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      • 하올리브 손상이 순막 조건반응의 파지 및 전이훈련에 미치는 효과

        윤영화,김현택,한정수 한국심리학회 1989 한국심리학회지 생물 및 생리 Vol.1 No.1

        순막조건화에 관련된 신경회로에서 소뇌가 결정적으로 중요한 구조물이라는 실험적 증거가 축적되었으며 소뇌로 들어가는 주된 입력중 하나인 등상섬유가 무조건자극정보를 소뇌로 전달할 것이라는 이론이 제안되었다. 등상섬유는 하올리브에서 기시하며 특히 눈가의 체감각정보를 받는 영역이 하올리브의 문내측 부위이다. 본연구는 순막조건화에서 하올리브의 역할을 규명하기 위하여 소리를 조건자극, 안와주변전기쇼크를 무조건자극으로 사용하여 토끼의 오른쪽눈을 순막조건화시킨 후 문내측 하올리브를 손상시켰다. 2주일간의 회복기간후 재훈련시켰다. 실험결과, 문내측 하올리브가 손상된 피험동물들은 오른쪽눈의 조건반응의 파지 및 재학습이 불가능하였으며 왼쪽눈 역시 학습되지 않았다. 이는 하올리브가 순막조건화에 관련된 신경회로에서 중요한 구조물임을 나타낸다. It has been demonstrated that the cerebellum is a critically important structure for the conditioning of nictitating membrane response(NMR). The aim of the experiment was to determine whether inferior olive is part of a neural circuit which provides unconditioned stimlus(US) information to the cerebellum during NMR conditioning. Rabbits were lesioned on the inferior olive after they were conditioned using tone as conditioned stimulus(CS) and periorbital shock as US. And then 2-week of recovery period was followed by retraining period. Lesions of the rostro-medial portions of the inferior olive(rmIO) abolished the conditioning and prevented subsequent acquisition on either side. The lesion had no effect on the performance of the unconditioned response. Lesions of the lateral portions to and those of dorsal portions above the rmIO did not impair NMR conditioning. The results suggest rmIO is an essential part for the NMR conditioning.

      • 조혈모세포이식 후 발생한 주폐포자층 폐렴에 대한 고찰

        주지현,최정현,이동건,백지연,고윤호,이혜정,김세희,신호진,박윤희,박지영,김유진,신완식,김춘추 대한감염학회 2001 감염 Vol.33 No.4

        Background : Pneumocytitis cainii pneumonia (PCP) can occur in immunocompromised hosts especially such as AIDS or cancer patients. Although recent research had focused on PCP in AIDS patients, few studies have described the clinical presentations of PCP in recipients of stem cell transplantation (SCT). We evaluated the clinical manifestations of PCP in SCT patients admitted at St. Mary's hospital, Seoul, Korea. Methods : The medical records of 17 PCP patients undergoing SCT between Feb. 1998 and Feb. 2000 were reviewed. The diagnosis of PCP was confirmed through the demonstration of Pneumocytitis cainii via either cytology of brochoalveolar lavage (BAL) or histological technique of lung biopsy. CMV disease and CMV infection were confirmed by BAL culture and antigenemia respectively . Results : Seventeen patients were all recipients of allogeneic SCT and 7 of 17 patients were performed non-sibling SCT. Patients presented with symptoms including brief period (4 ∼23 days) of fever (76%), dyspnea (70%), cough (64%), and signs such as rare(58.8%), Sixteen patients (94%) had been receiving immunosuppressive agent such as cyclosporine A (64%) or Fk506 (35%) without PCP prophylaxis. Eleven patients (64%) were treated with corticosteroid with mean dose of 16 mg/day prednisolone and mean duration of 4.6 months after post-SCT period. Twelve patients were co-infected with CMV. Another co-infected miCroorganisms were Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, herpes simplex virus, parainfluenza virus, Average duration of treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) was 21 ±9 days. Four patients died, and three of them were related with PCP. Conclusion : PCP developed frequently in patients who were taking immunosuppressive drug due to graft versus host disease or were not taking TMP/SMX prophylaxis. High risk patients showing fever, cough, or dyspnea should be considered to take early bronchoscopic intervention for detection of PCP. When treat for PCP, it also be considered to the possibility of coinfection such as CMV. (Korean J Infect Dis 33:273∼279, 2001)

      • KCI등재

        Bloom의 교육목표분류학에 대한 비판과 그 대안 탐구 : 일선 교사들의 인터뷰를 중심으로 On the Basis of the Teacher's Interview

        강현석,정재임,최윤경 경북대학교사범대학부속 중등교육연구소 2005 중등교육연구 Vol.53 No.1

        본 연구는 두 가지의 모티브로 시작되었다. 하나는 Bloom이 오래 전에 제안한 교육목표 분류학에 대한 현장 교사들의 반응에 대한 구체적 대안 찾기이며, 다른 하나는 교육목표분류학에 대한 최근의 일련의 개정 작업에서 발견되는 Bloom에 대한 대안의 모색이다. 교육목표분류학은 교육의 과정에서 중요한 도구로 기능을 해오고 있다. 도구는 항상 새롭게 만들어져야 한다. 학문적 논의와 현장의 실천적 노력에서 보다 정교하게 보완하고 그 대안을 모색 할 때가 되었다. 그것은 실제 수업이나 교사양성의 맥락에서 보다 구체화되어 적용되어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 그 작업의 일환으로 교사의 인터뷰와 몇 가지 대안을 단서로 하여 하나의 가능한 방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 학교교육의 중핵으로서 교육과정, 교수·학습, 평가의 문제는 교육목표분류학의 이론적 논의와 현장 실천의 문제가 연계되어야 하는 숙제를 안고 있다. This study starts with two kinds of motive. One is searching for practical alternatives of teachers' responses in service about Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Bloom suggested. The other is exploring alternatives of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives recently. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives has functioned as a crucial instrument on the process of education. This kind of instrument should be made as a newer one. It is time this instrument should be made as a newer one. It is time this instrument were made to be revised precisely and alternatives of that were explored through disciplinary discourse and practical efforts in service. It should be applied to be specified in the context of instruction and cultivating teachers. The study has tried to suggest possible alternatives on the basis of teachers' interview and some Taxonomy of Educational Objectives as a clue. A matter of curriculum, teaching · learning , and evaluation should be considered in connection with theoretical discussion on Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and a practical matter in service.

      • 조도 제어용 ASK 및 FSK 전력선 모뎀의 성능 평가

        박종연,최현희 강원대학교 정보통신연구소 2008 정보통신논문지 Vol.12 No.-

        In this paper, two type of power line modems are evaluated to realize the lamp control system using the power line communication. One is FSK modem using DS/SS and the other is the manchester coded ASK modem. Both modems apply (7,4) hamming code to correct errors. There are two kinds of used loads ; the electronic ballast and the magnetic ballast. The Electronic ballast is for a 250Watt HID lamp, a 50watt florescent lamp and a 50watt induction lamp. The Magnetic ballast is for a 250watt HID lamp. Bit errors are measured between the main modem and the ASK or the FSK sub-modems in loads at equal distances. As a result, it is estimated that the FSK modem is more appropriate than the ASK modem in terms of the lamp dimming system. And we also concluded that the (7,4) hamming code is not suitable for ASK application In the lamp control system.

      • KCI등재

        DBME(Discipline-Based Music Education)에 의한 음악과 교육과정의 비판적 분석과 발전 방향 탐색

        최윤경,강현석 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교육과학연구소 2005 교육과학연구 Vol.36 No.2

        오늘날 음악 교육은 입시 위주의 교육 정책, 국가 경쟁력의 강화라는 표어 아래에서 학교 당국과 교사, 학생, 학부모에게 부담스러운 과목으로 외면당하고 있으며, 음악 교육의 가치와 당위성마저 흔들리는 위기에 직면해 있다. 이러한 위기는 현재까지의 음악 교육이 일반적으로 ‘음악 이론과 기능을 가르치고 음악 활동을 하는 교과’로 인식되어 왔고, 음악과 교육과정 역시 ‘이해해야 할 지식’과 ‘경험해야 할 행위와 활동’을 단순히 나열하고 있었기 때문이라고 할 수 있다. 우리나라와 비슷한 위기에 직면했던 미국은 예술 교육의 정상화를 위해 미술교육에서 DBAE(Discipline-Based Art Education) 이론을 개발하였고, DBAE의 연구 결과에 기초하여 음악 교육의 문제를 해결하고자 연구된 것이 DBME(Discipline-Based Music Education)이다. 이에 본 연구는 DBME의 역사적 배경, 목적과 내용, 특징을 살펴보고, 이를 통해 현행 음악과 교육과정을 비판적으로 분석하였으며, 향후 음악과 교육과정이 ‘사회적?역사적?문화적 맥락을 고려’하고, ‘사고와 탐구 활동을 강조’하고, ‘디지털 중심의 사회적 변화를 수용’하는 음악과 교육과정으로 발전하여야 함을 제안하였다. Today, music education is a burden to teachers, students and parents and music is recognized to difficult subject. The reason is why the purpose of education changes into the university entrance and the policy of economic growth has precedence. So, The value of music education have faced at risk. The reason is that music education was recognized by subject matter that teaches music theory and function and does music activity until now. And music curriculum lists knowledge to understand, and activity to experience. The United States of America that faced at risk similar our country developed DBAE(Discipline-Based Art Education) theory in art education to solve problem of art education. DBME(Discipline-Based Music Education) is based on DBAE and studied to solve problem of music education. DBME involves music-making, musical history, musical aesthetics and musical criticism. Each of these disciplines are related and integrated to provide students with a balance understanding of works of music. This study examines historical background, purpose, contents, characteristic of DBME for theoretical explanation. Through this, current music curriculum is analyzed critically. And the direction of music curriculum is presented as following. So Music curriculum that accommodates engineering, considers social, historical, cultural context, and emphasizes thinking ability is emphasized in the next music curriculum revision.

      • 서울에 위치한 노래연습장 공기의 미생물학적 오염에 관한 연구

        정현희,장윤희 명지대학교 자연과학연구소 2003 자연과학논문집 Vol.22 No.-

        노래연습장과 같이 밀폐된 공간은 미생물의 오염을 고려해야 하나 현재 실내 공기는 화학오염 물질에 대해서만 관리되고 있다. 이에 서울 시내 지하 및 시상의 노래연습장 등 총 75 지점에 대한 미생물 오염실태를 조사하였다. 그 결과 세균 및 진균의 총 균수를 비교한 결과 대체로 건물 바깥 공기보다 노래연습장내 공기에서 적은 양이 검출되어 외부 공기보다 과도하게 미생물에 오염되지 않는 것으로 평가되었다. 기회감염균은 노래연습장 내부와 건물 밖 도로변에서 균의 종류와 양이 유사한 것으로 나타나 특별히 노래연습장내에서 감염이 증가할 것으로 사료되지 않는다. Microbial contamination level of indoor facilities such as places for singing (singing places) should be considered but only the chemical pollutants are controlled by regulations. Therefore this study investigated microbial pollution level of 75 places of singing rooms located in either underground or ground level and outdoor air. Singing places had lower cell and mold count than outdoor air and this indicated that singing places were not heavily contaminated with microbial agents. Because similar cell counts and kinds of opportunistic microorganisms were detected from indoor air of singing places and outdoor air, it was considered that infections would not be increased in the indoor environment such as singing places.

      • KCI등재후보

        유아 교육과정 구성에서 DAP의 재개념화를 위한 예비적 탐색

        황윤세,강현석 한국교육과정학회 2003 교육과정연구 Vol.21 No.2

        유아교육과정의 변화는 궁극적으로 세계를 보는 인간을 보는 시각의 변화에서 시작된다고 볼 수 있다. 유아교육과정에서 현재 지배적인 논의에 대한 탐구를 통해 현실을 이해하고 반성적 과정을 통해 우리가 갖는 문제의 본질과 성격을 진단하며 유아교육과정 구성에 대한 구체적 지식의 확보 문제가 중요한 과제로 등장하고 있다. 현재 유아교육에서 지배적으로 논의되고 있는 ‘발달에 적합한 실제(DAP)’는 많은 긍정적 측면이 있는 동시에 다양한 경로를 통해 비판이 제기되고 있는 실정이다. 이 DAP의 한계에 대한 비판은 유아교육과정 영역에서 그 기준으로 발달 적절성이 적용되어 문제의 해명에 큰 기여를 해오고 있다. 발달 적절성의 무분별한 적용은 오히려 교육과정의 이론과 실제에 혼란을 가져다 줄 수도 있다. 본 연구는 발달에 적합한 실제를 보다 면밀히 이해하고 교육과정에서 보다 타당한 적용을 위해 반성적 입장에서 주목해야 할 문제를 검토해 본 것이다 외국에서 다양하게 논의되는 유아교육프로그램을 단순히 차입하여 적용해보는 이로다 중요한 것은 우리의 사회 · 문화적 실제를 반성하고 더 나아가 유아교육과정의 이론적 토대를 구축하는 것이다. The approach for childhood education has done in a point of view of phenomenology, analytics or post-modernism deviating from childhood education research of the modernism point of view that can be explained in a science, rationality, objectivity, absoluteness, and universality. The characteristic of the representative model for the early childhood curriculum is lied on the base of the postmodernism thought that pursues a relativity or subjective understanding, on the other hand, denies an absoluteness or objectivity. The changes of the early childhood curriculum is developing with a various ways. Recently, the one of the most active discuss is a DAP approach, which take an important role not only in Korea but also all of the world. The core concept of DAP is the development appropriate. This study re-conceptualizes DAP in an aspect of the construction of the early childhood curriculum and examines the development appropriate. DAP makes the kernel of a rationale as the base of re-conceptualization. Furthermore, this study examines the appropriate of DAP in an aspect of the construction of the early childhood curriculum. The problem of the former focuses on the definition of the terms, and the problem of the latter focuses on the goal-establishment, the choice of the content, and the problem of the teacher's role. That is, at first, this study examines "The Age Propriety and The Individual Propriety: the two dimensions on the development appropriate", which are the core issue and term. Secondly, this study re-conceptualizes on the teacher's role as the determiner about the intention and the problem that teacher utilizes the appropriate or inappropriate practice on the criterion for the construction of the early childhood curriculum. Therefore, for establishing the re-conceptualization base of DAP, this study analyzes the characteristic of DAP in the early childhood curriculum. According to this established base, this study examines the appropriateness of DAP, and then tests the re-conceptualization of DAP. The re-conceptualization does in three parts: the concept of DAP, the problem of constructing the early childhood curriculum, and the problem of teacher's role. According to the result, this study makes a proposal on the direction of the understanding and the study of the early childhood curriculum. In conclusion, DAP is the one of the various factors that consist of the early childhood curriculum, and DAP itself is not the absolute standards. The concept of the development-appropriateness, one of the DAP concept, will be developed in the enlarging and merging direction that social-cultural factors and contents can be considered. Teachers will have to increase their thinking power and analyzing power, but just concentrate on the developed knowledge.

      • 무증상의 현미경적 혈뇨의 비뇨기과적 고찰

        구자현,서병욱,김영호,송윤섭,전윤수,김민의,이남규,박영호 순천향의학연구소 1998 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.4 No.2

        We intended to know whether all of the patients with asymptomatic microscopic hematuria should be urologically investigated routinely. We reviewed the medical records with asmptomatic microscopic hematuria from January 1995 to December 1997. Urological studies included intravenous urography or ultrasonography, urine cytology, cystoscopy and biopsy, urine AFB smear and culture and urine PCR for AFB. The age with patients ranged from 9 to 74 years(mean age: 39.7 years). Benign diseases were found in elderly patients and patients with high degree of hematuria, but there was no patients who had urological malignant disease. According to the results, we suggest that follow-up with urine cytology is sufficient to younger patients or low degree of hematuria with asymptomatic microscopic hematuria.

      • KCI등재

        유한 요소법을 이용한 중소하천 유역에서의 이동호우에 대한 유출특성 분석

        조현경,이영화,최윤영 한국환경과학회 1998 한국환경과학회지 Vol.7 No.4

        In the rainfall-runoff relation, consideration of the spatial movement of storms is very important in designing a hydraulic structure or evaluating an environmental influence for land usage. Because of this reason, this study has suggested the finite element model which consider the spatial movement of a stome and it was applied on a small river basin(Wi stream basin). In the application of the model the basin was treated as a pivot point and the storms are simulated with movement in each directions. As a result, it shows that the storms moving from north to south have bigger peak discharge and faster peak time than the storms moving in other directions. So these characteristics have to be considered in the designation of a hydraulic structure or evaluation of an environmental influence.

      • 발기부전 검사에서 천연색 복합초음파촬영술과 야간음경발기검사의 일치도

        송윤섭,구자현,김민의,이혜경,김두상,박영호,이남규 순천향의학연구소 1999 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.5 No.1

        We intended to know that the result of color duplex ultrasonography corresponded to that nocturnal penile tumescence rigidity in the diagnosis of erctile dysfunction. We performed both color duplex ultrasonography and nocturnal penile tumescence rigidity in 15 erectile dysfunction men. Colr duplex ultrasonography was done with a 7 MHz. color Doppler unit after intracorporeal pharmacological injection and measured maximal arterail diameter, peak systolic velocity, end-diastolic velocity and the results were compared with rigidity and tumescence in nocturnal penile tumescence rigidity using RigiScan. The positive predictive value, negative predictive value, sensitivity, specificity, overall accuracy of color duplex ultrasonography was reasonable when the result of color duplex ultrasonography was compared with the that of nocturnal penile tumescence rigidity. According to this results, color duplex ultrasonography could not only predict but also correspond to nocturnal penile tumescence. Therefore, we suggest that color duplex ultrasonography can relpace nocturnal penile tumescence rigidity if psychogenic and neurogenic erectile dysfunction are distinguished by history and neurologic examination.

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