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        Restoring aboveground carbon and biodiversity: a case study from the Nile basin, Ethiopia

        Wolde Mekuria,Simon Langan,Robyn Johnston,Beyene Belay,Dagninet Amare,Tadesse Gashaw,Abeyou Wale,Gizaw Desta,Andrew Noble 한국산림과학회 2015 Forest Science And Technology Vol.11 No.2

        In Ethiopia, exclosures in landscapes have become increasingly important to improving ecosystem services and reversing biodiversity losses. The present study was conducted in Gomit watershed, northern Ethiopia, to: (i) investigate the changes in vegetation composition, diversity and aboveground biomass and carbon following the establishment of exclosures; and (ii) analyse the economic returns of aboveground carbon sequestration and assess the perception of local communities on land degradation and exclosures. A space-for-time substitution approach was used to detect the changes in aboveground carbon, species composition, and diversity. Exclosures of 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, and 7-years-old and a communal grazing land were selected. Household surveys, key informant interviews, and a financial analysis were used to assess the perception of local communities and the value of exclosure impacts, respectively. Significant (P D 0.049) differences in species diversity and considerable increases in aboveground carbon (ranged from 0.6 to 4.2 t C ha ¡1), CO2 storage (varied between 2.1 and 15.3 t CO2 ha ¡1), woody species composition, and richness (ranged from five to 28) were observed following the establishment of exclosures. Exclosures generated temporary certified emission reductions (tCER) of 3.4, 2.1, 7.5, 12.6, 12.5, and 15.3 Mg CO2 ha ¡1 after 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 years, respectively. The net present value (NPV) of the aboveground carbon sequestered in exclosures ranged from US$6.6 to US$37.0 per hectare and increased with exclosure duration. At a watershed level, 51.4 Mg C ha ¡1 can be sequestered, which represents 188.6 Mg CO2 ha ¡1, resulting in tCER of 139.4 Mg CO2 ha ¡1 and NPV of US$478.3 per hectare. This result would suggest that exclosures can potentially improve local communities’ livelihoods beyond rehabilitating degraded lands if carbon stored in exclosures is traded. Communities in the watershed demonstrated that exclosures are effective in restoring degraded lands and they are benefiting from increased fodder production and reduced impacts of soil erosion. However, the respondents are also concerned over the sustainability of exclosure land management, as further expansion of exclosures aggravates degradation of remaining communal grazing lands and causes fuel wood shortages. This suggests that the sustainability of exclosure land management can be attained only if these critical concerns are addressed by a joint effort among government agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and communities.

      • KCI등재

        Another look at the Relationship between Telecommunications Investment and Economic Activity in the United States

        Yemane Wolde-Rufael 한국국제경제학회 2007 International Economic Journal Vol.21 No.2

        In a recent issue of this journal, Beil, et al. (2005, hereafter, BFJ) examined the relationship between telecommunications investment and economic growth in the United States over the period 1947-1996. Based on results from Granger-Sims test, BFJ conclude that " investment by telecommunications firms is caused by, but does not cause, economic activity, and the findings are robust across lag lengths". However, using another version of the Granger causality test due to Toda and Yamamoto (1995) and the same data set transformed into natural logarithms, the evidence in this paper indicates a feedback where there was a bi-directional causality between telecommunications investment and economic growth. This seems to suggest that policies aimed at stimulating the U.S. economy by accelerating investment in the telecommunications sector may be successful. JEL: C22 E22

      • KCI등재


        YEMANE WOLDE-RUFAEL 중앙대학교 경제연구소 2009 Journal of Economic Development Vol.34 No.1

        This paper tests the cointegration and causal relationship between aggregate public R&D and private R&D for Taiwan for the period 1979-2007 using a newly developed cointegration test proposed by Pesaran et al. (2001) and using a modified version of the Granger causality test due to Toda and Yamamoto (1995). The paper finds a long run cointegrating relationship between public and private R&D and a bi-directional causality where they complement each other. The Government of the ROC should continue to invest not only to stimulate private R&D but also to enable the country to compete more globally in technology-intensive products.

      • KCI등재

        What Is the Role of Lawyers and Law Students in Preventing the Illegal Trade in Ivory and Rhino Horn?

        Chris Wold 강원대학교 비교법학연구소 2014 환경법과 정책 Vol.13 No.-

        국제적 야생동물거래산업은 성장하고 있다. 아프리카 코끼리, 흰코뿔소, 혹은 잘 알려지지 않은 천산갑 같은 강력한 거대동물도 그 거래가 폭증하고 있다. 유엔자료에 따르면 불법벌채, 어류무역을 포함하여 불법야생무역 규모는 전지구적으로 1000억 달러 이상이라고 추산된다. 코뿔소 뿔의 가격은 1kg당 USD 66,139이다. 이렇듯 증가한 산업은 야생동물을 파괴하고 있다. 2013년에는, 5만 마리의 아프리카 코끼리가 죽었으며 (이는 매 15분마다 1마리의 희생을 의미한다), 남아프리카에서만 1000마리 이상의 흰코뿔소가 밀렵되었다. 밀렵은 야생동물뿐 아니라 야생보호 종사자들에게도 큰 위협이다. 지난 10년 동안 적어도 1,000명 이상의 공원직원들이 밀렵에 의해 살해되었다. 아시아의 전통의학, 정치적 의지부족, 극도의 빈곤은 국제밀렵산업팽창의 원인이다. 막강한 자금력과 무기를 소지한 범죄조직이 연루되어, 밀렵거래는 그 해결이 더욱 어려워졌다. 그러나, 세계 각처의 정부, NGO단체, 시민들은 상업적 목적의 밀렵과 거래로 인한 코끼리, 코뿔소, 기타 생물의 계속되는 죽음과 착취를 막기 위해 조치를 취하고 있다. 그들은 수요를 줄이고(예를들어, 비축량 줄이기), 법적 규제를 강화하며, 보존을 위한 기금을 강화하고, 정치적 의지를 고취시키기 위해 노력한다. 또한 변호사, 로스쿨 학생, 법률 전문가는 야생생물 밀매를 감소시키는 일을 한다. 일례로, IELP(루이스 앤 클락 로스쿨의 국제환경법률 클리닉)은 미국에서 소위 “Pelly Amendment”라 알려진 특별한 법률을 활용하여 미국정부가 “야생동식종의 국제거래에 관한 협약(CITES)”에 의거하여 코뿔소코의 밀렵 및 밀매를 단속하지 않은 베트남에 무역제재를 가할 것을 청원하고 있다. 또한 IELP는 전세계의 국내 야생동식물법을 강화시키기 위해 일한다. 현행법들은 종종 법 위반시 처벌이 미약하여 야생동식물에 대한 범죄를 억제하는데 미약하기 때문이다. 또한 IELP은 CITES 회의에 참여하여, CITES의 효율성 향상을 위한 새로운 법을 작성하거나, CITES 회의에서 논의되고 있는 CITES와 논쟁사안에 대하여 대표단의 이해를 돕기 위한 문서를 준비한다. 이러한 활동의 결과, 로스쿨에서 훈련을 받는 학생들은 관련분야에 취직하는데 전략적으로 유리한 위치에 있게 된다. 로스쿨의 이러한 클리닉 활동은 단순히 국제밀렵문제에 관심을 갖는 개인을 양성하는 데 그치는 것이 아니라 새로운 세대의 국제환경법 변호사를 양성하는데 일조한다. 이러한 활동이 궁극적으로 야생동식물들의 미래를 밝히는데 일조하기를 희망한다. International wildlife trade is a growing industry. Whether for charismatic megafauna like African elephants and white rhinos or little known creatures such as pangolins, wildlife trade is booming. The United Nations estimates the value of illegal wildlife trade, including illegal timber and fish trade, at more than USD 100 billion globally. The price of rhino horn can be as high as USD 66,139 per kilogram. This booming business is devastating to wildlife. In 2013, as many as 50,000 African elephants were killed―one every 10 to fifteen minutes―and more than 1,000 white rhinos were poached in South Africa alone. Wildlife trafficking is not only deadly for wildlife but it is also deadly for those on the front lines of wildlife enforcement, with at least 1,000 park rangers have been killed in the last decade. Traditional Asian medicine, a lack of political will, and extreme poverty are all driving this trade. The involvement in this trade of organized crime, heavily funded and heavily armed, significantly hinders efforts to solve these problems. Yet, governments, non-governmental organizations, and citizens around the world are taking action to prevent the continuing destruction of species adversely affected by trade and exploitation for commercial purposes. They are working to reduce demand (for example, by destroying stockpiles), strengthen law enforcement efforts, dedicate more funds for conservation, and increase political will. Lawyers, law students, and law professors are among those working to help reduce wildlife trafficking. For example, the International Environmental Law Project (IELP), a legal clinic at Lewis & Clark Law School, has used a unique law in the United States known as the “Pelly Amendment” to request the United States government to impose trade sanctions against Vietnam for Vietnam’s failure to effectively enforce the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) with respect to rhino horn trade. IELP is also working to strengthen wildlife laws in countries around the world, because those laws often include such low penalties for violations of the law that they fail to deter wildlife crime. IELP also helps draft new rules for improving the effectiveness of CITES and prepares documents to help educate delegates about CITES and specific issues to be discussed at CITES meetings. As a result of these activities, students who receive training while in law school are strategically placed to get jobs in this field. In addition, by receiving training in international wildlife law, not only is a new generation of individuals being sensitized to the harm caused by wildlife trafficking, but the next generation of international environmental lawyers is being created. That, hopefully, will improve the prospects for wildlife everywhere.

      • KCI등재


        YEMANE WOLDE-RUFAEL 경제연구소 2009 Journal of Economic Development Vol.34 No.1

        This paper tests the cointegration and causal relationship between aggregate public R&D and private R&D for Taiwan for the period 1979-2007 using a newly developed cointegration test proposed by Pesaran et al. (2001) and using a modified version of the Granger causality test due to Toda and Yamamoto (1995). The paper finds a long run cointegrating relationship between public and private R&D and a bi-directional causality where they complement each other. The Government of the ROC should continue to invest not only to stimulate private R&D but also to enable the country to compete more globally in technology-intensive products.

      • Urban Poverty Alleviation in Ethiopia

        Bikila Hurissa Wolde 연세대학교 빈곤문제국제개발연구원 2011 Journal of Poverty Alleviation and International D Vol.2 No.1

        Rapid urbanization is a universal phenomenon which is often followed by urban poverty particularly in developing countries. The fact that urban areas in Ethiopia are typical homes of poverty is currently attracting the attention of the government and other development partners. Public policies and development plans of the government are incorporating urban poverty alleviation as an important component. Micro and small enterprises and Integrated Housing development are the most important urban poverty alleviation strategies adopted by the Ethiopian government. By creating employment opportunities, generating income for the urban poor and contributing to the urban development, the strategies are believed to reduce urban poverty in Ethiopia. The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the two urban poverty reduction strategies and briefly assess their achievements and challenges. It begins with an introduction and epigrammatic overview of urban poverty in Ethiopia. It then deals with the analysis of the Micro and Small Scale Enterprises (MSE) and Integrated Housing Development Program (IHDP) as poverty alleviation strategies and finally draws relevant conclusions.

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