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      • 美國靑年文化에 관한 硏究

        공석영 同德女子大學校 1991 同大論叢 Vol.21 No.1

        Ⅰ. Introduction In terms of social political point of view, the 20st century is called "Me" Generation. What is more important, in relation to Young people, the "Me" Generation focuses on the person, especially on the self. Every nation faces the problem of incorporating its youth and young adults into society. Indeed, the continuity and vitality of a nation depends upon how well young people are integrated into the primary social, political, and economic institutions. Throughout history, surges in the youth population have been associated with societal stress, to the point of sometimes damaging the relations between age groups. The problem of integrating youth into society takes on an increasing sense of urgency in view of the rapidly growing numbers of young people around the world today. The problem of absorbing youth into society is already apparent on a global scale. The status of youth and their opportunities to become productive adults have been recognized as key international problems of the 1990s. As the United Nations' Advisory Committee for the international year of the Youth(1985) concluded in its report to the General Assembly : "The principal issue will continue to center on the problems encountered in integrating youth into the overall life of a society". The student activity program is an integral part of the educational offering of all schools. The school recognizes the importance of the student of informal educational opportunities and it encourages participation in special interest groups ; students share in the planning and operation of the activity program. The student government strives to stimulate closer fellowship among students, to promote student activities, to encourage participation in school affairs, to help adjust(solve) student problems, to stimulate academic achievements, and to provide a closer relationship between students and administration. The purpose of this study is to provide the student with an opportunity for educaional, cultural, and social growth through a diversified a activity program. Ⅱ. Outlines of the Study A. Proposal : To study youth culture : 1. to analyse the aspects of youth culture. 2. to find out the problems and characteristics of the group activity. 3. to grasping the present aspects of the youth culture. B. Statement of the problem : Youth Culture prevails among differing ethnic group at the University of Massachusetts. C. The contents of this study : There are 5 categories & 9 group activities. a. 5 categories ; 1. Language culture, 2. Spiritual culture, 3. Behavioral culture, 4. Environmental culture, and 5. Sexual culture. b. 9 Extracurricular activities ; 1. How to participate 2. Motive to join 3. Nature of participation 4. Utility program 5. Decision making process 6. Problem of group activity 7. Expenses involved in gruop activities 8. Extent of group activities 9. Personal contribution. D. Data collection : Tools 1. theoretical study, materials, literature, articles, dissertation, etc. 2. Surveys(questionnaire ; youth culture, extracurricular activities.) 3. Delphi technique : interview with specialists E. Definition of term : Youth Culture. "Youth," according to Keniston(1970) is a transition period which differs from adolescence in several ways. In youth, there is a conflict beween trying to maintain an autonomus sense of self and being socially involved. This differs from the cove adolescent conflict, which involves a struggle for self-definition. In addition, Keniston claims that adolescents may be characterized as trying to develop toward an "endpoint," that is, an identity on self-definition. Youth, however, already have such a sense of self and continually value development and change. They dislike "being in a rut," or 'getting nowhere' with their lives, and value the ability "to keep moving" in life. So to summarize, the adolescent-because of the impact of all the changes converging on him or her-may be described as in a state of crises, a state of search for self-definition. To define youth as those between the ages of 15 and 25 may no longer be valid. Youth, therefore, is defined exclusively as middle-and upper-class young people pursuing their education. Other experts define youth as all those who are within a particular age category. Many contributors and many participants in UNESCO regional youth conferences agree that the definition of youth applies to all the 'young' and define being 'young' as extending to age 30 or 35, depending on their natinal experiences. As we enter the 1990s, our definition and understanding of youth have certainly become broader and more flexible than those first put foward in the 1960s. Young people in the city or the countryside, those in school and those with little or no access to education, young women with their specific social functions. In colleges, some dormitories are coed(boys and girls live on the same floor but not in the same room). needs and rights, young members of ethnic and linguistic minorities, young people bearing the burden of physical/mental, and emotional hardships : The Terms of Youth Culture : A general term referring to the clothing, life styles, leisure-time activities, jargon and other characteristics associates with adolescence.(1) All those attitudes, behaviors, and material objects which characterize, and set apart, persons in their teens and early twenties.(2) They are still oriented toward fullfilling their Parents' desire, but they look very much to their perrs for approval as well. Consequently, our society has within its midst a set of small teenage societies, which focus teenage interests and attitudes on things far removed from adult responsibilities, and which develop standards that lead away from those goals established by the large society.(3) Ⅲ. Research Results & Conclusions Youth culture is a universal phenomenon. Ties phenomenon of 'adolescence' was named at the turn of the century by G.Stanly Hall(1904). It signalled the emergence of a period of life beyond childhood but before adoption of adult responsibilitie. Those children who did not go directly into the labor force, but continued into high school occupied this emerging stage of life. As this fraction of the child population who stayed on in school continued to grow, the period of adolescence began to encompass the whole age gruop of 13 or 14 to 17. When this happedned in the 1930s and 1940s, a distinctive pattern of life began to emerge, around the high school. Some sociologist(Gordon, 1957 ; Coleman, 1961) described this pattern of life in the 1950s as a pattern in which high school athletics, cars, clothing, and dating played an important part and began to write of an "adolescent society : or an "adolescent culture". Since then, there have been ongoing disputes about whether there existed an adolescent culture, or whether teen-agers were not more adult-oriented than appeared from description of the adolescent culture. But during the 1960s and 1970s, a new phenomenon developed, one that was named by Kenneth Keniston(1970) : the phenomenon of youth. Keniston pointed out, as Hall had done for adolescents seventy years earlier, that there was emerging a new period of life, after adolescence but before assumption of adult responsibilities. He called this period "youth", and the term youth has come to be more and more widely used for a segment of the population, some of whom are adolescent, some of whom are beyond adolescence, but not yet of full independent adult status. The term "adolescent" and the period of adolescence, but not yet of full independent adult status. The term "adolescent" and the period of adolescence has been in part absorbed by this more inclusive category of "youth". As college attendance grew in the 1960s, this segment came to include a larger and larger fraction of the post-high school age group, along with the high school age group. With this expansion in the 1960s came a set of distinctive patterns of activity associated with youth, but a more diverse array than those of the adolescent society in the high school, these patterns include style of dress, ranging from high involvement with new fashions to studied rejection of accepted norms of appropriate dress. They include new forms of music, and sometimes associated with it, drug use. They include small intense subgroups, with content ranging from religious and mystical belief to political activity. These and other attributes can be said to describe a "youth culture", not because they constitute a homogenious culture, nor because they characterize all youth, but because when taken together, they are activities initiated by youth and pursued more by youth than by adults. It is still the case that many young persons are little involved in the "youth culture", and are fully occupied in preparation for adult responsibilities. But the youth culture in all its varieties nevertheless exists, and it is important to examine it in some detail. This examination will not attempt to describe youth culture in all its facets. That would entail a study of the rock music culture, the hippy culture, the athletic crowd in high schools, the motorcycle cult, the surers, the new left, the drug culture, the Jesus cult, Hare Krishna, mysticism, the college campus culture, and others, some international, others highly localized. Indeed, a description of the present varietieds of youth culture would be quickly incorrect because the culture changes rapidly. One problem facing complex industrial societies is how different forms of cultural plurality can coexist. A plurality of culture does not mean that various cultural groups have equal access to political power or to imposing their cultural patterns on society. The interest of subcultures in the United States, can be traced to the fact that, historically, the United States was faced with the problem of an immigrant labor force. Disparate groups from different ethnic orjins, speaking differernt languages, with different cultural backgrounds were not conducive to the development of a common class-consciousness. Analysis of Youth culture and subcultures can be summarised by dividing them into generational and structural explanations. Youth for Eisenstadt(1956) is a 'transitory phase between the world of childhood and adult world'. Youth and adolescence were central areas of study in the 1930s in America as illustrated by the American Socio-logical Association's conference in 1934 at Yale. The anthropologist Ralph Linton(1942) also touched on the idea that young people had their own distinctive culture patterns. Youth culture develops inverse values to the adult world of productive work and conformity to routine and responsibility. Youth develops its own values concerning consumption, hedonistic leisure activities and irresponsibility. The characteristics Parson describes suggest high school teenage culture, concern with glamour, looking attractive, having fun, all located in the educational system. It is a world peopled with conforming figures, athletics, football jocks, prom queens and cheer leaders. At the time, through the media, this aspect of American youth culture was influential not only in the United States, but in Britain, Canada and Europe. For Parsons(1964), youth culture is related to the bridge between the dependency of childhood and the independence of adulthood. It is a sort of adolescent 'rite de passage', and essentially a middle-class and working-class youth exists only on the periphery. Popular music was a central feature of youth culture, in particular the consumption of discs aimed as specific age groups. With this expansion in the 1960s came a set of distinctive patterns, of activity associated with youth, but a more diverse arrary than those of the adolescent society in high school. To study Youth Culture, the questionnaire were given to 200 students by random sampling and 150 answers which is a 75% respones, It was have been analized. 1. The language culture : The usage of slang is on average more than 10 per day for a person. ex) Yeah=Yes, Hi=Hellow, That's cool=Great, looking neat or good.. Wicked=Very good, Bucks=Dollars, Dude=guy, Chic=Girl, .... To observe the language usage is a very important task in the educational situation. 2. The spiritual culture : The major concern of young people in America are mainly academic problems(school work, school assignment), uncertain future(get a job, want to be...), and human relationships(family, boy/girl friends,..) 3. The behavioral culture : Behavioral Culture ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents\Divisions Yes(%) No(%) Total(%) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smoking 14(9.3) 136(90.7) 150(100.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alchol 116(77.3) 34(22.7) 150(100.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drugs 15(10.0) 135(90.0) 150(100.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dance 138(92.0) 12(8.0) 150(100.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vehicles 135(90.0) 15(10.0) 150(100.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gamble 36(24.0) 114(76.0) 150(100.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video Game 56(37.3) 94(62.7) 150(100.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clothes, Jeans 92(61.3) 58(38.7) 150(100.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 〃 Ripped Wear 26(17.3) 124(82.7) 150(100.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 〃 School Mark 48(32.0) 102(68.0) 150(100.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hair Style:free response ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M. average ; 60.0. crew cut/flap top ; 12.5 pony tail ; 8.3 wraped/curly/punk 5.0%, etc.. F. average ; 43.8. long hair ; 43.6 flip/curly/punk ; 5.0% etc... 4. The environmental culture : Environmental culture is investigated to check the level of academic atmosphere. The library, which is the core of knowledge, is the main focus of the investigation. The tower library is 28th floors, and seats 3,000 at the sametime. There are guidance and counseling center, mental health center, family housing office, dormitory, health service center, career center, 5. The sexual culture : The result of study about boy/girl friends relatinships is following. Boy/Girl friends ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents\Divisions M(%) F(%) (%) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes 38(52.8%) 54(69.2%) 92(61.3%) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No 34(47.2%) 24(30.8%) 58(38.7%) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives(%) 72(100.0) 78(100.0) 150(100.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I found that there are 92 students out of 150 students have boy/girl friends. There are tendences such the as following. see each other 3-5 times/week (31.%), everdcay meeting(20.6%), 1~2 times/week (17.4%), living together or marriage(9.8%), In the United States, individual have great freedom and opportunity to meet others. They often go on dates in their early teens without a chaperone, share expenseeon dates, and even live together without being married. Teenagers meet members of the opposite sex at school, parties, and other B. The extracurricular activities To study group dynamics, I selected 20 out 260 groups by random sampling. the questionnaires were given to 200 students, and 87 answers which is a 43.5% response, have been analized. 1. How to participate : The results of research on the question How did you participate in extracurricular activities? are the following : In the case of first-joiners, they are mostly influenced by friends, seniors, introducing of others(63.2%), and then responding to advertisement, special invitation or information(23.0%) 2. Motive to join : There are tendencies such as the following ; to cultivate wider social awareness(48.3%), to build human relationships(28.7%), to establish a broader perspective of life(12.6%), to learn hobbies and interest(6.9%), to obtain religious life(3.4%). 3. Favorite program : There are tendencies such as the following ; social/political/economic issues(74.7%), seminars, workshop(11.5%), drama/plays/dance, etc(11.5%), social services(2.2%). 4. Purpose of group activity : There are tendencies such as the following ; to obtain an opportunity for basic culture and knowledge(55.2%), to improve communication(26.4%), to improve expression skills(11.5%), to know more about myself(5.7%). 5. Decision making process : There are tendencies such as the following ; by concensus(48.3%), by executive(29.9%), by the president or group leader(17.2%). 6. Main problem of group activity : There are tendencies such as the following ; lack of facilities and funds(41.4%), contradiction of goals(23.0%), differences among members(17.2%), lack of leadership(11.5%). 7. Expenses involved in group activities : There are tendencies such as the following ; (per month) $0-5(51.7%), $6-10(18.4%), $20-(5.7%), $11-20(1.1%). 8. Extend of group activities : There are tendencies such as the following ; #1(41.4%), #2-3(40.2%), #4-5(12.6%), #-(3.4%). The kind of a society adults offer youth is associated with young people's chance to develop their full human potential, to become responsible adults, and to participate in the future development of the nation in which they live. To a large extent, social integration is determined by the structure of society itself, a key aspect of which is a nation's level of development. National development has been defined as "improvement in the basic aspects of life", in which case all these different indicators of development become improvement. According to a United nations report(1981), the areas of national development most crucial to young people's well-being aroused the world are economic development, employment, urbanization, health care, literacy, education, and the cance to participate in politics. In summary, the characteristics of American youth culture, which distinguish it from adult culture, have been presented, namely, norms, sentiments, appearance, dress, language, and customs, all patterned with rigorous conformity. The broadest contours of this youth culture have been revealed also by the widespread conflict between youth and adult socializing instructions. This withdrawal lays the basis for the appearance of the conspiracy of silence which excludes adults from supervision and control of youth activities. Although all these factors are clues(pointing to the existence of a relatively distinctive social world of) youth, the social structure of youth culture must be presented and analyzed before the factual existence of a youth culture can be demonstrated. This social structure seems to consist of a series of informal socializing institutions, initiated and perpectuated by youth, which form a dominant part of the process of socialization of American youth. Due to the fact that the behavior pattern of young people has periodic and temporary characteristic trend. The continuous observation and in-depth research face many problems. Assuming that there is a unigue culture of young people according to their environment, this research could be a contribution to general research of this youth culture. Based on the fact that 1990 is a transitional point of the decade, this study would be a very meaningful task. The study of youth culture would be very important for the future of a country. Therefore, more study on this topic must be done in the future. Youth Culture is a passing fad, here today, gone tomorrow.

      • KCI등재

        Factors associated with the risk of colorectal neoplasia in young adults under age 40

        Ilsoo Kim,Han Hee Lee,Young Jae Ko,Ho Eun Chang,Dae Young Cheung,Bo-In Lee,Young-Seok Cho,Jin Il Kim,Myung-Gyu Choi 대한내과학회 2022 The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol.37 No.5

        Background/Aims: Recent epidemiologic studies have shown a continued increase in colorectal cancer incidence among younger adults. Little is known about the factors that contribute to the development of young-onset colorectal neoplasia (CRN). Methods: A cross-sectional analysis was performed for individuals younger than 40 years who underwent colonoscopy in Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital and its affiliated health screening center. High-risk CRN was defined as adenoma or sessile serrated lesion ≥ 10 mm, with three or more adenomas, villous histology, high grade dysplasia, or carcinoma. Results: Of these 13,621 included participants, 2,023 (14.9%) had one and more CRN. Young patients with CRN tended to be elderly, male, obese, smoker, having a habit of drinking, and having comorbidities such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease. In a multivariate analysis adjusted for age, sex, obesity, smoking status, and alcohol intake, old age (odds ratio [OR], 1.086; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.054 to 1.119), male sex (OR, 1.748; 95% CI, 1.247 to 2.451), obesity (OR, 1.439; 95% CI, 1.133 to 1.828), and smoking (OR, 1.654; 95% CI, 1.287 to 2.127) were independent risk factors for overall CRN. Obesity and smoking as two modifiable factors increased the risk for high-risk CRN even more than for overall CRN (OR, 1.734; 95% CI, 1.168 to 2.575 and OR, 1.797; 95% CI, 1.172 to 2.753, respectively). Conclusions: Obesity and smoking were modifiable risk factors for CRN in young adults. They increased the risk for highrisk CRN even more than for overall CRN. A colonoscopy might be beneficial for young individuals with these factors.

      • KCI등재

        Young-Ki Kim

        Sun-young Park,Youngjae Lee,Jinyoung Song,Seok-ho Jeon,Ji-yoon Jeong,강병택,강지훈,장진화,장동우 한국임상수의학회 2016 한국임상수의학회지 Vol.33 No.3

        Signalment: An 8-month-old female Alaskan malamute was presented for progressive cluster seizure disorder. Results: There were no abnormalities on neurological examination, survey radiographs, or blood analysis. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and computed tomography revealed extension of the olfactory bulb and frontal lobe into the nasal cavity. They also confirmed abnormal anatomy of the nasal turbinates within the rostral part of the nasal cavity and the absence of a cribriform plate. On T2-weighted and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images, the herniated brain showed heterogeneous and hyperintense signals consistent with intraparenchymal edema. Transverse MR images showed brain herniation into the right frontal cavity and an asymmetrical lateral ventricle because of a left midline shift. On contrast-enhanced MR images, the protruding brain parenchyma was mildly enhanced. Ethmoidal encephalocele was suspected as the final diagnosis. Despite symptomatic treatment, the dog continued to exhibit seizures and was euthanized. Clinical relevance: Ethmoidal encephalocele is a rare disease in dogs. However, it could be considered as a cause of seizure in young dogs.

      • KCI등재

        Study on Aging Effect of Adhesion Strength Between Polyimide Film and Copper Layer

        Seok‑Bon Koo,Chang‑Myeon Lee,Sang‑Jun Kwon,Jun‑Mi Jeon,Jin‑young Hur,Hong‑Kee Lee 대한금속·재료학회 2019 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.25 No.1

        This paper experimentally confirmed that the adhesion strength of the copper layer formed on the surface of the polyimidefilm by wet plating greatly changes with the aging time. The adhesion strength of the copper layer showed a rapid increasefrom 4 to 10 h after aging had begun and then converged to a value without a significant change. The adhesion enhancementbetween polyimide film and copper layer by aging is due to the interlocking effect caused by the volume expansion of copperoxide (CuO) formed in the polyimide, the increased mobility of copper particles enlarged by the decrease of impuritiesin the copper layer grain boundaries, and the consequent change of the crystal structure of the copper layer leading to theinternal stress reduction. Such adhesion improvement can be confirmed by the progress of the cohesive failure indicatingthe breakdown of the polyimide film.

      • KCI등재

        Superconducting MgB2 Wire Drawing Considering Anisotropic Hardening Behavior and Hydrostatic Effect

        YoungSeok Oh,Ho Won Lee,Kook‑Chae Chung,Duck‑Young Hwang,Seong‑Hoon Kang,Jeong Whan Yoon 대한금속·재료학회 2022 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.28 No.7

        Numerical modeling was conducted to investigate the deformation behavior of powder mixture during multi-pass drawingprocesses for multi-filamentary MgB2wire. A modified Drucker-Prager Cap (DPC) model with an elliptical cap surface usingthe new material characterization method was developed to capture the anisotropic hardening behavior and hydrostatic effectof the powder mixture. A number of uniaxial die compaction, cold isostatic pressing, diametrical compression, and uniaxialcompression tests were conducted using different powder densities to characterize the modified DPC model. A commercialfinite element software ABAQUS with a user subroutine was used to simulate the drawing of the MgB2wire. The densityand area fraction of the powder mixture during the wire-drawing process were verified with experimental results. The differencein packing density at the inner and outer filaments of the MgB2wire was successfully captured by simulation. Inaddition, the effect of the initial packing density on the superconducting properties of MgB2wire was numerically studied. It is shown that the increase in the superconducting area, which results from a high initial packing density, should be moreeffective compared to the increase in the grain connectivity in enhancing the critical current properties for the MgB2wirewhen the final packing density is saturated after a number of drawing processes.

      • KCI등재후보

        On non-moraic geminates

        Young-Seok Kim 한국음운론학회 2002 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.8 No.2

        Kim, Young-Seok 2002. On Non-moraic Geminates. Studies in Phonetics, Phonology and Morphology 8.2. 187-200. In Moraic Theory, it is generally assumed that geminates are lexically specified for a mora, so that a CVC syllable should always count as heavy if the coda consonant is part of an underlying geminate, even in languages like Korean where a CVC syllable invariably counts as light otherwise. Based on I-gemination and other geminates derived by total assimilation, we show that this assumption is simply not tenable. The mora is a unit of phonological weight, not of segment length. In this paper we explore ways to represent non-moraic geminates, and propose a return to the skeletal theory minimally supplemented with the Moraic Projection. (Sogang University)

      • KCI등재

        Herman Melville’s Historical Conception in Pierre, Or the Ambiguities :The Duplicity of American Thought and the Silenced

        ( Seok¸ A-young ) 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2011 영어권문화연구 Vol.4 No.1

        The objective of this research is to analyze how Herman Melville's perception on American history and thought are expressed in his Pierre; or, the Ambiguities. As an American-made individual, Pierre’s tragedy is caused not only by a personal fault stemming from his ignorance, but also by a social cause as well, which comes from the duplicity of American thought. Based on the analysis of the Declaration of Independence as a representative document revealing the duplicity of American history and thought, I tried to examine Melville's satirical response to the duality of American thought represented by the parody of Saddle Meadows and the Glendinning family, exaggerated rhetoric of the main characters, and multiple-layered meaning of the narrative. Consequently, Pierre's irrational thought and act, which is done being blinded Transcendentalist thought and finally leads him to the tragic fate, can be read as Pierre's effort to create his own fiction throughout the narrative; this American-made individual makes his own fiction and myth, however fails. And directly related to this, Pierre's obsessive pursuit toward the absolute truth, which does not exist, also might be read as a result of fictitiousness made by him. Melville's recognition of the duplicity and ironies in American history in Pierre might be seen as his doubt and answer to the national conflict of America in the nineteenth century; also to a question of what Americanness is, which is metaphorically represented as the characteristic of Saddle Meadows and brings out an individual

      • KCI등재후보

        Brassica 種들의 花뢰크기에 의한 小胞子 發育段階 및 胚發生 比較

        장영석(Young Seok Jang),민경수(Kyung Soo Min),오용비(Yong Bee Oh),정동희(Dong Hee Chung) 한국육종학회 1997 한국육종학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to search for the identifing method that could separate buds with embryogenic potential from collected buds for increasing the efficiency of embryogenesis by microspore culture in Brassica species. It was investigated developmental stage of microspore by bud-size and ratio of petal/anther length and compared to amount of embryogenesis through isolated microspore culture from the buds with late-uninucleate stage. In Brasica napus, Lisandra of spring type showed bud-size of 3.2~4.1mm which belongs to late-uninucleate stage as embryogenic microspores and their range of petal/ anther length ratio were 1/2~3/4. Hallayuchae of winter type rapeseed showed bud-size of 3.1~3.6mm which belongs to late-uninucleate stage as embryogenic microspores and their range of petal/anther length ratio were 1/3~1/2. Two genotypes of B juncea had the same petal/anther length ratio as range of 1/2~3/4 with embryogenic microspores but their bud-size were some difference as bud-size of Young-sanpohwanggyeja were 2.9~4.0mm and bud-size of Hwanggyeja were 2.9~4.1mm. Also, two genotypes of B. campestris had the same petal/anther length ratio as range of 2/3~3/4 with embryogenic microspores but bud-sizes were some difference as bud-size of Hyakusai were 2.9~3.4mm and bud-size of Sosongchae were 2.9~3.2mm. In B. oleracea, the petal/anther length ratio with embryogenic microspores according to bud-size were showed range of 1/2~2/3 in all of two genotypes and bud-size of Broccoli were 2.4~3.2mm and bud-size of Cauliflower were 2.9~3.7mm. In the embryo yield per 100,000 microspores by isolated microspore culture from the buds with embryogenic microspores, Young-sanpohwanggyeja of B. juncea were 47 embryos and Hwanggyeja of B. juncea were 23 embryos, B. campestris of Hyakusai were 367 and Sosongchae were 123, B. oleracea of Broccoli were 678 and Cauliflower were 562. However in B. napus was showed much differences by the growth habit, the spring type of Lisandra were producted 7,047 embryos of which higher about 9.2 times than those of winter type Hallayuchae.

      • MgCl₂溶液內에서 STS 304 HP Stainless Steel 熔接部의 破壞擧動에 對한 硏究

        金永奭,丁太權,朴昌彦,洪錫柱,梁仁榮,金基玉,朴煥奎,李茂錫,曺圭宰,鄭在康 조선대학교 생산기술연구소 1983 生産技術硏究 Vol.1983 No.-

        This paper is based on an experiment analysing the stress corrosion cracking behaviour of welding specimens compared to that of non-welding specimens of STS 304 HP stainless steel in corrosion solution. As a corrosion condition, stainless steel has been known to be the most fragile in a solution of 42% MgCl₂heated to the boiling point, therefore the experiment was carried out in this condition. The experiment was carried out with argon gas TIG welding specimens and non-welding ones made of stainless steel plates, thickness 2mm, by tensile force. At this time, the tensile force was taken to be the value of the yield strength of the tensile test specimens divided by the safety factor of 3.0 to 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, and 5.0. In this paper, the relations between Time of Initial Crack, Time of Failure, Time of Final Fracture and Crack Propagation Length were investigated and then plotted. Furthermore, the relations between Stress Intensity Factor K proposed by Irwin and the Time of Initial Crack, the Time of Failure, the Time of Final Fracture were calculated and plotted. At the last, all the relations plotted were expressed to normal equations by computer, and the equations were used to analyse the data obtained in the experiment. The conclusions obtained in this study are as follows: 1. Welding materials, compared with non-welding ones, as the Time of Initial Crack, the Time of Failure, and the Time of Final Fracture were generally very fast, appeared to be a phenomenon of unstable brittleness fracture. 2. Non-welding materials, compared with welding ones, as the safety factor was larger or the working stress was smaller, appeared to be a phenomenon that the longer had had greater durability. Therefor, welding materials must be considered enough to be used in heate affected and stress corrosion atmosphere. 3. The normal equations of the Time of Initial Crack and the variation rate to the same Stress Intensity Factor K are as follows: (A) Non-welding T =259702.4-5451.2 K+28.386 K² T = -5451.2+28.386 K (B) Welding T= -332.693+28.043 K-0.211 K² T' =28.043-0.211 K here, T; Time of Initial Crack, T'; Variation Rate of Time of Initial Crack to Stress Intensity Factor K, K ; Stress Intensity Factor.

      • KCI등재

        Pender의 건강증진모형을 적용한 간호대학생의 건강증진행위 관련요인

        한석영(Han, Seok­Young) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2018 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.18 No.8

        본 연구목적은 Pender의 건강증진모형을 적용하여 간호대학생의 건강증진행위의 관련변인과 영향요인들을 확인함으로써 간호대학생의 건강증진을 위한 간호중재 방법의 개발을 위한 기초자료를 파악하는데 있다. K 광역시에 소재한 간호대학교의 간호대학생 399명을 대상으로 자료수집을 하였고, 자료분석은 SPSS/WIN 19.0을 사용 하여 대상자의 일반적 특성은 빈도와 백분율을, 대상자의 일반적 특성에 따른 건강 증진행위의 차이는 t-test와 ANOVA로 분석하여 Scheffé test로 사후검증하였고, 건강증진행위 관련요인들과의 상관관계는 Pearson’s correlation coefficient로, 건강증 진행위에 영향을 미치는 요인은 step­wise multiple regression을 이용하였다. 간호대 학생의 건강증진행위 평균은 2.66점이었고, 건강증진행위와 변수들과의 상관관계는 이전 건강관련행위(r=.300, p=.000), 지각된 장애성(r=.178, p=.000), 행위관련 감정 (r=.106, p=.034), 행동계획수립(r=.195, p=.000)과 유의한 순상관관계를 보였다. 간호 대학생의 건강증진행위에 영향을 미치는 가장 중요한 요인은 학년으로 2학년 이 전체 변이의 21.8%를 설명하였고, 이전 건강관련행위, 행동계획수립, 행위관련 감정, 지각된 장애성, 연령과 함께 전체 변이의 36%를 설명하였다. 따라서 본 연구에서 간호대학생의 건강증진행위를 가장 잘 설명해주는 요인으로는 개인적인 특성에서 학년으로 나타났다. 이상의 연구결과를 바탕으로 간호대학생의 학년 및 연령에 따른 건강증진 프로그램이 요구되고, 이전의 건강관리행위, 행동계획수립, 행위관련 감정, 지각된 장애성을 고려한 건강증진 프로그램으로 효과를 높일 수 있는 전략이 필요하 다. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing health promoting behaviors and the related determinants affecting nursing college student’s health based on the Health Promotion Model by Pender(1996). The data was collected by self-reported questionnaire from 399 participants under the permission of data collection in at K metropolitan city. For data analysis, SPSS/ WIN 19.0 program was utilized for descriptive statistics, t­test, ANOVA, Scheffé test, Pearson’s correlation, and step­wise multiple regression. The average score for the HPBs, consisting of 6 subscales was 2.66. The highest mean score was 2.80 in ‘interpersonal relations’ and the lowest one was 2.54 in ‘Physical activity’. The HPBs were positively associated to ‘prior related behavior’ (r=.300, p=.000), ‘perceived barriers to action’ (r=.178, p=.000), and ‘activity related affect’ (r=.106, p=.034), and ‘commitment to a plan of action’ (r= .195, p=.000). The most important variable in HPBs was ‘2nd grade’. It explained 21.8 % out of the total variance of HPBs. ‘Prior related behavior’, ‘perceived barriers to action’, ‘activity related affect’, ‘commitment to a plan of action’, and ‘age’ explained 36%. According to the results of this study, the suggestions were as follows. It is necessary to develop program considering the grade of nursing college students. To facilitate and maintain HPBs of nursing college students must be mutually planned interactive health prevention programs.

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