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      • KCI등재

        대학 축구선수의 무산소성 예비량과 무산소성 운동능력의 상관성

        정진원(Jin Won Jeong),심대용(Dae Yong Sim) 한국운동영양학회 2000 Physical Activity and Nutrition (Phys Act Nutr) Vol.4 No.1

        N/A This study employed 11 university soccer players for assessing anaerobic capacities related to ATP-PC and/or lactate system. It was investigated correlation among anaerobic capacities from Critical Power test, from Wingate test, and from Isokinetic test. Also, the study investigated regression formula which could expect anaerobic reserve(AR) from variables measured in Wingate and Isokinetic test. There were significant but intermediate correlation between AR and WIN5, (r= .62, P< .05) and WIN30(r= .64, P< .05). There was no statistically significant but intermediate correlation between AR and WIN10 (r= .52, P> .05). The study used stepwise method for multiple regression by Wingate variables to produce AR. The result showed that WIN30 had significant effect and indicated regression formula (Y= 1.3323(WIN30)-14737.758) to explain 41.2% variation of AR. Stepwise method was done for multiple regression on Isokinetic variables to produce AR`s inferred possibility by extensors TW of 60˚ /sec as regression (Y= 10.6737 (TW)+2083.9403) explained 42.9% variation of AR. In the correlation between measured variables of Wingate and Isokinetic extensors there was no significance of intermediate correlation in 60˚ /sec PT and WIN5(r= .53, P> .05) and in TW and WIN5(r= .56 P< .05) statistically. Also, There was significance of intermediate correlation in PT and WIN10 (r= .65, P< .05), no significance in TW and WIN10 (r= .57, P> .05), in PT and WIN30(r= .58), and no significance in TW and WIN30(r= .46, P> .05). In the correlation between measured variables of Wingate and Isokinetic extensors, there was significance of intermediate correlation in 180˚ /sec PT and WIN10 (r= .69, P< .05) and significant correlation in Isokintic 180˚ /sec PT and WIN30(r= .65, P< .05). The data suggested that anaerobic reserve assess true anaerobic ability not including the energy component of anaerobic glycolyses. Also, the study provides preliminary data on the anaerobic abilities in university soccer players as assessed by the Critical Power test, Wingate test, and Isokinetic test.

      • KCI등재

        물류산업의 국민경제적 파급효과 분석

        정동원 ( Dong Won Jeong ),한종호 ( Jong Ho Han ) 한국물류학회 2012 물류학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        물류산업은 경제 발전에 중요한 역할을 담당하며, 산업경쟁력과 국가경쟁력을 결정하는 중요한 요소로 작용하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 산업연관분석을 이용하여 물류산업의 국민경제적 파급효과를 분석하고자 한다. 먼저 수요유도형 모형을 이용하여 물류산업의 타 산업 생산유발효과, 부가가치 유발효과, 취업유발효과를 살펴본다. 다음으로 상대적으로 복잡성 때문에 잘 사용되지 않았던 공급유도형 모형 및 레온티에프 가격모형을 적용하여 물류산업의 공급지장효과 및 물가파급 효과를 살펴본다. 이러한 분석은 모두 물류산업을 내생부문이 아닌 외생부문으로 다룸으로써 물류산업을 중심으로 이루어지게 된다. 주요 분석결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 물류산업의 1원 생산은 타 산업의 생산을 0.5104원만큼 유발하며, 타산업의 부가가가치를 0.1722원만큼 유발한다. 또한 물류산업의 10억원 생산은 타산업에서 2.2554명의 취업을 유발한다. 한편 물류산업에서 1원의 공급이 이루어지지 못할 때, 타 산업에서는 0.9387원의 생산차질이 발생하여 공급지장효과가 제법 큰 편이다. 마지막으로 물류산업의 가격이 10& 상승했을 때, 국민경제 전체적으로 미치는 물가파급효과는 0.0276%로 분석되었다. The logistics industry in Korea plays a major role in the national economy development and to make decision nation and industrial competitiveness, This study attempts to examine the economic impacts of the logistics industry using an inter-industry analysis, Specially, the study investigates production-inducting effect, value added inducing effect, and employment-inducing effect of the logistics industry based on demand-driven model. Moreover, the study deals with supply shortage effect and sectoral price effect by using supply-driven model and leontief price model, respectively, which have been rarely used because of their complications involved in computaiton. These analyses pay particular and close attention to the distribution industry by taking it as exogenous rather than endogenous. Some interesting findings emerge from the study. First, the production of 1.0 won in the logistics industry induces the production of 0.5104 won and the value-added of 0.1722 won in other industries. Second, the production of 1.0 billion won in the logistics industry causes the employment of 2.554 persons in other industries. Third, the supply shortage of 1.0 won in the logistics industry disables other industries to produce 0.9387 won. Finally, an increase of 10% in price level of the logistics industry raises the overall price level by 0.0276%.

      • KCI등재

        Bovine botulism outbreak associated with incidental consumption of presumably contaminated leftover food

        ( Jae Won Byun ),( Kyung Hyun Lee ),( Ha Young Kim ),( Soon Seek Yoon ),( Ji Youl Jung1 ),( Woo Seog Jeong1 ),( Jae Ku Oem ),( Jong Soo Lim ),( Myoung Heon Lee ),( You Chan Bae ) 한국예방수의학회(구 한국수의공중보건학회) 2013 예방수의학회지 Vol.37 No.1

        Nine cattle among 18 in a native Korean herd died or were euthanized within 3 days. The affected cattle showed cowshed. The pigs and dogs had been fed leftover food originating from nearby restaurants, and the cattle could presumably reach the contaminated food in the pig troughs. Necropsy revealed a few chicken bones and red pepper pieces as well as large amounts of grain and rice straw hay mixed in the rumen. Botulism type D was isolated in the ruminal contents of one of the cattle. We speculated that the outbreak was associated with the cattle incidentally eating presumably contaminated leftover food from the pig trough.

      • KCI등재
      • 발표논문 : 「정원수 한글리듬 법칙」을 통한 새 “한글문명”의 세계적 보급 전략

        정원수 ( Won Soo Jeong ) 한국문명학회 2014 문명연지 Vol.15 No.2

        As it marks the era of creative economy and of informational communication and culture on the basis of internet networking in 21st century, the time has come the Korean alphabet, Hangul is to be established as a "world standardized character" worthy of its name and reality beyond Roman alphabet. It should be the age of Hangul (Hunminjeongum), Korean language all over the world in 21st century, if it has been the age of characters of English and Roman and Chinese until 20th century. The revival of "the industry of education and culture" by starting lots of business concerning Won`s MeRhy Style(WMR) and ``globalization of Hangul, Korean language, will take the lead in innovations in education of the country and the world, with achieving the goal of "globalization of Hangul, Korean language and cultivating the talent of proficiency in foreign languages and multi-culturalism considerably as well. Korea is able to originate the 3rd Industrial Revolution (industry of education and cultural content) to develop new civilization in 21st century`s world by securing a great deal of high value-added intellectual property right and creating plenty of advanced ICT technology-related software.

      • KCI등재

        비만환자의 전기지방분해침 시술 후 허리둘레 감소에 대한 임상적 고찰

        김정환 ( Jeong Hwan Kim ),고연석 ( Youn Seok Ko ),이정한 ( Jeong Han Lee ),원재균 ( Jea Kyun Won ),신병철 ( Byung Cheul Shin ),권영달 ( Young Dal Kwon ),송용선 ( Yung Sun Song ) 한방재활의학과학회 2005 한방재활의학과학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        Objectives : To see if there were any differences in waist circumference reduction when certain variable such as age, sex, BFR(BFR; Body Fat Rate), PIBW(PIBW; Percent Ideal Body Weight), WHR(WHR; Waist Hip Ratio) and BMI(BMI; Body Mass Index) were given. Methods : Among outpatients who admitted to department of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine, Jeon-Ju Oriental Medicine Hospital, Won-kwang University from August 2003 to september 2004, 89 obese patients were chosen and electroacupunture was practiced to these groups in order to treat abdominal obesity and waist circumference reduction. Results : There were no significant correlation between sex, age and waist circumference reduction. Compared to groups who had shown lower BMI, higher BMI groups have shown greater change in waist circumference reduction. As BFR increase waist circumference reduction tended to increase as well. Conclusions : From the above results, higher BMI groups had shown greater change in waist circumference reduction compared to lower BMI groups.

      • KCI등재

        1910년대 아동잡지의 계몽성 변화양상

        정혜원(jeong hye-won) 돈암어문학회 2007 돈암어문학 Vol.- No.20

        1910년대는 아동문학에서 중요한 시기이다. 『소년』이 1908년에 발행되어 1910년대에 걸쳐있고 이것을 선두로 뒤를 이어 나온 1910년대 잡지들 모두 한국 아동문학의 초기 모습을 살펴볼 수 있는 근거가 되기 때문이다. 1920년대에 가면 장르가 정립되고 아동문학도 어느 정도 자리매김을 하게 되는 특징을 갖는다. 그 전 단계로 아직은 미비하고 불완전한 형태를 지니고 있지만 그 나름대로 충분한 의미를 갖고 있기에 1910년대 아동잡지를 살펴보았다. 지금까지 잡지연구는 『소년』과 『어린이』란 잡지에 집중되어 있었다. 이들 잡지가 아동문학의 효시와 아동문학의 본격적인 활동을 예고하기 때문이다. 주로 한국아동문학사를 기술하는 입장에서 연구되었고 그 밖에 단편적으로 잡지 한 권씩을 선정해서 연구된 논문들을 발견할 수 있었다. 1910년대 역시 사회적으로 중요한 사안은 민족의 각성과 민족의 계몽이었다. 초기 아동잡지에서도 이를 벗어날 수 없었다. 아동문학에서 교육성을 떠나기는 힘든 문제이지만 그 당시는 독자를 계몽하려는 의지가 강하게 나타나고 있다. 먼저 선진문물과 문화를 접한 신진 지식층이 독자들을 계몽하려는 모습을 볼 수 있었다. 초기 아동잡지에서는 계몽적인 내용이 대부분이었는데 잡지에 따라 조금씩 변화양상을 보여주기도 한다. 『소년』은 독자들에게 계몽하려는 의지가 너무 강하다 보니까 독자의 흥미성이 더 가미되었다는 것이 한계이다. 그러나 『붉은 져고리』, 『아이들보이』에 와서는 대상의 연령이 낮아졌기 때문에 이를 고려한 흥미성에 더 천착하게 된 것이 특징이다. 그렇다고 계몽성이 전혀 배제된 것은 아니다. 다만 독자를 배려하다보니 계몽적인 글보다는 흥미성을 가미한 코너와 글들이 주류를 이루게 된 것이다. 근대 초기 아동잡지를 통해서 계몽성의 실체를 알 수 있게 되었고 그 계몽성도 시간의 흐름에 따라 점점 변화하고 있다는 것을 발견하게 되었다. The 1910s is the critical period in the history of Korean children's literature. A magazine for children, 『SONYEON』 was published in 1908 and it brought the quickening period in the stream of Korean children's literature. At that time we can observe what the early appearance of Korean children's literature was. In the 1920s, children's literature put down roots as a formal genre in the history of modern korean literature. The works of the 1920's stood on the literary achievements of the 1910's and I studied the feature and diverse aspects appeared in magazines which published in the 1910's in terms of enlightenment. Until now studies of children's magazines were intensively focused on magazines 『SONYEON』and 『EORINI』because, in fact, these are regarded as the beginning of Korean children's literature and heralded the start of earnest literary activities. The topics of works written in the 1910s were to enlighten the public and to lead mass-education drive for modernizing nation and the early magazines for children were affected by the social stream. On that account the works appeared in children's magazines of the 1910s tried to enlighten the newly rising intellectual class who came in contact with the Western civilization In result, the contents of the most works in the early published children's magazines were involved with feature toward enlightening and the feature enlightening' was coming to maturity. A magazine 『SONYEON』 stuck by the principles of enlightenment and it made to lose half readers´ interest. But we can make certain of mature enlgihtenment in the magazines 『BULEUNJEOGORI』 and 『AIDEULBOI』. The magazines were edited respecting younger children's feelings and listed more interesting works to the partially exclusion of enlightenment. In this article I studied what substantialities were in children's magazines of the 1910's and its aspects of change.

      • KCI등재

        부모역할 인식과 양육효능감이 어머니의 행복감에 미치는 영향

        조원주(Jo, Won Ju),정수진(Jeong, Su Jin) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2020 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.20 No.20

        본 연구는 어머니의 부모역할 인식, 양육효능감, 행복감에 대한 일반적인 경향을 살펴보고, 부모역할 인식, 양육효능감, 행복감의 관계를 파악하여 부모역할 인식과 양육효능감이 어머니의 행복감에 미치는 영향을 분석하는데 목적이 있다. 경남지역 어머니를 대상으로 2019년 11월 7일부터 12월 13일까지 자료를 수집하였고, 회수된 설문지 273부를 SPSS 25.0 프로그램을 통해 분석하였다. 본 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 어머니의 부모역할 인식과 양육효능감, 행복감은 전반적으로 약간 높은 수준인 것으로 나타났으며, 어머니의 일반적 특성에 따라 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 둘째, 부모역할 인식, 양육효능감, 행복감은 정적상관이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 행복감에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 변인은 양육효능감의 하위요인 중 유능감이었으며, 다음으로 부모역할 인식의 하위요인 중 부모역할에 대한 투자, 월수입 500만원 이상 순으로 나타났다. 따라서 어머니의 행복감을 증진시키기 위해서는 높은 양육효능감과 올바른 부모역할 인식을 갖는 것이 중요하다. 이를 위해 양육효능감을 높이기 위한 부모교육 프로그램 개발과 부모교육을 실시할 필요가 있으며, 어머니의 행복감 향상을 위해 부모 역할에 대한 투자를 늘릴 수 있는 지원정책이 필요하다. The purpose of this study was to investigate trends in parental role perception, parenting efficacy, and happiness based on the general characteristics of mothers and to identify correlations among the three factors, and to analyze the effect of parental role perception and parenting efficacy on mothers happiness. Data were collected from Nov. 7 to Dec. 13. 2019, using questionnaires for mothers in Gyeongnam area. 273 collected questionnaires were analyzed through SPSS 25.0 program. The results of this study are as follows. First, mothers parental role perception, parenting efficacy, and happiness of mothers were generally high level, and there was a significant difference according to the general characteristics of mothers. Second, there were high positive correlations between parental role perception, parenting efficacy, and mothers happiness. Third, happiness is influenced mostly by competence of sub-factor in parenting efficiency, followed by investment in parental roles of sub-factor in parental role perception, monthly income of over 5 million won. Therefore, in order to improve mother s happiness, it is important to have high parenting efficacy and correct parental role perception. To this end, it is necessary to develop a parent education program and conduct parent education to increase parenting effectiveness, in order to improve mother s happiness, it is necessary to have an economic support policy to expand investment in parental roles.

      • KCI등재

        고교 단거리 육상 선수의 무산소성 예비량과 무산소성 운동능력의 상관관계

        정진원 ( Jin Won Jeong ) 한국운동영양학회 2002 Physical Activity and Nutrition (Phys Act Nutr) Vol.6 No.2

        The purpose of the study was to investigate relationship between anaerobic reserve (AR) from critical power test and anaerobic capabilities from Wingate and isokinetic test. Three different tests were administered to 12 high school sprinters on a Monark cycle ergometer and Kin-com isokinetic equipment. Means, standard deviations, Pearsons product-moment correlations, and simple linear regressions were obtained by using SPSS-Window program. To examine the important factors contributing to AR, stepwise regression analysis were performed using anaerobic capabilities from Wingnte and isokinetic tests as independant variables. Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusion has been derived: 1. There were significant moderate correlations of anaerobic reserve with WIN10, WIN20, and WIN30 respectively. 2. There were not significant correlations of anaerobic reserve with any isokinetic extensor and flexor variables. 3. The stepwise regression analyses revealed that only WIN30 contributed to predicting anaerobic reserve (72.9%) significantly. In conclusion, the results of the study demonstrated that the critical power test is a reliable and valid method for the measurement of anaerobic ability in the high school sprinters. The data suggested that anaerobic reserve assess true anaerobic ability not including the energy component of anaerobic glycolysis. Also, the study provides preliminary data on the anaerobic abilities in the sport of sprint as assessed by the critical power test, Wingate test, and isokinetic test.

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