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        일어서기 동작에 대한 동작관찰과 동기화된 전기적 감각자극의 통합적 제공이 뇌졸중 환자의 기능에 미치는 효과

        Young Moon,최종덕 한국전문물리치료학회 2020 한국전문물리치료학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        Background: Stroke patients experience multiple dysfunctions that include motor and sensory impairments. Therefore, new intervention methods require a gradational approach depending on functional levels of a stroke patient’s activity and should include cognition treatment to allow for a patient’s active participation in rehabilitation. Objects: This study investigates the effect of integrated revision of electrical sensory stimulation, which stimulates somatosensory and action observation training, which is synchronized cognition intervention method on stroke patients’ functions. Methods: Twenty-one stroke patients were randomized into two groups. The two groups underwent twenty minutes of intervention five times a week for three weeks. This study used an electromyogram to evaluate symmetric muscle activation of lower extremities and muscle onset time when performing sit to stand before and after intervention. A weight-bearing ratio was used to evaluate the weight-bearing of the affected side in a sit to standing. To evaluate sit to stand performance ability, this study performed five timed sit to stand tests. Results: The two groups both showed statistically significant improvement in muscle onset time of lower extremity, static balance ability in a standing position, and sit to stand performance after the intervention (p < 0.05). In addition, the action observation and synchronized electrical sensory stimulation group showed significant improvement in symmetric muscle activation of lower extremities and weight–bearing ratio of the affected side (p < 0.05). Conclusion: action observation and synchronized electrical sensory stimulation (AOT with ESS) can have positive effects on a stroke patient’s sit to stand performance, and the intervention method that provides integrated AOT with ESS can be used as new nervous system intervention program.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of Abdominal Muscle Thickness Using Ultrasound Imaging During Bridging Exercises With a Sling and Ball in Healthy Young Adults

        Young Moon,Jong-duk Choi 한국전문물리치료학회 2020 한국전문물리치료학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        Background: Bridging exercises are used to enhance the functional stability of the lumbopelvic region in clinical settings. Although most of the studies on bridging exercises have compared the complete activation of the trunk muscles, some recent studies have examined the functional stability of the trunk and the lumbopelvic region and assessed the appropriate recruitment of the local and global muscles during different task levels. Objects: The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes in muscle thickness in the transverse abdominis (TrA), internal oblique (IO), and external oblique (EO) muscles during a common bridging exercise on an unstable surface and to determine whether these changes differ based on the surface used. Methods: Twenty-five healthy young adults (8 males, 17 females) were recruited. The subjects were randomly assigned to either the exercise progression with a sling bridge group or the ball bridging exercise progression group, each with three stages of increasing difficulty. Each position was measured three times with an ultrasonic diagnostic imaging system, and the mean values were recorded for analysis. Results: No significant differences were observed between the TrA, IO, or EO muscle thickness ratios between the sling and ball exercise groups (p > 0.05). There were also no significant differences in the EO muscle thickness ratios between the tasks irrespective of whether the sling or ball was used. However, the TrA and IO thickness ratios in both groups were significantly greater during stages 2 and 3 compared to stage 1. Conclusion: The results suggest that the use of slings and balls during bridging exercises is effective in activating the deep abdominal muscles.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Curriculum of Eco-Community Arts

        ( Young Moon ) 대한무용학회 2016 대한무용학회논문집 Vol.74 No.2

        This study demonstrates an integrated art education model based on the STEAM theory and the Holistic theory for cultivation of whole person and to propose reorganization and practice of curriculum aimed to put integrated art education model into practice. This study introduced various contents of projects that combine fine arts and community through research, administration system, planning and production of specialized teaching capability total art contents. This study is expected to be used as data that can promote practical education and the application and the role model to create dance and art integrating educational model.

      • KCI등재

        Correlation between Weight Bearing Ratio and Functional Level for Development of Pressure Sensor Biofeedback in Stroke Patient

        ( Young Moon ),( Mi Sun Kim ),( Jong Duk Choi ) 대한물리의학회 2014 대한물리의학회지 Vol.9 No.3

        Purpose : This study aimed to determine the correlation of weight bearing ability at the affected side with balance and gait abilities for the development of pressure biofeedback based equipment to stroke patients. Methods : This study included 35 patients with stroke patient. The tests were conducted to determine the weight bearing ratio while pushing a step forward the affected side, static balance ability using the total length of COP(Center of pressure), sway velocity of COP, COP velocity at the X and Y axis. Functional reaching test (FRT), berg balance scale (BBS) were used to assess the dynamic balance ability and timed up and go test (TUG), 10m walk test (10mWT) were used assess the gait ability respectively. In order to determine the correlation between measured variables, bivariate correlation analysis was conducted. Results : A significant correlation of the weight bearing ratio were shown with COP total length and velocity(r=-.34), Y-axis velocity(r=-.39), FRT(r=.42), BBS(r=.54), TUG(r=-.39), and 10m walking test (r -.42). Conclusion : This study result showed that as patients with stroke had more weight bearing ratio at the affected side, not only their static and dynamic balance abilities increased more but also functional gait ability improved more. These results mean that, to improve stroke patients’ static, dynamic balance ability and gait ability, weight bearing training with the affected side foot placed one step forward necessary for gaits are important.

      • KCI등재

        탐욕의 길 vs. 제자의 길 : 본회퍼 윤리의 한 응용

        문시영(Si?Young Moon) 한국기독교학회 2015 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.98 No.-

        그리스도인은 누구이며, 교회는 무엇이어야 하는가? 특별히, ‘탐욕의 시대’로 규정되는 현대사회에서 그리스도인은 누구이며 교회는 무엇이어야 하는가? 이 글은 탐욕의 시대를 사는 그리스도인의 윤리적 과제를 성찰하기 위해, 본회퍼의 제자윤리에 관한 하나의 응용(an applied approach)을 시도한다. 무엇보다도, 세 가지 질문에 관심한다. ‘왜 탐욕의 길 vs. 제자의 길인가?,’ ‘금욕의 길인가? 제자의 길인가?,’ 그리고 ‘그리스도인과 교회는 무엇을 해야 하는가?’ 1) ‘왜, 탐욕의 길 vs. 금욕의 길인가?’ 본회퍼는 제자직의 바른 이해와 실천을 통해서만 신학적, 교회적 오류를 극복할 수 있다고 확신했다. 이러한 전제에서, 제자직에 대한 본회퍼의 성찰을 응용하기 위해, ‘탐욕의 길’에 유의하고자 한다. 본회퍼가 탐욕만을 문제 삼은 것이 아니지만, 탐욕이란 모든 영역에 스며들어 제자의 길을 어긋나게 만드는 요인이라고 생각했던 점에 주목해야 한다. 이 글이 탐욕의 길과 제자의 길을 대비시키는 이유가 여기에 있다. 본회퍼의 문장들은 탐욕이 사회를 위험에 빠뜨리고 그리스도인의 근본을 위험하게 만든다는 점을 일깨워준다. 탐욕으로 치닫는 그리스도인과 교회에 대한 자성이야말로 제자의 길을 향한 첫걸음이다. 2) ‘금욕의 길인가? 제자의 길인가?’ 탐욕의 극복을 위한 해법을 다룬부분으로서, 그리스도인과 교회가 ‘자기 의’에 이끌리는 ‘금욕의 길’을 넘어 예수 그리스도를 중심으로 하는 ‘제자의 길’을 걸어야 함을 강조한다. 본회퍼에게서, 탐욕의 극복은 자기과시적 금욕이 아니라 제자됨이다. ‘예수 그리스도는 오늘의 우리에게 있어서 누구인가?’의 질문이 본회퍼의 삶과 신학의 주제라는 점에 비추어 보면, 그리스도인은 ‘금욕의 길’을 넘어 ‘타자를 위한 존재’가 되어야 한다. 본회퍼의 제자윤리는 ‘제자의 길 vs. 탐욕의 길’이자 ‘제자의 길 = 십자가의 길’의 관계이다. 3) ‘그리스도인과 교회는 무엇을 해야 하는가?’ 본회퍼의 문제의식을 기반으로, 탐욕의 시대를 살아가는 그리스도인과 교회는 두 가지 과제에 주목해야 한다. 먼저, 제자의 길에 대한 바른 인식을 가져야 한다. 이를 위해, 하우어워스(Stanley Hauerwas)가 제자도를 강조하면서, ‘성화’와 ‘교회’를 연관 지었던 점을 참고할 필요가 있다. 무엇보다도, ‘번영의 복음’이 교회 안에서까지 탐욕의 길을 부추기고 있는 한국적 정황에서, 제자의 길에 대한 통렬한 재인식이 절실해 보인다. 또 하나의 과제로서, 공공성 구현을 통하여 사회적 책임의 실천을 강조한 스택하우스(Max L. Stackhouse)의 공공신학은 ‘제자의 길’을 사회적으로 구현하는 통로가 될 것으로 보인다. 한 마디로, ‘교회 안팎으로’ 윤리적 성숙이 요청되는 한국교회의 정황에서 공공성의 실천을 통하여 ‘제자의 길’을 걸어야 한다. What’s the moral responsibility of Christians and church? Especially, people says that the most prevailing factor of these times is the problem of ‘avarice.’ This paper is an applied approach to Bonhoeffer’s ethic of ‘being disciple’ in times of avarice. The foci of this paper can be summarized as follows; ‘Why?question on ethical study of avarice,’ ‘Which?question on the alternative for overcoming the avarice and abstinence,’ and ‘What?question on the task of Christians and church in Korea.’ 1) ‘Why does this paper study on Avarice vs. Discipleship?’ This paper is an applied approach to the topic of discipleship in Bonhoeffer’s ethics and the problem of avarice in these times. Of course, the issue of avarice is neither main concern nor critical concept in Bonhoeffer’s ethics. Nevertheless, he concerns the issue of avarice as problematic factor which blocking be a disciple for Christians. In this meaning, the main structure of this paper could be summarized as a conflict of two important factors: ‘the way of avarice’ vs. ‘the way of disciple.’ 2) ‘Abstinence? or Discipleship?’ The meaning of ‘being disciple’ have to be explained more practically. According to Bonhoeffer, the exit from the persistent challenge of avarice is not the abstinence. Avarice is not the same passive suffering which Christ has undertaken. In this context, this paper proposes a axiom from the applied perspective: when Christians give up their identity as a ‘being for others,’ Christians become a ‘being for self’ and be captured by avarice. 3) ‘What’s the task of Christians and church in Korea?’ The genuine alternative to overcome of avarice is to be the disciple of Christ. The task for being disciple in times of avarice could be proposed in double way. First, recovering of Bonhoeffer’s meaning of discipleship is urgently needed. For example, the ethics of S. Hauerwas could be a guide for applied reading of discipleship. Second, Christians have to be morally responsible to public matters from the perspective of ‘being for others.’ Maybe M. Stackhouse could suggest a public responsibility of Christians in this meaning. As a result, the most important task of Christians and church in these times is ‘being disciple faithfully.’

      • KCI등재

        김창협(金昌協)의 <동유기(東游記)> 연구

        정영문 ( Jeong¸ Young-moon ) 온지학회 2021 溫知論叢 Vol.- No.69

        김창협(金昌協)은 17세기 조선을 대표하는 성리학자이자 문장가이면서 유람객이다. 그는 21살 되던 1671년 8월 11일부터 9월 11일까지 1달동안 관동지역(금강산과 동해)을 유람하였다. 금강산만 유람하고 돌아오려던 여행이었지만, 권세경(權世經)의 권유로 동해안으로까지 유람 지역을 확대한 것이다. 이때의 유람을 일기체로 기록한 것이 <동유기(東遊記)>이다. <동유기>에 나타나는 서술상의 특징으로는 첫째, 김창협은 『농암집(農巖集)』에 567題의 한시를 남겼지만, <동유기>에는 한시를 기록하지 않았다는 점. 둘째, <동유기>가 12편의 짧은 기(記)를 결합하여 완성했다는 점이다. 김창협은 금강산을 유람하면서 산수에서 흥취(興趣), 유묵에서 아취(雅趣), 승려와의 관계에서 정취(情趣)를 느꼈다. 이러한 감정은 유람을 떠나는 사람이면 누구나 느낄 수 있는 현상이지만, 각인각색의 정감이기 때문에 단순화시켜 말하기는 어렵다. 김창협은 금강산을 유람한 이후에 “세월이 흐를수록 더욱 잊지 못하여 다시 보고 싶은 마음이 애당초 보지 못했던 때보다 더 간절해진다.”고 말할 정도로 잊지 못하였다. 이후 오랫동안 유산(遊山)하는 방법을 모색하게 되었다. 또한, 김창협은 유람지에 있는 바위나 누정 등에 적혀있는 이름과 유묵을 적극적으로 찾아보고, 제명(題名)을 남기려고 하였다. 이러한 행동은 흥취를 즐기는 여흥인 동시에 동류들과 소통하는 방법이었기 때문이다. 금강산을 유람하는 동안 김창협은 이전의 사대부들과는 달리 승려들과 성리학에 관해 논쟁하기보다 불교와 승려에 대해 긍정하는 태도를 보여주었다. Kim Chang-Hyup(金昌協) is a Neo-Confucian scholar, writer, and traveler who represents Joseon in the 17th century. At the age of 21, from August 11 to September 11, 1671, he toured the Kwandong(關東) area (Mt. Geumgang and the East Sea) for one month. He was on a trip to return from a tour of Mt. Geumgang only, but at the recommendation of Kwon Se-Kyung, he expanded the tour area to the east coast. The record of the excursion at this time in a diary is 「Dong Yugi (東遊記)」. As the descriptive characteristics of 「Dong Yugi」, first point is that although Kim Chang-Hyup left 567 Chinese poetry in 「Nongamjip(農巖集)」, he did not record them in 「Dong Yugi」. The second is that 「Dong Yugi」 is composed of 12 short experiences. While Kim Chang-Hyup toured Mt. Geumgangsan(金剛山), he felt joy(興趣) in the landscape, the elegance(雅趣) in the writings of various persons, and the Emotion(情趣) in the relationship with the Buddhist monks. These feelings are felt by anyone who goes on a sightseeing, but it is difficult to unify them because they are various emotions by person. After traveling to Mt. Geumgangsan, Kim Chang-Hyup has never forgot his desire to see it again for the rest of his life, as much as to say, “As time goes by, I can't forget it, and my desire to see it again becomes more earnest than when I never saw it at all.” After that, it came to think of ways to understand nature for a long time. In addition, Kim Chang-Hyup actively searched for names written on rocks and pavilions in the excursion site, and tried to leave his name on such places. This was because these actions were both entertainment to enjoy and a way to communicate with fellow members. During his excursion to Mt. Geumgangsan, unlike previous noblemen, Kim Chang-Hyup showed an attitude in favor of Buddhism and monks rather than arguing with them about Neo-Confucianism.

      • S-575 ITP scondary to hepatitis A

        ( Youngmoon Kim ),( Youngjin Yuh ),( Byeongseok Sohn ),( Jongkwon Seo ) 대한내과학회 2016 대한내과학회 추계학술대회 Vol.2016 No.1

        Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is a hematologic autoimmune disorder characterized by immune-mediated platelet destruction and platelet production impairment. Several cases of ITP secondary to viral infection have been described. However, cases of ITP following hepatitis A infection are rare in immunocompetent adults even though transient hematologic abnormalities to bone marrow depression in the course of HAV infection are well known. Here, we report a 46-year-old woman with ecchymosis on her upper and lower extremities and a platelet count of 24,000/mm3 two weeks after hepatitis A infection. The patient have been treated with steroids, thereafter ecchymosis and platelet count improved. [Case] A 46-year-old woman visited our hospital family medicine center with fatigue, fever, jaundice. She was previously diagnosed type II diabetes mellitus two years ago. At that time the platelet count was 183,000 /mm3. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), lactic acid dehydrogenase (LDH) and total bilirubin were 194 U/L, 419 U/L, 619 U/L,and 7.5 mg/dL, respectively. On serologic tests, HAV-IgM was positive. The patient diagnosed as acute hepatitis A infection. She was treated with conservative therapy. After twenty four days, the transaminases and LDH normalized, but her platelet count decreased to 24,000 /mm3 and she complained ecchymosis on her right upper arm and right leg. Other complete blood cell count showed hemoglobin 15.0 g/dl, white blood cell count 6,130 /mm3 with a differential of 48.9 % neutrophil, 42.9 % lymphocyte, and 5.9 % monocyte. Dexamethasone 40 mg was administered via intravenous for four days. On the day of discharge, the platelet count was 37,000 /mm3. She discharged with Prednisolone 10 mg per oral daily [Conclusion] ITP after hepatitis A infection could happen in our country, it could confirm through this case. The more cases and researches of ITP secondary to hepatitis A will be needed to recognize clear mechanism of immune reaction to platelete like ITP occurred by many other viral diseases.

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