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        謝靈運 산수시의 形似적 표현기법 연구

        沈禹英 한국중국문화학회 2004 中國學論叢 Vol.17 No.-

        本篇論文的目的是硏究謝靈運所表現的'形似'技法. 爲了那這個硏究首先要選定謝靈運的山水詩, 而且採取形似的詩句. 依據我所調査, 謝靈運山水詩一共都是33首, 形似的詩句都有兩大的種類. 第一是呈露'人'的存在; 第二是不呈露'人'的存在. 本篇的硏究對象就是第二, 旣後者. 這些詩句一共有109句, 詩中不但沒有一個敍述者, 連當事人的痕迹都不存在, 詩人任山水自陳來表現萬物萬象, 物格自然之理. 把這些109詩句做爲硏究對象, 通過對句, 句法, 子法, 用典等的方法來分析他的形似的表現技法. 本篇論文所考察的主要內容如何: 第一, 差不多都採取對偶技法. 對偶的類型也非常多樣了. 第二, 大部分是上二/下三, 上二/中一/下二, 上二/中二/下一等的三個類型之一. 第三, 爲了美感效果有許多疊字, 雙聲字, 疊韻字等, 爲了意象描寫有句眼, 還有許多色彩字, 而且特別用副詞試圖意象的變化(靜態→動態). 但是幾乎不使用比喩技法. 第四, 他的用典大部分是從詩經, 楚辭, 漢賦所用辭的.

      • Polyester 축중합 공정 회분식 반응기의 전산 모사 및 운전 최적화 연구

        박융호,강우철 漢陽大學校 工學技術硏究所 1996 工學技術論文集 Vol.5 No.1

        A batch polycondensation reactor for polyester manufacture has been modeled based on plant data using a process simulator (Aspen Plus). Model includes major aspects of polycondensation reactions, side reaction, vapor liquid equilibria, and mass transfer and predicted correctly the dependency of the process performance on the temperature and the pressure of the reaction. Various profiles of the temperature and the pressure were tested for its performance and the profiles which improves significantly the degree of polymerization of the final product were found. The individual and combined effects of the temperature profile and pressure profiles were examined and a way to shorten the batch time using optimized profiles has been discussed.

      • 政治時期의 隱逸詩硏究

        沈禹英 상명대학교 논문집 1991 상명대학교논문집 Vol.27 No.-

        一般地說, 遊仙詩·玄言詩等是廣義的隱逸詩, 而且山水田園詩是狹義的隱逸詩.但是在這樣莫名其妙的定義下, 眞不可能了解隱逸詩的本質. 所以第一章先下了隱逸詩的定義, 然後敍述硏究範圍. 正始時期是遊仙詩·玄言詩等最流行的期間. 所以除了遊仙詩·玄言詩等以外, 抽出隱逸詩十五首來了. 這些都是屬於狹義的隱逸希求詩或非遊仙的隱逸詩的. 現在我從兩個方面硏究探討隱逸詩十五首. 卽第一是作家別分析, 第二是作品別分析.

      • 전산의 사용에 따른 업무능률성 분석 : 경상북도 구미시청의 사례 The Case of Gu Mi City Hall, Kyong Sang Book Do

        김시영,정우열 영남대학교 지역발전연구소 1998 새마을지역개발연구 Vol.23 No.-

        Nowadays, the Local government have become extensive users of computing. The increase in computing use has been based on the assumption is a tool which enables agencies to increase their business efficiency. According to the analysis of the data collected from the Gu-Mi city local government, analysis in efficiency attributable to the use of computing are perceived by local government employees in term of work speed, accuracy, cost saving, service improvement, and sense of accomplishment. However, much uncertainty exists regarding the utilization of time freed, coordination of service delivery by the use of computing.

      • Mono-sodium Ethylene Glycolate에 의한 Poly(ethylene Terephthalate)織物의 分解速度에 관한 硏究

        許萬宇,金映鎭,曺煥 嶺南大學校 工業技術硏究所 1987 연구보고 Vol.15 No.2

        In order to investigate the degradation behavior of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) fabrics, mono-sodium ethylene glycolate(MSEG)-ethylene glycol(EG) solutions were prepared and PET fabrics were treated in the salutions. The dissolution rate constant and apparent activation energy of the PET fabrics were calculated by Kuriyama's equation. From the results of FT-ir analysis, dye absorption for rate of weight loss and tensile strength the following observations were made ; 1. PET fabrics decreased their weight in MSEG-EG solution, but the degradation behavior is not similar to hydrolyzing in NaOH-H₂O solution. 2. The dissolution rate constant showed an exponential relationship to treating temperature and a linear relationship to the concentration of MSEG-EG solution. 3. Apparent activation energy of dissolution was 15.7∼16.18 kcal/mol and decreased slightly with increasing concentration of MSEG-EG solution but no relationship was noted between the concentration of MSEG-EG solution and apparent activation energy. 4. PET fabrics showed that dye absorption increased with decreasing their weight until 60% of weight loss.

      • 共産主義 詩文學 批判 : 現代 構造詩論에서

        李慶雨,朴相用,李英哲 忠南大學校 1974 論文集 Vol.13 No.1

        In a narrow sense, the history of Soviet(not Russia) literature could be divided into three periods; the pre-Social Realism era, Social Realism era, and post-Social Realism era to which the nomination of Communistic Realism era is appropriate. According to the view of Avrahm Yarmolinsky the third begins at the end of World War Ⅱ and continues up to now. As to the pre-Social Realism era there was nothing remarkable to be called literary theory until Social Realism was established and set in, some writers called proletarian writers. But we can not help admitting Social Sealism has lots of defects as literary theory in the light of modern structural poetia which the author derived from the poetical theory of I.A. Richards, William Emposon, Allen Tate so on, particulary from Cleanth Brooks. In the history of Soviet Literature 'Formalism' yielded a moment where Social Realism began to sprout, and promoted it's growth as a literary theory. Thus the argument in this parer should be begun with throwing light on what the nature of 'Formalism' is. 'Formalism' based it's ground on the theory of 'Trans-Sense Language', which resembles that of symbolism or new criticism as far as it concerns with poetical language as well as the structure of poetry. It is natural that Social Realism should have opposed to 'Formalism' because it relied on the logic of language, and it believed that logical language should be the unique means of communication for mass people Following 'Formalism' 'Factural Literature', which stands on so-called 'factography' in description, gave a energetic stimulation to the development of Social Realism, insisting that 'fiction is opum for people', hence, the death of fiction, which brought the simplification of reality and character, rejecting the exercises of imagination, even in making of poetry. Even the points mentioned above will be the suffieient evidences of Social Realism's destruction of poetry. But in addition to the movement of 'Factural Literature' Party required all the writrs should have clear, positive 'perspective' under which they have to measure out reality and character. In course of their adaptation of themselves to Party's demands it was inevitable that the poets should have so simplified both reality and character that they came to lack potentiality, reality abstracted and character typfied. This is the traits of Social Realism, and the concept of 'simplicity' has dominated throughout their poetry as well as fiction. Consequently the poets rejected the structural dimentions of poetry, which have been the vital aspect of modern poetry, the poet intending to grasp and understand reality and character as they are through the particulars, namely, concretes. Really the poets of Social Realism have neglected that the synthetic comprehension of reality and character suggested above distinguishes, in different level, poetry from all the other scienes. this is the points in which the auther critisize their poetry in terms of moderin structural poetica. In a word, the poetry of Social Realism has been debased entirely to the level of non poetry, and it has got to extremity in the era of Communistic Realim where the poetry has gone along the political doctrines of anti-cosmoplitanism. For Soviet people after World War Ⅱ anti-cosmopolitanism means their endeavours to be rid of European influences and superiorities all over their political, economical, or cultural fields. Indeed, after the end of World War Ⅱ Soviet Literature has been required to take the role of propaganda instrument more than any other times before. Poets, therefore, undoubtodly in the strict sense, has gone another direction from that of desirable literature. Are there not any policies to rescue their poetry out of the disastrous situation? This being questions to himself, the author attempted to suggest some ideas: First, in the light of modern structural poetica Soviet poets should correct their misunderstood views of reality, human-being and literature. That is, they should be aware that reality and man are intrinsically potential, not simple, and literature is not a species of science, whien resorted to, furnishes us with abstract knowledge, leading us immediately to action ,while literature makes us suspend our rushing up to action. Second, they should be also aware that above all poetry can not be confused with science in the same level, because, as Allen Tate or Cleanth Brooks insisted, it supplies us with the whole knowledge of things and reality as diagnosis, not prescription for remedy, meanwhile it should be pointed that the poets of Social Realism have regarded poetry as a species of science, it equipping us with abstract knowledg akin to prescription, this tendency of their opinion might be thought natural because the current ideology of Communism has been teated as their materials, not the eternal human agonies which are supposed to be the essential subject matters of free world poets, especially under modern structural poetica. Third, as the author pointed out, the poet treating agony as his theme-materials as they are, the poetry should be structural because the agony itself consists of opposite or discordent qualities, rather than the simple or parallel in the same level, this case also being true in the reality he lives in ,when the poet is proceeded to comprehend it as it is. In the light of the argument suggested above the poets of Social Realism should be more wise and open-minded to recognize that complexity(hence, structural aspects) has to take the place of simplicity in their poetry. Fourth, knowing the poets has intended to use poepry as a instrument to communicate their political ideology, reducing poetry to the level of science which grounded on clear, logical, so stereo-typed language for the statements, the author is able to affirm that these undesirable efforts of them should be ascribed to their failure to understand the nature of poetric language. Now is the time they should have the correct view of poetic languege which is grounded on modern structural poetica. They might think that the poetic language only depends on the logic of meaning, and is to illustrate something. But this view is mistake, because poetic language is primarily for poetry itself, and to illuminate (not illustrate) the inside of poetry itself as a new patterned reality created by the poet. Thus it is demanded that the poets of Social realism should be aware of the articulate power of the poetic language which works on the entirely different standard from the logical illustration of ordanary language they belilve as the language of poetry, and that the articuiate power is due to the musical gesture of the language, which the author derived from the views of Sussane K. Langer and R. P. Blackmur. As the conclusion of the author's argument it is to be elucidated to the poets under Socio-Communistic Realism that the poetry made in the view of poetic languag acknowledged here is expected to enjoy it's everlasting longevity.

      • 폴리에스터 연속 중합 공정의 전산모사 연구

        박융호,강우철 漢陽大學校 工學技術硏究所 1999 工學技術論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        Process modeling, though a very useful tool in optimizing chemical processes, is not utilized very much in Korea due to lack of modeling techniques and application experiences. Modeling of the complicated processes haven't been attempted very much due to the difficulties in using the process simulator and the lack of actual experiences in optimization of large processes. In the case of continuous process of PET polymerization, the modeling of the entire process has never been reported due to secret of commercial processes. In this works, a model for PET process has been bullit with a commercial simulator(Aspen Plus) with a detailed consideration of undissolved TPA particles in esterification step and mass transfer of EG in polycondensation step. The model was used in investigating the effect of the changes in the operating conditions of the process on the properties of polymer product and in studying the interaction among the process equipments. And practical techniques for process modeling and optimization have been suggested through the example of PET process modeling.

      • Polyester Satin 經編布의 칫수特性에 관한 硏究

        金碩根,孫榮滿,崔在佑 嶺南大學校 工業技術硏究所 1991 연구보고 Vol.19 No.1

        According toa various relaxed states, the changes in dimensional properties such as course density, wale density, loop length, run-in and shrinkage of the satin warp knitted polyester fabrics were studied. The results are as follows; Behavior in dimensional properties of the satin warp knitted fabric with different loop length showed similar tendency, a fully relaxed state was reached after dry heating at 170℃ and then K₁ value was 909.98. Experimental run-in was similar to the result of Grosberg's study. Area shrinkage ratio under fully relaxed state was reached to 17%. With proceeding of relaxation, the thickness and weight per unit area were increased and the bulkiness was decreased. But the thickness and weight per unit area were decreased and the bulkiness was increased with loop length.

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