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        NPP-VIIRS야간 위성영상과 국지적 공간 통계를 이용한 시가지 추출 가능성 평가

        주뢰 ( Lei Zhu ),조대헌 ( Daeheon Cho ),전창우 ( Changwoo Jeon ),이소영 ( Soyoung Lee ) 한국도시지리학회 2016 한국도시지리학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        시가지 확산은 도시화나 토지이용변화의 측면에서 지리학 등 학문적인 연구 대상일 뿐만 아니라 도시 계획 및 관리를 위해서도 기본적인 관심사가 된다. 이 연구는 시가지를 파악하기 위한 방법으로 최근 주목 받고 있는 야간 위성영상의 적용 가능성을 살펴보고자 하는데, 특히 한국에서는 거의 활용되지 않은 NPP-VIIRS 데이터에 대한 국지적 공간 통계 분석의 활용 가능성을 평가하였다. 우리나라 중부지방을 대상으로 NPP-VIIRS 데이터와 국지적 공간연관성통계량(Getis and Ord`s G<sub>i</sub>*, local Moran`s I, and Lee`s S<sub>i</sub>*)을 통해 시가지를 추출한 후, 이를 참조 데이터와 비교 검토하였다. 실제 시가지보다 과장될 수 있는 야간 조명의 특성을 고려하여 야간 밝기 값을 그대로 사용하는 경우와 제곱을 통해 값 간의 편차를 더 크게 한 경우를 분석하였다. 추출된 시가지의 전체 면적 및 위치 일치도를 파악한 결과 원래 값 보다는 제곱을 한 경우, 그리고 국지적 공간연관성통계량 중에는 Getis and Ord`s G<sub>i</sub>*의 결과가 참조 데이터들과 가장 유사한 것으로 나타났다. 하지만 지역에 따라 면적이나 위치 일치도 등이 차이를 보였는데, 수도권과 같이 도시화 수준이 높은 지역은 원 변수를 제곱한 경우가 더 나은 결과를 나타낸 반면, 지방의 경우는 원 변수를 사용하는 것이 더 나은 결과를 보였다. 하위지역을 별도로 분석한 결과에서는 도시화의 수준이 높은 지역에서 더 나은 결과를 보였지만 더 적합한 변수는 전체 지역을 분석한 결과와는 반대로 나타났다. Built-up area expansion has long been interested in the aspects of urbanization and land use change not only by academic studies on geography, but also by planners to make proper policies. This paper aims to evaluate the feasibility of NPP-VIIRS nighttime light data on built-up area extraction. Spatial statistical methods-local spatial association statistics (local SAS) (Getis and Ord`s G<sub>i</sub>*, Moran`s Ii, and Lee`s S<sub>i</sub>*) were applied to extract built-up area with NPP-VIIRS images. Central Korea including capital region, Gangwon, Chungnam (including Daejeon and Sejong) and Chungbuk was taken as the study area. Results of raw value and square value of nighttime light value(digital number) were both considered and the results and accuracies were evaluated with the reference data. The results show that: 1) in general, results of square value are more consistent with the reference data than those of raw value for both area comparison and classification accuracy in central Korea, especially for G<sub>i</sub>*; 2) for central Korea analysis, results of highly urbanized regions show a higher accuracy than those less urbanized in general, while the square value results of highly urbanized regions have higher accuracies, and raw value results are more accurate for regions with low urbanization level; 3) for subregional analysis, highly urbanized regions also have a higher accuracy, but contrary to the results of central Korea, raw value results have a higher accuracy in highly urbanized region, while square values perform better in less urbanized region for the urban extraction.

      • 대장에 발생한 샘암종에서 MUC1과 MUC2 점소 발현의 의의

        이윤경,이주호,이용,심재영,박정훈,오수섭,박진실,기근홍 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2004 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.29 No.2

        Background : Mucins possess the unique function of protecting and lubricating the epithelial surface and other important functions such as call growth, direct implication in the fetal development, the epithelial renewal and differentiation, the epithelial integrity, carcinogenesis, immune regulation, cellular adhesion and metastasis. Purpose : This study was done to provide the significance of alteration of MUC1 and MUC2 expression in colorectal adenocarcinoma, A series of 131 colorectal adenocarcinomas including 11 mucinous carcinomas were screened immunohistochemically for their expression of MUCI and MUC2, Materials and mehtods : Of 131 carcinomas, 76 (58,5%) were MUCI positive and 91 (68, 9%) were MUC2 positive, In normal colonic goblet cells, MUCl was not expressed but MUC2 was expressed in cytoplasm, Conclusion There were up-regulation of MUCI and down-regulation of MUC2 in colorectal carcinomas, The frequency of MUC2 positivity according to differentiation was statistically reliable. (p=0.0001)

      • KCI등재후보

        Scientific Evidence Rule under the SPS Agreement

        Lee, Eun Sup;Zhu, Zhu 법무부 2010 통상법률 Vol.- No.92

        In determining legitimacy of Members' domestic SPS measures, particularly, in cases where the protection levels chosen by Members are higher than that of international standards, scientific evidence has been employed as an essential yardstick by the dispute settlement body. Generally, sufficient scientific evidences should include conducting of proper risk assessments that evaluate the degree of risks related to SPS measures and the rational or objective relationship between the risk assessment and the measure at issue. The judicial interpretation of the term of "scientific evidence" under the SPS Agreement has generally been attempted to be made liberally. The Appellate Body reviewed that "sufficient scientific evidence" is not a static or determined set of knowledge, but rather an integrated consideration of proportionality between Members' SPS measures and the level of protection they prefer to adopt, as well as those non-scientific factors including economic situations and social values. However, those attempts of the Appellate Body directing to a liberal interpretation ended up with a fairly narrow and strict application in real disputes by adding other stringent requirements that is barely easy to meet. The current interpretation and application of the term "sufficient scientific evidence" has arguably been criticized to be too severe by the free-trade supporters, and at the same time, too obscure by the health-related environmental protectionisms. To make interpretation of the term "sufficient scientific evidence" truly liberal, providing Members with more deference on adopting their SPS measures, the Appellate Body shall clarify a point of equilibrium where it can properly realize the dual objectives of promotion of liberalized trade and the improvement of the public health of its Members at the same time, and then, to establish a set of detailed standards that would be helpful to achieve such objectives. WTO 회원국의 국내 SPS조치의 합법성을 판결함에 있어, 특히, 회원국이 채택한 보호 수준이 국제표준에서 규정하고 있는 수준보다 높은 경우, 과학적 증거는 WTO 분쟁해결기구에 있어 하나의 중요한 판단 기준이 된다. 일반적으로, 충분한 과학적 증거는 SPS조치와 관련된 위험의 정도를 평가하고 위험평가와 당해 조치 사이의 합리적이거나 객관적인 관계를 평가하는 적절한 위험평가를 포함해야 한다. SPS 협정하에서 "과학적 증거" 라는 용어의 사법적 해석은 일반적으로 유연성 있게 해석되어져왔다. 항소기구는 "충분한 과학적 증거"는 고정된 지식이라기 보다, 회원국들의 SPS조치와 회원국들이 원하는 보호수준 그리고 경제적 상황과 사회적 가치를 포함하는 비-과학적 요소들간의 균형을 총체적으로 고려하는 것이라고 주장을 하였다. 그러나 항소기구의 유연한 해석으로의 시도는 분쟁에서 쉽게 충족시킬 수 없는 다른 엄격한 요건을 더함으로써 상당히 좁고 엄격한 적용을 가져왔다. "충분한 과학증거"에 대한 현재의 해석과 적용은 자유무역 지지자들에게는 너무 엄격하다는 비판을, 동시에 건강과 관련된 환경보호주의자에게는 아주 모호하다는 비판을 받고 있다. "충분한 과학적 증거"를 진정한 유연성으로 해석하기 위해, 그리고 SPS 조치를 채택함에 있어 회원국을 더욱 존중하기 위해, 항소기구는 자유무역의 촉진과 회원국이 공중 건강의 개선이라는 두 가지 목적을 적절히 실현하여야 하는 균형점을 명확히 하여야 하고, 그렇게 한 후에 항소기구는 필요한 자세한 표준을 제정하여야 한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Interpretation of 'Necessity Test' under GATT Article XX and Regulation Autonomy after Brazil‐Tyres Case

        Zhu, Zhu;Lee, Eun Sup 법무부 2010 통상법률 Vol.- No.96

        WTO Members are entitled to enjoy regulatory autonomy to pursue specific and innovative solutions to their domestic problems, while their regulatory autonomy is required to be regulated properly in the context of the international legal and multilateral trading system. Thus, in terms of 'necessity test' , in disputed cases, panels should carefully examine the establishment of the facts that closely related to policy aims, the level of protection, characteristics of the measure at issue and reasonably available alternatives, and actively weight of the persuasiveness of the quality and quantity of evidence, rather than drawing conclusions in lights of theories. Positive conclusions towards 'necessity test' might be welcomed, particularly, by the environmental groups within the WTO. However, careless assessment attempted by WTO adjudicating bodies in juridical examination process could undermine the basis of the WTO system, as well as the legal stability and predictability of its judicial determinations. Besides, being easy to pass the 'necessity test' does not necessarily imply that the WTO adjudicating body provides Members with more regulatory autonomy because restrict requirements has been transferred to scrutiny conducted under the chapeau of Article XX, which has been evidenced in the disputes including Brazil‐Tyres case. WTO 체제하에서 회원국들에게 그들의 국내 환경 또는 건강문제를 해결할 수 있도록 자치권을 부여해야 하겠지만 WTO의 사법적 시스템의 측면에서 보면 다자적 통제없이, 회원국들에게 이런 자치권을 자유방임적으로 보장하면 WTO 통상체제의 유지가 불가능해질 것이다. 통상분쟁의 절차과정에서, '필요성 테스트' 를 함에 있어서, WTO패널은 제소된 회원국의 조치와 조치의 목표, 희망하는 보호수준, 문제된 조치의 특성, 그리고 대체 가능한 다른 조치와 관련한 사실 또는 분쟁당사국들이 제출한 증거에 대한 합리적이고 객관적인 검토를 하여야 한다. Brazil-Tyres사건에서와 같이, 구체적인 증거에 대한 검토 없이, 이론적인 가능성에 근거하여 '필요성 테스트' 를 하게 되면 WTO분쟁해결기구의 판결에 대한 신뢰와 예측 가능성을 훼손할 수 있다. '필요성 테스트' 에 관한 긍정적인 판결은 일견 환경론자들의 요구에 어느 정도 부응할 수 있는 긍정적인 면도 있다. 그러나 '필요성 테스트' 와 관련한 WTO분쟁해결기구의 신중하지 아니한 검토는 종국적으로는 WTO시스템의 기반을 약화시킬 수 있다. 더욱이 '필요성 테스트' 의 느슨한 검토절차는Brazil-Tyres 사건에서 보는바와 같이, 더 엄격한 심사기준을 GATT 20조 chapeau에 의한 심사로 이전시킬 수 있기 때문에 '필요성 테스트' 를 쉽게 통과시킨다고 하더라도 WTO분쟁해결기구가 WTO회원국에게 더 많은 규제 자치권을 부여하는 것을 의미하지는 않는다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Interpretation and Application of Sunset Reviews under the WTO

        Lee, Eun Sup;Zhu, Zhu 법무부 2009 통상법률 Vol.- No.86

        There have been growing debates surrounding the application of incomplete sunset review provisions since they were introduced into the WTO mechanism in 1995, under which implementation of sunset reviews could be counted on a dispute settlement body to be clearly interpreted and applied constantly with the drafting intentions of the provisions. Considering the fact that the insufficient and ambiguous provisions of the sunset reviews have historically been applied by the WTO member countries, this paper reviews the dispute settlement body's interpretation and application of sunset review provisions to make assessment of current WTO sunset review mechanism and to look for better and more reasonable interpretations sticking to the sprit and purpose of sunset reviews. In relation with the judicial interpretation and application of sunset review provisions, the decisions of the Appellate Body have primarily been based on the analysis of procedural aspects to arrive at its conclusion, and have not been faithful to the analysis of the substantive aspects under discussion, which are incomplete to establish the definite principles regarding the interpretation and application of the sunset reviews. Moreover, unduly making much of the distinctiveness of sunset reviews, and, therefore, granting too much deference to authorities, the dispute settlement body has accordingly distracted its attention away from the legislating purpose of sunset reviews to weaken the significance of sunset review provisions, and to make it lose the main tools to improve the sunset reviews. For the sunset reviews to be conducted effectively and promote justifiable utilization of antidumping measures, the dispute settlement body is required to establish a set of expressly unified standards as far as possible to regulate the application of sunset review provisions so that the final determination in sunset reviews could be objectively deduced from the proper investigation based on factual evidence. WTO 체제하에 일몰조항이 도입된 이래, 일몰조항의 적용과 관련한 논쟁이 계속해서 야기되고 있다. 본 논문의 목적은 WTO 회원국들이 지금까지 모호하고 불충분한 일몰재심 조항을 적용해왔다는 점을 고려하여, 일몰재심 조항에 관한 WTO 분쟁해결기구의 적용과 해석을 분석해봄으로써WTO의 일몰재심제도를 평가하고 일몰재심제도의 입법 목적을 구현한 일몰재심에 관한 합리적인 해석방안을 모색하는데 있다. 일몰재심 조항을 해석하고 적용하는데 있어 항소기구는 패널이 해석·적용한 절차적인 이슈만을 분석하여 판결한 결과 일몰재심 규정의 실체적인 이슈에 관해서는 명확한 해석기준을 제시하지 못하였다. 또한 일몰재심의 특수성을 지나치게 강조함으로써 회원국의 관련 당국에 대하여 과도한 재량권을 부여하게 되고 일몰재심조항의 입법목적을 경시하는 결과를 초래하였다. WTO 분쟁해결기구는 회원국들이 일몰재심 판정을 하는데 있어 사실적 증거와 객관적인 조사를 근거로 하도록 판례법을 확립하여야 할 것이고, WTO의 회원국들은 일몰재심을 효과적으로 이행하고 합법적인 반덤핑 조치를 장려하기 위한 더욱 명확한 통일화된 규칙을 수립하는데 보다 적극적이어야 할 것이다.

      • 심매설 접지전극의 전류인가위치에 따른 과도접지임피던스 특성

        이복희(Bok-Hee Lee),이봉(Feng Li),이수봉(Su-Bong Lee),이승주(Song-Zhu Lee),전병욱(Byung-Wook Jeon),엄주홍(Ju-Hong Eom),조성철(Sung-Chul Cho),이태형(Tae-Hyung Lee) 한국조명·전기설비학회 2008 한국조명·전기설비학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2008 No.5월

        This paper presents the behaviors of transient and conventional grounding impedances of a deep-driven ground rods associated with the injection point of lightning impulse currents. The transient impedance of deep-driven ground rods under lightning impulse currents were higher than the static ground resistance. The transient grounding impedances strongly depend on the injection point and size of grounding electrodes and the rising time of impulse current. Reduction of ground system inductance is an important factor to lightning surge protection.

      • Flexible Conductive Composite Integrated with Personal Earphone for Wireless, Real-Time Monitoring of Electrophysiological Signs

        Lee, Joong Hoon,Hwang, Ji-Young,Zhu, Jia,Hwang, Ha Ryeon,Lee, Seung Min,Cheng, Huanyu,Lee, Sang-Hoon,Hwang, Suk-Won American Chemical Society 2018 ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Vol.10 No.25

        <P>We introduce optimized elastomeric conductive electrodes using a mixture of silver nanowires (AgNWs) with carbon nanotubes/polydimethylsiloxane (CNTs/PDMS), to build a portable earphone type of wearable system that is designed to enable recording electrophysiological activities as well as listening to music at the same time. A custom-built, plastic frame integrated with soft, deformable fabric-based memory foam of earmuffs facilitates essential electronic components, such as conductive elastomers, metal strips, signal transducers and a speaker. Such platform incorporates with accessory cables to attain wireless, real-time monitoring of electrical potentials whose information can be displayed on a cell phone during outdoor activities and music appreciation. Careful evaluations on experimental results reveal that the performance of fabricated dry electrodes are comparable to that of commercial wet electrodes, and position-dependent signal behaviors provide a route toward accomplishing maximized signal quality. This research offers a facile approach for a wearable healthcare monitor via integration of soft electronic constituents with personal belongings.</P> [FIG OMISSION]</BR>

      • KCI등재후보

        Scientific Evidence Rule under the SPS Agreement

        LEE EUN-SUP(이은섭),Zhu Zhu(주주) 법무부 국제법무정책과 2010 통상법률 Vol.- No.92

        In determining legitimacy of Members’ domestic SPS measures, particularly, in cases where the protection levels chosen by Members are higher than that of international standards, scientific evidence has been employed as an essential yardstick by the dispute settlement body. Generally, sufficient scientific evidences should include conducting of proper risk assessments that evaluate the degree of risks related to SPS measures and the rational or objective relationship between the risk assessment and the measure at issue. The judicial interpretation of the term of “scientific evidence” under the SPS Agreement has generally been attempted to be made liberally. The Appellate Body reviewed that “sufficient scientific evidence” is not a static or determined set of knowledge, but rather an integrated consideration of proportionality between Members’ SPS measures and the level of protection they prefer to adopt, as well as those non-scientific factors including economic situations and social values. However, those attempts of the Appellate Body directing to a liberal interpretation ended up with a fairly narrow and strict application in real disputes by adding other stringent requirements that is barely easy to meet. The current interpretation and application of the term “sufficient scientific evidence” has arguably been criticized to be too severe by the free-trade supporters, and at the same time, too obscure by the health-related environmental protectionisms. To make interpretation of the term “sufficient scientific evidence” truly liberal, providing Members with more deference on adopting their SPS measures, the Appellate Body shall clarify a point of equilibrium where it can properly realize the dual objectives of promotion of liberalized trade and the improvement of the public health of its Members at the same time, and then, to establish a set of detailed standards that would be helpful to achieve such objectives.

      • Upconverting Oil-Laden Hollow Mesoporous Silica Microcapsules for Anti-Stokes-Based Biophotonic Applications

        Lee, Hak-Lae,Park, Jung Hwan,Choe, Hyun-Seok,Lee, Myung-Soo,Park, Jeong-Min,Harada, Naoyuki,Sasaki, Yoichi,Yanai, Nobuhiro,Kimizuka, Nobuo,Zhu, Jintao,Bhang, Suk Ho,Kim, Jae-Hyuk American Chemical Society 2019 ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Vol.11 No.30

        <P>A recyclable, aqueous phase functioning and biocompatible photon upconverting system is developed. Hollow mesoporous silica microcapsules (HMSMs) with ordered radial mesochannels were employed, for the first time, as vehicles for the post-encapsulation of oil phase triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion (TTA-UC), with the capability of homogeneous suspension in water. In-depth characterization of such upconverting oil-laden HMSMs (UC-HMSMs) showed that the mesoporous silica shells reversibly stabilized the encapsulated UC oil in water to allow efficient upconverted emission, even under aerated conditions. In addition, the UC-HMSMs were found to actively bind to the surface of human mesenchymal stem cells without significant cytotoxicity and displayed upconverted bright blue emission under 640 nm excitation, indicating a potential of our new TTA-UC system in biophotonic applications. These findings reveal the great promise of UC-HMSMs to serve as ideal vehicles not only for ultralow-power in vivo imaging but also for stem cell labeling, to facilitate the tracking of tumor cells in animal models.</P> [FIG OMISSION]</BR>

      • HPLC Characterization of Hydrogenous Polystyrene<i>-block-</i>deuterated polystyrene Utilizing the Isotope Effect

        Lee, Sanghoon,Lee, Hyojoon,Thieu, Lam,Jeong, Youncheol,Chang, Taihyun,Fu, Chao,Zhu, Yutian,Wang, Yongmei American Chemical Society 2013 Macromolecules Vol.46 No.22

        <P>HPLC elution behavior of isotopically different block copolymers was investigated. A series of three diblock copolymers of hydrogenous polystyrene and deuterated polystyrene (hPS-<I>b</I>-dPS), in which the length of hPS-block is fixed at 18 kg/mol and the length of dPS-block is varied from 17 kg/mol to 80 kg/mol, was synthesized and their retention behavior in liquid chromatography at critical condition (LCCC) was investigated using a C18 coated silica stationary phase and a mixed solvent of CH<SUB>2</SUB>Cl<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>3</SUB>CN. At this LC separation condition, hPS is retained slightly longer than dPS. The LCCC separations were performed at both LCCC conditions of dPS and hPS established with the same stationary and mobile phases, but at different column temperatures. Since the chromatographic retention difference between dPS and hPS is very small, it was possible to elute the block copolymers at both exclusion and interaction modes at the critical condition of each individual block. We found that the block at its critical condition is not fully “invisible” in both cases. In the LCCC separation at the critical condition of dPS, hPS-<I>b</I>-dPS elutes after the injection solvent peak (interaction mode) due to the stronger interaction of the hPS block. Although they have the same hPS block, they do not coelute but elute in the order of decreasing total molecular weight like an elution in exclusion mode. It clearly demonstrates that the dPS block is not “invisible” at the critical condition but influences the retention of the block copolymers. Monte Carlo simulations of the partition coefficient of A-<I>b</I>-B into a slit pore were performed to give insight on the elution behavior of A-<I>b</I>-B at the critical condition of the B block. The simulation shows that a block under the critical condition influences the retention of the other “visible” block whether the “visible” block is eluted in exclusion or interaction mode. When A is eluted in the interaction mode and B is at its critical condition, the partition coefficient is found to decrease with the increase of the “invisible” B block length, conforming to the observed elution behavior in experiments.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/mamobx/2013/mamobx.2013.46.issue-22/ma4018247/production/images/medium/ma-2013-018247_0010.gif'></P>

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