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      • 洛東江 河口의 植生에 관한 硏究 : The Biomass of Foodplants for the Migration Birds 철새의 먹이植物을 中心으로

        尹解順 東亞大學校 大學院 1984 大學院論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        The estimation of biomasses of such foodplants as Scirpus tirqueter, Zostera noltii, Potamogeton crispus and vallisneria asiatica was carried out at the estuary and related area of Nakdong River, since these plants have been known as foodplants for the birds. Among these plants, especially, the total biomass of Scirpus and Zostera were remarkably reduced from Oct. to Jan., and then the rate of the reduction decreased moderately from Jan. to Apr. The underground parts of Scirpus decrease to 7.6% during the winter in the muddy area. And the biomass reduction of Zostera was similar to that of Scirpus. These results suggest that such plants are important as feeding materials for the herbivorous and omnivorous birds and these plants are under the relatively heavy feeding pressure.

      • KCI등재후보

        인터넷서비스제공자의 형사법적 책임

        윤해성 法務部 商事法務課 2005 선진상사법률연구 Vol.- No.32

        인터넷이 발달함에 따라 가상공간에서의 범죄행위 또한 급속하게 증가하고 있으며 그 대표적인 것이 명예훼손행위이다. 인터넷상의 명예훼손죄는 사이버상의 언어범죄로 비약될 수 있다. '언어를 지배하는 자가 세상을 지배한다'라는 말이 있다. 이는 곧 언어가 가지는 힘이 얼마나 대단한 것인지를 상기시켜주는 표현이다. 그러나 역으로 언어를 폭력이나 상대방의 비방의 목적으로 사용한다면 '언어를 훼손하는 자가 세상을 범죄화'한다는 말로 유추할 수 있을 것이다. 그만큼 언어는 새롭게 인류를 탄생시켰던 장본인이요, 인류지탱의 대명사라고 말할 수 있을 것이다. 이와 같이 인터넷은 어느 매체보다도 강한 전파성을 가진 표현매체이기 때문에 법익침해로 인한 피해의 정도 또한 심각하다. 명예훼손범죄는 전통적인 범죄의 일 유형이지만 인터넷상의 명예훼손행위는 기존의 형사적 규율이 예상하지 못한 문제점들을 가지고 있다. 특히 인터넷서비스제공자(ISP)의 형사적 책임 문제와 관련하여 최근에는 조리상의 작위의무와 명예훼손행위를 법적으로 규율하는 경우 표현의 자유와 인격권의 충돌이라는 헌법적 문제가 대두 되었다. 여기서 중요한 것은 어떻게 얼마만큼 이들 사이트운영자에게 사이버 언어범죄에 대한 법적 책임을 부담시킬 것인가이다. 반면 사이트 제공자는 사이버 언어범죄의 실행에 있어서 과연 어떠한 위치에서 조명해야 할 것인지의 문제로 압축된다. 결국 무조건적으로 책임을 지운다면 사이트 제공자들의 활동은 위축될 수 밖에 없고 정보의 바다라고 불리워지는 인터넷 산업은 절대절명의 위기에 봉착하게 될 것이기 때문이다. 나아가 사이트 제공자가 통제할 수 없는 이용자의 언어폭력행위에 대하여 사이트 제공자에게 책임을 묻는다면 근대 형사법의 '자기책임의 원칙'에도 반하게 되는 우려도 무시할 수 없다. 인터넷상의 명예훼손행위에 대한 가장 효과적인 수단으로 ISP에 대한 형사상 책임을 인정하는 것이다. 그러나 ISP의 책임을 광범위하게 인정하게 되면 자율적인 검열 및 통제의 확대로 인해 표현의 자유는 위축될 것이며, 인터넷 산업은 치명적인 타격을 받을 것이 자명하다. ISP에 대한 형사상 책임을 인정할 경우, 명예훼손행위를 방치하였으므로 부진정부작위범에 의한 명예훼손죄의 방조범에 해당할 가능성이 있다. 다만 ISP가 명예훼손사실을 인식한 경우에만 보증인지위를 인정하고 그 외의 구체적 사정, 삭제 또는 차단조치의 기술적 가능성 등을 고려하여 개별적 행위가능성을 판단하여 부작위범의 성립범위를 제한적으로 해석하여야 할 것이다. 물론 보증인 지위가 인정되는 경우에도 작위의무의 이행가능성이 인정되지 않는 경우에는 부작위범이 성립하지 않으므로 삭제 또는 차단조치의 기술적 가능성, 경제적 비용 등과 같은 구체적인 정황을 고려하여 행위가능성을 개별적으로 판단해야 할 것이다. 인터넷 명예훼손죄와 ISP는 통신산업의 육성이라는 정책목표와 사이버공간의 윤리라고 하는 질서요청, 그리고 표현의 자유를 중심으로 하는 개인의 기본권보호와 이로 인하여 침해될 수도 있는 타인의 권리보호의 문제가 서로 보완하는 시스템을 갖추었을 때 비로소 ISP의 문제점을 해결할 수 있을 것이다. 이것은 어느 한 쪽이 기울어져있는 시소가 아닌 양쪽이 서로 기울기를 반복하는 시소로써 표현될 수 있을 것이다. 이러한 시소효과가 시행착오를 겪으면서 나중에는 서로 똑같이 균형된 형태를 갖춘다면 사이버상의 건전한 질서가 유지될 것이다. The object of this thesis is study at the countermeasure for cyber-crimes, especially the libel in cyberspace. According to the development of internet crimes in cyberspace have rspidly increased. In particular, libel is common crime in cyberspace. Internet is very strong vehicle to spread expressioa which may result in serious damages. Libel is one of traditional crimes, but libel in cyberspace includes many new issues that the existing criminal law could not expect such as criminal responsibility of ISP (Internet Service Provider) and the limit of the jurisdiction of Korean Criminal Law. Criminal regulation of libel acts entails the collision of freedom of expression and personal rights If we regulate libel acts strictly by criminal law, then the freedom of expression would be shriveled Article 310 of the Penal Code should be interpreted balancing freedom of expression and personal rights. First of all, in this thesis, libel in cyberspace defines concept of "cyberlibel", so in principle, it includes all kind of crimes about honor in cyberspace. This definition is useful for discussion and it's the general concept all over the world. There are many problems in the Act such as penalty aggravation of libel absence of contempt So, this study interprets the "other publication" of the Article 309 of the Penal Code includes internet suggesting the Article revised to oover libel in cyberspace. The criminal responsibility of ISP as an actor by non-feasance is on debate. Considering both the freedom of expression and order of cyberspace, this study suggests 'guarantor status' to ISP should be limited. The limit of the jurisdiction of Korean Criminal Law is the matter that occurs due to international characteristics of internet. The majority of theories interpret the place of criminal acts and the place of criminal results differently in order to expand the limit of the jurisdiction. But if we expand the limit of the jurisdictioa then we may have serious problem about jurisdiction with other countries. For a rational control of cybercrimes including cyberlibel the best solution I think is that we must make a composite and new special law that is based on a recognition about characteristics of cyberspace and maybe make some articles about cyberlibel in that law.

      • 蒸發접시係數의 決定에 關한 硏究 : 嘉昌댐 貯水池를 中心으로 On Ga Chang Reservoir

        尹海植 영남이공대학 1982 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        Rreservoir evaporations were measured with a floating large size pan on Ga Chang reservoir from 1978 till 1980. Pan coefficient was calculated between reservoir evaporations and small size pan evaporations which were measured at Daegu meteorological station. Correlation coefficient was proved to be a strong positive correlation relatively between reservoir evaporations and small size pan evaporations.

      • 『堤中納言物語』의「はいずみ」論

        尹惠淑 培花女子大學 2009 培花論叢 Vol.28 No.-

        [Hazumi] is one of the work in [tutumityunagonmonogatari] that was known to be recorded during the end of Heian period. The story is about a man who would finally be with his wife after struggling between his wife and a woman who was in affair with him. It shows the different characteristics and the environments that are involved with and between the two women. It marks the contradictory world of first half and latter half of the story. With these special characteristics, it gives a great pleasure when it comes to the reversion at the end of the work. The main character in the story is drawn as a man who lives idyllic life and he is also drawn as a lucky man who has two women at once. In the beginning of the story, it brings a story of the wife in subdued manner however, in the latter part, with an appearance of the mistress, the story becomes ludicrous. Hence, the story shows the sensitiveness of the writer to create the contradictory stories between wife and a mistress.This kind of development, in the eyes of 'the wife', brings the bigger mass in the latter half. However, in the conclusion of [Haizumi] has the characteristic of bringing the fun reversal stories that delivers the great joy to the readers.

      • 小流域에 있어서 到達時間에 關한 硏究 : 新川流域을 中心으로 On Shin River Basin

        尹海植 영남이공대학 1982 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        It was derived two types formulae between time of concentration and morphological factors of river basin on Shin river basin. Topographical factors on divided river basins which are channel length, elevation difference, channel slope and basin area were measured by river longitudinal surveying. Times of concentration were measured with plastic phials by stop watch.

      • HM7 세포 표면 점액이 국소침윤 및 전이에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        윤완희,박혜덕,임규,황병두 충남대학교 생물공학연구소 1998 생물공학연구지 Vol.6 No.-

        Mucinous colorectal cancers have a poorer prognosis than which colorectal cancer produce low amount of mucin, but the exact mechanism is not well understood. The present study was undertaken to elucidate the exact mechanism of invasion and metastasis of high mucin producing colon cancer cells using mucin glycosylation inhibitor, benzyl-a-N-acetylgalactosamine. Materials and Methods: To evaluate the effect of glycosylated mucin on invasion and metastasis, in vitro invasion, metalloproteinases(MMPs) activity, cell-matrix protein binding, cell-cell aggregation, as well as endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule(ELAM-1) binding and cell surface expression of various mucin related antigens were analyzed. Results: MMPs activity in conditioned medium and invasion of ECM-coated porous filters by benzyl-a-GalNAc treated HM7 cells were decreased. There was no difference between control and treated HM7 cells in terms of matrix protein binding assay, but treated HM7 cells showed higher homotypic cell adhesion. The binding activity of treated HM7 cells to ELAM-1 was significantly decreased and fixed cell binding of MoAb SNH-3, 19-9(specific for sialyl-Lewis X and sialy-Lewis A) were also significantly decreased. Conclusion: These results suggest that glycosylated mucin modulates ELAM-1 binding, MMPs activity and homotypic cell adhesion, therefore enhance invasive and metastatic properties of human colon cancer cells.

      • 지하철 운행구간중 D철교 주변지역의 소음도 예측에 관한 연구

        윤세철,오종민,이해경 경희대학교 환경연구소 1998 環境硏究 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        This study was carried out to predict and evaluate the outdoor noise levels around the D railway bridge of the subway line. The counter-measure for noise control was reviewed as the tunnel. The outdoor noise levels are generally calculated by subtracting sound transmission loss of the tunnel envelope from indoor noise levels. The coefficient of sound absorption of tunnel envelope was NRC 0.6 and sound transmission loss STC 23. Prediction of the noise levels around the D railway bridge was achieved by dividing the circumference into 10m×l0m regular grid spaces. The indoor noise levels at the tunnel ranged from approximately 45dB(A) to l07dB(A) and the outdoor noise levels 37dB(A) to 67dB(A) as peak sound level. In this study the maximum sound level at all locations around the subway line should not exceed 60dB(A) as energy equivalent sound level(Leq). As a result all points around the D railway bridge satisfied the noise level limit with the above tunnel.

      • 『堤中納言物語』에 나타난 주인공의 인물조형 : 「はなだの女御」의 풍류인의 '엿보기'를 통해서

        윤혜숙 배화여자대학 2002 培花論叢 Vol.21 No.-

        『Tsutsumi-tyunagonStory(堤中納言物語)』 is a selection of short stories that is made after the period of Heian. It contains 10 variety and individual stories. 『Hanadanonyogo(はなだの女御)』 is a special story because it has difference with normal stories of elegant person who can translated as 'a person who is not a low class in the society' steal a glance. It is different story of the elegant person stealing a glance. That is, the showing objects that placed in royal palace and 21 different court ladies talk about their mistress at their private time. An elegant man, who is a handsome looking, high class and also could read waka(和歌) at the right places, steals the glance of the court ladies talk by chance. At the time period "elegance" is one of a noble attribute that whoever called an elegant man has the great looking and a lot of talents. The book's main male characters are all considered as the elegant people. Also 『Hanadanonyogo(はなだの女御)』 is one of a category character. He is also molded character that is placed in the outside of the royal place that is probably connected with author's ideology.

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