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        유아·놀이 중심 개정 누리과정에 대한 사회적 인식 네트워크 분석

        서영숙 ( Seo¸ Youngsuk ),한기순 ( Han¸ Kisoon ) 미래유아교육학회 2021 미래유아교육학회지 Vol.28 No.4

        본 연구는 개정 누리과정의 유아중심ㆍ놀이중심 교육과정에 관한 사회적 인식을 확인하고자 2019개정 누리과정과 관련하여 국내 유입률 1위인 Naver 포털 사이트의 뉴스에 등록된 기사 제목이나 ‘유아중심ㆍ놀이중심 교육과정’ 홍보물 등의 댓글을 대상으로 온라인 사용자들의 반응을 분석하였다. 이를 위해 Excel과 NetMiner 4.0을 활용하여 총 557건의 관련 기사와 홍보물 10건의 댓글에서 사용된 단어들을 중심으로 네트워크 분석한 결과 1072개의 주제어를 추출하였으며 빈도가 높은 상위 39개의 주제어들을 정제하였다. 영향력이 높은 단어 확인을 위해 중심성 분석 실시 결과 ‘유아·놀이 중심’, ‘유아기’, ‘교육’, ‘교사’ 등으로 나타났다. 이에 영향력 있는 단어와 응집도가 높은 단어들을 확인하기 위해 커뮤니티 분석과 공유 의미 구조 및 상이한 의미 체계를 분석하기 위해 에고 네트워크 분석을 실시한 결과 개정 누리과정의 운영적인 부분에서 유아교육현장의 목소리와 부모의 다양한 요청이 있었으며, 유아·놀이 중심교육의 필요성과 중요성에는 공감하지만 준비과정 및 학습적인 측면에서 우려의 의견을 확인할 수 있었다. ‘2019 개정 누리과정’은 유아가 놀이의 주체이며 놀이의 중심이 되어 더불어 놀이가 교육과정의 중심이 되어야 한다. 유아가 놀이를 통해 자연스럽게 배우고 자랄 수 있는 ‘놀이 권’을 되찾아주고자 개편한 교육과정의 목적이 실현될 수 있도록 유아교육 현장안착을 위한 실질적인 지원이 필요하다. 이와 더불어 구체적인 계획 및 실천 방향을 제시함으로써 유아가 놀이 경험을 통해 자율성과 창의성이 신장되어 놀이의 재미와 행복에 몰입되기를 기대한다. In this study, in order to to examine the social perception of the early childhood-based and play-based curriculum, this study analyzed online user comments and news articles registered on the Naver portal site, the No. 1 website in Korea. The responses of online users were analyzed for comments such as ‘process’ promotional materials. For this, 1072 keywords were extracted as a result of network analysis focusing on words used in a total of 557 related articles and 10 comments on promotional materials using Excel and NetMiner 4.0, and the top 39 keywords with high frequency were refined. As a result of centrality analysis to identify high-impact words, ‘early childhood-based / play-based’, ‘early childhood’, ‘education’, and ‘teacher’ were found. In order to identify influential words and words with high cohesion, community analysis and ego network analysis were conducted to analyze shared semantic structures and different semantic systems. There was a request, and although we sympathized with the necessity and importance of early childhood and play-oriented education, they were able to confirm opinions of concern in terms of the preparation process and learning. In the ‘2019 Revision Nuri Curriculum’, children should be the subject of play and the center of play, and play should be the center of the curriculum. Practical support is needed for the establishment of early childhood education so that the purpose of the reorganized curriculum can be realized in order to regain the ‘right to play’ that children can learn and grow naturally through play. In addition, it is expected that children will be immersed in the fun and happiness of play by increasing their autonomy and creativity through play experiences by suggesting specific plans and action directions.

      • KCI등재

        근대 영국사회와 아동 노동

        이영석 ( Lee¸ Young-suk ) 영국사학회 2020 영국연구 Vol.43 No.-

        18세기 상류층 가족에서 자녀를 존중하는 분위기가 높아졌다. 부모가 자녀의 양육과 교육에 관심을 쏟았다. 일반 서민이나 노동자층 가정에서는 어떤 변화가 나타났을까. 전산업시대에 수공업자와 부유한 농민의 자식은 어린 나이에 수공업 직종에서 도제 수업을 받는 것이 일반적이었다. 17세기 이래 도시수공업이 쇠퇴한 후에 농촌에서 가내수공업자들이 선대제 생산조직의 지휘 아래 수공제품 생산에 종사했다. 농촌에서 수공업의 특화를 의미하는 원산업화는 가족노동을 기반으로 성장했다. 아동에 대한 양육과 교육이 가족노동을 통해서 이루어졌다. 산업혁명 초기 면공장은 구빈원 빈민 아동을 교구도제 신분으로 고용했다. 그 후 증기력 공장에서는 기계와 경쟁에서 패배한 방적공과 그 아들이 면공장 노동자로 변신했다. 그 후 방적기의 개량과 함께 몰락한 수공업자의 자녀가 면공장에 들어갔다. 1830년대 공장 아동의 실태에 관한 사회적 관심이 고조된 것은 아동에 대한 사회 인식이 달라졌기 때문이다. 그 후 1833년 공장법을 통해 공장 아동에 대한 법적 보호와 특히 그들에 대한 공장에서 교육이 시행되었다. In eighteenth-century England, the upper-class families were more respectful of their children. Parents paid attention to their children’s upbringing and education. What changes had emerged in labouring people’s families? In the pre-industrial age, it was common for craftsmen’s children to take apprenticeship in the fields of handicrafts. After the decline of urban guild, domestic industry in rural areas was prosperous under the organization of putting-out system. In particular, the rural industry was concentrated in wool and cotton fields. Proto-industrialization, which means the specialization of domestic industry in a rural area, grew on the basis of family labour. Family labour was some work for family earning, and at the same time it was also the process of children education. In the early stage of the Industrial Revolution, water mills in the field of cotton industry employed poor children at workhouse as the type of parish apprentice. After that, steaming factories recruited some hand spinners and their children who lost the competition with machines. And large factories establishing self-acting mules employed many children and young persons whose fathers gave up hand-loom weaving under the pressure of the machinery. The heightened social interest in the factory children in the 1830s was attributed to a social attitude of respect for children. Then with the activities of the Royal Commission in 1833 and the legislation of factory acts, children education in factory became a very important issue. Debates on education in factories were also related to the high interest in children’s education even in working-class families. But these improvements were limited. Much of the lower-class children were excluded from legal protection.

      • KCI등재

        증권범죄의 결과적 의미에 관한 형법이론적 고찰

        조영석 ( Cho¸ Young-suk ) 한양대학교 법학연구소 2021 법학논총 Vol.38 No.1

        증권범죄에서 위반행위자가 얻은 부당이득은 벌금 액수의 산정 기준 및 징역형에 대한 가중처벌 사실에 해당하여 형사처벌의 수준에 결정적인 영향을 미치는 요소로 작용한다. 이처럼 부당이득이 불공정거래행위에 대한 범죄구성요건의 일부가 됨으로써 증권범죄는 범죄행위와 함께 부당이득을 실현하는 결과발생까지도 구성요건에서 요구되는 결과범의 성격을 가지게 된다. 결과범은 형식범과는 달리 행위와 결과 사이에 인과관계를 필요로 하므로, 대법원은 형사법상 대원칙인 책임원칙을 근거로 부당이득의 금액은 불공정거래행위와 상당인과 관계가 인정될 수 있는 범위에 해당하여야 한다는 입장을 취하고 있다. 그러나 형사법의 기본원리인 책임원칙은 행위자가 저지른 불법행위의 내용을 바탕으로 불법의 정도와 유형이 무엇인지를 고려하는 형법원칙이라는 점에서 행위불법의 평가에 관한 책임원칙 등을 바탕으로 위반행위로 인한 결과에 해당하는 증권범죄의 부당이득을 제한하는 것은 형사법의 기본원리와 부합하지 않는 측면이 존재한다. 또한 형법은 사회적 법익 또는 국가적 법익이 개인의 권리 실현을 간접적으로 매개하는 한에서만 이를 보호하므로, 증권범죄를 규제하는 자본시장법의 주된 보호법익이 사회적 법익이라 할지라도 이를 개별적인 인간의 법익으로 구체화할 수 없다면 그 대상은 형법에 의해 보호될 수 없다는 문제가 발생한다. 따라서 이 글에서는 이러한 형법이론적 의문에 관하여 증권범죄의 결과로서 부당이득이 형사법적으로 어떠한 의미를 갖는지 살펴보고, 형법이론의 관점에서 증권범죄의 보호법익을 규명하는 한편, 증권범죄의 결과적 의미를 갖는 부당이득의 개념에 행위반가치(Handlungsunwert)의 요소가 연계되어 고려될 수 있는지 여부를 검토하였다. 형법상 행위자를 형사처벌하기 위해서는 행위불법이 반드시 전제되어야 할 것인데, 그러한 행위반가치의 내용에는 위반행위자가 그 실현을 지향하는 결과적 요소가 일정 부분 내재되어 있는 것이다. 이에 증권범죄의 결과인 부당이득을 근거로 행위자를 형사처벌 하기 위해서는 법문언상 위반행위 자체와의 연관성이 반드시 고려되어야 한다는 점을 고려하면 증권범죄의 결과적 의미를 갖는 부당이득의 개념에는 행위반가치적 요소가 내재되어 있는 것이며, 이로써 증권범죄는 형법상의 불법을 구성하게 된다. In securities unfair trading crimes, unjust enrichment that offenders have obtained are used as a basis to calculate their fines and considered for additional punishment in their prison sentences. Unjust enrichment has a decisive influence on the level of criminal punishment. As unjust enrichment becomes an element of crime in unfair transactions, securities unfair trading crimes have the nature of a result crime by requesting the outcomes of realizing unjust enrichment for their elements along with the crime act itself. Since result crimes need a causation between acts and outcomes, unlike formal crimes, the Supreme Court takes the position in which the amount of unjust enrichment should be in the scope of being recognized in its causal relation with unfair trading according to the principle of criminal liability, a broad principle in criminal law. The principle of criminal liability, a basic principle of criminal law, however, takes into consideration the degree and type of illegality based on the content of the offender's illegal act, which suggests that the restriction of unjust enrichment as an outcome of a violating act in securities unfair trading crimes based on the principle of criminal liability for evaluation of the illegal act does not agree with the basic principle of criminal law in some aspects. In addition, criminal law protects an individual's realization of rights only when social or national legal interest mediates it indirectly, which raises a problem that if the main protected legal interest of the Capital Market Act, which regulates securities unfair trading crimes, as social legal interest cannot be specified as individual human legal interest, the subjects cannot be protected by criminal law. Thus, this study set out to examine the meanings of unjust enrichment as an outcome of securities unfair trading crimes in criminal law, trying to answer this question based on criminal law theories. The study also aimed to investigate the protected legal interest of securities unfair trading crimes from the perspective of criminal law theories and review whether the elements of evaluation of actions for criminal activities could be considered in their connections to the concept of unjust enrichment as an outcome of securities unfair trading crimes. Offenders of criminal law cannot be put to criminal punishment without the prerequisite of their illegal acts. The consequent elements oriented toward their implementation are inherent in some parts in the content of evaluation of actions for criminal activities. Considering that connections with the violating act itself must be taken into account in legal phrases in order to put the offender to criminal punishment based on unjust enrichment as an outcome of securities unfair trading crimes, it is apparent that the elements of evaluation of actions for criminal activities are inherent in the concept of unjust enrichment as an outcome of securities unfair trading crimes, which makes securities unfair trading crimes illegal in criminal law.

      • KCI등재

        폐암 환자의 외상 후 성장에 영향을 미치는 요인

        김영숙 ( Kim¸ Young Suk ),문진하 ( Moon¸ Jin Ha ),이영숙 ( Lee¸ Young Suk ),김연우 ( Kim¸ Yeon Woo ),허규림 ( Heo¸ Gyu Rim ),오순금 ( Oh¸ Soon Keum ) 병원간호사회 2021 임상간호연구 Vol.27 No.1

        Purpose: This study was conducted to identify the factors influencing the posttraumatic growth (PTG) in patients with lung cancer and to provide basic data for nursing intervention development to improve PTG and adaptation. Methods: The study included 126 non-small cell lung cancer patients initially diagnosed at the Lung Cancer Center, C University Hospital in S city, Gyeonggi-do. Patients were asked to complete a questionnaire consisting of demographic characteristics, disease characteristics, posttraumatic growth, cancer coping, social support, and resilience. Data were analyzed using t-tests, ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation and multiple regression analysis. Results: The mean score for PTG in lung cancer patients was 56.39, cancer coping was 61.31, social support was 61.09, and resilience was 92.77. Significant positive correlations were found for PTG and cancer coping (r=.75, p<.001), social support (r=.52, p<.001) and resilience (r=.63, p<.001). Factors contributing to PTG of lung cancer patients were cancer coping (β=.53 p<.001), perceived health status(β=.20, p=.002), resilience (β=.21, p=.010) and importance of religion (β=.15, p=.013). This model explained about 64.0% of variances of PTG (F=29.58, p<.001). Conclusion: It is necessary to develop new nursing intervention programs to improve PTG for patients with lung cancer based on strategies to enhance coping and resilience to recovery. Longitudinal studies examining temporal changes in PTG among patients with lung cancer are suggested for future studies in this regard.


        Socio-demographic factors and diet-related characteristics of community-dwelling elderly individuals with dysphagia risk in South Korea

        Youngsuk Lim,Chorong Kim,Haeryun Park,Sooyoun Kwon,Oksun Kim,Heeyoung Kim,Youngmi Lee 대한지역사회영양학회 2018 Nutrition Research and Practice Vol.12 No.5

        BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to determine dysphagia risk among community-dwelling elderly people living at home. We also examined the impact of socio-demographic variables on dysphagia risk as well as the relationship between dysphagia risk and dietary characteristics. SUBJECTS/METHODS: The study sample included 568 community-dwelling individuals, aged 65 years and above, who were living independently in their own home in Seoul, Gyeonggi, or Gwangju in South Korea. We used a dysphagia risk assessment scale to screen for dysphagia risk and the Mini nutritional assessment to evaluate the nutritional status. Associations between dysphagia risk and other variables were assessed using logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Of the 568 subjects, 350 (61.6%) were classified into the dysphagia risk group (DR) and 218 (38.4%) were classified into the normal group (non-DR). Being female (odds ratio (OR) = 1.82, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.28-2.59), being 75 years and older (OR = 2.40, 95% CI = 1.69-3.42), having a lower education level (OR = 2.29, 95% CI = 1.33-3.97), and having a lower perceived economic status (OR = 2.18, 95% CI = 1.32-3.60) were more frequently observed with dysphagia risk compared to those who did not have such characteristics. Lowered mastication ability (OR = 14.40, 95% CI = 4.43-46.95), being at risk of malnutrition or malnourished (OR = 2.72, 95% CI = 1.75-4.23), lowered appetite (OR = 3.27, 95% CI = 2.16-4.93), and decreased food intake (OR = 2.95, 95% CI = 1.83-4.78) were observed more frequently in the DR group than in the non-DR group when adjusting for potential confounding factors. CONCLUSIONS: It is necessary to develop and apply integrated programs to improve the dietary habits and nutritional status of elderly individuals at risk for dysphagia, especially for women aged 75 years or older with lower educational and economic levels.

      • Estimation of 13-18yrs Boys` Upper Body Shape in 3D Using Silhouette Image

        ( Youngsuk Lee ) 한국감성과학회 2014 춘계학술대회 Vol.2014 No.-

        In Korea, like many other countries, the mean height has been increasing in last several decades. In such countries anthropometric data will be outdated sooner or later. The information on the speed of the secular change in height in last several decades is useful to judge if the database is still representing the intended target population or to judge how long the latest database will serve as the reference data. The comparison of the growth and body silhouette in both sexes are compaired in this paper. In female, height increases from birth to maturity 3.2 times (for comparison it is 3.5 times for men) mainly due to rapid growth in leg length. On average, maturity of growth in height is reached at the age of 18-19 years for males and 16-17 years for females. In the body development features of the population group represented by the height, girl subjects are shown to grow upward rapidly during the height range 104-135 cm (approximately 4-9 years). For during the years represented by the height range 104-135cm boy subjects also grow upwards rapidly, remaining slim, while in the latter years they tend to consolidate or broaden. The body girth dimensions which exibit a jump in magnitude at the 140 cm height distinguish primarily for bust and hip development combined with the normal body ``consolidation`` that occurs also with boys.

      • Development of the standard based on Korean Anthropometry Data

        ( Youngsuk Lee ) 한국감성과학회 2014 춘계학술대회 Vol.2014 No.-

        Standardization is one of the most important inventions that humans devised reflecting their culture and their history. For our purpose, standardization can be defined as an agreement among parties concerning the features/characteristics of clothes that one can consider as convenient, efficient and/or safe. However, more generally, all that each society of humans agrees upon, thus, language, writing symbols, rules or laws, which allows to maintain order in groups, customs to keep traditions and so on can be considered as the results or acts of standardization. This paper deals with secular trends of height, chest/bust girth, waist girth and hip girth spanning 1979 to 2010 as well as the morphological feature patterns for Koreans. It also investigates the comparison of the growth pattern and body proportions between male and female based on the anthropometric data samples of KATS taken from the 2010 surveys. The results are classified with body size and shape categories according to the drop values by age and sex in order to develop the new guidelines for the size standard systems based on these body dimensions from the analyzed anthropometric database.

      • Estimation of 13-18yrs Boy`s Upper Body Shape in 3D using Silhouette Image

        Youngsuk LEE 대한인간공학회 2014 대한인간공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2014 No.5

        In Korea, like many other countries, the mean height has been increasing in last several decades. In such countries anthropometric data will be outdated sooner or later. The information on the speed of the secular change in height in last several decades is useful to judge if the database is still representing the intended target population or to judge how long the latest database will serve as the reference data. The comparison of the growth and body silhouette in both sexes are compaired in this paper. In female, height increases from birth to maturity 3.2 times (for comparison it is 3.5 times for men) mainly due to rapid growth in leg length. On average, maturity of growth in height is reached at the age of 18-19 years for males and 16-17 years for females. In the body development features of the population group represented by the height, girl subjects are shown to grow upward rapidly during the height range 104-135 cm (approximately 4-9 years). For during the years represented by the height range 104-35cm boy subjects also grow upwards rapidly, remaining slim, while in the latter years they tend to consolidate or broaden. The body girth dimensions which exibit a jump in magnitude at the 140 cm height distinguish primarily for bust and hip development combined with the normal body ‘consolidation’ that occurs also with boys.

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