZ1-mediated SUMO modification does not affect COP1 dimerization, COP1-HY5 interaction, and nuclear accumulation of COP1. Interestingly, prolonged light exposure reduces the sumoylation level of COP1, and COP1 mediates the ubiquitination and degradation of SIZ1. These regulatory mechanisms may maintain the homeostasis of COP1 activity, ensuing proper photomorphogenic development in changing light environment. Our genetic and biochemical studies identify a function for SIZ1 in photomorphogenesis and reveal a novel SUMO-regulated ubiquitin ligase, COP1, in plants.</P>


        Archaeal Communities in Mangrove Soil Characterized by 16S rRNA Gene Clones

        Yan, Bing,Hong, Kui,Yu, Zi-Niu The Microbiological Society of Korea 2006 The journal of microbiology Vol.44 No.5

        An archaeal 16S rRNA gene library was constructed from mangrove soil. Phylogenetic analysis revealed archaea in mangrove soil including the Crenarchaeota (80.4%) and Euryarchaeota (19.6%) phyla. The archaeal community in mangrove soil appears to be a mixture of organisms found in a variety of environments with the majority being of marine origin.

      • KCI등재

        Cloning and Molecular Characterization of a Novel Rolling-Circle Replicating Plasmid, pK1S-1, from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki K1

        Ming Shun Li,노종열,Xueying Tao,Zi Niu Yu,Zi Duo Liu,Qin Liu,Hong Guang Xu,심희진,김양수,왕용,최재영,제연호 한국미생물학회 2009 The journal of microbiology Vol.47 No.4

        Bacillus thuringiensis, an entomopathogenic bacterium belonging to the B. cereus group, harbors numerous extra-chromosomal DNA molecules whose sizes range from 2 to 250 kb. In this study, we used a plasmid capture system (PCS) to clone three small plasmids from B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki K1 which were not found in B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki HD-1, and determined the complete nucleotide sequence of plasmid pK1S-1 (5.5 kb). Of the six putative open reading frames (ORF2-ORF7) in pK1S-1, ORF2 (MobK1) showed approximately 90% aa identity with the Mob-proteins of pGI2 and pTX14-2, which are rolling circle replicating group VII (RCR group VII) plasmids from B. thuringiensis. In addition, a putative origin of transfer (oriT) showed 95.8% identity with those of pGI2 and pTX14-2. ORF3 (RepK1) showed relatively low aa identity (17.8~25.2%) with the Rep protein coded by RCR plasmids, however. The putative double- strand origin of replication (dso) and single-strand origin of replication (sso) of pK1S-1 exhibited approximately 70% and 64% identities with those of pGI2 and pTX14-2. ORF6 and 7 showed greater than 50% similarities with alkaline serine protease, which belongs to the subtilase family. The other 2 ORFs were identified as hypothetical proteins. To determine the replicon of pK1S-1, seven subclones were contructed in the B. thuringiensis ori-negative pHT1K vector and were electroporated into a plasmid cured B. thuringiensis strain. The 1.6 kb region that included the putative ORF3 (Rep1K), dso and ORF4, exhibited replication ability. These findings identified pK1S-1 as a new RCR group VII plasmid, and determined its replication region.

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