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        영골(靈骨).강압혈(降壓穴) 자극(刺鍼)이 혈압(血壓)에 미치는 영향(影向)

        임영남,심성용,한지완,고호연,박종형,한양희,전찬용,김동우,Yim, Young-Nam,Sim, Sung-Yong,Han, Ji-Wan,Ko, Ho-Yeon,Park, Chong-Hyeong,Han, Yang-Hee,Chun, Chan-Yong,Kim, Dong-Woo 대한한방내과학회 2004 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.25 No.2

        Objective : The purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical effect of the non-pharmacological anti-hypertension method, acupuncture, for hypertensive patients. Methods : 26 patients diagnosed with hypertension were each treated by one of three methods: an anti-hypertension drug(adalat soft capsule), venepuncture, and acupuncture. In cases of rising blood pressure, patients were treated by their one of the three methods, and blood pressure was measured at regular intervals. Result : As for the group of acupuncture treated patients on Young-gol(ling-gu) and Gang-ap-hyul(jiang-ya-xue), readings dropped 18.0mmHg in systolic blood pressure and 6.50mmHg in diastolic blood pressure. This was a greater effect than that seen in the venepuncture treated patients. Blood pressure checked one hour after acupuncture treatment showed a greater difference than blood pressure checked after thirty minutes. Conclusion : Safe reductions in blood pressure were observed through the non-pharmacological method of acupuncture on Young-gol(ling-gu) and Gang-ap-hyul(Jiang-ya-xue).

      • KCI등재

        이유원(李裕元)의 1845년 사은사행(謝恩使行)과 한중 문인 교유

        임영길 ( Yim Young-gil ) 한국한문학회 2021 韓國漢文學硏究 Vol.- No.81

        이 논문은 李裕元(1814∼1888)의 『橘山文稿』(필사본 16책, 규장각 소장) 소재 연행시문을 소개하고, 「橘山意園圖」를 중심으로 이유원의 제1차 연행 경위와 한중 문인 교유의 구체적인 실상을 고찰하였다. 『귤산문고』에는 『嘉梧藁略』에 누락된 작품들이 다수 실려있는데, 제7책에는 「星槎紀年」, 「聞見事目」, 「燕京雜記」, 「楊雪翰墨」 등 이유원이 1845년 사은사 서장관으로 첫 연행에 임했을 당시의 견문과 활동을 상세히 파악할 수 있는 자료들이 수록되어 있다. 「성사기년」과 「문견사목」이 조정에 보고하기 위한 공적인 기록이라면, 「연경잡기」와 「양설한묵」은 사적인 기록이라는 점에서 면밀한 검토가 필요하다. 또한 제8책에 실린 「燕行別章」과 「華人尺牘」, 그리고 「橘山意園圖」는 그의 폭넓은 국내외 교유 양상을 보여주는 중요한 자료이다. 이유원은 스승 申緯와 외삼촌 朴綺壽를 비롯해 鄭元容, 洪敬謨, 金永爵 등 소론계지인들의 인적 관계망을 이어받아 紀昀의 손자 紀樹蕤와 葉志詵, 王楚材(梓材로 개명), 馮志沂, 李鈞, 沈亨惠, 楊尙文ㆍ楊尙志 형제 등 많은 청 문사들과 문학ㆍ서화ㆍ금석 방면에서 활발히 교류하였다. 이 과정에서 「귤산의원도」가 청 문사들의 주도 하에 제작되어 이유원의 중국 내 교류망을 직ㆍ간접으로 확장하는 데 기여했으며, 그 인맥은 같은 소론계 인사인 1846년 진하정사 朴永元과 서장관 沈熙淳 등에게로 이어졌다. 아울러 「귤산의원도」를 매개로 神交를 맺은 周棠과는 제2차 연행을 떠난 1874년까지 우정을 지속하게 된다. 이유원과 청 문사의 교유는 19세기 조ㆍ청 교류망의 계승과 확장이라는 측면에서 한중 문인 교유의 연속성과 특수성을 동시에 보여주는 사례로서 의미를 부여할 수 있다. This study introduces the poetries of journey listed in Gyulsanmungo(橘山文稿) (16 manuscripts, possession of Gyujanggak) which are not well known and investigates the specific facts in regards to the first journey of I Yu-won(李裕元) and literary exchange between Korea and China based on Gyulsanuiwondo(橘山意園圖). In Gyulsanmungo, there are a lot of works that omitted from Gaogoryak(嘉梧藁略), and the seventh book contains materials that provide detailed insights and activities at the time of I Yu-won’s first journey to Beijing in 1845, which are Sungsa-ginyun(星槎紀年), Mungyeon-samok(聞見事目), Yeonkyung-jabgi(燕京雜記), Yangsul-hanmuk (楊雪翰墨) and so on. While Sungsa-ginyun and Mungyeon-samok are the official records to report at the royal court, Yeonkyung-jabgi and Yangsulhanmuk are the personal records so that required more detailed review. In addition, Yeonhaeng-byuljang(燕行別章) and Hwain-cheokdok(華人尺牘) of the eighth book and Gyulsanuiwondo are important materials that shows his broad literary exchange both in domestic and overseas. I Yu-won actively exchanged in literature, calligraphy, and epigraphy with Ji Yun’s grandchildren Ji Shurui, Ye Zhishen, Wang Chucai (renamed as Zicai), Feng Zhiyi, Li Jun, Shen Henghui, Yang Shangwen and Shangzhi brothers and many other Qing literaties, by following the human network of Soron Party including his teacher Sin-wi and his maternal uncle Bak Gi-su, Jeong Won-yong, Hong Gyeong-mo, and Kim Young-jak. During this process, Gyulsanuiwondo was produced under the leadership of Qing literaties, and contributed to the direct and indirect expansion of I Yu-won’s human network in China, and then his personal connections were passed on to the people of Soron Party, Bak Young-won and Sim Hui-soon of Jinhasahaeng in 1846. Furthermore, the friendship with Zhou Tang, who had only communicated by letter with the Gyulsanuiwondo as a medium, continued until 1874 when he left the second journey to Beijing. In terms of the succession and expansion of the human network between Korea and China in the 19th century, the relationship between I Yu-won and Qing literaties can be given meaning as an example showing the continuity and specificity of the Korean-Chinese literary exchange.

      • KCI등재

        일계인디아스포라의 LA리틀도쿄(Little Tokyo) 형성과 재미한인관계 고찰

        임영언 ( Yim Young-eon ) 한국일본근대학회 2017 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.58

        이 연구의 목적은 일본인의 미국 진출과 리틀도쿄의 건설, 일계인 2세의 태평양전쟁 참전과 일계인 박물관의 건립에 관한 일련의 과정을 살펴보고 미국거주 일계인과 미국정부와의 관계, 민족감정보다는 이민자들로서 재미한인과 일계인의 협력관계 등을 고찰하는데 있다. 연구의 방법 및 자료수집은 2017년 2월 3일부터 약 2주간에 걸쳐 LA리틀도쿄와 하와이 일계인 집거지를 방문하여 수집한 자료와 현지에서 수행한 인터뷰조사 자료를 활용하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 일본인의 미국 진출은 19세기 중반부터 시작되었지만 1885년 관약이민이 본격화된 후 많은 일본인들이 하와이로 이주했다. 둘째, 1907년부터 미국에서 시작된 일본인 위협론과 배일이민법은 일본인들을 LA리틀도쿄로 집중시켰다. 셋째, 일본을 적대국으로 태평양전쟁에 참전한 일계인 2세 병사들은 “고 포 브로크(Go For Broke)”을 구호로 전쟁의 격전지를 골라 참전하여 많은 공을 세웠다. 이에 따라 일계인 2세병사들 대부분이 전쟁 후 미국정부로부터 훈장을 수여받았다. 넷째, 1980년 중반 이후 일계인 기업가들을 중심으로 리틀도쿄 주변에 일계인 박물관을 건립하려는 운동이 본격적으로 시작되었다. 다섯째, 한때 리틀도쿄는 일계인과 일본정부와의 단절을 상징하는 장소로 변질되기도 했지만 일계인과 재미한인과의 역사적 경험을 기억하는 장소로 기억되고 있다. 결론적으로 이 연구는 일계인 리틀도쿄의 건설, 재건, 유지가 일계인과 미국현지인뿐만 아니라 재미한인과의 관계 등 다양한 인종적 관계의 협력에 의해 이루어지고 있다는 점을 강조하고 있다. 향후연구에서는 미국사회에서 아시아 소수민족간의 다양한 협력사례들이 발굴되기를 기대한다. The purpose of this study is to look into the relationship between Japanese and American government, especially the relationship between Korean-American and Japanese-American, and focusing on the Japanese entering to the US, the construction of Little Tokyo, the construction of the Pacific War and museums. The research method was used to analyze the collected data and the interview survey data from the visit to LA Little Tokyo and the Hawaii for about two weeks from February 3, 2017. The results of the study are as follows. First, Japanese started coming to the United States in the middle of the 19th century. However, it is estimated that many Japanese immigrated to Hawaii in 1885 after the government-guaranteed emigration. Second, the Japanese people was applied by the Japanese exclusion Bill, which had applied in the United States since 1924, allowed the Japanese to concentrate on LA Little Tokyo. However, in 1941, with the Pacific War(World WarⅡ) with the United States, most of the Japanese workers were isolated from their homes and accepted into internment camps. Third, the 2nd generation soldiers who participated in the war with US forces during the Pacific War set up a lot in the battlefield. The US government changed the immigration policy of the people from Anti-Japanese to emancipation policy, reconstruction of Little Tokyo. Fourth, in order to succeed the experience of the Pacific War and the internment camps in response to the aging of the first generation of the Nikkejin, a movement for erecting a museum was started in earnest in the mid-1980s around Little Tokyo, centering on the politics, business and community leaders. At the center of the Korean-Japanese was the Colonel Kim Young-ok and the David Hyun in Village Plaza. Fifth, the Pacific War was transformed into a place where Little Tokyo was a symbol of disunion with Japan, but the museum was transformed into a place where Japanese people share their historical experiences. In conclusion, it is believed that the construction, reconstruction, and maintenance of such a Little Tokyo was accomplished by cooperation with various races such as the relationship with the Korean-Americans as well as with the American people. Among them, we must remember the contribution of the Korean-Americans to the building of a community, especially the 2nd generation Korean soldiers, Young-Ok Kim, who participated in the European battle, and David Hyun, who designed the Japanese Village Plaza.

      • KCI등재

        약물을 이용한 행동조절시 부가적인 아산화질소 흡입진정의 효과

        양규호,진영임 大韓小兒齒科學會 1996 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.23 No.4

        Nitrous oxide has acquired widespread use as a tool for management of anxious and comprehensive pediatric dental patients. Clinical impressions have suggested that inhalation sedation with N₂O/O₂reinforces the effect of other sedatives. Fifteen uncooperative children, mean age of 37months, who were regarded as fail in the first treatment using chloral hydrate-hydroxyzine orally, midazolam orally or intranasally, were sedated with the same sedatives in conjunction with N₂O/O₂ All the children were restrained in a pediwrap and were monitored with pulse oximeter for their heart rate and oxygen saturation. Degree of sleep, crying and movement were evaluated. The clinical results indicated that a satisfactory level of sedation was achieved in approximately two thirds of the cases (about 66%) under those sedation manner. Complications were rare and those of treatments were successfully completed without difficulty.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        개성 공민왕릉 석인상 연구

        임영애(Young Ae Yim) 한국불교미술사학회 2001 강좌미술사 Vol.17 No.-

        The sculptures of scholarly and military officials(文武人像) in the royal tomb of Gongminwang(恭愍王) reveal some new aspects in style. First, the stone sculptures of military officials wearing armor newly appears, which is different from the old style that only has a scepter. Second, scholary officials are divided into two categories ; one couple of these look like young officials and the other couple look like old ones. This division is also applied to military officials. Third, one couple of military officials put their hands together(拱手) with the sword on their clothes, on the other hand, the other ones set their hands on the sword which has been pulled out and placed in the front. Like these, every efforts has been made to give them various aspects, otherwise stone sculptures in their own sense would seem very simple. Besides, they have other outstanding characteristics ; accurate description of body and clothes, fine carving techniques and so on. Especially they look so lively that they must be based on real ones. We can say that there are no abbreviation and no exaggeration, and these should be counted as the best sculptures at that period. These characteristics which had been established in the latter period of Koryo were succeeded to the early Chosun period, and set the base of the Chosun stone sculptures of scholarly and military officials. We can find these aspects in the Kunwon-leong(健元陵), the royal tomb of Taejo(太祖), and Heon-leong(憲陵), the royal tomb of Taejong(太宗). However, after the period of Sejong(世宗), big changes had been made, so old Young-leong(舊 英陵) took a new shape. The main reason of these changes would come from the fact that Kim Sa-haeng(金師辛) supervising the royal tomb of Gongminwang, and Park Ja-chong(朴子淸) influenced by Kim Sa-haeng were all retired from the front. Afterwards, the Chosun stone sculptures of scholary and military officials took old Young-leong(舊 英陵)`s influence and made its own style.

      • 점액성췌장 낭종 1예

        황석주,김영운,오성광,김대영,임선재,박승욱,이두용,이헌영 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1995 충남의대잡지 Vol.22 No.2

        Pancreatic cystadenoma is very rare, slow growing tumor and generally preoperative differential diagnosis may be difficult. A 43-year-old female was admitted to our hospital with the complaint of abdominal discomfort in the epigastrium for about preceeding 5 years. Ultrasonography and Computed tomography were performed. When endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatogram was performed, displacement of distal pancreatic duct by huge mass was noted and injected dye was drained irregulary into the cavity of mass. Distal pancreatectomy was performed with splenectomy. The mass size of distal pancreas was 7X4cm, and the cyst contained with yellowish thick mucoid fluid. Diagnosis was confirmed the mutinous cystadenoma of the pancreas on histologic examination.

      • KCI등재

        H9c2 심근 세포주에서 외인성 nitric oxide가 허혈에 의한 세포 독성에 미치는 영향

        정성구,장현용,김명천,고영관,정주호,배영미,박원서,김대중,유영민,김성수,임성빈 대한응급의학회 2001 대한응급의학회지 Vol.12 No.4

        Background: Nitric oxide(NO) is known to have protective effects on an ischemic heart and to exert triggering effects on ischemic preconditioning. However, the effects of NO during the ischemic period have not been investigated. To investigate the role of exogenous nitric oxide in a model of ischemic heart cell death, we studied the effects of ischemic preconditioning and ischemia in a normal and an ischemic buffer. Methods: Rat cardiac myoblast cells(H9c2) were cultured in a normal and an ischemic buffered medium. For the ischemic culture of heart cells, the cells were cultured in a dessicator with GasPak for 5 hrs. In ischemic preconditioning, the cells were pretreated with ischemic buffer for 5 min and then perfused with normal medium for 30 min. For the measurement of the cytotoxicity, a MTT(3-4-Sdimethylthiazol-2-yl-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) assay was performed. A DAPI(4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride) staining procedure and a flow cytometry analysis were performed to confirm apoptotic cell death by ischemia. Results: Cell viability, as determined by using a MTT assay, showed that the preconditioned group treated with NO showed more cell death than with the not-preconditioned groups in both normal and ischemic buffers. But, In normal medium and not-preconditioned groups, NO showed protective effect according to the concentrations(100,1000μM) . No treatment with NO produced the different results. In normal medium, the protective effect of ischemic preconditioning was demonstrated, but no protective effect of ischemic preconditioning could be seen in the case of the ischemic buffer. The DAPI staining and flow cytometry analysis of heart cells showed characteristic apoptotic features. Conclusion: NO added in the ischemic phase had deterious effects on heart cells. Ischemic preconditioning was more harmful than ischemia alone. The toxicity of the cells was characteristic apoptosis.

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